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The ipt gene from the T-DNA of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was transferred to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in order to study the control which auxin appears to exert over levels of cytokinin generated by expression of this gene. The transgenic tissues contained elevated levels of cytokinins, exhibited cytokinin and auxin autonomy and grew as shooty calli on hormone-free media. Addition of 1-naphthylacetic acid to this culture medium reduced the total level of cytokinins by 84% while 6-benzylaminopurine elevated the cytokinin level when added to media containing auxin. The cytokinins in the transgenic tissue were labelled with 3H and auxin was found to promote conversion of zeatin-type cytokinins to 3H-labelled adenine derivatives. When the very rapid metabolism of exogenous [3H]zeatin riboside was suppressed by a phenylurea derivative, a noncompetitive inhibitor of cytokinin oxidase, auxin promoted metabolism to adenine-type compounds. Since these results indicated that auxin promoted cytokinin oxidase activity in the transformed tissue, this enzyme was purified from the tobacco tissue cultures. Auxin did not increase the level of the enzyme per unit tissue protein, but did enhance the activity of the enzyme in vitro and promoted the activity of both glycosylated and non-glycosylated forms. This enhancement could contribute to the decrease in cytokinin level induced by auxin. Studies of cytokinin biosynthesis in the transgenic tissues indicated that trans-hydroxylation of isopentenyladenine-type cytokinins to yield zeatin-type cytokinins occurred principally at the nucleotide level.Abbreviations Ade adenine - Ados adenosine - BA 6-benzylaminopurine - C control - Con A concanavallin A - CP cellulose phosphate - IPT isopentenyl transferase - NAA 1-naphthylacetic acid - NP normal phase - NPPU N-(3-nitrophenyl)-N-phenylurea - RIA radioimmunoassay - RP reversed phase We wish to thank Dr. J. Zwar for supplying phenylurea derivitives.  相似文献   
Using an indirect enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), the effects of postharvest storage duration and temperature on endogenous cytokinins in potato ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Russet Burbank) tuber apical bud tissues in relation to endodormancy status were determined. Following fractionation by HPLC, a total of eight cytokinins were detected and these were: zeatin riboside‐5'‐monophosphate (ZRMP), zeatin‐ O ‐glucoside (ZOG), zeatin (Z), zeatin riboside (ZR), isopentenyl adenosine‐5'‐monophosphate (IPMP), isopentenyl adenine‐9‐glucoside (IP‐9‐G), isopentenyl adenine (IP) and isopentenyl adenosine (IPA). Regardless of postharvest storage temperature or endodormancy status, IP‐9‐G was the most abundant cytokinin detected while ZRMP and ZOG were the least abundant ones. In tubers preincubated at a growth‐permissive temperature (20°C) prior to extraction, the loss of endodormancy was preceded by significant increases in the endogenous levels of Z, ZR, IPMP and IP‐9‐G. When stored continuously at a growth‐inhibiting temperature (3°C), significant increases in ZR, IP‐9‐G and IP + IPA were observed. The total content of cytokinins increased by over 7‐fold during postharvest storage and this increase was a result of de novo biosynthesis. Dose‐response studies using IPA and ZR demonstrated a time‐dependent increase in apparent cytokinin sensitivity during postharvest storage. With the exception of IP‐9‐G, injection of any of these endogenous cytokinins resulted in the rapid and complete termination of tuber endodormancy. The significance of these results with respect to endodormancy regulation and the possible mechanisms controlling cytokinin levels in potato tubers are discussed.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. has been used as a model system to investigate the regulatory genes that control and coordinate the determination, differentiation and morphogenesis of the floral meristem and floral organs. We show here that benzylaminopurine (BAP), a cytokinin, influences flower development inArabidopsis and induces partial phenocopies of known floral homeotic mutants. Application of BAP to wild-type inflorescences at three developmental stages results in: (i) increase in floral organ number; (ii) formation of abnormal floral organs and (iii) induction of secondary floral buds in the axils of sepals. These abnormalities resemble the phenotypes of mutants,clv1 (increase in organ number),ap1,ap2,ap3 (abnormal floral organs) andap1 (secondary floral buds in the axils of first-whorl organs). In addition, BAP induces secondary floral buds in the axils of perianth members ofapt2-6, ap3-1 andag mutants, and accentuates the phenotype of theapt2-1 mutant to resemble theapt2-6 mutant. These observations suggest that exogenous BAP suppresses the normal functioning of the genes for floral meristem identity and thereby affects flower development and the later stages of floral organ differentiation.Abbreviations BAP N6-benzylaminopurine - CK cytokinin  相似文献   
