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2个小麦-黑麦-中间偃麦草三属杂种F1的减数分裂方为复杂,中期Ⅰ染色体平均每细胞构型为19.53Ⅰ+13.47Ⅱ+0.70Ⅲ+0.06Ⅳ和19.99Ⅰ+13.42Ⅱ+0.65Ⅲ+0.04Ⅳ+0.01Ⅴ,后期Ⅰ染色体分配不平衡,单价体并不一定排列在赤道板上,产生各种类型的异常四分体。18株花粉植株染色体组成类型多样,在2个花粉植株中分别观察到端体和等臂染色体。单倍体花粉植株中期Ⅰ染色体配对频率较高,交叉值为1.51-3.85。本文还讨论了三属杂种和花药培养的结合应用。  相似文献   
沟湾遗址位于河南省淅川县上集镇西南,老灌河东岸二级台地上。2007-2009年共发掘5000 m2,出土了7700多件仰韶时期动物骨骼。可鉴定标本至少代表5纲11目19科23个属种,包括猪(Sus scrofa domesticus)、犬(Canis familiaris)、水牛(Buballus buballus)、犀牛(Rhinoceros sp.)、亚洲象(Elephas maximus)、中华竹鼠(Rhizomys sinensis)、花面狸(Paguma larvata taivana)等。动物群统计结果表明,仰韶文化一至三期含犀牛、亚洲象、竹鼠等喜温动物,四期中无喜温动物;根据动物生境,可判断该地区仰韶文化一至三期气候温暖湿润,四期相对干冷。仰韶文化一、二期狩猎动物的数量稍多于或等于家养动物,说明该时期“狩猎采集”比“饲养家畜”的活动多或并重;三、四期家猪骨骼占比分别是90.7%和87.9%,说明饲养家畜是一项主要的生业方式,狩猎和捕捞仅起辅助作用。仰韶文化三期3个兽骨坑内各埋藏了1具完整的成年母猪骨架,其中K15内为孕晚期母猪,怀仔猪数为7或稍多,为研究我国早期家猪繁育情况提供了十分宝贵的材料。总之,该遗址出土的丰富动物遗骸可为研究汉水中游地区仰韶时期的古环境、生业模式、动物资源利用、畜牧史等提供重要资料。  相似文献   
目的 研究三种模拟结肠发酵培养基和粪菌固定化对体外结肠发酵体系菌群构成的影响,为建立高度模拟结肠体外结肠发酵提供参考。方法 采集健康女性成人粪便,粪便制备悬液或用结冷胶‒黄原胶固定化粪菌接种于模拟结肠发酵反应器,分别用三种培养基按0.07 mL/h稀释率进行连续发酵10 d,用末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)与高通量测序技术分析菌群多样性,并分析发酵液短链脂肪酸含量。结果 T-RFLP分析显示,培养基类型主要影响粪菌固定体系菌群α多样性达到稳定的时间和多样性。β多样性分析显示,第10天时培养基III悬液培养和培养基I固定化培养系统的菌群构成与粪便菌群最相近。而培养基III在第10天达到较高而稳定的丁酸浓度。  相似文献   
Cultivating the uncultured: limits, advances and future challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the invention of the Petri dish, there have been continuous efforts to improve efficiency in microbial cultivation. These efforts were devoted to the attainment for diverse growth conditions, simulation of in situ conditions and achievement of high-throughput rates. As a result, prokaryotes catalysing novel redox reactions as well as representatives of abundant, but not-yet cultured taxa, were isolated. Significant insights into microbial physiology have been made by studying the small number of prokaryotes already cultured. However, despite these numerous breakthroughs, microbial cultivation is still a low-throughput process. The main hindrance to cultivation is likely due to the prevailing lack of knowledge on targeted species. In this review, we focus on the limiting factors surrounding cultivation. We discuss several cultivation obstacles, including the loss of microbial cell–cell communication following species isolation. Future research directions, including the refinement of culture media, strategies based on cell–cell communication and high-throughput innovations, are reviewed. We further propose that a combination of these approaches is urgently required to promote cultivation of uncultured species, thereby dawning a new era in the field.  相似文献   
农牧交错带草地生态系统兼受农业和牧业的影响, 属于脆弱生态系统, 尤其是养分贫瘠的盐碱化草地, 其生态系统结构和功能对外界干扰的响应更加强烈。位于晋西北地区的农牧交错带盐碱化草地, 地理位置独特, 区别于天然牧区草地生态系统。由于毗邻农田, 农业氮肥的过量使用促进了活性氮气体排放, 同时使得农牧交错带草地土壤碳氮循环发生改变。刈割是北方农牧交错草地生态系统的主要管理方式, 为了深入探究氮添加和刈割管理方式对农牧交错带草地碳循环的影响, 进一步厘清该区域草地生态系统的碳动态问题, 该研究设置了一个不同形态氮添加和刈割的裂区实验, 测定土壤呼吸对不同形态氮肥添加和刈割的响应, 为进一步科学管理该区域草地提供可靠的依据。实验样地位于山西省右玉县境内的“山西农业大学农牧交错带草地生态系统野外观测研究站”, 于2017年设置不同形态氮添加和刈割处理, 实验处理包括对照(不刈割和刈割)、尿素添加、缓释尿素添加、刈割+尿素添加、刈割+缓释尿素添加, 每种处理6个重复, 共36个小区。在不同处理条件下测定土壤呼吸速率、土壤温度、土壤水分、土壤微生物生物量、土壤无机氮含量、植物地上和地下生物量, 并计算土壤累积碳排放量及CO2通量。研究结果表明: (1)短期(2017-2018年)尿素和缓释尿素的添加显著提高了该地区土壤呼吸速率和土壤累积碳排放量。与添加缓释尿素相比, 添加尿素处理下的土壤呼吸速率和累积碳排放量更高; (2)刈割显著降低土壤呼吸速率和累积碳排放量; (3)短期氮添加和刈割的交互作用对土壤呼吸速率没有显著影响。因此, 短期氮添加促进了北方农牧交错带盐碱化草地土壤碳释放, 刈割抑制土壤呼吸, 降低了累积碳排放量, 这可能是由于刈割移除地上植物, 减少了凋落物的输入, 底物减少导致土壤微生物活性降低。但是随着处理时间的延长, 氮添加和刈割对该农牧交错带盐碱化草地土壤碳动态的影响还有待进一步探究和发现。  相似文献   
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) are known to exhibit aryl acylamidase activities (here called AAA(AChe) and AAA(BChe), respectively), which have been suggested to be involved in developmental and pathological processes. We here have investigated the developmental profiles of both AAA(AChe) and AAA(BChe) activities along with their AChE and BChE activities from embryonic days E3 to hatching (E21) in Triton-extracted homogenates from chicken embryonic brains. AAA(AChe) follows continuously an increase that is typical for AChE expression itself, whereas AAA(BChe) was relatively high before E10 to then become negligible toward hatching. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of both homogenized and immunopurified samples from E6-E18 brains showed that all globular forms (G1, G2, G4) of AChE present AAA(AChe) activity. Interestingly, the ratio of AAA(AChe) to AChE is highest at E6, and here again higher on G1/G2- over the G4-form. Noticeably, the sensitivity of AAA(AChe) toward the specific AChE inhibitor BW284c51 at all stages is higher than that of AChE itself. These data of high ratios of AAA associated at young stages with cholinesterases strongly indicate a role of AAA in early brain development.  相似文献   
