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Catapyrenium pyrenaicum is described as new from northern Spain and adjacent France, and the new combinationCatapyrenium velebiticum is made. The new species differs fromC. velebiticum mainly in its laminal pycnidia. Remarks on taxonomy, ecology, and distribution of the species are given.  相似文献   

A new association, Chrysopogono grylli-Nerietum oleandri, situated in the south of Croatia, is proposed. According to its floristic structure, physiognomy and ecology, it belongs to the Rubo ulmifolii-Nerion oleandri alliance (Tamaricetalia, Nerio-Tamaricetea). It is the only association with Nerium oleander in Croatia. This community has developed along a temporary watercourse as a vegetation exclave (extrazonal stand) within the climazonal evergreen forest vegetation of the Oleo-Ceratonion alliance. The association has a thermophilous character and a large number of companions from the Quercetalia ilicis and Scorzonero-Chrysopogonetalia communities. This report compares the floristic composition of this association with others of the Rubo ulmifolii-Nerion oleandri alliance from other Mediterranean areas. The Croatian association is most similar to the Spartio-Nerietum oleandri association from the Ionian side of Calabria (south Italy). The syntaxonomic status of the Montenegrin association Andropogono distachyi-Nerietum oleandri was determined, and the status of the stands with Nerium oleander is discussed.  相似文献   
Populations of endemic Croatian dace were found to belong to two different species, one of which is first described in this study. Telestes karsticus sp. nov. differed morphologically from Telestes polylepis in the total count of lateral line scales, number of gill rakers and the shape of the posterior margin of the anal fin. Morphological differences were corroborated with mtDNA analyses (with p-distance between T. polylepis and T. karsticus sp. nov. ranging between 3·2 and 4·1%; and the number of substitutions between 37 and 47). The newly described species is geographically very localized. It has been recorded from only four localities around Velika Kapela and Mala Kapela mountains in Croatia.  相似文献   
We present 914 records of Croatian Orthoptera, representing 124 taxa from 178 localities. The list is compiled based on the Hungarian Natural History Museum collections, private collections, and authors’ observations. The first faunistical records for Croatia are given for a bush-cricket (Leptophyes intermedia), two crickets (Modicogryllus truncatus, Oecanthus dulcisonans), and a grasshopper species (Epacromius tergestinus).  相似文献   
《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(1):77-80
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a highly adaptable omnivorous mammal distributed across all continents on the northern hemisphere. Although the red fox is present throughout Europe, where it plays an important ecological and socio-economic role not only as a game species but also as a rabies reservoir, few studies have examined its population-level mitochondrial DNA variability. In this study, 27 mitochondrial DNA control region haplotypes were identified in 229 red fox samples taken from four regions in Croatia. Haplotype diversity of Croatian red foxes (0.901) was found to be among the highest of all European red fox populations studied to date. Genetic differentiation among regions was quite low, and statistically significant estimates of differentiation were obtained only when comparing the population from the peninsular region of Istria with the three continental populations. It seems that landscape barriers like rivers and small mountains do not restrict gene flow among foxes in the continental part of Croatia, while the combination of a narrow land bridge and altitudes exceeding 1000 m limit fox migration between Istria and the rest of the continent. Better understanding of small-scale population structure will require analysis of highly variable nuclear markers like microsatellites.  相似文献   
We describe a new autumnal caddisfly species Chaetopteryx bucarisp. n. from 8 localities in the Banovina region of Croatia. We also present molecular, taxonomic and ecological notes (emergence, sex ratio and seasonal dynamics) on the new species and discuss the distribution of Chaetopteryx species in general and the Chaetopteryx rugulosa group in particular. Based on Bayesian phylogenetic analysis Chaetopteryx rugulosa schmidi was separated from the clade containing the other subspecies of Chaetopteryx rugulosa. Thus the subspecies Chaetopteryx rugulosa schmidi is here raised to species level, Chaetopteryx schmidi, as it was described originally. We further present distribution data on rare species in the genus Chaetopteryx in Croatia.  相似文献   
Although the fens and bogs of Croatia have already been acknowledged as the nation’s most endangered habitats by Croatia’s National Strategy on Biodiversity Protection, the situation continues to become worse rather than better. Fens and bogs are still rapidly deteriorating and even disappearing. A primary factor appears to be changes in climate since original formation of these peatlands, particularly in recent times. This results in progressive changes in vegetation and finally overgrowth of these habitats by forest vegetation. In many cases human activities, whether directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, have also led to destruction of such habitats. Looking at all mire types as a whole, acidophilous mires are now nearly extinct in Croatia. Basophilous fens are endangered but not critically so. This is because alkaline waters and associated mineral deposits are relatively widespread through Croatia. Some species have already disappeared from the Croatian flora. The status of other mire plant species is doubtful because there are no records for them in recent decades, while it seems very likely that some of the known surviving species could be lost from Croatia in the near future.  相似文献   
