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The host range of parasitoids varies greatly among species: Some only parasitize one to a few hosts (specialists), while others parasitize multiple species or a variety of host types (generalists). The direction of most host range shifts in parasitoid groups, that is from generalist to specialist or, alternatively, from specialist to generalist, is unknown. To explore the origin of host range shifts, we studied a clade within the genus Torymus (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) that includes both generalist and specialist parasitoids of Cynipidae (Hymenoptera). We analysed the phylogenetic relationships of the species of Torymus on the basis of two gene fragments (cox1 and ITS2) of 246 specimens and performed an ancestral state reconstruction of the specialist/generalist trait. Our results revealed the following: (a) The ancestral state of this group of Torymus is specialist, with the generalist state evolving through a loss of specialization. (b) The species Torymus cyaneus and Torymus flavipes both have a strong genetic structure, suggesting the existence of different biological identities. (c) There has been a host plant shift in the lineage(s) leading to Torymus rubi and Torymus bedeguaris from galls on Quercus to those on Rosaceae. (d) The alien species Torymus sinensis and the native European species Torymus notatus are phylogenetically closely related. (e) Speciation within Torymus was likely associated with the diversification of their cynipid hosts, which itself was driven by the dramatic changes in climate and vegetation that occurred during the Miocene.  相似文献   
Ecological speciation describes the evolutionary process whereby divergent natural selection between environments generates reproductive isolation. Studying the magnitude of sequential reproductive barriers between ecologically divergent populations improves our understanding of the way these barriers evolve and how each contributes to the speciation process. Immigrant inviability describes the lower fitness of immigrants in non‐native environments and is an important, but long underexplored, reproductive barrier. In this study, we test the role of immigrant inviability among host‐associated populations of the gall wasp Belonocnema treataeMayr (Hymenoptera: Cynipini: Cynipidae) by measuring the ability of gall wasps to initiate and complete gall formation, while avoiding host immune responses, on closely related native and non‐native live oaks, Quercus virginianaMill., Quercus fusiformisSmall, and Quercus geminataSmall (Fagaceae). In general, we found evidence for immigrant inviability when B. treatae populations colonized non‐native host species. However, patterns were variable among years, suggesting that episodic events may play an important role in connecting ecologically divergent populations.  相似文献   
Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), is one of the most serious pests attacking chestnut trees. Recently it was incidentally introduced into Northwest Italy and it is now spreading throughout Europe. This pest was successfully controlled in Japan by introducing a parasitoid, Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), from China’s mainland. Following this successful experience, the parasitoid was introduced into Italy from Japan. One year of preliminary studies led to a successful method of rearing imported galls with a synchronization between the parasitoid’s emergence and the presence of the target galls in the field. In two consecutive years, a total of 2,117 individuals were released in several sites covering most of the infested area. There are encouraging data about the settlement of the parasitoid and its synchrony with the host’s cycle: from about 64,000 host galls collected in the field over 200 T. sinensis were reared. The role of native parasitoids associated with the chestnut gall pest in its Italian distribution range is also discussed.  相似文献   
Little is known of the biology of most insects that are endemic to prairie ecosystems of North America, with the exception of large and conspicuous species. In particular, species that are sequestered within plant tissues are commonly overlooked. In this paper, we assess the biodiversity of endophytic insects that inhabit stems of Silphium laciniatum L. and S. terebinthinaceum Jacquin (Asteraceae), endemic plants of tallgrass prairies. Endophytic herbivores, gall wasps Antistrophus rufus Gillette and A. minor Gillette (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) and stem-boring larvae of the beetle Mordellistena aethiops Smith (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) were attacked by 10 species of natural enemies. We report new host plant associations for herbivores, and new host insect associations for parasitoids. The two plant species differed significantly in their densities of gall wasps and the vertical dispersion of galls within stems. Interactions within and between trophic levels attest to the biodiversity of endophytic insect communities, and the specialized nature of these insects suggests they are highly vulnerable to habitat conservation practices that involve destruction of dead vegetation.  相似文献   
Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) was used to test the power of isofemale lines in preserving genetic variability. We performed experiments in two ways. One series consisted of measuring the genetic variability for three enzymatic loci in 32 isofemale lines, in the first and 23rd generations of culture. In the second series, we tested the capacity of the larvae to eliminate a parasitoid by encapsulation after eight years of laboratory breeding. In general, individual isofemale lines appeared to change during the 23 generations of the study, but the global frequency of these alleles among the 32 isofemale lines stayed relatively unchanged. The only rare allele observed was also conserved. Changes in allozyme frequencies at any one locus were independent of those at other loci. Genetic variation of a biological trait, the capacity of the larvae to encapsulate a parasitoid, also changed, but it could be restored to a level close to that of the starting population by mass hybridizing together individuals of each line.
Résumé D. melanogaster (Meigen) a été utilisé pour tester la capacité des lignées isofemelles à conserver la variabilité génétique d'une population naturelle. Deux types d'expériences ont été réalisées. L'une a consisté à déterminer la variabilité génétique de 3 locus enzymatiques pour 32 lignées isofemelles à la première et à la 23ème génération d'élevage au laboratoire. L'autre a consisté à tester la capacité des larves à éliminer un parasito?de par le processus d'encapsulation après 8 années d'élevage au laboratoire. D'une fa?on générale, certaines lignées isofemelles perdent de la variabilité durant les 23 générations de l'étude. Mais la fréquence globale des allèles reste inchangée si l'on considère l'ensemble des 32 lignées. Le seul allèle rare observé a également été conservé. Les modifications des fréquences allèliques à chacun des locus ont lieu de fa?on indépendante les unes des autres. La variabilité génétique d'un caractère biologique, la capacité des larves à encapsuler le parasito?de, a également varié, mais elle a pu être restaurée à un niveau proche de la population initiale en rassemblant plusieurs individus de chacune des lignées.