Acid phosphatases differing in both subcellular localization and substrate specificity were isolated for the first time from the liver of the freshwater snail Viviparus viviparus L. by preparative isoelectrofocusing. One of five characterized phosphatases is highly specific to ADP and the others can hydrolyze (at variable rate) a series of natural substrates. A scheme is proposed for the involvement of the studied phosphatases in carbohydrate metabolism. We have also studied some peculiarities of the effect of Cd2+ in vitro and in vivo on the activities of individual components of the acid phosphatase complex and corresponding changes in metabolism of the freshwater snail as a new test-object allowing the estimation of toxicity in water.  相似文献   
We present a short insight into the problem of parasitophorous vacuole (PV) formation as a most peculiar kind of cell vacuolization occurring in the course of intracellular development of coccidian pathogens of the genera Eimeria, Isospora, Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, Cryptosporidium, Epieimeria, and Karyolysus. The review focuses on the morpho-functional diversity of PVs in these parasites. By the present time, the PVs containing different parasite genera and species have been examined to different extent. The membrane of the PV (PVM) obviously derives from the host cell plasmalemma. But soon after parasite penetration, the morphofunctional organization and biochemical composition of the PVM drastically changes: its proteins are selectively excluded and those of the parasite are incorporated. As the result, the PV becomes not fusigenic for lysosomes or any other vacuoles or vesicles, because host cell surface markers necessary for membrane fusion are eliminated from the PVM during parasite invasion.The pattern of the PVs is parasite specific and demonstrates a broad diversity within the same genera and species and even at different stages of the endogenous development. The PV is far from being an indifferent membrane vesicle containing the parasite. Instead, it represents a dynamic system that reflects the innermost events of host-parasite relationships, thus promoting the accomplishing of the parasite life cycle, which, in its turn, is a necessary prerequisite of the parasite eventual survival as a species.  相似文献   
Exobasidium symploci-japonicae var. carpogenum, causing Exobasidium fruit deformation on Symplocos lucida collected in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, is newly described based on morphological observations of hymenial structure and mode of basidiospore germination. This new variety differs morphologically from the type variety, particularly in the septal number of basidiospores and in the shapes and sizes of conidia formed on the medium. Colonies of this new variety are also distinguishable from those of the type variety by yeast-like growth, morphology, and color of colonies.Contribution no.178, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   
After cultured cysts are osmotically shocked by treating with distilled water, there is an exponential increase in the cyst form of Blastocystis pythoni; this was demonstrated by an immunofluorescence antibody assay against the culture organisms. In 11-day-old cultures of B. pythoni, 68.8% of the organisms (= 2.2 x 10(8) cysts/ml) were in the cyst form. Examination of thin sections of cysts revealed many similarities to the cyst forms of Blastocystis obtained from fecal samples in previous investigations. Freeze-fracture images of the plasma membrane of non-cyst cells also revealed a similar distribution of the intramembrane particles (IMP) when compared to non-cysts of B. hominis, while the plasma membrane of the cyst form showed practically no IMP. The size and morphology of particle-rich small depressions and smooth small protrusions observed on the P face and E face of non-cyst cells, respectively, were similar to endocytic sites reported for B. hominis. In the present study glycogen was cytochemically demonstrated at the ultrastructural level by an alkaline bismuth staining method in both cyst and non-cyst cells.  相似文献   
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