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Enzyme directed genetic mechanisms causing random DNA sequence alterations are ubiquitous in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. A number of molecular geneticist have invoked adaptation through natural selection to account for this fact, however, alternative explanations have also flourished. The population geneticist G.C. Williams has dismissed the possibility of selection for mutator activity on a priori grounds. In this paper, I attempt a refutation of Williams' argument. In addition, I discuss some conceptual problems related to recent claims made by microbiologists on the adaptiveness of molecular variety generators in the evolution of prokaryotes. A distinction is proposed between selection for mutations caused by a mutator activity and selection for the mutator activity proper. The latter requires a concept of fitness different from the one commonly used in microbiology.  相似文献   
Summary Facultative paedomorphosis in salamanders occurs when larvae respond to varying environmental conditions by either metamorphosing into terrestrial metamorphic adults or retaining their larval morphology to become sexually mature paedomorphic adults. Several hypotheses have been proposed for the evolutionary maintenance of this environmentally induced dimorphism, but few data are available to assess them adequately. We studied a montane population of the tiger salamander,Ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum, and measured the adult growth rate and body condition across three growing seasons to assess the relative costs and benefits of each morph. Metamorphic adults grew more than paedomorphic adults in terms of snout—vent length across years and in weight within years. Dietary analyses and foraging experiments revealed some of the proximate factors that may underlie these differential growth patterns. Across all prey, metamorphs had significantly higher biomass and calories per stomach sample than paedomorphs. Metamorphic diets primarily consisted of the fairy shrimpBranchinecta coloradensis, whereas paedomorphic diets contained a variety of benthic and terrestrial invertebrates. Foraging experiments revealed that both morphs are more successful at capturing fairy shrimp relative to other prey types and both show high electivity toward this prey. However, fairy shrimp occurred only in non-permanent ponds and thus are inaccessible to paedomorphs, which can survive only in permanent ponds. Paedomorphs also experience higher levels of intraspecific competition with large larvae in permanent ponds than metamorphs do in non-permanent ponds. Thus, metamorphs obtain a growth advantage over paedomorphs by foraging in non-permanent ponds that contain fairy shrimp and have reduced intraspecific competition. These results suggest that paedomorphs should have decreased fitness relative to metamorphs, primarily because metamorphs can move into the best habitats for growth. The net fitness effect of morph-specific differences in dispersal depend on whether there are trade-offs with other life history traits. Nonetheless, because the relative benefit of metamorph dispersal will change with environmental conditions in permanent ponds and the surrounding habitat, the relative fitness payoff to each morph should track changes in the environment. Thus, facultative paedomorphosis may be maintained in part by variable, environmentally-specific fitness payoffs to each morph.  相似文献   
The tropical butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, exhibits seasonal polyphenism. The wet season form has large eyespots and a pale band while these characters are much less conspicuous or absent in the dry season form. This plasticity is induced in the laboratory by use of a standard series of constant temperatures in the larval stage yielding a continuous norm of reaction. Butterflies in this study were reared from hatchling larvae in seven regimes which differed with respect to thermoperiod or photoperiod. The effect of rearing treatment on the phenotypic plasticity of the adult wing pattern, on life history traits and on larval feeding rhythms was investigated. Photoperiod had little effect except that constant light produced a higher mortality and tended to produce a longer development time. Thermoperiod had a major effect on the life history traits in comparison to a constant temperature regime with the same daily mean: development time was shorter with higher growth rates. The faster development was associated with a substantial shift in the wing pattern towards the wet season form. Larvae feed mostly at night both under constant and thermoperiod (cool nights) conditions. The results are discussed with respect to the necessity of matching field and laboratory environments in studies of norms of reaction or of life history traits where the adaptive significance of the variation is important. Fluctuating conditions in nature, especially with respect to thermoperiod, must be taken into account.  相似文献   
