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在甘肃省高台县通过对三角胶粘式和水盆式这2种类型苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)诱捕器的田间比较研究。结果显示,二者在诱捕效率上存在的明显差异。在苹果蠹蛾密度较低的条件下,三角胶粘式诱捕器平均日诱捕量为2.50只,比水盆式诱捕器高出近2.84倍,最早监测到成虫的时间也比水盆式诱捕器提前3~4d,因此,三角胶粘式诱捕器具有更高的监测效率。结果还显示地面植被的遮盖极大地降低诱捕器的诱捕效果,严重时会使诱捕器对密度较低的苹果蠹蛾种群的监测功能丧失。  相似文献   
The effects of tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide on vitellogenin (Vg) synthesis/release in the fat body, translocation in hemolymph, uptake by the ovary, and the expression of the ecdysone receptor (EcR) and its heterodimer partner, ultraspiracle protein (USP) in fat body, were investigated in Cydia pomonella. The results indicated that both ecdysone agonists significantly increased the Vg level in the adult hemolymph when the moths were exposed to agonist-treated surfaces. However, these agonists did not affect Vg release from the fat body nor Vg deposition in the first batch oocytes. Western blot analysis revealed that the expression of EcR and USP was significantly increased in tebufenozide- and methoxyfenozide-treated samples compared to the control, suggesting that ecdysone agonists regulated the Vg synthesis via the EcR and USP proteins complex.  相似文献   
Electroantennogram (EAG) measurement of male Cydia caryana moth antennal olfactory response to monounsaturated 12 and 14 carbon alcohols and acetates indicated that the (E)-8-, (E)-10- conjugated double bond system of a dodecadien-1-ol acetate is a critical chemical structural component of the C. caryana sex pheromone. Additionally, EAG measurements implicated (E)-8-dodecen-1-ol acetate, (Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol acetate, (Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol acetate and (Z)-12-tetradecen-1-ol as potential minor pheromonal components. An EAG dosage-response study suggested that there were at least two heterologous populations of pheromone acceptors. Behavioral analysis of male moth response in a flight tunnel to compounds which evoked the stronger EAG responses suggested that (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol acetate and (Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol acetate resemble or are C. caryana sex pheromonal components, while (Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol acetate and (E)-10-dodecen-1-ol acetate are either parapheromones or are minor pheromone components. Behavioral significance of (Z)-12-tetradecen-1-ol was difficult to interpret in the flight tunnel.
Résumé Les réponses olfactives antennaires de Cydia caryana, mesurées par électroantennogrammes (EAG), aux alcools et acétates à carbones monounsaturés en positions 12 et 14, ont montré que le système conjugué de double liaison, (E)-8-, (E)-10- du dodecadien-1-ol acétate constitue un composé chimique strutural critique de la phéromone sexuelle de C. caryana.De plus, les acétates: (E)-8-dodecen-1-ol,(Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol,(Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol, et le (Z)-12-tetradecen-1-ol, se sont révélés en AEG comme des composés secondaires de la phéromone. L'étude par AEG de la relation dose-réponse a conduit à l'hypothèse de deux catégories de populations de récepteurs de phéromones. L'analyse comportementale des résponses des papillons mâles dans le tunnel de vol aux composés qui ont provoqués les plus forts AEG, on fait estimer que les acétates (E,E)-8,10-dodécadien-1-ol et (Z)-9-dodecen-1-ol ressemblent (ou sont) les constituants de la phéromone sexuelle de C. caryana; tandis que les (Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol et (E)-10-dodecen-1-ol sont, soit des paraphéromones, soit des constituants mineurs de la phéromone.La signification biologique du (Z)-12-tétradécen-1-ol a été difficile à interprêter avec les expériences en tunnel de vol.
Male moths responding to their species-specific sex pheromone, may cease their upwind flight when pheromone components of sympatric species are added to the mixture. The interspecific interaction between the pheromone response of the tortricid moths Cydia pomonella and Adoxophyes orana was investigated in field-trapping and wind-tunnel studies. Addition of the A. orana pheromone [(Z9)-tetradecenylacetate and (Z11)-tetradecenylacetate] to a source containing the C. pomonella pheromone [(E8, E10)-dodecadienol] resulted in a significant inhibition of attraction by male C. pomonella. It is demonstrated that this behavioural antagonist for C. pomonella must be emitted from the same point source to induce this inhibitory effect. A spatial separation of the two interspecific pheromones (at 14 cm, 5 cm and 0.5 cm crosswind) restored the attraction of the conspecific pheromone for male C. pomonella. In contrast to C. pomonella, male A. orana were not inhibited by point sources releasing both the C. pomonella and A. orana pheromone. We suggest that the discrepancy in the interspecific pheromone interaction between these two tortricids can be explained if we consider the evolutionary ecology of interspecific pheromone communication in C. pomonella and A. orana. Accepted: 18 July 1999  相似文献   
Repeated applications of Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) can effectively control the codling moth (CM) in apple orchards. However, it is still unknown whether horizontal transmission of the virus from infected to uninfected larvae contributes to the efficacy of the virus insecticide. Horizontal transmission of CpGV was assayed using detached apples. In experiments using artificially applied virus dots on the apple’s surface or infected CM larvae as virus inoculum, it was found that the likelihood of infection of healthy CM larvae relied mainly on the larval behavior. The amount of virus inoculum, either applied artificially or produced by the infected larvae, impacted the infection rate only to a small degree. In the experiments, CM larvae exhibited a strong preference in entry sites, increasing the chance for horizontal transmission. Depending on the experimental design, horizontal transmission rates of about 40% were observed in laboratory assays.  相似文献   
Laboratory studies demonstrated that neonate larvae of the pea moth, Cydia nigricana, are susceptible to infection with a granulosis virus (CpGV) isolated from the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. Comparative LC50 values for C. nigricana and C. pomonella are 1.90 × 105 and 1.54 × 104 capsules/ml of diet, respectively. The virus extracted from CpGV-infected pea moth larvae is serologically related, and probably identical, to CpGV.  相似文献   