During the 10-year survey (1996–2005), a total of 868 blood samples from different game species in Croatia were analyzed for the presence of leptospiral antibodies. The specific antibodies (AB) were detected in 242 samples (27.88%). According to the species in red deer (Cervus elaphus), the antibodies against six different leptospiral serovars were found in 43 of 226 analyzed sera (19.02%). The most frequent antigen serovars in the deer population were Pomona and Ballum (with the same frequency of 23.6%), whereas the highest titer was recorded for serovar Sejroe (1:800). In the analyzed roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) serum samples, a low level of leptospiral antibodies (6.07%) was determined, with just two AB for antigen serovars—Australis and Sejroe. In wild boar (Sus scrofa), leptospiral antibodies were detected in 151 of 431 samples analyzed (35.03%), with AB for nine antigen serovars. The serovars most frequently found were Australis (48.70%) and Pomona (22.70%), and these serovars also recorded the highest titer (1:3,200). Among brown bear (Ursus arctos) samples, leptospiral antibodies were detected in 25.00% of the samples, with four AB for antigen serovars, of which the most frequent was Icterohaemorrhagiae (>40%). This serovar had the highest recorded titer (1:400). From 112 analyzed red fox (Vulpes vulpes) samples, leptospiral antibodies were found in 35 samples (31.25%). The determined antibodies were specific for four antigen serovars, of which the most frequent (46.2%) and with highest titer (1:1600) was serovar Australis. No antibodies (28/0) were recorded in mouflon (Ovis musimon). The most important game species from an epizootiological point of view in the studied area were certainly wild boar and red foxes. With strong serological reactions, these two species could be emphasized as important hosts for Leptospira interrogans sv. Australis in Croatia, but for their declaration as ‘maintaining hosts,’ isolation of sv. Australis is needed. According to aerial distribution, the highest number of positive samples from different game species was recorded in the central and eastern parts of Croatia, known as the ‘historical natural foci’ of leptospirosis—the regions of Posavina, Podravina, Slavonija, and Baranja. In contrast, the areas of Kordun and Gorski Kotar are declared as leptospira low-risk regions for the game species studied.  相似文献   
Tufa deposits from four separate occurrences in the Dinaric Karst of Croatia were characterized with respect to mineralogy, geochemistry and activity of radionuclides. Three of the specimens are of Holocene age, formed during Atlantic, Subboreal and present climate. Two locations (Plitvice Lakes and Krka River) have previously been studied. Two locations (Mrenica and Slunjica rivers) have not attracted scientific research yet. The major mineral in tufa is calcite. Minor minerals are quartz and dolomite, depending on location. Geochemistry of selected stream sediments (f <63 m) from the Dinaric Karst was presented for comparison with tufa. Provided statistically significant number of samples studied, the ratios 238U/226Ra, 238U/232Th and 137Cs may provide tighter constraints on the paleoenvironment. It is suggested to be used in comparison of different world tufas. In general terms it is discussed a hypothesis that relates the occurrence of tufas to atmospheric pCO2 and climate conditions. In addition, the needs for future multidisciplinary research on tufa formation are discussed, because there are several other important parameters dependent on climate, which still have to be studied.  相似文献   
An in-feed 0.6% ivermectin formulation was administered for 7 days to wild boar piglets at three sites of the Moslavina hunting ground in Croatia. Examination of internal organs and skin of five piglets that died immediately before the start of administration of the ivermectin formulation revealed the presence of Metastrongylus apri and Metastrongylus pudendotectus in the lungs, and of Ascarops strongylina, Physocephalus sexalatus and Globocephalus urosubulatusin in the gastrointestinal tract. Coccidial oocysts were found in the feces of all animals. Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis was identified in the skin of four piglets. The efficacy of treatment was assessed by examining fecal samples before start of therapy (day 0) and on days 7 and 14. Before treatment strongylid-type eggs were detected in 70–100% of fecal samples (210–505 EpG) The eggs of Strongyloides ransomi, Trichuris suis, Ascaris suum, Ascarops strongylina and Physocephalus sexalatus were identified in 10–50% of fecal samples at an intensity of 5–45 EpG. On day 14 after the start of the treatment, strongylid-type eggs were detected in 10% of fecal samples from one of the three sites only. Eggs of other helminth species were not detected at any of the three sites. This confirmed the successful therapeutic efficacy of the in-feed 0,6% ivermectin formulation.  相似文献   
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