Brace  R. C.  Santer  S. -J. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,(1):533-537
Behavioural plasticity in Actinia equina (L.) was examined in experimental contests using a range of pedal disc colour phenotypes, which characterize 3 known, ecologically distinct morphs. With repeated pairing of individuals in auto-phenotypic encounters, habituation was easily induced in the 2 mid-shore morphs, but was not obvious in the less aggressive, low-shore form. Subsequent pairing with a different partner revealed that anemones remained aggressive towards a novel opponent. Following novel contact, repairing of the dark red pedal phenotype with the original partner provided some evidence of retention of habituation to a previous opponent, and thus of a specific inducible memory.  相似文献   
A preliminary assessment was made of a variety of approaches to dosing insects with compounds that normally deter feeding. Enclosing water-soluble compounds in liposomes has promise for strong deterrents, although in drinking assays many deterrents lose their potency anyway. Microencapsulating compounds by embedding them in a polymer matrix to form spheres without a true barrier wall may have masked deterrency of a lipophilic compound, but did not adequately mask the taste of water-soluble compounds. Microencapsulation with gelatin was shown to work with lipid-soluble dye and the capsule walls appear to be broken down very rapidly after ingestion. Coating fine particles with beeswax did not successfully mask the deterrence of quinine, but has value with compounds insoluble in lipids. Starch coating can be effective for insects lacking salivary amylase. Molecular encapsulation of grindelic acid in cyclodextrin masked its deterrency to Schistocerca americana. Nymphs fed this material through the second and third instars showed an increase in development time during the third instar without any corresponding reduction in consumption rate. Behavioral approaches to administering deterrent compounds include drinking and habituation. Some compounds that reduce consumption of leaf material were taken in drinking water in amounts sufficient to give relevant doses in one or two drinks daily. Pseudaletia unipuncta larvae fed nicotine-treated wheat through the fifth and sixth instars ate less than control larvae during the first 24 h of the experiment but showed no reduction in consumption after that period. A one-day increase in development time was attributed to the one-day habituation period. More work is needed on the release of taste-masked compounds in the gut.
Resumé Des essais préliminaires ont porté sur les différentes techniques de dosage de produits qui normalement inhibent la prise de nourriture. L'isolement des composés hydrosolubles dans des liposomes a donné des résultats prometteurs pour les dissuadants puissants, bien qu'au cours d'absorptions expérimentales de liquide beaucoup de dissuadants aient perdu de leur efficacité. La microencapsulation, en les enfouissant dans une matrice de polymère pour former des sphères sans véritable paroi, peut avoir masqué le pouvoir dissuadant des produits lipophiles, mais n'a pas masqué suffisamment le goût des produits hydrosolubles. La microencapsulation dans des capsules de gélatine a été efficace avec les colorants liposolubles, la paroi de la capsule semblant détruite très rapidement après ingestion. Le revêtement de fines particules par de la cire n'a pas masqué efficacement l'effet dissuasif de la quinine, mais a été valable avec les produits insolubles dans les lipides. L'encapsulation moléculaire de l'acide grindellique dans de la cyclodextrine a masqué son effect dissuasif pour [?]Schistocerca gregaria. Les larves ont mangé le tout pendant les second et troisième stades et ont présenté un ralentissement du développement pendant le troisième stade sans diminuation de la consommation. L'étude comportementale de l'administration de produits dissuasifs comprend l'action de boire et l'accoutumance. Certains produits qui réduisent la consommation de feuilles ont été absorbés en quantités suffisantes avec l'eau de boisson pour donner des doses significatives avec une ou deux prises de liquide par jour. Des larves de Pseudaletia unipuncta alimentées avec du blé traité à la nicotine pendant les cinquième et sixième stades, ont consommé moins que les témoins, mais seulement pendant les 24 premières heures de l'expérience. La prolongation d'un jour, de la durée de développement, a été attribuée au temps nécessaire à l'accoutumance.