The evolution of alternative mating strategies in variable environments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary We assessed the influence of phenotypic plasticity in age at maturity on the maintenance of alternative mating strategies in male Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar. We calculated the fitness,r, associated with the parr and the anadromous strategies, using age-specific survival data from the field and strategy-specific fertilization data from the laboratory. The fitness of each strategy depended largely on mate competition (numbers of parr per female, i.e. parr frequency) and on age at maturity. Fitness declined with increasing numbers of parr per female with equilibrium frequencies (at which the fitnesses of each strategy are equal) being within the range observed in the wild. Equilibrium parr frequencies declined with decreasing growth rate and increasing age at maturity. Within populations, the existence of multiple age-specific sets of fitness functions suggests that the fitnesses of alternative strategies are best represented as multidimensional surfaces. The points of intersection of these surfaces, whose boundaries encompass natural variation in age at maturity and mate competition, define an evolutionarily stable continuum (ESC) of strategy frequencies along which the fitnesses associated with each strategy are equal. We propose a simple model that incorporates polygenic thresholds of a largely environmentally-controlled trait (age at maturity) to provide a mechanism by which an ESC can be maintained within a population. An indirect test provides support for the prediction that growth-rate thresholds for parr maturation exist and are maintained by stabilizing selection. Evolutionarily stable continua, maintained by negative frequency-dependent selection on threshold traits, provide a theoretical basis for understanding how alternative life histories can evolve in variable environments.  相似文献   
Some benthic invertebrates in streams make frequent, short journeys downstream in the water column (=drifting). In most streams there are larger numbers of invertebrates in the drift at night than during the day. We tested the hypothesis that nocturnal drifting is a response to avoid predation from fish that feed in the water column during the day. We surveyed diel patterns of drifting by nymphs of the mayfly Baetis coelestis in several streams containing (n=5) and lacking (n=7) populations of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Drifting was more nocturnal in the presence of trout (85% of daily drift occurred at night) than in their absence (50% of daily drift occurred at night). This shift in periodicity is due to reduced daytime drifting in streams with trout, because at a given nighttime drift density, the daytime drift density of B. coelestis was lower in streams occupied by trout than in troutless streams. Large size classes of B. coelestis were underrepresented in the daytime drift in trout streams compared to nighttime drift in trout streams, and to both day and night drift in troutless streams. Differences in daytime drift density between streams with and without trout were the result of differences in mayfly drift behaviour among streams because predation rates by trout were too low to significantly reduce densities of drifting B. coelestis. We tested for rapid (over 3 days) phenotypic responses to trout presence by adding trout in cages to three of the troutless streams. Nighttime drifting was unaffected by the addition of trout, but daytime drift densities were reduced by 28% below cages containing trout relative to control cages (lacking trout) placed upstream. Drift responses were measured 15 m downstream of the cages suggesting that mayflies detected trout using chemical cues. Overall, these data support the hypothesis that infrequent daytime drifting is an avoidance response to fish that feed in the water column during the day. Avoidance is more pronounced in large individuals and is, at least partially, a phenotypic response mediated by chemical cues.  相似文献   
Hatchling Sceloporus undulatus elongatus from Washington Co., Utah and S. u. garmani from Woods Co., Oklahoma were raised to maturity and reproduction under identical laboratory conditions with ad libitum food availability. Growth, allometry, age and size of maturity, clutch size and egg mass were compared among lab-raised cohorts from the two populations, among lab-raised and field-caught animals (including their field-caught mothers) and, for growth, with values obtained by previously published field studies on the same or nearby populations. For all traits population differences observed in previous field studies and current field samples resulted from both a plastic response to proximate environmental conditions and intrinsic (possibly genetic) difference. The most plastic traits were growth and age of maturity. Cohorts from both populations expressed the ability to mature in less than 6 months in the laboratory but only the S.u. garmani express early maturity in the field. Allometric differences generated during growth in the lab were not observed in field samples but may reflect an adaptive physiological difference. The least plastic trait was egg mass. The only trait for which the rank order of the difference in the field was reversed in the lab was growth rate. S.u. elongatus grew significantly faster than S.u. garmani in the lab but much slower in the field. The tendency of S.u. garmani females to breed at minimum size of maturity may be greater than that of S.u. elongatus.  相似文献   
Jürgen Kusch 《Oecologia》1993,96(3):354-359
