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煤渣-草炭基质垂直流人工湿地系统对城市污水的净化效果   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:38  
垂直流人工湿地系统不但具有较高的水力负荷率(54—64cm.^-1),而且对有机物和N、P都具有较高的去除效果.其对化粪池出水中的COD、BOD5、NIA4^+-N和总P的去除率分别为76%--87%,88%--92%,75%--85%和77%--91%.处理出水中COD、BOD5、NH4^+-N和总P的平均浓度分别小于60、20、25和2.0mg.L^-1.植物种植试验结果表明,种植风车草可提高氨氮、总N和总P的去除率,分别为2%--3%、4%--6%、10%--14%.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal patterns of the wetland plant communities at Lake Naivasha over the past decade, and the past five years in particular, are discussed in relation to the major controlling factors. The four communities are:- the emergent swamp, dominated by Cyperus species; the floating raft, dominated by the aliens Salvinia molesta and Eichhornia crassipes; the floating-leaved plants, represented only by Nymphaea caerulea; and the submerged angiosperms, consisting of three species of Potamogetons — P. pectinatus, P. schweinfurthii, P. octandrus — together with Najas pectinata. The major factors affecting their dynamics are:- water level changes which influence agricultural clearance, introduced crayfish Procambarus clarkii, and interactions between communities such as the physical effects of mobile floating rafts. The value of the different communities to the ecological and economic value of the lake is highlighted, and the possible damage from future activities discussed.  相似文献   
The southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita), yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) and purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) are important pests in crops grown in the southern US. Management of the individual pests rather than the pest complex is often unsuccessful due to mutually beneficial pest interactions. In an integrated pest management scheme using alfalfa to suppress nutsedges and M. incognita, we evaluated quadratic polynomial regression models for prediction of the number of M. incognita J2 in soil samples as a function of yellow and purple nutsedge plant counts, squares of nutsedge counts and the cross-product between nutsedge counts . In May 2005, purple nutsedge plant count was a significant predictor of M. incognita count. In July and September 2005, counts of both nutsedges and the cross-product were significant predictors. In 2006, the second year of the alfalfa rotation, counts of all three species were reduced. As a likely consequence, the predictive relationship between nutsedges and M. incognita was not significant for May and July. In September 2006, purple nutsedge was a significant predictor of M. incognita. These results lead us to conclude that nutsedge plant counts in a field infested with the M. incognita-nutsedge pest complex can be used as a visual predictor of M. incognita J2 populations, unless the numbers of nutsedge plants and M. incognita are all very low.  相似文献   
Protocol was established for mass in vitro propagation of okra using meristem culture. Meristems (0.3–0.5 mm in size) were isolated from shoot tips of three-week old in vitro grown seedlings. Isolated meristems were established rapidly in MS liquid medium containing 1.0 mg/l of BAP. For shoot development from primarily established meristem, semisolid MS medium having the same concentration of BAP was found to be the most effective. Rapid shoot multiplication of mericlone was achieved from node cutting cultured in 1.0 mg/l plus 0.5 mg/l GA3, and a maximum of nine shoots were found from each node. Effective root development from the developed plantlets was successful in 1.0 mg/l IBA. More than 75% of the micropropagated mericlones plantlets were successfully acclimatised in soil up to maturity and found to be healthy.  相似文献   
Four of five people in sub‐Saharan Africa rely on the traditional use of solid biomass, mainly fuelwood, for cooking. In some areas, the current rate of fuelwood consumption will exhaust biomass reserves within the next decade or two. A largely unrecognized source of biomass are tropical wetland ecosystems which have been shown to be some of the most productive ecosystems globally, exhibiting rates of net primary productivity comparable with high‐input, intensively managed agricultural systems. Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) is an emergent sedge with C4 photosynthesis which is native to the wetlands, river valleys and lakes of central, eastern and southern Africa. The mean standing dry matter of culms and umbels measured at a number of locations throughout East Africa is 38.3 ± 21.6 tDM ha?1, and the aerial net primary productivity ranges between 25.9 and 136.4 tDM ha?1 yr?1. Papyrus vegetation can be harvested by hand and stacked on the rhizome mat for partial air‐drying, and it has been demonstrated that an annual harvesting regime has no negative impacts on long‐term productivity. The use of papyrus as a biofuel for cooking and heating depends on converting it to a suitably combustible form, such as compressed or carbonized briquettes with a calorific value approximately one‐third less than wood charcoal. While papyrus has significant potential as a biofuel, we argue that an integrated management and decision‐making framework for the sustainable utilization of papyrus wetlands is required, in which all ecosystem services including the provision of biomass energy need to be assessed. Sustainability of papyrus wetlands requires management which combines the strength of traditional communal governance and modern legislation to promote its utilization. In this way, local communities can benefit from the inherent advantages of tropical wetlands as very productive ecosystems.  相似文献   
