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黑龙江省库蠓属屋室亚属一新种(双翅目:蠓科)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
报道采自黑龙江省库蠓属屋室亚属一新种;无齿库蠓Culicoides(Oecacta)un-dentaris,sp.nov,模式标本保存于沈阳军区军事医学研究所。  相似文献   
Abstract.  Two experiments were undertaken to estimate the transmission rates of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 1 between a biting midge vector, Culicoides sonorensis (Wirth & Jones) (Ceratopogonidae), and a natural host, sheep. In an experiment to measure the transmission rate from vector to host (V→H), six batches of one, five and 20 intrathoracically infected midges were fed on a total of 18 bluetongue (BT)-naïve sheep. The sheep were then monitored for 21 days for clinical signs of BT, viraemia and antibody response. All sheep fed on by five or 20 midges and five of six sheep fed on by just one midge showed signs of BT, were viraemic and developed antibody. The sixth sheep fed on by a single infected midge did not show signs of BT or have detectable viraemia; it did, however, develop a weak antibody response. A bite from a single infected midge is therefore able to transmit BTV to naïve sheep with 80–100% efficiency. Sheep fed upon by larger numbers of infected midges took less time to reach maximum viraemia and developed stronger antibody responses. Sheep exposed to greater amounts of BTV in feeding midges developed a higher level of viraemia and stronger antibody responses. In a second experiment to measure the transmission rate from host to vector (H→V), batches of up to 500 uninfected female C. sonorensis fed every 1–2 days on two experimentally infected sheep during the course of infection. Of 3929 engorged midges that were individually titrated after surviving the extrinsic incubation period, only 23 (0.6%) were infected with BTV. Viraemia in the sheep extended for up to 19 days post-inoculation. No infected midges, however, were detected from 14 days post-infection.  相似文献   
王光宇  张萌萌  陈立 《昆虫学报》2022,65(3):322-332
[目的]白星花金龟Protaetia brevitarsis是我国经济上重要的农业害虫.本研究拟鉴定苹果、葡萄和玉米3种果实在两种状态(健康与受白星花金龟成虫为害)下的挥发物中能引起白星花金龟雌成虫触角电生理反应的挥发物成分.[方法]采用动态顶空吸附法收集苹果、葡萄和玉米3种果实的挥发物,用气相色谱-触角电位联用技术(...  相似文献   
Abstract Equine encephalosis virus (EEV) is widespread and prevalent in southern Africa. In this study, the oral susceptibility of Culicoides (Avaritia) imicola Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) to EEV was confirmed. In addition, C. (A.) bolitinos Meiswinkel, collected in the high‐lying eastern Free State, South Africa, was systemically infected with the Bryanston serotype of EEV after feeding through a membrane on artificially infected equine blood containing 4.7 log10 PFU/mL of EEV. The mean infectivity of Bryanston virus in C. bolitinos increased from 1.2 log10 PFU/midge, in midges assayed for virus immediately after feeding on the blood‐virus mixture, to 3.1 log10 PFU/midge in midges assayed after 10 days' incubation at 23.5°C. Elevated virus infectivity titres, found in individual infected C. bolitinos, suggested that this Culicoides species is a vector of EEV. This bovine dung‐breeding Culicoides species may play an important role in transmitting EEV in the cooler parts of southern Africa, where it can be the most abundant Culicoides species collected near livestock. In the present study the prevalence of infection obtained for C. bolitinos (2.2%) with the Bryanston serotype of EEV was significantly lower than that of C. imicola (18.4%). After incubation, the Bryanston serotype of EEV was also isolated from one of 110 C. onderstepoortensis Fiedler assayed. However, the virus titre in this midge was 1.2 log10 PFU/midge, which is not different from the titre that would be expected immediately after feeding on the blood‐virus mixture. Culicoides species that survived the incubation period and that were negative for the presence of Bryanston virus were C. magnus Colaço (96), C. bedfordi Ingram & Macfie (95) and C. pycnostictus Ingram & Macfie (45).  相似文献   
Following the first incursion of bluetongue virus (BTV) into Italy, the geographical and seasonal distribution of the biting midge Culicoides imicola Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), the main vector of BTV and African horse sickness virus, was investigated in two regions of central Italy (Lazio and Tuscany). Surveillance of Culicoides was carried out between July 2001 and December 2002 using light traps: 1917 collections were made in 381 trap sites, well distributed across both regions. During the survey, bluetongue outbreaks were recorded in both regions. Culicoides imicola was found in 89 (23%) trap sites, distributed fairly continuously along the whole western coastline, between 41.2697 degrees N and 44.05724 degrees N. It was found only occasionally inland and usually in low abundance, with catches of more than 1000 specimens per night found in only two sample sites and 74% of catches numbering fewer than 10 specimens. Adults were caught from March to mid December, with peaks ranging from the end of August to mid November. The coastal distribution and the presence of only few sites with year-round records of adult vectors suggests that colonization may have occurred recently, by passive wind-dispersal from external source areas (Sardinia and Corsica). Alternatively, the species may occur in established, previously undetected, autochthonous populations that are limited from extension inland and northern-ward within Lazio and Tuscany by cool winter temperatures.  相似文献   
