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《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1348-1364
The phase and period responses to short light pulses were studied in the jerboa, a seasonal, hibernating, nocturnal rodent from the Atlas region in Morocco. The jerboa, which is a saltatory species, showed precise activity onsets and offsets under a light-dark (LD) cycle using infrared captors to record locomotor activity. When released into constant darkness (DD), the majority of animals showed a circadian period (τ) <24?h (mean τ?=?23.89?±?0.13?h) and a lengthening of the activity span, α. Animals were subsequently exposed to up to eight 15-min light pulses, each separated by at least 2 wks, for up to 160 days in DD. During this span, most individuals maintained robust circadian rhythmicity, with clearly defined activity onsets and offsets, similar levels of total activity, duration of α, and percent activity occurring during the subjective night. The phase response curve (PRC) is typical of other nocturnal rodents, with light eliciting delays during late subjective day and early subjective night (CT8–CT19) and advances during late subjective night to early subjective day (CT19–CT2). A dead zone, when light had no effect on phase, is observed during mid-subjective day (CT3–CT8). A few individuals showed large (>9?h) Type 0 phase resetting near the singularity region (CT19) that resulted in a complete phase reversal, but otherwise displayed normal phase-shifting responses at other CT times. The τ response curve showed a decrease in period from early to late subjective night with increases at other times, but these changes were small (maximum <9?min) and highly variable. There was a distinct tendency for animals that had an initial short τ in DD to conserve a short τ during the series of light pulses and, inversely, for animals with long τ to conserve a long τ. This suggests possible constraints on the plasticity of variation of τ in relation to the endogenous period of the animal. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
选用5个风信子品种进行花粉生命力测定,对完全双列杂交获得的杂种种子剥胚进行离体培养.试验表明:(1)风信子不同品种花粉萌发率差别较大,其中Fondante的花粉萌发率最高为74.45%,Amsterdam的最低为12.68%,其他3个品种的花粉萌发率介于二者之间.(2)品种间自交杂交亲和力存在一定差异,结实率大于30%的组合从高到低依次为Fondante×Atlantic(61.2%)、Fondante×Fondante(54.0%)、Carnegie×Carnegie(42.6%)、JanBos×JanBos(36.0%)、Carnegie×Atlantic(32.7%)、Atlantic×Fondante(30.0%),组合Atlantic×Amster-dam、Carnegie×JanBos、Amsterdam×Fondante、Amsterdam×JanBos、JanBos×Amsterdam未得到果实,其余组合结实率介于0~30%之间.(3)适宜风信子杂交幼胚离体培养的初代培养基为MS+100 mg/L谷氨酰胺,其次为MS+0.2 mg/LIBA+0.02 mg/L6-BA+100 mg/L谷氨酰胺...  相似文献   
齐明 《植物研究》2008,28(3):299-303
借助ISSR分子标记技术,对杉木和侧柏远交亲本群体的遗传多样性进行了研究,采用国际上流行的软件(PopGENE)进行数据处理,获得如下结果:(1)群体多态性位点百分率为88.2%;(2)Nei’s基因多样性指数平均值为0.399 7;(3)Shannon信息指数多样性数为0.582 4;(4)群体内亲本间的平均遗传距离为0.669 8,变幅为(0.069 0,1.609 4),其变异系数为69.19%。经与国内外同类研究结果比较分析后认定:杉木远交亲本群体具有较高的遗传多样性,具有较大的改良潜力,由其衍生的生产群体亦具有较宽的生态适应性。  相似文献   
The morphogenesis of regenerated ovule and cytological changes of its megasporogenesis and embryo sac development were studied. Results showed as follows: 1. the differentiation of the regenerated ovule had followed a normal process in the order of inner integument , outer integument and then funiculus. But the form of the regenerated ovules in vitro was quite different from that of ovule in vivo. Most of the regenerated ovules were orthotropous and hemianatropous , only a few were anatropous which are the same with that in vivo. 2. the megasporogenesis and the embryo sac development also had normal cytological process ,and the Polygonum type-embryo sac consisted of one egg, two synergids , one central cell and three antipodals could be seen in mature regenerated ovule. These ex-perimental results make clear that the regenerated ovule differentiated directly from explant could accomplish the complex processes of megasporogenesis and embryo sac development. By this fact ,authors infer that once the differentiation of ovule primordium, the complex biochemical programs for the megasorogenesis and embryo sac development can be controlled by the ovule itself and need no more information from flower bud and /or plant.  相似文献   
