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Arthropods play a key role in the functioning of forest ecosystems and contribute to biological diversity. However, the influence of current silvicultural practices on arthropod communities is little known in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests, a forest type comprising a major portion of the Canadian boreal forest. In this study, the effects of silvicultural treatments on arthropod communities were compared to identify those treatments that minimize ecological impacts on arthropods. The influence of harvesting techniques and mechanical site preparations on insect family richness and abundance of arthropods (total, by orders and by trophic groups) was examined in young (three-year-old) jack pine plantations of northern Ontario. Each of the following treatments were conducted in three plots: (1) tree length harvest and trenching; (2) full tree harvest and trenching; (3) full tree harvest and blading; and (4) full tree harvest and no site preparation. Arthropods were collected using sweepnets and pitfall traps over two years. Blading significantly reduced insect family richness, the total abundance of arthropods, abundance of Orthoptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, insect larvae, and plant feeders when compared to the other treatments. The use of either full tree or tree length harvesting had similar short-term effects on family richness and the abundance of arthropods. Arthropod diversity declined with increasing post-harvest site disturbance. These results suggest that arthropod communities in the understory and on the ground are reduced most on sites mechanically prepared by blading, but are similar under conditions immediately following either full tree or tree length harvesting. The implications for regenerating jack pine in the boreal forest are discussed.  相似文献   
Aims Deforestation and biodiversity loss are two alarming, closely related problems, and the main factors triggering changes in land use. Indigenous agricultural practices in the western Amazon Basin are known as chakras, and their structure and dynamics are seemingly optimal for forest management. However, the variability in tree species and the degree of forest recovery after abandonment is poorly documented in this agroforestry system (AFS). The goals of this study were: (i) to investigate whether the different AFSs (chakras) preserve similar levels of forest diversity, (ii) to determine the effect of transformation of mature forests (MF) to chakras, in particular, forest alpha and beta diversity levels, and (iii) to investigate whether native tree species recovery leads to the original forest structure following chakra abandonment.  相似文献   
Natural and human‐made disasters such as floods and logging occur in and around rivers. Stream‐dwelling aquatic insects respond to these disturbances in various ways. Primary consumers among them rely greatly on algae and leaf litter from riparian vegetation as food. Therefore, once a disturbance such as a flood has occurred, insects may find it difficult to find food in a stream, and the aquatic insect assemblage can be impacted greatly as a result. Disturbances in riparian areas also increase fine sediment loads into streams, damaging habitat and altering the aquatic insect assemblage. Deforestation impacts not only terrestrial but also aquatic animals. In this review paper, aquatic insect assemblages are assessed according to alterations in land use in and around streams. Following this paper, it is expected that clarification of aquatic insect fauna and their life cycles will progress and that the distribution and habitat use of aquatic insects will be afforded greater attention in forest management.  相似文献   
Summary The emergence of carbon markets has provided a potential source of funding for reforestation projects. However, there is concern amongst ecologists that these markets will promote the establishment of monoculture plantations rather than more diverse restoration plantings, on the assumption that fast‐growing monocultures are likely to store more carbon than restoration plantings. We examined the validity of this assumption for three predominantly rainforest plantation types established in the moist tropical uplands of north‐east Australia: monoculture plantations of native rainforest conifers (n = 5, mean age 13 years); mixed species plantations of rainforest cabinet timber species, rainforest conifers and eucalypts (n = 5, mean age 13 years); and, environmental restoration plantings comprised mostly of a diverse range of rainforest trees (n = 10, mean age 14 years). We found that restoration plantings stored significantly more carbon in above‐ground biomass than monoculture plantations of native conifers (on average, 106 t vs 62 t carbon per ha); and tended to store more carbon than mixed species timber plantations which were intermediate in value (86 t carbon per ha). Carbon stocks were higher in restoration plantings than in monoculture and mixed species plantations for three reasons. First, and most importantly, restoration plantings were more densely stocked than monoculture and mixed species plantations. Second, there were more large diameter trees in restoration plantings than monoculture plantations. Third, the trees used in restoration plantings had a higher average wood density than the conifers used in monoculture plantations. While, on average, wood density was higher in mixed species plantations than restoration plantings, the much higher stocking rate of restoration plantings meant they stored more carbon than mixed species plantations. We conclude that restoration plantings in the moist tropics of north‐east Australia can accumulate relatively high amounts of carbon within two decades of establishment. Comparison with reference rainforest sites suggests that restoration plantings could maintain their high stocking rates (and therefore high biomass) as they develop in future decades. However, because restoration plantings are currently much more expensive to establish than monoculture plantations, restoration plantings are unlikely to be favoured by carbon markets. Novel reforestation techniques and designs are required if restoration plantings are to both provide habitat for rainforest biota and store carbon in biomass at a cost comparable to monoculture plantations.  相似文献   
瑞丽莫里热带雨林种子植物区系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱华  赵见明  李黎  司洪虎   《广西植物》2006,26(4):400-405
