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Summary Using the patch-clamp technique, we recorded whole-cell calcium current from isolated cardiac myocytes dissociated from the apical ventricles of 7-day and 14-day chick embryos. In 70% of 14-day cells after 24 hr in culture, two component currents could be separated from totalI Ca activated from a holding potential (V h) of –80 mV. L-type current (I L) was activated by depolarizing steps fromV h –30 or –40 mV. The difference current (I T) was obtained by subtractingI L, fromI Ca.I T could also be distinguished pharmacologically fromI L in these cells.I T was selectively blocked by 40–160 m Ni2+, whereasI L was suppressed by 1 m D600 or 2 m nifedipine. The Ni2+-resistant and D600-resistant currents had activation thresholds and peak voltages that were near those ofI T andI L defined by voltage threshold, and resembled those in adult mammalian heart. In 7-day cells,I T andI L could be distinguished by voltage threshold in 45% (S cells), while an additional 45% of 7-day cells were nonseparable (NS) by activation voltage threshold. Nonetheless, in mostNS cells,I Ca was partly blocked by Ni2+ and by D600 given separately, and the effects were additive when these agents were given together. Differences among the cells in the ability to separateI T andI L by voltage threshold resulted largely from differences in the position of the steady-state inactivation and activation curves along the voltage axis. In all cells at both ages in which the steady-state inactivation relation was determined with a double-pulse protocol, the half-inactivation potential (V 1/2) of the Ni2+-resistant currentI L averaged –18 mV. In contrast,V 1/2 of the Ni2+-sensitiveI T was –60 mV in 14-day cells, –52 mV in 7-dayS cells, and –43 mV in 7-day NS cells. The half-activation potential was near –2 mV forI L at both ages, but that ofI T was –38 mV in 14-day and –29 mV in 7-day cells. Maximal current density was highly variable from cell to cell, but showed no systematic differences between 7-day and 14-day cells. These results indicate that the main developmental change that occurs in the components ofI Ca is a negative shift with, embryonic age in the activation and inactivation relationships ofI T along the voltage axis.  相似文献   
Tamminga  G. H. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):107-117
In Lake Volkerak, situated in the southwest of the Netherlands, downward settling fluxes are related to external inputs of suspended solids and wind action. The settling fluxes, measured using sediment traps, were 55 g (dw) m –2 d –1 on average. The ratio of metal concentration to scandium concentration was used to discriminate between external (polluted) suspended solids and internal (relatively clean) suspended solids. Generally, the contribution of the river suspended solids was small compared to that of resuspended material; the river-transported material was mainly deposited in the centre and to the east of the lake. The amount of material trapped increased substantially with increasing wind velocity.A simple model was used to interpretate the data. This model does not have a predictive capacity, but can be used to interpret and assess the significance of material retained in the sediment traps. Erosion was related to the wind velocity, using an empirical relationship between the orbital velocity of the wind-generated waves at the bottom and the wind velocity. The critical wind velocity for erosion to occur was estimated to be 5.5 m s–1. The extremely high amounts retained in the sediment traps in shallow areas during storms emphasised the importance of these wind conditions for the transport of fine sediments.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of cyclic GMP (cGMP), carbachol and diltiazem on a potassium-selective, delayed-rectifier current in freshly dissociated rabbit corneal epithelial cells were studied using a modified perforated-patch-clamp technique. The current was stimulated by both 500 m cGMP (2.3–4.5-fold, mean = 2.9) and 250 nm carbachol, a muscarinic agonist (1.12–7.04-fold, mean = 3.8), and the stimulated current was totally blocked by diltiazem (10 m). The effects of cGMP appeared to be, at least in part, different from those of carbachol as they required the presence of external calcium. Single-channel data suggest that cGMP and carbachol activate the potassium current by increasing the open probability of the channel via a second-messenger system and that the action of diltiazem is probably through a direct blocking effect on the open channel.We are grateful to Erika Wohlfiel for secretarial help, Helen Hendrickson for cell preparation, and Joan Rae for software development. The work was supported by NIH grants EY06005 and EY03282 and an unrestricted award from Research to Prevent Blindness.  相似文献   
The thermographic method for determining specific absorption rate (SAR) in animals and models of tissues or bodies exposed to electromagnetic fields was applied to the problem of quantifying the current distribution in homogeneous bodies of arbitrary shape exposed to 60-Hz electric fields. The 60-Hz field exposures were simulated by exposing scale models of high electrical conductivity to 57.3-MHz VHF fields of high strength in a large 3.66 × 3.66 × 2.44-m TE101 mode resonant cavity. After exposure periods of 2–30 s, the models were quickly disassembled so that the temperature distribution (maximum value up to 7 °C) along internal cross-sectional planes of the model could be recorded thermographically. The SAR, W′, calculated from the temperature changes at any point in the scale model was used to determine the SAR, W, for a full-scale model exposed to a 60-Hz electric field of the same strength by the relation W = (60/ f2 · (σ′/σ) · W′ where f′ is the model exposure frequency, σ′ is the conductivity of the scale model at the VHF exposure frequency, and σ is the conductivity of the full-scale subject at 60 Hz. The SAR was used to calculate either the electric field strength or the current density for the full-scale subject. The models were used to simulate the exposure of the full-scale subject located either in free space or in contact with a conducting ground plane. Measurements made on a number of spheroidal models with axial ratios from 1 to 10 and conductivity from 1 to 10 s/m agreed well with theoretical predictions. Maximum current densities of 200 nA/cm2 predicted in the ankles of man models and 50 nA/cm2 predicted in the legs of pig models exposed to 60-Hz fields at 1kV/m agreed well with independent measurements on full-scale models.  相似文献   