Upwind orientation flights of codling moth males Cydia pomonella L. to a single source of sex pheromone (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadienol (codlemone) are significantly reduced when blending it with pheromone antagonists, either with codlemone acetate, (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadienyl acetate, or with the codlemone isomer (E,Z)‐8,10‐dodecadienol. However, once activated by a pheromone stimulus, males no longer distinguish between a pheromone source and these antagonistic blend sources. This shows that the pheromone stimulus required for the initiation of an upwind flight response differs from the stimulus for maintaining upwind flight and landing at the source. In contrast to pheromone antagonists, males discriminate between pheromone alone and a blend source of pheromone and the plant volatile pear ester, ethyl (2E,4Z)‐2,4‐decadienoate. This indicates a difference in the detection and neural integration of pheromone and plant volatile stimuli.  相似文献   
Plant architecture of apple trees in commercial orchards was rapidly changed from traditional tall trees to dwarf trees to optimize yield and fruit quality. Additionally, hail nets are widely used to prevent yield loss by hail. These changes are expected to considerably influence the orchard microclimate and thus the developmental rates of pest insects in apple. However, these relationships have not yet been fully elucidated. The present study was conducted over the seasonal cycle to investigate the influence of plant architecture and hail nets on the habitat temperatures of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in apple, Malus domestica Borkh. (Rosaceae). Within the canopies, leaf area index (LAI) and global site factor (GSF) were quantified using hemispherical photography. Temperature was analysed for the main habitats of the different codling moth stages, i.e., air within the canopy, bark of tree stems, and apple fruit. In dwarf trees, LAI was lower, leading to a higher GSF than in tall trees. Hail nets did not influence LAI and GSF. Results for dwarf trees compare as follows with those for tall trees: Average air temperatures within the canopy were 0.7 °C higher during daytime, whereas 0.4 °C lower at night. Mean surface temperatures of bark were 0.9 °C higher on sunny and 0.4 °C on overcast days. Mean surface temperatures of apple fruits were 1.8–2.7 °C higher on sunny days, but 0.6 °C cooler on overcast days. The effect of hail nets was confined to a reduction of the air temperature within the canopy by approximately 0.2–0.8 °C. Bark and apple surface temperatures were not significantly affected. Based on the temperature differences in the habitats considered, the calculated development of the codling moth in dwarf trees was on average 3 days faster than in tall trees. The calculations imply a negligible effect of hail nets on codling moth development.  相似文献   
1. Insect phenology is driven by local climate variables, most notably temperature. Increased warming has been linked to advancements in critical phenophases such as the spring flight of reproductive adults in the mid‐Atlantic region of the U.S.A. 2. Local climate is governed by the fluctuations of large‐scale climate oscillations. In the northern hemisphere, both the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Arctic Oscillation (AO) control the local autumn and winter severity. Low NAO and AO indices are associated with colder autumns and winters, which can delay spring phenology. 3. In this study, 36 years of data from experimental fruit orchards in Biglerville, Pennsylvania, were used to run partial least‐squares regressions in order to determine the climate variables related to the spring phenology of five tortricid pest species. 4. The phenology of the tortricid pests did not advance, even though there was evidence of warming at the research site. 5. Spring temperatures were found to be the most significant climate variables in determining the timing of the spring flights. However, autumn–winter temperatures were also important. 6. For the NAO and the AO, it was found that these oscillations affected the tortricid moths by influencing autumn–winter conditions. The oscillations of the NAO and AO can obscure long‐term changes in phenology. 7. These findings suggest that the inclusion of large‐scale climate oscillations can provide important insights into how climate conditions can influence insect phenology, and presents an opportunity for improving the ability to forecast spring emergence.  相似文献   
Codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is the key pest of pome fruit in South Africa, and it’s control in apple and pear orchards relies on the application of insecticides and pheromone‐mediated mating disruption. Development of resistance to insecticides and placement of restrictions on the use of certain insecticides has made control of codling moth in South Africa increasingly problematic. The use of the sterile insect technique (SIT) as a control tactic for codling moth is under investigation as a potential addition to the current control strategy. We investigated the radiosensitivity of a laboratory strain of codling moth that was established from moths collected from commercial and organic orchards in the Western Cape, South Africa. Fecundity and fertility of this strain following radiation were consistent with values for the codling moth strain in the Canadian rearing facility in British Columbia. For both strains, the female codling moth was considerably more radiosensitive than the male. At a radiation dose of 100 Gy or higher, treated females were 100% sterile. The fertility of the South African strain was higher (86.3%) than for the Canadian strain (71.9%). This difference in fertility between the two strains was maintained when the dose of radiation was 100 Gy. However, the level of fertility was very similar between the two strains for doses ≥150 Gy. Therefore, based upon previously published work and the data from this study, an operational dose of 150 Gy is recommended for future codling moth SIT programmes in South Africa.  相似文献   
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