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The purpose of this study is to develop a system capable of performing calculation of temporal gait parameters using two low-cost wireless accelerometers and artificial intelligence-based techniques as part of a larger research project for conducting human gait analysis. Ten healthy subjects of different ages participated in this study and performed controlled walking tests. Two wireless accelerometers were placed on their ankles. Raw acceleration signals were processed in order to obtain gait patterns from characteristic peaks related to steps. A Bayesian model was implemented to classify the characteristic peaks into steps or nonsteps. The acceleration signals were segmented based on gait events, such as heel strike and toe-off, of actual steps. Temporal gait parameters, such as cadence, ambulation time, step time, gait cycle time, stance and swing phase time, simple and double support time, were estimated from segmented acceleration signals. Gait data-sets were divided into two groups of ages to test Bayesian models in order to classify the characteristic peaks. The mean error obtained from calculating the temporal gait parameters was 4.6%. Bayesian models are useful techniques that can be applied to classification of gait data of subjects at different ages with promising results  相似文献   
目的:观察琥珀酸索利那新片治疗膀胱过度活动症的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析我科收治的膀胱过度活动症患者共90例,所有患者均符合由中华医学会泌尿外科分会尿控学组制定的《膀胱过度活动症临床指导原则》。其中43例患者采用酒石酸托特罗定片治疗并设为对照组,47例患者采用琥珀酸索利那新片治疗并设为观察组,对比两组患者用药前后排尿症状和尿动力学参数变化、膀胱过度活动症症状评分表(OABSS评分)和前列腺症状评分(IPSS评分)变化以及不良反应发生率对比情况。结果:观察组患者用药后平均24 h尿急次数、平均24 h排尿次数均明显低于对照组,最大尿流率(Qmax)、初始尿意容量(FDV)、最大膀胱压容量(MCBC)均明显高于对照组,两组患者以上指标相比较,差异均有显著性(P0.05);两组患者用药后OABSS评分和IPSS评分均有所下降,但是两组相比,差异不具有显著性(P0.05);3两组患者用药后均有不同程度的不良反应,其中口干症状患者比例具有差异性(P0.05)。结论:琥珀酸索利那新片治疗膀胱过度活动症疗效确切,安全性高。  相似文献   
For spherical particles randomly dispersed in the space of a specimen the estimators of the parameters of the space structure from the measurements obtained from extraction replicas are given. First an arbitrary form of the probability density function f(x) of the diameter X and then the generalized RAYLEIGH and lognormal distributions of X are considered. Unbiased estimators of the space parameters and of parameters of these distributions are found. The variances of these estimators are given and unbiased estimators of these variances are determined.  相似文献   
Skull base height increases significantly with better nutrition and health conditions, as seen in comparing 163 nineteenth to twentieth century dissecting-room skeletons (Terry Collection) with 237 modern American middle-class adults (forensic and willed skeletons). The increase parallels the change in pelvic inlet depth index, known to respond sensitively to nutrition, and in stature, and is over six times greater than the general skull size change. Skull base height (porion-basion) is easy to measure with depth gauge and sliding caliper, or by subtraction, and is in adults a sensitive indicator of childhood growth stress.  相似文献   
Phenotypic evolutionary rates were measured for craniometric characters in five extant closely related OTUs from the bat genus Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae): M. myotis, M. blythii oxygnathus, M. b. omari, M. b. blythii, and M. nattereri using Lynch’s and Gingerich’s approaches. Cranial shape appeared to be more conservative than cranial size. Estimates for evolutionary rates were found to be lower than expected if the divergence had been produced solely by mutation and random drift. So, it can be concluded that stabilizing selection was the principal factor that maintained craniometric characters during the evolution of the studied species and prevented their greater diversification. The observed differences between the OTUs could be established by random drift or directional selection of rather moderate intensity. The rates of divergence between the ancestors of M. nattereri and the common ancestors of M. blythii and M. myotis apparently were higher than the rates of following divergence between M. myotis, M. b. oxygnathus, M. b. omari and M. b. blythii.  相似文献   