Primary modes of action of cytokinins have been thought to involve stimulation of the electrogenic H+ pump and-or opening of plasmamembrane Ca2+ channels. In order to test these hypotheses, rapid changes in membrane transport in response to cytokinin application were studied in heterotrophic suspension-cultured callus of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) using electrophysiological techniques. Kinetin (N6-furfurylaminopurine; 2 M) elicited membrane hyperpolarization of 13±1 mV. This effect occurred even at membrane poteintials more negative than the most negative ionic equilibrium potential, and therefore might have resulted either from stimulation of the electrogenic pump, or from closure of ionic channels. The former mechanism of action appears most likely because (i) kinetin-induced membrane hyperpolarization is not accompanied by a significant change in plasma-membrane resistivity and (ii) hyperpolarization is abolished by cyanide, which inhibits electrogenic pump activity by depletion of cellular ATP.Electrogenic pumping is also activated by two other cytokinins: N6-(benzyl)adenine and trans-zeatin. However, it is unlikely that the hormonal effect on electrogenesis is directly related to transduction of the cytokinin signal, for the following reasons: (i) hormonally inactive, but chemically related compounds (cis-zeatin, adenine) also elicited membrane hyperpolarization; (ii) hormonally active, N9-substituted cytokinins failed to stimulate electrogenesis; (iii) the chemically unrelated cytokinin N,N-diphenylurea also failed to stimulate electrogenesis.The results imply that the kinetin effect on electrogenic pumping is related to adenine, or its metabolism, and not hormonal action. Adenine was absorbed by soybean cells, but not in sufficient quantities to have a significant effect on adeninenucleotide pools. It appears likely that the control of electrogenesis requires either the presence of a purine free base (i.e. no substituents at the N9 position) or phosphoribosylation of the free base. No evidence was found for cytokinin-induced Ca2+-channel opening, though it is argued that such an event might be physiologically relevant, yet undetectable with the methods employed. It is essential that future studies on cytokinin signal transduction — especially as they relate to membrane transport — take into account the possibility that metabolic effects unrelated to hormone action are dominant.Abbreviations and symbols bzl6Ade N6 (benzyl)adenine - SRB Soybean Recording Buffer - Vm membrane potential  相似文献   
P. C. Jewer  L. D. Incoll  J. Shaw 《Planta》1982,155(2):146-153
Epidermis is easily detached from both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of leaf four of the Argenteum mutant of Pisum sativum L. The isolated epidermis has stomata with large, easily-measured pores. Hairs and glands are absent. The density of stomata is high and contamination by mesophyll cells is low. In the light and in CO2-free air, stomata in isolated adaxial epidermis of Argenteum mutant opened maximally after 4 h incubation at 25°C. The response of stomata to light was dependent on the concentration of KCl in the incubation medium and was maximal at 50 mol m-3 KCl. Stomata did not respond to exogenous kinetin, but apertures were reduced by incubation of epidermis on solutions containing between 10-5 and 10-1 mol m-3 abscisic acid (ABA). The responses of stomata of Argenteum mutant to light, exogenous KCl, ABA and kinetin were comparable with those described previously for stomata in isolated epidermis of Commelina communis. A method for preparing viable protoplasts of guard cells from isolated epidermis of Argenteum mutant is described. The response of guard cell protoplasts to light, exogenous KCl, ABA and kinetin were similar to those of stomata in isolated epidermis except that the increase in volume of the protoplasts in response to light was maximal at a lower concentration of KCl (10 mol m-3) and that protoplasts responded more rapidly to light than stomata in isolated epidermis. The protoplasts did not respond to exogenous kinetin, but when incubated for 1 h in the light and in CO2-free air on a solution containing 10-3 mol m-3 ABA, they decreased in volume by 30%. The advantages of using epidermis from Argenteum mutant for experiments on stomatal movements are discussed.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   
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