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Supramolecular organization involving a polyanionic glycan in a bacterial capsule (hyaluronan, HA, in streptococcal capsules) is revealed, for the first time, by electron-histochemical methodology previously used to elucidate ultrastructure in extracellular matrix. Capsular HA filaments thereby revealed closely resemble aligned linear structures demonstrated by similar technology in HA solution. These parallel arrays, spontaneously formed, are based on HA tertiary structures (beta sheet-like) which are stabilized by hydrophobic and hydrogen bonds. HA tertiary structures in aqueous solutions resist shear stress as shown by rheo-NMR. Thus, supramolecular HA wrapping covering many cells probably stabilizes chains of bacteria. Streptococci possibly templated the ordered structures since eukaryotic B6 cell HA did not produce similarly organized envelopes. Supramolecular organization in streptococcal and pneumococcal capsules are compared. Their glycans are very similar but the potential for HA-like tertiary structures is not present in the pneumococcal type 3 polysaccharide and chains of cells are not formed to the same extent by pneumococci. We suggest that the streptococcal capsule exemplifies a simple extracellular matrix analogous to those in animal connective tissues, which contain glycans (chondroitin, keratan, and dermochondan sulfates) of the HA family, capable of undergoing aggregation to similar tertiary structures.  相似文献   
Few studies of avian mating systems have identified the siresof extrapair young, and hence it has been difficult to determinethe scale at which reproductive interactions occur. For instance,females may be free to copulate with any male in the population(a "global" scale of interactions), or females may be restrictedto copulating only with males on neighboring territories (a"local" scale). The scale of such interactions has importantconsequences for an understanding of the evolutionary causesand consequences of extrapair fertilizations. We used five hypervariable microsatellite loci and multilocus DNA fingerprintingto examine parentage of more than 400 nestling black-throatedblue warblers (Dendroica caerulescens). Extrapair fertilizationswere common, and the microsatellite markers allowed us to identifythe sires for 89% of the young analyzed. Most identified extrapairsires were males on neighboring or nearby territories, andmost nestlings for whom we could not identify a sire came fromterritories at the edge of the study plot. Thus, reproductive interactions appear to be more local than global in this population.Extrapair fertilizations contributed significantly to totalvariation in male reproductive success. However, the standardizedvariance in male reproductive success (0.68-0.74) was not substantiallygreater than that for females (0.53-0.60), and the contributionof extrapair fertilizations (9-14%) was much lower than thecontribution of within-pair fertilizations (75-77%). This suggeststhat the local scale of reproductive interactions may limitvariation in male reproductive success and hence the opportunityfor selection.  相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, there are two isoenzymes of fumarate reductase (FRDS1 and FRDS2), encoded by the FRDS and OSM1 genes, respectively. Simultaneous disruption of these two genes results in a growth defect of the yeast under anaerobic conditions, while disruption of the OSM1 gene causes slow growth. However, the metabolic role of these isoenzymes has been unclear until now. In the present study, we found that the anaerobic growth of the strain disrupted for both the FRDS and OSM1 genes was fully restored by adding the oxidized form of methylene blue or phenazine methosulfate, which non-enzymatically oxidize cellular NADH to NAD(+). When methylene blue was added at growth-limiting concentrations, growth was completely arrested after exhaustion of oxidized methylene blue. In the double-disrupted strain, the accumulation of succinate in the supernatant was markedly decreased during anaerobic growth in the presence of methylene blue. These results suggest that fumarate reductase isoenzymes are required for the reoxidation of intracellular NADH under anaerobic conditions, but not aerobic conditions.  相似文献   
Selective recovery of lactate dehydrogenase using affinity foam   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Selective isolation of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from porcine muscle extract was studied using foam generated from the vigorous stirring of a non-ionic surfactant, Triton X-114 derivatized with Cibacron blue. The cloud point of the surfactant-dye conjugate was higher than that of the native Triton X-114, and also the foam prepared from the affinity surfactant was more rigid taking a longer time to collapse. The equilibrium dissociation constant between pure LDH and surfactant-dye conjugate was 5.0 microM as compared to the value of 2.2 microM for the enzyme and free dye as measured by differential spectroscopy. The isolation procedure involved mixing of the porcine muscle extract with the affinity foam, separating and collapsing the foam, and warming the solution formed to 37 degrees C to yield the surfactant-dye phase and an aqueous phase containing the enzyme. The effect of surfactant concentration and protein load on enzyme recovery and purification was investigated. Under optimal conditions, LDH was quantitatively recovered with high purification factor in a very short time. Both recovery and purification were higher when foam prepared from an equivalent mixture of surfactant-dye conjugate and unmodified surfactant was used. The selectivity of interaction between LDH and detergent-dye conjugate was confirmed by lowered recovery when NADH was included during the binding step.  相似文献   
Alcaligenes faecalis G utilized 95–97% of 5–15 g -caprolactam l–1 in 24–48 h over a pH range of 6–8.5 and at 23–40 °C, without complex nutrient requirement. In the absence of KH2PO4 and K2HPO4/MgSO4 in the medium, only 7.6% and 0.2% of 10 g caprolactam l–1 was utilized, respectively. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the wastewater of nylon-6 plant was mainly due to its caprolactam content. A. faecalis G decreased the caprolactam content and COD of the wastewater by 80–90% of the original in spite of the wastewater having higher caprolactam content (3600 mg l–1) and COD (7700 mg l–1) than those of any of the previous reports.  相似文献   