The predator Amoeba proteus induced behavioural and morphological changes in ciliates of the genus Euplotes. The frequency of avoidance behaviour in E. octocarinatus increased from 16±5% to 84±5% (SD) after 14 h of coexistence with the predator. The ciliate's width increased from 59±3 μm to 77±4 μm (SDM) within 48 h. Similar behavioural, but not morphological, change was induced in E. daidaleos, but neither morphological nor behavioural responses occurred in E. aediculatus. E. octocarinatus and E. daidaleos populations survived in the presence of A. proteus, whereas E. aediculatus populations became extinct by predation. Induced behavioural response seemed to be the reason for the low predation risk of E. octocarinatus and E. daidaleos. The results suggest that Euplotes ciliates have evolved specific defence mechanisms to various predators. Defensive changes are induced by a chemical substance released from A. proteus. This “kairomone” has a molecular weight between 5000 and 10000 Da. Proteolytic digestion of its activity indicated that the avoidance-inducing substance is a peptide. After the turbellarian Stenostomum sphagnetorum had induced a defensive morphology in E. octocarinatus or E. aediculatus, neither of these ciliates immediately avoided Amoeba proteus. Thus, Euplotes ciliates with a defensive morphology do not have behavioural defences in reaction to all predators.  相似文献   
An understanding of plant responses to fluctuations in environment is critical to predictions of plant and ecosystem responses to climate change. In the northern hemisphere, the northern limits of distribution of major biomes are probably determined by the tolerance of their dominant physiognomic types (e.g., deciduous hardwood trees) to minimum winter temperatures and can thus be predicted from long-term patterns of temperature fluctuations. At a more detailed level, the responses of functional groups of plants to altered climate can be predicted from their known responses to fluctuations in soil resources (nutrients and water) and the expected effect of climatic change on these soil resources. Laboratory and field experiments demonstrate the feasibility of this approach.  相似文献   
One of the most active areas of neurobiology research concerns mechanisms involved in paradigms of synaptic plasticity. A popular model for cellular leaning and memory is long term potentiation (LTP) in hippocamus. LTP requires postsynaptic influx of Ca2+ which triggers multiple biochemical pathways resulting in pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms enhancing long term synaptic efficiency. This article focuses on an acute postsynaptic Mechanism that can enhance responsiveness of glutamate receptors. Evidence is presented that calcium/calmodulin/dependent protein kinase II, the major potsynaptic density protein at excitatory glutaminergic synapses, can phosphorylate glutamate receptors and enhance ion current flowing through them. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Regenerating optic axons initially branch over a wide area in tectum to form a crude retinotopic map. The map is sharpened, and retinotopically appropriate synapses are stabilized via NMDA receptors that detect, via summation of EPSPs, the coincident activity of neighboring ganglion cells that make synapses onto common tectal cells. Sharpening shares a number of properties with long-term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampus. This study tested whether protein kinase C (PKC) activation is necessary for sharpening as it is for LTP. Intracular (IO) or intracranial (IC) injections of kinase inhibitors or activators were made every other day from 19 to 37 days postcrush (sensitive period), and the projections formed were later recorded. Retinotopic sharpening was prevented by IC injection of the following agents: (1) general kinase inhibitors sphingosine and H7 (100-200 μM in fluid above brain), (2) active but not inactive phorbols (TPA, 1 μM), and (3) calphostin C (1 μM), a specific and irreversible PKC inhibitor. The mature projection on the opposite tectum, however, when examined was not unsharpened. Lack of sharpening was reflected in multiunit fields at each tectal point that averaged 27°–30° versus 11° in Ringers and inactive phorbol control regenerates. Intraocular injections of either TPA (1 μM), or calphostin C (1 μM) also prevented sharpening (26° and 32° multiunit fields), suggesting action on PKC axonally transported to the presynaptic terminals. Calphostin C had no noticeable effect on the firing patterns of retinal ganglion cells. The endogenous activator of PKC, arachidonic acid (AA), disrupted sharpening at 20 μM or higher (IC injection, 32° multiunit fields), while a control fatty acid, elaidic acid, had no effect. Although AA at 5 μM showed no effect, and diacylglycerol at 5 μM exhibited only small effects, together they produced a large synergistic effect (32° multiunit fields). Such synergy mirrors the synergy in the activation of several isoforms of PKC. Actual concentrations in the extradural fluid around the brain were assayed via injections of 3H-AA. Levels fell about sixfold after a day and by an additional fivefold the second day before the next injection. The results confirm that activity-driven retinotopic sharpening is very sensitive to manipulations of kinases, especially PKC. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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