Abstract.  1. The strength or density dependence of pairwise species interactions can depend on the presence or absence of other species, especially potential mutualists.
2. The gall wasp Disholcaspis eldoradensis induces plant galls that secrete a sweet honeydew from their top surfaces while the wasp larvae are active. These galls are actively tended by Argentine ants, which collect the honeydew and drive off parasitoids attempting to attack the gall wasp.
3. When ants were excluded, the total rate of parasitism by seven species of parasitoids increased by 36%, and the rate of gall-wasp emergence decreased by 54%.
4. The total percentage parasitism was affected by gall density when ants were excluded but not when ants were unmanipulated, suggesting a change in parasitoid functional responses due to ant tending.
5. In addition, excluding ants significantly altered the proportions of different parasitoid species that emerged from galls; one parasitoid species increased from 1% to 34%, and another decreased from 46% to 19%.
6. The invasive Argentine ants studied are capable of maintaining the mutualism with the gall wasps that evolved in the presence of different ant species and also act as a selective filter for the local community of generalist parasitoids trying to attack this gall species.  相似文献   
Communities of insect herbivores and their natural enemies are rich and ecologically crucial components of terrestrial biodiversity. Understanding the processes that promote their origin and maintenance is thus of considerable interest. One major proposed mechanism is ecological speciation through host‐associated differentiation (HAD), the divergence of a polyphagous species first into ecological host races and eventually into more specialized daughter species. The rich chalcid parasitoid communities attacking cynipid oak gall wasp hosts are structured by multiple host traits, including food plant taxon, host gall phenology, and gall structure. Here, we ask whether the same traits structure genetic diversity within supposedly generalist parasitoid morphospecies. We use mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite genotypes to quantify HAD for Megastigmus (Bootanomyia) dorsalis, a complex of two apparently generalist cryptic parasitoid species attacking oak galls. Ancient Balkan refugial populations showed phenological separation between the cryptic species, one primarily attacking spring galls, and the other mainly attacking autumn galls. The spring species also contained host races specializing on galls developing on different host‐plant lineages (sections Cerris vs. Quercus) within the oak genus Quercus. These results indicate more significant host‐associated structuring within oak gall parasitoid communities than previously thought and support ecological theory predicting the evolution of specialist lineages within generalist parasitoids. In contrast, UK populations of the autumn cryptic species associated with both native and recently invading oak gall wasps showed no evidence of population differentiation, implying rapid recruitment of native parasitoid populations onto invading hosts, and hence potential for natural biological control. This is of significance given recent rapid range expansion of the economically damaging chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus, in Europe.  相似文献   
The alpha‐proteobacteria of the genus Wolbachia is a widespread group of maternally inherited endosymbionts of arthropod and nematode hosts. Wolbachia infection induces a range of host phenotypes, including cytoplasmic incompatibility, male killing, feminization, and induction of thelytokous parthenogenesis. Heterogony (cyclical parthenogenesis) is a remarkable characteristic of oak gallwasps, Cynipini, the largest tribe of the Cynipidae. A few species of Cynipini are exceptional in that they are univoltine and exhibit thelytokous parthenogenesis, probably because they lost the arrhenotokous generation of their heterogonic ancestor species due to Wolbachia infection. In this study, the presence of Wolbachia was detected using polymerase chain reaction primers for the wsp genes in a thelytokous parthenogenetic species [Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Yasumatsu)] (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini). Approximately 29.8 and 87.1% of adults of the Zhuzhou and Fuzhou strains, respectively, were infected with Wolbachia while all females of the remaining four strains collected from other localities in China were Wolbachia free. The length of the wsp fragment of Zhuzhou and Fuzhou strains was found to be 573 and 561 bp, respectively. The nucleotide sequence of the bacterial wsp fragment indicated that the endosymbiotic bacteria of the Zhuzhou and Fuzhou strains are members of supergroup A, but belong to different clades; they probably originated from two independent infection events. In conclusion, thelytokous parthenogenesis of D. kuriphilus is not caused by Wolbachia infection and the deletion of the arrhenotokous generation is thus not associated with such an infection.  相似文献   
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a powerful and widely used approach in inference of population history. However, the computational effort required to discriminate among alternative historical scenarios often limits the set that is compared to those considered more likely a priori. While often justifiable, this approach will fail to consider unexpected but well‐supported population histories. We used a hierarchical tournament approach, in which subsets of scenarios are compared in a first round of ABC analyses and the winners are compared in a second analysis, to reconstruct the population history of an oak gall wasp, Synergus umbraculus (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae) across the Western Palaearctic. We used 4,233 bp of sequence data across seven loci to explore the relationships between four putative Pleistocene refuge populations in Iberia, Italy, the Balkans and Western Asia. We compared support for 148 alternative scenarios in eight pools, each pool comprising all possible rearrangements of four populations over a given topology of relationships, with or without founding of one population by admixture and with or without an unsampled “ghost” population. We found very little support for the directional “out of the east” scenario previously inferred for other gall wasp community members. Instead, the best‐supported models identified Iberia as the first‐regional population to diverge from the others in the late Pleistocene, followed by divergence between the Balkans and Western Asia, and founding of the Italian population through late Pleistocene admixture from Iberia and the Balkans. We compare these results with what is known for other members of the oak gall community, and consider the strengths and weaknesses of using a tournament approach to explore phylogeographic model space.  相似文献   
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