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The nuclear mutation pet ts1402 prevents proteolytic processing of the precursor of cytochrome oxidase subunit 2 (cox2) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The structural gene PET1402 was isolated by genetic complementation of the temperature-sensitive mutation. DNA sequence analysis identified a 1206-bp open reading frame, which is located 215 by upstream of the PET122 gene. The DNA sequence of PET1402 predicts a hydrophobic, integral membrane protein with four transmembrane segments and a typical mitochondrial targeting sequence. Weak sequence similarity was found to two bacterial proteins of unknown function. Haploid cells containing a null allelle of PET1402 are respiratory deficient.  相似文献   
The cytochrome c gene (cycA) of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans has been isolated and sequenced. The gene is present in a single copy per haploid genome and encodes a polypeptide of 112 amino acid residues. The nucleotide sequence of the A. nidulans cycA gene shows 87% identity to the DNA sequence of the Neurospora crassa cytochrome c gene, and approximately 72% identity to the sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochrome c gene (CYC1). The S. cerevisiae CYC1 gene was used as a heterologous probe to isolate the homologous gene in A. nidulans. The A. nidulans cytochrome c sequence contains two small introns. One of these is highly conserved in terms of position, but the other has not been reported in any of the cytochrome c genes so far sequenced. Expression of the cycA gene is not affected by glucose repression, but has been shown to be induced approximatly tenfold in the presence of oxygen and three- to fourfold under heatshock conditions.  相似文献   
An Enterobacter cloacae strain, producing restriction enzyme EclHKI, was isolated from a decaying potato. The enzyme is an isoschizomer of Eam1105I, which recognizes and cleaves GACNNN!NNGTC. EclHKI was produced at high activity (4×104 U/g wet cells) and was purified from contaminants which interfere with restriction digestion by passing the cell lysate through DEAE-Sephacel and heparin columns. Activity was optimal at 37°C in a medium salt buffer.H.-Y. Chan, Y.-C. Chan and P.-C. Shaw are with the Department of Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: K.-M. Kam is with the Institute of Pathology, Sai Ying Pun Jockey Club Clinic, Hong Kong.  相似文献   
Second derivative absorption spectra are reported for the aa3-cytochrome c oxidase from bovine cardiac mitochondria, the aa3-600 ubiquinol oxidase from Bacillus subtilis, the ba3-cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilis, and the aco-cytochrome c oxidase from Bacillus YN-2000. Together these enzymes provide a range of cofactor combinations that allow us to unequivocally identify the origin of the 450-nm absorption band of the terminal oxidases as the 6-coordinate low-spin heme, cytochrome a. The spectrum of the aco-cytochrome c oxidase further establishes that the split Soret band of cytochrome a, with features at 443 and 450 nm, is common to all forms of the enzyme containing ferrocytochrome a and does not depend on ligand occupancy at the other heme cofactor as previously suggested. To test the universality of this Soret band splitting for 6-coordinate low-spin heme A systems, we have reconstituted purified heme A with the apo forms of the heme binding proteins, hemopexin, histidine-proline-rich glycoprotein and the H64V/V68H double mutant of human myoglobin. All 3 proteins bound the heme A as a (bis)histidine complex, as judged by optical and resonance Raman spectroscopy. In the ferroheme A forms, none of these proteins displayed evidence of Soret band splitting. Heme A-(bis)imidazole in aqueous detergent solution likewise failed to display Soret band splitting. When the cyanide-inhibited mixed-valence form of the bovine enzyme was partially denatured by chemical or thermal means, the split Soret transition of cytochrome a collapsed into a single band at 443 nm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
In our previous experiments, evidence of free radical formation has been demonstrated in gerbil brain after kainic acid (KA) administration. In the present study, the mechanisms involved in KA-induced free radical formation and subsequent cell degeneration were investigated using high density cortical neuron cultures. A free radical trapping agent,a-phenyl-N-tert-butyl-nitrone (PBN), as well as the combined action of superoxide dismutase and catalase attenuated KA neurotoxic effect. Calpain-induced xanthine oxidase (XO) activation may play an important role in KA excitotoxicity since calpain inhibitor I as well as allopurinol, a selective XO inhibitor, significantly protected the cortical neurons from KA-induced cell death. However, XO activation may not be the only source producing free radicals, other free radical generating systems such as nitric oxide synphase may also play a role in KA insult.  相似文献   
