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本研究以爪蟾胚胎内胚层细胞间连接通讯发育的时程为指标,观察了cAMP和依赖cAMP的蛋白激酶催化亚基对这一发育的影响。将依赖cAMP的蛋白激酶催化亚基注射入爪蟾胚胎四细胞期的每一个细胞可使该胚胎内胚层细胞间连接通讯的发育明显加快,提示在正常状态下这一发育的进程是受细胞内依赖cAMP的磷酸化水平的制约。但用双丁酰cAMP和磷酸二酯酶抑制剂对胚胎进行培育,或将cAMP和磷酸二酯酶抑制剂注射入胚胎细胞,对这一发育并无影响,可能是由于这些胚胎细胞内依赖cAMP的蛋白激酶的实际有效含量较低而cAMP含量较高所致。注射这种蛋白激酶催化亚基所诱导的胚胎细胞间连接通讯在注射后约8.5小时出现。这一时间比前人在哺乳动物细胞培养中用cAMP或必需的信使RNA诱导出细胞间连接通讯所需要的时间(2—4小时)长得多,提示在胚胎中依赖cAMP的磷酸化对细胞间连接通讯发育的作用是从RNA转录的水平上开始的。  相似文献   
Previous work from our laboratory has shown that both cyclic AMP and calcium/calmodulin appear to be involved in the regulation of melanogenesis in murine B16 melanoma cells. In these cells as in murine Cloudman S91 cells, melanogenic responsiveness to melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) varies with cell density in culture. Our objective in this study was to learn more about the intracellular systems involved in the control of melanogenesis, particularly the role played by calcium. The melanogenic response to αMSH was compared to the response to drugs affecting intracellular free calcium and calmodulin over a range of cell densities in B16F1 cells. αMSH-stimulated melanin production was extremely density-dependent but αMSH-stimulated cyclic AMP production was independent of cell density. The melanogenic response to agents that increased intracellular calcium (A23187) or inhibited intracellular calmodulin varied with cell density. A drug (TMB8) that lowered intracellular free calcium, however, increased melanogenesis independently of cell density. At high cell density it was found that an elevation in calcium decreased melanogenesis, whereas agents that reduced calcium or inhibited calmodulin activity increased melanogenesis. At low cell density, however, the inhibitory response to A23187 was lost and in some experiments even stimulated melanogenesis. These data suggest that the calcium/calmodulin signalling system has an inhibitory influence on melanogenesis, and its expression, which depends upon cell density, may also modulate the response to stimulatory agents such as αMSH.  相似文献   
Histamine stimulates cyclic AMP accumulation in astrocyte-enriched and neuronal primary cultures from rat brain in the presence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine. The response in the astrocyte cultures (Emax = 304 +/- 44% over basal, EC50 = 43 +/- 5 microM) was much higher than in neuronal cultures (Emax = 24 +/- 2%, EC50 = 14 +/- 7 microM). The histamine effect in astrocytes was competitively inhibited by the H2 antagonists cimetidine (Ki = 1.1 +/- 0.2 microM) and ranitidine (Ki = 46 +/- 10 nM) but was insensitive to the H1 antagonist mepyramine (1 microM). The two selective H2 agonists impromidine and dimaprit behaved as partial agonists and showed relative potencies (139 and 0.5, respectively) consistent with an interaction with H2 receptors. The more selective H1 agonist 2-thiazolylethylamine (0.01-1 mM) did not potentiate the response to impromidine (10 microM). Thus, in contrast to what is generally observed in intact cell preparations from brain, the histamine-induced cyclic AMP accumulation in astroglial cells is mediated solely by H2 receptors. The small effect shown in neuronal cultures also appears to be mediated by H2 receptors.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to define effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on formation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and inositol phosphates (IPs) in rat brain regions. The brain of male Wistar rats was dissected into seven discrete regions, and each region was sliced. The slices were incubated in Krebs-Henseleit glucose buffer containing varying doses of TRH. TRH caused a significant and consistent increase in cAMP level, but not in formation of IPs, in the hypothalamus, striatum, and midbrain. TRH stimulated formation of IPs in the cerebellum, where the tripeptide did not change the cAMP level. In contrast, formation of neither cAMP nor IPs was affected by TRH in the cortex, hippocampus, or pons-medulla. These data suggest that TRH possesses two distinct types of brain intracellular signaling systems, which vary with brain regions.  相似文献   
