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Phytosociological characteristics and a rate of endangerment of the salt marsh vegetation in central and southern parts of the east Adriatic coast were studied. A total of 73 vegetation relevés were made and elaborated according to the standard procedures of the Braun-Blanquet method. Numerical analysis of the relevés and life forms was performed. Two associations of the class Arthrocnemetea-Puccinellio festuciformis-Arthrocnemetum fruticosi and Limonio-Artemisietum coerulescentis were recorded, together with the association Juncetum maritimo-acuti of the class Juncetea maritimi. These associations show no significant differentiation with regard to their floristic composition, but only in terms of particular species cover and frequency rates, as well as by life forms and microecological habitat conditions. These are specific habitats, rarely found in the studied area, and highly threatened by human activity (tourism, agriculture).  相似文献   
Phaseolus vulgaris is a legume indigenous to America which is currently cultivated in Europe including countries located at the Southeast of this continent, such as Croatia, where several local landraces are cultivated, most of them of Andean origin. In this work we identify at species and symbiovar levels several fast-growing strains able to form effective symbiosis with P. vulgaris in different Croatian soils. The identification at species level based on MALDI-TOF MS and core gene sequence analysis showed that most of these strains belong to the species R. leguminosarum, R. hidalgonense and R. pisi. In addition, several strains belong to putative new species phylogenetically close to R. ecuadorense and R. sophoriradicis. All Croatian strains belong to the symbiovar phaseoli and harbour the α and γ nodC alleles typical for American strains of this symbiovar. Nevertheless, most of Croatian strains harboured the γ nodC gene allele supporting its Andean origin since it is also dominant in other European countries, where Andean cultivars of P. vulgaris are traditionally cultivated, as occurs in Spain. The only strains harbouring the α nodC allele belong to R. hidalgonense and R. pisi, this last only containing the symbiovars viciae and trifolii to date. This is the first report about the presence in Europe of the species R. hidalgonense, the nodulation of P. vulgaris by R. pisi and the existence of the symbiovar phaseoli within this species. These results significantly increase the knowledge of the biogeography of Rhizobium-P. vulgaris symbiosis.  相似文献   
During the 10-year survey (1996–2005), a total of 868 blood samples from different game species in Croatia were analyzed for the presence of leptospiral antibodies. The specific antibodies (AB) were detected in 242 samples (27.88%). According to the species in red deer (Cervus elaphus), the antibodies against six different leptospiral serovars were found in 43 of 226 analyzed sera (19.02%). The most frequent antigen serovars in the deer population were Pomona and Ballum (with the same frequency of 23.6%), whereas the highest titer was recorded for serovar Sejroe (1:800). In the analyzed roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) serum samples, a low level of leptospiral antibodies (6.07%) was determined, with just two AB for antigen serovars—Australis and Sejroe. In wild boar (Sus scrofa), leptospiral antibodies were detected in 151 of 431 samples analyzed (35.03%), with AB for nine antigen serovars. The serovars most frequently found were Australis (48.70%) and Pomona (22.70%), and these serovars also recorded the highest titer (1:3,200). Among brown bear (Ursus arctos) samples, leptospiral antibodies were detected in 25.00% of the samples, with four AB for antigen serovars, of which the most frequent was Icterohaemorrhagiae (>40%). This serovar had the highest recorded titer (1:400). From 112 analyzed red fox (Vulpes vulpes) samples, leptospiral antibodies were found in 35 samples (31.25%). The determined antibodies were specific for four antigen serovars, of which the most frequent (46.2%) and with highest titer (1:1600) was serovar Australis. No antibodies (28/0) were recorded in mouflon (Ovis musimon). The most important game species from an epizootiological point of view in the studied area were certainly wild boar and red foxes. With strong serological reactions, these two species could be emphasized as important hosts for Leptospira interrogans sv. Australis in Croatia, but for their declaration as ‘maintaining hosts,’ isolation of sv. Australis is needed. According to aerial distribution, the highest number of positive samples from different game species was recorded in the central and eastern parts of Croatia, known as the ‘historical natural foci’ of leptospirosis—the regions of Posavina, Podravina, Slavonija, and Baranja. In contrast, the areas of Kordun and Gorski Kotar are declared as leptospira low-risk regions for the game species studied.  相似文献   
Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) japonicus japonicus (Theobald, 1901) has recently established across North America and Central Europe. A 3‐year survey was conducted in northwestern Croatian regions from 2013 to 2015 using mosquito ovitraps at possible points of entry and house yards, occasionally complemented by larval collections from cemetery vases. In the first year, the survey investigated the county bordering Slovenia, where the first detection of Ae. j. japonicus had taken place on 28 August 2013. During the next 2 years, Ae. j. japonicus was detected in this area from early May until late October. In 2015, several counties further to the east were included in the survey, leading to the detection of Ae. j. japonicus approximately 100 km eastward from the initially surveyed region. Given a moderate continental climate and homogeneous climatic conditions in this part of Europe, the eastward spread of Ae. j. japonicus can be expected to continue.  相似文献   
During the analysis of alien and invasive flora of Europe, as a threat to biodiversity, data for Croatia were missing. The aim of our research was to analyse distributional patterns and range size of all invasive alien plants (64) for the state area (57,000 km2). They were detected on 49% of the state territory, averaging five taxa per 35 km2. The greatest number of invasive plants (> 30 per grid cell) was recorded in the major urban centres, increasing in the south-east direction and reflecting positive correlation with temperature and negative with altitude. The most endangered areas are in the Mediterranean region, especially on islands. The number of invasive plants increased with habitat diversity and almost 75% of all sites with invasive plants are located within a few habitats with direct anthropogenic influence. The results should provide a reliable regional and global basis for strategic planning regarding invasive alien plants management.  相似文献   
A new geophilomorph centipede, Geophilus hadesi sp. n., is described from caves in the Velebit Mountain, central Croatia. Together with Geophilus persephones Foddai & Minelli, 1999, described from Pierre Saint-Martin cave in France, they are the only two remarkably troglomorphic geophilomorphs hitherto known. The new species apparently belongs to a group of Geophilus species inhabiting mainly Western and Southern Europe, with a uniquely modified pretarsus in the second maxillae. Geophilus hadesi sp. n. shows unusual traits, some of which commonly found in troglobitic arthropods, including exceptionally elongated antennae, trunk segments and leg claws. The species is described upon specimens found in two caves at a depth below -250 m. Another two specimens apparently belonging to the same species have been recorded in another deep vertical cave at -980 m and -1100 m. The latter represents the world’s deepest record of Chilopoda as a whole.  相似文献   
A chub of previously ambiguous identity from the Boljunscica and Pazincica rivers (south-eastern Istra Peninsula) was studied and compared with geographically close Squalius squalus, Squalius zrmanja, and Squalius janae recently described from the Dragonja River drainage in the Adriatic Sea basin in Slovenia. It was shown that the chub from the south-eastern Istra Peninsula differs from all know species of Squalius but one: Squalius janae. Three samples examined from Boljunscica and Pazincica rivers and Squalius janae from its type locality, Dragonja River, show the following characters typical for the latter species: a long head (the head length 27–32% SL); a pointed conical snout with a clearly projecting upper jaw; a long straight mouth cleft, the lower jaw length (39–45% HL) exceeding the caudal peduncle depth; a large eye; commonly 9? branched anal-fin rays; commonly 44 total vertebrae (24+20 or 25+19); bright silvery colouration, scales easily lost; iris, pectoral, pelvic and anal fin pigmentation with yellow shades. The data on the distribution of Squalius chubs in the northern Adriatic basin support the assumption that the range of Squalius janae is determined by the geology of the Trieste Flysch Basin and the Pazin Flysch Basin forming the base of the Istra Peninsula. The distribution pattern of this species does not support a simple model of fish dispersal and a complete connectivity within the whole Palaeo-Po historical drainage. Indeed, it indicates a disrupted surface palaeohydrography that was heavily fragmented by karstification in the whole Dinaric area.  相似文献   
Tritomurus velessp. n. (Tomoceridae) is described from a Croatian cave. It is characterized by troglomorphic features (absence of eyes, reduced pigmentation, slender claw, pointed tibiotarsal tenent hairs) that only compare, among Tomoceridae, to the microendemic species Tritomurus falcifer from the Pyrénées. Tritomurus veles also shares with Tritomurus falcifer the absence of macrochaetae on head, a presumably non-adaptive character that within Tomoceridae is unique to these two species. Both species have no known epigean relatives in their respective distribution areas and can be considered as relictual.  相似文献   
Asperula visianii Korica is described as a new stenoendemic species from the small Central Dalmatian island of Svetac (near Vis). It differs in several morphological features (which remain constant in cultivation) and in its ecology from the closely relatedA. staliana Vis., endemic on the nearby island of Bievo.
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