The conversion of 5-hydroxytryptamine to several potential metabolites was examined in the annelid earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris). 5-hydroxytryptamine and some related amines were found to be present in several tissues of the earthworm. Injection of 5-hydroxytryptamine into the body cavity of the earthworm resulted in the production of a -glutamyl conjugate of 5-hydroxytryptamine. Incubations of the anterior nerve cord of the earthworm resulted in the accumlation of considerable amounts of 5-hydroxytryptamine and -glutamyl 5-hydroxytryptamine in the incubation medium. The earthworm did not produce any N-acetyl 5-hydroxytryptamine and only very little 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. Experiments involving the injection of radiolabeled 5-hydroxytryptamine or coninjection of radiolabeled glutamic acid with unlabeled 5-hydroxytryptamine into the earthworm resulted in the production of radiolabeled -glutamyl 5-hydroxytryptamine. This work demonstrates that the enzymatic conversion of 5-HT in the earthworm is markedly different from that of vertebrates and insects.  相似文献   
光系统Ⅱ反应中心D1/D2/Cytb559 在分离纯化过程中失去了电子受体QA 和QB,人工合成的质体醌可以与D1/D2/Cytb559 复合物发生重组。癸基质体醌(DPQ)与D1/D2/Cytb599 复合物的重组导致该复合物的荧光强度下降及发射光谱蓝移,同时两个与光化学活性相关的长寿命(24 ns和73 ns)荧光衰减组分占整个荧光的百分数下降,这些结果表明DPQ作为Pheo- 的电子受体,限制了P680+ ·Pheo- 的电荷重组。DPQ 的加入对D1/D2/Cytb559复合物中Chla 分子的光破坏敏感性影响不大,但β-胡萝卜素在加入DPQ 之后可以被光照破坏,这个过程可能与β-胡萝卜素的生理功能相关。  相似文献   
In an attempt to identify relationships among genomes of the allotetraploid Pennisetum purpureum Schumach and closely related Pennisetum species with which it can be successfully hybridized, repetitive DNA sequences were examined. Digestion with KpnI revealed two highly repetitive fragments of 140 by and 160 bp. The possibility that these sequences could be used as genome markers was investigated. Average sequences were determined for the 140 by and 160 by KpnI families from P. purpureum and P. squamulatum Fresen. Average sequences (based upon four or five repeats) were determined for the P. glaucum (L.) R. Br. 140 by KpnI family and the diploid P. hohenackeri Hochst. ex Steud. 160 bp KpnI family. The average sequences of the 160 by KpnI families in P. purpureum and P. squamulatum differ by only nine bases. The 140 by KpnI families of the three related species, P. purpureum, P. squamulantum, and P. glaucum are nearly identical, and thus likely represent a recent divergence from a common progenitor or a common genome. Each repetitive sequence may contain internal duplications, which probably diverged following amplification of the original sequence. The 140 by KpnI repeat probably evolved from the 160 by KpnI repeat since the missing 18 by segment is part of the internal duplication that is otherwise conserved in the subrepeats. Tandemly arrayed repetitive sequences in plants are likely to be composed of subrepeats which have been duplicated and amplified.Florida Aqricultural Experiment Station series #R-02758  相似文献   
Native and chemically modified cytochrome C were dissolved in sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulphosuccinate (AOT)-oil-buffer microemulsions. The native cytochrome C contains 19 lysine residues, these groups were modified by 1) acetic anhydride or 2) succinic anhydride. At pH 8.4 the native, acetylated and succinylated proteins carry +8, –3 and –12 elementary charges, respectively. The phase behaviour of the microemulsion systems was found to be highly dependent on the charge of the proteins. Compared to a protein free system the native protein induces a L-2 phase separation at lower temperatures. The acetylated protein has a small effect on the temperature for the phase transition, whereas in the case of succinylated cytochrome C the phase transition takes place at higher temperatures. When dissolved in AOT microemulsions, the native cytochrome C has a perturbed tertiary structure, as indicated by loss of the 695 nm absorption band, while both the modified proteins retain the same optical properties when dissolved in an AOT microemulsion as in a pure buffer solution. The pertubed structure of the native cytochrome C was further investigated by testing the stability of the reduced form of the protein dissolved in the microemulsion media. The native cytochrome is unstable at W > 10, whereas the two modified proteins were found to be stable at all W-values investigated. The average location of the three proteins was determined by pulse radiolysis. The quenching rate constant of the hydrated electron depends upon the location of the probe in the reverse micelle; the succinylated protein is localised in the aqueous core of the reverse micelles, but both the native and the acetylated forms were found to be localised close to or at the AOT interface.  相似文献   
Bovine cytochromec oxidase usually contains 3–4 mol of tightly bound cardiolipin per cytochromeaa 3 complex. At least two of these cardiolipins are required for full electron transport activity. Without the tightly bound cardiolipin, cytochromec oxidase has only 40–50% of its original activity when assayed in detergents that support activity, e.g., dodecyl maltoside. By measuring the restoration of electron transport activity, functional binding constants for cardiolipin and a number of cardiolipin analogues have been evaluated (K d,app=1 µM for cardiolipin). These binding constants agree reasonably well with direct measurement of the binding using [14C]-acetyl-cardiolipin (K d <0.1 µM) when the enzyme is solubilized with Triton X-100. These data are discussed in relationship to the wealth of data that is known about the association of cardiolipin with cytochromec oxidase and the other mitochrondrial electron transport complexes and transporters.  相似文献   
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