Mouse neuroblastoma Neuro 2a cells are known to extend neurite-like processes in response to gangliosides added to the culture medium. We compared the structural features of proteoglycans (PG) synthesized by conventional Neuro 2a cells with those of neurite-bearing cells. Two different proteoglycans labeled with [35S]sulfate, namely, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CS-PG) and heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HS-PG), were found both in the cell layer and in the culture medium of the conventional cells. CS-PG isolated from the cell layer had a Kav value of 0.38 on Sepharose CL-6B, and had CS side chains with Mr of 27,000. HS-PG in the cell layer was slightly larger (Kav of 0.33) in terms of hydrodynamic size than CS-PG, and the apparent Mr of the heparan sulfate side chains was 10,000. The structural parameters of CS-PG and HS-PG isolated from the medium were almost identical to those of the PGs in the cell layer. In addition to these PGs, single-chain HS, with an average Mr of 2,500, was observed only in the cell layer and this component was the major sulfated component in the cell layers of both control and ganglioside treated cells. The neurite-bearing cells also synthesized both CS-PG and HS-PG which were very similar in hydrodynamic size to those synthesized by the conventional cells, but the size of HS side chains was greater. Radioactivity, as35S, of each sulfated component from the gangliosideteated culture seemed to be slightly less than that of the corresponding component from the control culture. These findings indicate that the marked morphological change in Neuro 2a cells, induced by gangliosides is not accompanied by major changes in the synthesis of PGs.  相似文献   
A pharmacological study was undertaken to determine whether the noradrenaline-stimulated breakdown of inositol phospholipids and the potentiation of isoprenaline-stimulated cyclic AMP by noradrenaline in rat cerebral cortex slices are mediated by the same alpha-receptor subtype. The rank order of potency of a range of alpha 1 and alpha 2 antagonists suggests that both responses may involve an alpha 1 receptor, but there were several differences between the pharmacological profiles for the two systems. Although in both cases, all selective alpha 1 antagonists were more potent than alpha 2 antagonists, the rank orders and the absolute potencies differed for the two responses. The inhibition of the inositol phosphate response was characterised by a high alpha 1/alpha 2 antagonist ratio, and in most cases, Hill slopes of inhibition were consistent with the involvement of a single receptor site. Inhibition of the cyclic AMP response had a much lower alpha 1/alpha 2 antagonist ratio and generally exhibited Hill slopes less than one. Evidence has been provided suggesting that adenosine is involved in the potentiation of cyclic AMP and that other, as yet unidentified, factors may also be involved. Even in the absence of an adenosine component, the results presented support the suggestion that the potentiation due to noradrenaline is mediated by a receptor whose identity does not easily fit with the currently accepted classification of alpha adrenoceptors.  相似文献   
The possibility that an increased intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP (cAMP) can regulate the extent of muscarinic receptor-stimulated phosphoinositide (PPI) turnover in the human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH was examined. Addition of either forskolin (or its water-soluble analog, L-85,8051), theophylline, isobutylmethylxanthine, or cholera toxin, agents that interact with either the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase, cAMP phosphodiesterase, or the guanine nucleotide binding protein linked to adenylate cyclase activation, resulted in a 45-181% increase in cAMP concentration and a 27-70% inhibition of carbachol-stimulated inositol phosphate release. Through the use of digitonin-permeabilized cells, the site of inhibition was localized to a step at, or distal to, the guanine nucleotide binding protein that regulates phospholipase C activity. In contrast, when intact SK-N-SH cells were exposed to prostaglandin E1, the ensuing increases in cAMP were not accompanied by an inhibition of stimulated PPI turnover. These differential effects of increased cAMP concentrations on stimulated PPI turnover may reflect the compartmentation of cAMP within SK-N-SH cells.  相似文献   