鸟类对山黄麻种子的传播及其生态作用   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
在云南西双版纳的勐宋和勐仑地区观察和研究了传统山黄麻种子的鸟类。在野外持网捕获摄食山黄麻果实的鸟类,称量后分别放在布袋内,让其自然排泄,然后标志释放,观察和网捕共记录到摄食山黄麻果实的鸟类36种,其中26种挂网捕获并从排泄物得到种子。用鸟类排泄物中的山黄麻种子、山黄麻树上采摘的成熟果实及人工分离山黄麻种子播种,进行萌发对比实验,实验结果表明,直接播种成熟果实,在阳光充足的空旷地、林冠下或用树叶覆盖遮光等条件下都未萌发,种子容易霉烂或被虫蚀;从山黄麻果肉中分离出来的种子具有萌发能力;而经鸟类摄食、消化后从果肉中分离的种子,具有较好的萌发活力。在不同条件下山黄麻种子萌发情况差异明显,林冠下条件对种子有抑制作用,阳光作用下种子显示出很好的萌发及成活率。鸟类排泄物种子放在林上或用树叶覆盖遮光,经过较长时间便可萌发,而人工分离种子不能萌发。鸟类摄食及消化过程对山黄麻种子的处理表现出很好的生态互惠关系,观察萌发后的山黄麻幼苗的生长情况还表明,幼苗生长也需要光照和较开阔的生境条件,鸟类取食山黄麻果实及其将种子远距离传播适宜生境,正好具有这样的生态作用。  相似文献   
为了评估热扩散式探针法中的间断加热模式在侧柏树干液流速率测定中的适用性,提高树木蒸腾耗水测定的准确性,本研究选取侧柏为对象,以整树容器称重法测定值为基准,采用热扩散树干液流测定技术,设置3种不同的加热模式: 60 min/0 min(持续加热模式)、30 min/30 min(30 min加热30 min冷却的间断加热模式)、10 min/50 min(10 min加热50 min冷却的间断加热模式),分析不同加热模式处理下温差的梯度特征。同时构建间断加热模式下Granier校正公式,并进行有效性验证分析其误差大小。结果表明: 间断加热模式计算的液流速率与整树容器称重法测定的蒸腾速率日变化规律一致,且间断加热模式能够迅速升温、降温并趋于稳定。Granier原始公式计算的液流量较小,与称重法相比,降低了61.3%;经拟合后,10 min/50 min校正液流速率公式: Fd=0.0177K0.9457(R2=0.88),30 min/30 min校正液流速率公式: Fd=0.0378K1.3146(R2=0.85)。利用新的公式重新计算的侧柏液流速率较称重法测定的蒸腾速率差异较小,且10 min/50 min校正公式计算的液流速率较蒸腾速率的误差更小,降低了5.9%,可以表达出真实的液流速率。在实际应用中,采用10 min/50 min的间断加热模式能够降低自然温差的影响,减少功耗,准确反映侧柏的真实液流速率。  相似文献   
采用LI-6200型植物光合测定系统和LI-1600型稳态气孔计,对黄土半干旱区刺槐、侧柏的净光合速率、羧化效率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率、气孔导度、气孔阻力、胞间CO2浓度和气孔限制值与土壤含水量的关系进行研究;并对林地土壤水分有效性及生产力进行分级与评价.结果表明,刺槐与侧柏林地土壤含水量分别在4.5%和4.0%以下为“无效水”;土壤含水量在4.5%~10.0%和4.0%~8.5%阈值内属于“低产低效水”;在10.0%~13.5%和85%~11.0%阈值内为“中产高效水”;在13.5%~17.0%和11.0%~16.0%阈值内属于“高产中效水”;在17.0%~19.0%和16.0%~19.0%阈值内为“中产低效水”;土壤含水量在19.0%以上也属于“低产低效水”。  相似文献   
通过室内饲养观察,重点研究了东方蝾螈的产卵行为、受精卵孵化、仔螈的变态发育等繁殖生物学.东方蝾螈雌螈产卵前有明显的筑巢行为,分批产卵,产卵时间不集中,产卵期持续46~98 d,平均产卵期为78 d±14 d,产卵高峰期在5月上中旬,平均产卵量为101±56枚;温度对受精卵孵化影响十分显著,3月份产的卵平均54.1 d孵出仔螈,6月份产的卵平均11 d孵出仔螈,在15~26℃的自然水温条件下,受精卵一般需要11~30 d孵出仔螈;仔螈的变态发育与温度、饲料等因素密切相关,在24~25℃的控温养殖条件下,仔螈40 d后外鳃开始萎缩,68~79 d完成变态发育,但在自然水温下,只有78%的仔螈当年能完成变态发育.  相似文献   
Summary— Transformations of the actin cytoskeleton of the pollen of Hyacinthus orientalis during cycles of vapour-phase hydration and dehydration have been examined using a non-fixation, DMSO permeabilisation method for TRITC-phalloidin staining, coupled with microwave stabilisation. In freshly shed pollen actin appears: a) at the plasmalemma in the form of extended, thin fibrils co-oriented with the cellulosic microfibrils of the contiguous intine; b) as a sheath investing the generative cell; c) as spicules around the vegetative nucleus; and d) in scattered spicules in the cytoplasm. During hydration in 85–95% relative humidity (RH), actin from all of these sites is progressively translated into a system of extended fibrils in the vegetative cell, concurrently with the onset of movement in the cytoplasm. Dehydration at 5–7% RH reverses this process, actin accumulating in rodlets, spicules or larger fusiform bodies in close association with the generative cell and vegetative nucleus, and also in the cytoplasm. The fibril system initially present at the plasmalemma is not restored. After ten cycles of hydration and dehydration 3.6% of the grains remained germinable. The ecological significance of the findings is noted, and the possibility that the observed transformations result from variation in the Ca2+ concentration in the cytosol as the water content of the cytosol changes is considered.  相似文献   
任佩锋  郎所 《动物学研究》1993,14(2):97-101
扫描电镜显示东方杯叶吸虫体被有许多族生棘,具纤毛乳突和无纤毛窝状乳突,附着器皮层特化为微毛。透射电镜观察表明,皮层是由合胞体、基膜和肌肉层组成,合胞体通过细胞通道与皮层细胞相连。文中详细描述了这些结构,揭示无纤毛窝状乳突为腺乳突,皮层细胞间存在线粒体细胞和附着器皮层形成微毛,探讨了这些结构的生理功能。体外培养成虫皮层结构的某些不正常变化,如皮层细胞的空虚松散,可作为评价吸虫体外培养的一种指标。  相似文献   
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