Paspalum distichum L. has been the dominant species in the monsoonal wetlands of the Keoladeo National Park in northcentral India since 1982 when grazing by water buffalo and domestic cattle was halted. Maximum water levels in these wetlands occur immediately after the end of the summer monsoon in late September of early October and then decline until the next summer monsoon the following June. After the normal 1985 monsoon, maximum water depths were around 140 cm. After the poor 1986 monsoon, maximum water depths were only around 60 cm. Paspalum distichum maximum aboveground biomass at four sites ranged from 850 g m-2 at the shallowest site to 3400 g m–2 at a deep water site. The maximum biomass of other vegetation types, which had dominated this wetland prior to 1982, ranged from 1400 g m-2 at a deep water site (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) to only 240 g m-2 to 400 g m-2 at a deep-water submersed site (Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle/Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb.) and at a shallow emergent site (Scirpus tuberosus Desf./Sporobolus helvolus (Trin.) Dur. et Schinz). For all vegetation types, biomass changed seasonally in response to changing water levels and temperatures. After the 1986 monsoon, above-ground biomass for all vegetation types was much lower than it had been after the 1985 monsoon. Mean below-ground biomass was very low in all vegetation types (1 to 47 g m-2). Paspalum distichum had a higher aboveground biomass at nearly all water depths in all seasons than that of the pre-1982 vegetation types. Paspalum distichum belowground biomass, however, is comparable to, or less than, that of the pre-1982 vegetation types. During years with an average monsoon, the overall primary production of these wetlands is estimated to have increased 2.5 to 3.5-fold since they were overgrown with Paspalum distichum.  相似文献   
The aqueous, ethyl acetate, methanolic and Total Oligomer Flavonoids (TOF) enriched extracts, obtained from the aerial parts of Cyperus rotundus, were investigated for their contents in phenolic compounds. Antioxidative activity using the NBT/riboflavin assay system, antimicrobial activity against Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial reference strains as well as antigenotoxic activity tested with the SOS chromotest assay were also studied. Significant antibacterial activity against reference strains; Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium, was detected in the presence of ethyl acetate and TOF enriched extracts. In addition to their antimicrobial activity, the same extracts showed a significant ability to inhibit nitroblue tetrazolium reduction by the superoxide radical in a non enzymatic O2.− generating system, and were also able to reduce significantly the genotoxicity induced by nifuroxazide and Aflatoxin B1. The antioxidant, antimicrobial and antigenotoxic activities exhibited by C. rotundus depend on the chemical composition of the tested extracts.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted in the greenhouse to assess root galling and egg production of three root-knot nematode species, Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica, on several weeds common to Florida agricultural land. Weeds evaluated were Amaranthus retroflexus (redroot pigweed), Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge), Eleusine indica (goosegrass), Portulaca oleracea (common purslane), and Solanum americanum (American black nightshade). Additionally, although it is recommended as a cover crop in southern regions of the U.S., Aeschynomene americana (American jointvetch) was evaluated as a weed following the detection of root galling in a heavy volunteer infestation of an experimental field in southeastern Florida. Weeds were propagated from seed and inoculated with 1000 nematode eggs when plants reached the two true-leaf stage. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ‘Rutgers’) was included as a positive control. Aeschynomene americana and P. oleracea roots supported the highest number of juveniles (J2) and had the highest number of eggs/g of root for all three species of Meloidogyne tested. However, though P. oleracea supported very high root levels of the three nematode species tested, its fleshy roots did not exhibit severe gall symptoms. Low levels of apparent galling, combined with high egg production, increase the potential for P. oleracea to support populations of these three species of root-knot nematodes to a degree that may not be appropriately recognized. This research quantifies the impact of P. oleracea as a host for M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica compared to several other important weeds commonly found in Florida agricultural production, and the potential for A. americana to serve as an important weed host of the three species of root-knot nematode tested in southern regions of Florida.  相似文献   
油莎豆(Cyperus esculentus L.)起源于地中海北非地区,是一种在块茎器官中储藏油脂的特殊油料作物。为了在我国推广油莎豆的种植,急需对我国油莎豆品系的基本生物学特性进行研究。我们收集了国内油莎豆主要种植地的种质资源(品系),经过大田种植后,比较分析了品系间块茎和植株部分性状及其相关性。根据块茎的大小和形态,将这些栽培油莎豆品系归为3个基本类型,即长粒型、大粒型和圆粒型。在大田种植条件下,油莎豆各品系都极少开花,品系之间块茎芽点数和茎环数无显著性差异。但是这3个类型油莎豆在块茎含油量、叶片和植株形态、分蘖特性等方面具有很大差异。叶片长宽比与块茎高宽比显著正相关,但叶片形态与块茎含油量的相关性不显著。该研究结果可为油莎豆的大田种植和品种选育提供重要参考。  相似文献   
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