Summary Studies were conducted in 22 non-calcareous soils (India) to evaluate various extractants,viz. (6N HCl, 0.1N HCl, EDTA (NH4)2CO3, EDTA NH4OAc, DTPA+CaCl2 and 1M MgCl2) to find critical levels of soil and plant Zn for green gram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.). The order of extractability by the different extractants was 6N HCl>0.1N HCl>EDTA (NH4)2CO3<EDTA NH4OAc DTPA+CaCl2>1M MgCl2. Critical levels of 0.48 ppm DTPA × CaCl2 extractable Zn, 0.80 ppm EDTA NH4OAc extractable Zn, 0.70 ppm EDTA (NH4)2CO3 extractable Zn, and 2.2 ppm 0.1N HCl extractable Zn were estimated for the soils tested. The critical Zn concentration in 6 weeks old plants was found to be 19 ppm. The 0.1N HCl method gave the best correlation (r=0.588**) between extractable Zn and Bray's per cent yield, while with DTPA+CaCl2, it was slightly low (r=0.542**). The DTPA + CaCl2 method gave significant (r=0.73**) correlation with plant Zn concentration. The 0.1N HCl gave the higher correlation with Zn uptake (r=0.661**) than DTPA (r=0.634**) 6N HCl and 1M MgCl2 method gave nonsignificant positive relationship with Bray's per cent yield. For noncalcareous soils apart from the common use of DTPA+CaCl2, 0.1N HCl can also be used for predicting soil available Zn. The use of 0.1N HCl would be much cheaper than DTPA and other extractants used in the study.  相似文献   
To resolve the taxonomic relationship between two types of parasitic nematode larvae (Type I and II) and two species of parasitic nematode adults (Anisakis simplex and A. physeteris) of the aquatic ascarid genus Anisakis, collected in Japanese coastal water, a comparison was made of their hemoglobins' physicochemical properties. The larval hemoglobins were more similar to each other in electrophoretic pattern than to either adult, indeed there were few similarities whatsoever in these patterns of larval and adult hemoglobins. However, isoelectric points were 6.2 for the Type I larva and for A. simplex and 5.4 for the Type II larva and for A. physeteris. All samples showed identical patterns in spectrophotometric scanning. The circular dichroic spectra of the samples were also virtually identical, although slight differences were noted in the oxygenated hemoglobins; the Type II larva and A. physeteris exhibited a small positive peak at 575 nm but the Type I larva and A. simplex exhibited a much smaller peak (negative position). The sedimentation coefficients of the samples possessed essentially identical values (11.2–12.4). The molecular weights of the samples were estimated, roughly, to be in the range 33 to 43 × 104 by thin-layer chromatography on Sephadex G-200. The evidence suggests that a relationship may exist between the Type I larva and A. simplex, and between the Type II larva and A. physeteris.  相似文献   
Simone Pouyet  Louis David 《Geobios》1979,12(6):763-817
Systematic revision of the genus Steginoporella: until now about eighty species were described. Only twenty recent species and thirty-four fossil ones are maintained. Several species and subspecies are new.The main interest of this revision is to establish a biostratigraphical scale: the settlement of this scale is based on the known stratigraphical distribution and on an attempt of phylogeny.The second advantage is ecological: all recent species live in marine tropical environment. The Steginoporella are good paleoecological indicators.At last, the establishment of a paleobiogeography, even incomplete and not definitive, allows to understand more easily recent distribution of Steginoporella connected with the great events of earth evolution.  相似文献   
New topics on ecology and systematics of recent and fossil Lingulids lead to an obvious revision of our knowledges on this zoological group. At first, the recent species need systematics and taxonomy on the bases of new described specific criteria (as, morphology of deltidial areas, muscle disposition); the results are briefly indicated. But, in fossil species, disorder and disparity of used characteristics are emphasized.The general conceiving on ecology of Lingulids are reviewed and discussed, especially on bathymetry and salinity; sediment and oxygenation conditions; taphocoenosis and lingulid «communities. On recent species, all these points are also studied, especially some ecological requirements (salinity, bathymetry, grain size), and mechanism of burrowing ability, burrow living positions in the sediments, as shell preservations after death and fossilization, to facilitate the paleobiotope interpretations. Recent animals are euryhalin, surviving at salinities from about 13 to 42‰; they could be considered as well adapted to waters with strong salinity fluctuations. They show preference to fine sand bottoms (lowest particle size about 40–60 μm). Their bathymetric distribution occurs between 0 and about 500 m (Lingula especially between 5–50 m; Glottidia 15–70 m). The isotherms 8–10°C seem to restrict their geographical and bathymetric distribution.Therefore, some post-palaeozoic lingulid bedsare studied or redescribed on the bases of the above discussed characteristics, and new interpretations on the environmental situation are given (Trias of Vosges Mountains; Oligocene from Japan; Eocene of London Basin). More caution must be used in study of fossil Lingulids that are not especially animals living in infralittoral bottoms with low salinity and deficient oxygenation, as generally accepted.  相似文献   
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