Over the last decade, remote sensing technologies and geographical information systems have moved from the research arena into the hands of vector control specialists. This review explains remote sensing approaches and spatial information technologies used for investigations of arthropod pests and vectors of diseases affecting humans and livestock. Relevant applications are summarized with examples of studies on African horse sickness vector Culicoides midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), malaria vector Anopheles and arbovirus vector culicine mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), leishmaniasis vector Phlebotomus sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae), trypanosomiasis vector tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae), loaiasis vector Chrysops (Diptera: Tabanidae), Lyme disease vector Ixodes and other ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). Methods and their uses are tabulated and discussed with recommendations for efficiency, caution and progress in this burgeoning field.  相似文献   
Understanding the demographic history and genetic make‐up of colonizing species is critical for inferring population sources and colonization routes. This is of main interest for designing accurate control measures in areas newly colonized by vector species of economically important pathogens. The biting midge Culicoides imicola is a major vector of orbiviruses to livestock. Historically, the distribution of this species was limited to the Afrotropical region. Entomological surveys first revealed the presence of C. imicola in the south of the Mediterranean basin by the 1970s. Following recurrent reports of massive bluetongue outbreaks since the 1990s, the presence of the species was confirmed in northern areas. In this study, we addressed the chronology and processes of C. imicola colonization in the Mediterranean basin. We characterized the genetic structure of its populations across Mediterranean and African regions using both mitochondrial and nuclear markers, and combined phylogeographical analyses with population genetics and approximate Bayesian computation. We found a west/east genetic differentiation between populations, occurring both within Africa and within the Mediterranean basin. We demonstrated that three of these groups had experienced demographic expansions in the Pleistocene, probably because of climate changes during this period. Finally, we showed that C. imicola could have colonized the Mediterranean basin in the Late Pleistocene or Early Holocene through a single event of introduction; however, we cannot exclude the hypothesis involving two routes of colonization. Thus, the recent bluetongue outbreaks are not linked to C. imicola colonization event, but rather to biological changes in the vector or the virus.  相似文献   
白星花金龟成虫肠道细菌的分离鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的自星花金龟是我国北方常见腐食性昆虫,为了利用其腐食性行为转化处理有机垃圾、畜禽粪便及农作物秸杆等农业有机废弃物资源,并探索其中肠消化的微生态机制,而对其肠道细菌进行系统研究。方法从白星花金龟成虫肠道中无菌操作分离获得5株细菌,对其菌体形态、培养性状、染色反应、生理生化反应等进行鉴定及数量测定。结果白星花金龟成虫肠道的5个细菌菌株分别属于气球菌属(Aerococcus)、短状杆菌属(Brachybacterium)、棍状杆菌属(Clavibacter)、李斯特菌属(Listeria)、皮杆菌属(Dermabacter),以皮杆菌属和棍状杆菌属数量最多,分别为1.3×10^7和1.0×10^7;其次为短状杆菌属和气球菌属,分别为8×10^6和5×10^6;李斯特菌属数量最少,为7×10^5。结论各菌株之间细菌数量存在明显差异,以皮杆菌属细菌数量最多,分离未获得真菌和放线菌。  相似文献   
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has shown promise in species identification of insect species. We evaluated its potential to consistently characterize laboratory-reared biting midges of the species Culicoides nubeculosus (Meigen) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Twenty-one reproducible potential biomarker masses for C. nubeculosus were identified under different experimental treatments. These treatments included the homogenization of insects in either water or known concentrations of formic acid. The biomarker masses were present independent of age, gender and different periods of storage of individuals in 70% ethanol (a standard preservation method). It was found that the presence of blood in females reduced the intensity of the MALDI-TOF pattern, necessitating the removal of the abdomen before analysis. The protein profiles of a related non-biting midge, Forcipomyia sp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), and of Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes were also examined and were distinctly different. These findings provide preliminary data to optimize future studies in differentiation of species within the Culicoides genus using MALDI-TOF MS which is a rapid, simple, reliable and cost-effective technique.  相似文献   
本研究基于几何形态学测量分析方法对库蠓亚属6种库蠓(渐灰库蠓Culicoides grisescens、光胸库蠓Culicoides impunctatus、日本库蠓Culicoides nipponensis、灰黑库蠓Culicoides pulicaris、刺螫库蠓Culicoides punctatus、天祥库蠓Culicoides tienhsiangensis)的翅脉形态进行定量分析,以探讨6种库蠓种间的亲缘关系。首先对库蠓亚属6种、24头标本翅脉使用几何形态学标点法标记12个地标点,并通过普氏叠加、典型变量分析法、聚类分析法等对6种库蠓翅进行比较分析以及种间亲缘关系探讨。结果显示,翅形变化与亲缘关系结果一致,即6种库蠓的翅形均有显著差异(P<0.05),其中光胸库蠓和渐灰库蠓的翅形变化最小,亲缘关系最近,而日本库蠓与其他5种库蠓的翅形变化最大,亲缘关系最远。初步证实了几何形态学能够做为一种辅助工具对蠓科昆虫进行种间关系及分类研究。  相似文献   
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