初步分析了鲜为人知的滇西南瑞丽莫里的热带雨林植物区系组成与地理成分。该植物区系中热带和主产热带的科占总科数的80%以上,热带分布属占总属数的84.1%;典型热带分布种占总种数的82.1%,该区系在科、属和种水平上均以热带成分占优势,明显属于热带性质的植物区系。在其热带分布属中,又以热带亚洲分布属最多,占总属数的26.5%;典型热带分布种中也以热带亚洲分布及其变型的种占绝对优势,占总种数的72.9%,反映了该植物区系具有热带亚洲植物区系的性质特点。在其热带亚洲成分中,又具体以南亚—大陆东南亚成分比例最高,反映了滇西南的热带雨林植物区系由于地域邻接关系,受印度(喜马拉雅)—缅甸植物区系的强烈影响。  相似文献   
The relationship between phenology and tree stem diameter increment is largely unexplored in tropical species, especially in wet tropical forests. To explore links between these phenomena, we measured stem diameter increment and phenology of ten canopy tree species from a range of functional types in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica to test for seasonal and interannual patterns. We measured stem diameter increment using band dendrometers and visually assessed leaf and reproductive phenology monthly from 1997 to 2000. We categorized the species into groups based on patterns of leaf exchange and reproduction. Species were either deciduous with synchronous or asynchronous leaf drop, or evergreen with continuous or seasonal leaf flushing. Flowering occurred supra-annually, annually, or continuously. Of the ten species studied, four species, Cecropia insignis, Dipteryx panamensis, Lecythis ampla, and Simarouba amara , had consistent seasonal stem diameter increment patterns in both years. Dipteryx panamensis and L. ampla were deciduous with synchronized leaf drop . Cecropia insignis was evergreen and produced new leaves continuously. Simarouba amara , also evergreen, exchanged leaves over a brief period once a year. We tested whether stem diameter increment was correlated to phenology using logistic regression. Leaflessness significantly explained patterns in stem diameter increment but reproductive phenology did not. Deciduous trees were 2.6–9.3 times more likely to grow less than average the month following leaffall than in months when trees had full crowns.  相似文献   
Computer-aided learning (CAL) techniques are now used at many levels of biological education. Many of these CAL programs are written by teachers because suitable material is unavailable. However, the amount of time required for the design and coding of a reliable CAL program can deter many teachers. Any CAL program can be split into two components: the ‘non-educational’ part, for example, program control structures, input–output routines; and the educational material. The ‘non-educational’ component can be organized into a program shell which can then be used with a wide range of biological topics. A program shell, for use on the BBC microcomputer, is described with an example of an application. The example is ‘LINKAGE’, a genetics teaching program.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Use of early successional habitat by mature forest birds during the postfledging period is well documented, but reasons for this habitat shift remain elusive. Although forest‐breeding songbirds are primarily insectivorous during the nestling and early fledgling periods due to high protein requirements, older fledglings may adopt a heavily frugivorous diet. Our objectives were to use stable isotopes to examine the dietary trophic level of juveniles of three species of mature forest songbirds to determine if juvenile songbirds heavily consume fruit resources during the postfledging period and to evaluate a possible link between diet and energetic condition. We collected the outer right rectrix and several body feathers from 34 Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina), 34 Ovenbirds (Seiurus aurocapilla), and 35 Scarlet Tanagers (Piranga olivacea) captured in regenerating clearcuts in southeastern Ohio in 2005 and 2006. We also collected fruit and arthropod samples from each clearcut. Isotopic values of body feathers were significantly higher (more enriched) than those of rectrices in all cases except values of δ13C for Ovenbirds where we found no difference between body and rectrix feathers. These results suggest that juvenile songbirds did not undergo a strong shift to frugivory during the postfledging period, and arthropods were the primary source of protein during the period when rectrix and body feathers were growing. In addition, the energetic condition of birds was not related to the isotopic signature of feathers. Although our results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that juveniles move into regenerating clearcuts enabling them to shift to a primarily frugivorous diet during the postfledging period, they may consume fruit for nonprotein requirements, such as lipids and carbohydrates.  相似文献   
This study is an exercise to check the efficiency of the existing reserve system, and to show how systematic conservation planning—using information available and the complementarity concept—can improve the basis for decisions and minimize costs. We verified the performance, in number of cells and primate species representation, of the existing Atlantic Forest (Brazil) reserve network with a quarter-degree resolution grid, with 1,884 cells. We used occurrence data of 20 endemic primate species, and the maps of 237 existing reserves. Reserve networks were selected to represent primate species first considering no pre-existing reserves in Atlantic Forest, and then, considering the existing reserve system, taking into account the minimum area for viable population of the larger species (Northern muriqui Brachyteles hypoxanthus). Reserve selection was carried out using the complementarity concept implemented by a simulated annealing algorithm. Primate species representation (at least one occurrence in the network) could be achieved with 8% of the existing reserve system (nine cells in relation to the 120 in the existing reserve system). We found that today’s reserve system represents 89% of endemic primate species, excluding the species Coimbra Filho’s titi monkey (Callicebus coimbrai) and Marcgraf’s capuchin (Cebus flavius). The networks selected without considering existing reserves contained nine cells. The networks selected considering existing reserves (120 cells), had two new cells necessary to represent all the primates. This does not mean that a viable alternative is to start from zero (i.e., nonexistent reserves). Identifying critical supplementary areas using biodiversity information to fill the gaps and then starting “conservation in practice” in these areas should be priorities.  相似文献   
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