Blue native electrophoresis is used widely for the analysis of non-dissociated protein complexes with respect to composition, oligomeric state and molecular mass. However, the effects of detergent or dye binding on the mass and stability of the integral membrane proteins have not been studied. By comparison with analytical ultracentrifugation, we have evaluated whether the oligomeric state of membrane transport proteins is reflected reliably with blue native electrophoresis. For the analysis we have used two well-characterized transporters, that is, the major facilitator superfamily protein LacS and the phosphotransferase system EII(Mtl). For another member of the major facilitator superfamily, the xyloside transporter XylP from Lactobacillus pentosus, the complete analysis of the quaternary structure determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and freeze-fracture electron microscopy is presented.Our experiments show that during blue native electrophoresis the detergent bound to the proteins is replaced by the amphipathic Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) dye. The mass of the bound CBB dye was quantified. Provided this additional mass of bound CBB dye is accounted for and care is taken in the choice and concentration of the detergent used, the mass of LacS, XylP and EII(Mtl) and four other membrane (transport) proteins could be deduced within 10 % error. Our data underscore the fact that the oligomeric state of many membrane transport proteins is dimeric.  相似文献   
An improved method for the isolation of rubella virus-like particles (RVLP) from cell culture supernatant of transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO24S) cells is described. It employs a combination of membrane filtration with sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. It was found that staining the RVLP band with Coomassie brilliant blue G (CBB) resulted in the CBB crystals adsorbing RVLP. After ultracentrifugation (25,000 rpm, 3h, 4 degrees C) a sharp blue band with crystals (diameter 30-40 microm) was observed (at a density of 1.250 g/ml at 25 degrees C) in a 30-60% sucrose gradient. Using a combination of SDS-PAGE and Western blotting techniques, E1 rubella virus structural protein was detected only in the solutions derived from the sharp blue band. A decrease in crystal concentration a few millimeters above or below the main band was associated with a decrease in protein concentration. By dilution with a saturated ice-cold 30% sucrose solution it was possible to pellet the crystals by centrifugation (15,000 rpm, 10 min). SDS-PAGE showed a much higher concentration of RVLP structural protein in the pellet than in the supernatant. This RVLP-containing material is especially suitable for the preparation of rubella virus immunoblot stripes.  相似文献   
Sharma HS  Alm P 《Amino acids》2002,23(1-3):247-259
Summary.  The possibility that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors influence dynorphin immunoreactivity following hyperthermia was examined in a rat model using a pharmacological approach. Previous reports from our laboratory show that hyperthermia induces an upregulation of NOS in several brain regions that seems to be instrumental in causing cell injury. Recent reports suggest that nitric oxide (NO) can influence dynorphin neurotransmission in the normal brain as well as in several pathological states. Since dynorphin is neurotoxic in different animal models of brain or spinal cord injury, it may be that the peptide will contribute to the cell injury in hyperthermia. The present investigation was carried out to determine whether hyperthermia can influence dynorphin immunoreactivity in the brain, and if so, whether inhibition of NOS will influence the peptide distribution in the brain following heat stress. Rats subjected to hyperthermia at 38°C for 4 h in a biological oxygen demand incubator (BOD) resulted in a marked upregulation of dynorphin immunoreactivity in several brain regions e.g., cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum and brain stem. Pretreatment of rats with two potent NOS inhibitors, L-NAME (30 mg/kg/day, i.p. for 7 days) or L-NMMA (35 mg/kg/day, i.p. for 7 days) significantly attenuated the dynorphin immunoreactivity in the brain. These drugs were also able to reduce hyperthermia induced blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability, brain edema formation and cell injury. Taken together, our results suggest that (i) hyperthermia has the capacity to upregulate dynorphin immunoreactivity in the brain, (ii) inhibition of NOS considerably attenuates the dynorphin immunoreaction following heat stress and (iii) upregulation of dynorphin is somehow contributing to hyperthermia induced brain damage, not reported earlier. Received July 3, 2001 Accepted August 6, 2001 Published online July 31, 2002  相似文献   
The study was conducted to identify the self-incompatibility mechanism in Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus. Controlled self- and cross-pollinations were conducted on individual flowers from three mature trees that had self-incompatibility levels of 76, 99.6 and 100%. Flowers were harvested at 4, 6 and 8 weeks after pollination. Embryology was investigated by bright field microscopy on material harvested at 4 and 6 weeks after pollination. Fertilization had taken place at 4 weeks after pollination with zygotes and free nuclear endosperm visible. There was a greater proportion of healthy, fertilized ovules in the cross- compared with the self-pollination treatment, and approx. half the ovules examined from both pollen treatments were not fertilized or were degenerating. By 6 weeks after pollination a few zygotes were starting to divide. The number of healthy, fertilized ovules was still greater in the cross-pollination treatment, but the number of healthy fertilized ovules was lower in both treatments compared with 4 weeks after pollination, and many ovules were degenerating. Fertilized ovules were significantly larger than non-fertilized or degenerating ovules and this difference was detectable by eye at 6 and 8 weeks after pollination. The mechanism of self-incompatibility appears to have both late pre- and post-zygotic components.  相似文献   
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