Sulfur dynamics of two Spodosols were ascertained using soil columns constructed from homogenized mineral soil from nothern hardwood ecosystems at the Huntington Forest (HF) in the Adirondack Mountains of New York and Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM). Columns were leached for 20 weeks with a simulated throughfall solution with35SO4 2-. Sulfur constituents were similar to those of other Spodosols, with the organic S fractions (C-bonded S and ester sulfate) constituting over 90% of total S. HF soil columns had higher total S (14.9 mol S g-1) than that for the BBWM soil columns (7.4 mol g-1) primarily due to higher C-bonded S in the former.Initially, adsorbed SO4 - accounted for 5 and 4% of total S for the BBWM and HF soil columns, respectively. After 20 weeks, adsorbed SO4 2- decreased (81%) in BBWM and increased (33%) in HF soil columns. For both HF and BBWM soil columns, C-bonded S increased and ester sulfate decreased, but only for HF columns was there a net mineralization of organic S (5.6% of total S). The greatest decrease in ester sulfate occurred at the top of the columns.Leaching of35S was less than 0.5% of the35S added due to its retention in various S constituents. There was an exponential decrease in35S with column depth and most of the radioisotope was found in C-bonded S (70–88 and 70–91% for BBWM and HF, respectively). The rapid turnover of adsorbed SO2- 4 was reflected in its high specific activity (834 and 26 kBq mol-1 S for BBWM and HF, respectively). The lower specific activity of adsorbed SO4 2- in HF was attributable to greater isotopic dilution by non-radioactive SO2- 4 derived from greater organic S mineralization in the HF versus the BBWM columns.Both soil columns initially had high levels of NO- 3 which resulted in the generation of H+ and net retention of SO4 2- in the early phase of the experiment due to pH dependent sulfate adsorption; later NO3 - decreased and SO4 2- was desorbed. Leaching of NIO3 - and SO4 2- was correlated with losses of Mg2+ and Ca2+ of which the latter was the dominant cation.Analyses using both S mass balances and radioisotopes corroborate that for BBWM soil columns, SO2- 4 adsorption-desorption dominated the S biogeochemistry while in HF soil columns, organic S mineralization-immobilization processes were more important. It is suggested that similar techniques can be applied to soils in the field to ascertain the relative importances of SO4 2- adsorption processes and organic S dynamics.  相似文献   
Hurricane Danny resulted in the rapid deposition of 10cm of oxidized, acidic sediment in the Contrary Creek arm of Lake Anna, Virginia. Several biological and geochemical parameters were monitored with time to ascertain how long it took the newly-deposited lake sediments to attain the anaerobic, circumneutral, actively sulfate-reducing state normally observed in this portion of the lake. The sediment platinum-electrode potential dropped from 350 mV to 100 mV within the first week after the storm. The pH of the pore water increased from 4.5 to 5.8 within three weeks, and titratable alkalinity was detected within two weeks and three weeks at 3 cm and 1 cm depths, respectively. Accumulation of reduced products of sulfate reduction (acid volatile sulfide) began by three to four weeks after the storm event. Both methanogens and sulfate reducers were present in high and approximately equal numbers in the freshly deposited material. The rapid neutralization of the acidity in the fresh sediment prior to the onset of sulfate reduction suggests that reactions other than sulfate reduction caused the initial increase in pH and alkalinity in this system.  相似文献   
Summary Fibronectin and heparin-binding growth factors (HBGF) are essential for growth of cultured endothelial cells. The stimulation of endothelial cell growth by HBGF type one (HBGF-1) in particular requires heparin or a similar glycosaminoglycan. The requirement for fibronectin and heparin for HBGF-1-stimulated endothelial cell growth may be related. HBGF-1 absorbed to the natural subcellular matrix of endothelial cells supports cell growth. [125I]HBGF-1 specifically associates with a sequentially reconstituted matrix of collagen-fibronectin-heparin, and HBGF-1 absorbed to the reconstituted matrix supports growth of the endothelial cells. A reconstituted matrix of collagen-laminin-heparin neither supported binding of [125I]HBGF-1 nor HBGF-1-stimulated endothelial cell growth. Association kinetics of [125I]HBGF-1 to heparinlike sites and membrane receptor sites on endothelial cell monolayers suggest that fibronectin-heparinlike binding sites in the subcellular matrix may be an obligatory reservoir of active HBGF-1 that binds to specific cell membrane receptors. This work was carried out in the laboratory of Dr. W. L. McKeehan and supported in part by grants CA37589, DK35310 and DK38639 from the Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC.  相似文献   
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