Flight initiation was analysed in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria L. using conventional and high‐speed video systems. Flight was initiated by three methods: normal jump, free fall and controlled catapult. Parameters evaluated were time from release to wing‐opening, body angle, speed, height gain, wing‐opening, initial wing‐beat frequency. Fastest wing‐opening occurred following a normal jump. A catapult device allowed manipulation of the launching parameters: speed and angles at launching. It appeared that in an artificially catapulted start there was a minimum speed (v > 0.75 m/s) required to initiate flight. However, under free‐fall conditions a mean speed of v = 0.6 m/s at wing‐opening was observed. When the different parameters of the controlled catapult start were equal to those for normal jump then the time to wing‐opening was found to be extended for the catapult launch. However, other parameters were not affected, occasionally even a ‘kick in air’ was observed. The catapult launches indicated that within about three wing‐beat cycles the animals showed active flight, with positive lift and constant or increasing speed, compared to a ballistic trajectory. Our results indicate that a controlled catapult device will prove useful to the study of sensory and central processes underlying free flight initiation.  相似文献   
A strategy of multi-step minimal conditional regression analysis has been developed to determine the existence of statistical testing and parameter estimation for a quantitative trait locus (QTL) that are unaffected by linked QTLs. The estimation of marker-QTL recombination frequency needs to consider only three cases: 1) the chromosome has only one QTL, 2) one side of the target QTL has one or more QTLs, and 3) either side of the target QTL has one or more QTLs. Analytical formula was derived to estimate marker-QTL recombination frequency for each of the three cases. The formula involves two flanking markers for case 1), two flanking markers plus a conditional marker for case 2), and two flanking markers plus two conditional markers for case 3). Each QTL variance and effect, and the total QTL variance were also estimated using analytical formulae. Simulation data show that the formulae for estimating marker-QTL recombination frequency could be a useful statistical tool for fine QTL mapping. With 1 000 observations, a QTL could be mapped to a narrow chromosome region of 1.5 cM if no linked QTL is present, and to a 2.8 cM chromosome region if either side of the target QTL has at least one linked QTL.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1 The effect of larval rearing density on life-history parameters of Boettcherisca formosensis Kirner & Lopes (Sarcophagidae) was investigated. Increases in rearing density resulted in lowered larval survivorship, shortened larval development time and production of smaller, shorter-lived adults with reduced fecundity.
2. B. formosensis is larviparous. Average brood size was 17.5±1.0 (mean±M) larvae, which was much less than the average number of mature larvae inside gravid females. Females apparently produced a series of small broods, distributing their offspring over a number of carcasses.
3. Compared with the oviparous species Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedemann) (Calliphoridae), B. formosensis adults were larger and longer-lived, with a longer larval development time but shorter larval feeding period. However, females had a shorter pre-reproductive period, were less fecund, and had a lower life time reproductive investment.
4. B. formosensis had lower relative performance (measured by the composite index of performance, r') than H. ligurriens over the larval rearing density range, and was more sensitive to increases in density. Although the r' values suggest that the sarcophagid may be a competitively inferior species, other features which are not included in the index (such as larvipary, short larval feeding period and spreading of offspring from a single brood among carcasses) may be of significant adaptive value to B. formosensis.  相似文献   
荒漠区植物雾冰藜光合特性对混合盐碱胁迫的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李辛  赵文智 《生态学报》2018,38(4):1183-1193
通过将两种中性盐(NaCl、Na_2SO_4)和两种碱性盐(Na_2CO_3、Na HCO_3)按不同比例混和,分别模拟出不同程度的盐、碱胁迫条件,研究了荒漠区植物雾冰藜光合色素含量、气体交换参数和叶绿素荧光参数对混合盐碱胁迫的响应。研究结果表明,在所模拟的均匀覆盖了总盐度50—250 mmol/L,pH 7.10—10.19范围内的30种盐碱胁迫条件下,雾冰藜的叶绿素a含量(Chla)、叶绿素b含量(Chlb)、类胡萝卜素含量(Caro)、净光合速率(P_n)、气孔导度(G_s)、胞间CO_2摩尔分数(C_i)、蒸腾速率(T_r)、PSⅡ的潜在活性(F_v/F_0)、PSⅡ原初反应的最大量子效率(F_v/F_m)、PSⅡ电子传递量子效率(ΦPSⅡ)、表观光合电子传递效率(ETR)、光化学猝灭系数(q P)等指标均在对照组(CK)下最高,且均随处理溶液盐浓度及p H的升高而下降,各处理组与对照组间存在显著差异(P0.05);稳态荧光(F_s)随处理溶液盐浓度及pH的升高先降低,后呈"M"型变化趋势,即先升高后降低,再升高再降低;水分利用效率(WUE)和非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)随处理溶液盐浓度及p H的改变未呈现规律性变化趋势。盐分组成离子与上述各光合特征指标的相关系数表明,盐分组成对雾冰藜光合色素和气体交换参数的抑制作用表现为:Na_2CO_3Na HCO_3NaClNa_2SO_4,而对叶绿素荧光参数的影响较为复杂。研究表明,盐碱生境对雾冰藜光合系统造成了一定的伤害,但其可以通过相应的生理反应降低损伤的程度。  相似文献   
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