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报道了采自西藏墨脱县悬钩子属绢毛亚组Rubus subsect.Lineati (Focke) Yü et Lu两个中国新纪录种,即酒红悬钩子R.calophyllus Clarke.和炫丽悬钩子R splendidissimus Hara.  相似文献   
浙江淳安县大坑坞剖面安吉组底部化石丰富,其中腕足动物组合属于BA3中上部,指示正常浅海底域环境。作者通过分析该层位腕足化石标本的围岩发现一个低分异度的几丁虫组合,包含3属4种,即Ancyrochitina sp.,Belonechitina cf.postrobusta sensu Butcher,Belonechitina sp.,Spinachitina verniersi。该组合具有强烈的奥陶-志留纪过渡色彩,其时代可定为奥陶纪末期至志留纪初期。这是首次在该地区获得奥陶-志留纪过渡地层的几丁虫,有助于开展国际奥陶-志留系界线精细划分对比研究。文中描述了Belonechinacf.postrobusta和Spinachiti-naverniersi。  相似文献   
目的:探讨传染病防治管理措施的应用价值与效果.方法:以2009年1月至2010年6月间的院内管理为对照组;以2010年7月至2011年12月间的院内管理措施为研究组,采用传染病防治管理措施.结果:两组管理方法传染病患者发生率无显著差异(P>0.05);研究组传染病预防管理措施院内感染发生率明显低于对照组,数据经统计学比较具有显著差异(P<0.05).研究组管理方法下患者临床满意度明显高于对照组,数据经统计学比较具有显著差异(P<0.05).结论:传染病预防管理措施有利于有效阻断院内感染源的传播,进而减少交叉感染发生率,提高患者满意度.  相似文献   
The kakerori (Pomarea dimidiata) is an endangered forest bird in the Cook Islands, South Pacific. We have developed 10 microsatellite markers using kakerori feathers as the DNA source. Seven of these loci were found to be polymorphic in 42 individuals examined. The number of alleles per locus in the polymorphic loci varied from 3 to 5. Observed and expected heterozygosity ranges were 0.57–0.74 and 0.50–0.74, respectively. All loci isolated conformed to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations. We believe these loci will be useful in studying kakerori conservation genetics, and our success in developing microsatellite markers from feather samples will encourage the use of less invasive sample sources in microsatellite isolation studies.  相似文献   
金明龙  冯利平   《广西植物》2005,25(6):544-548,538
对浙江新昌县植物资源作了系统调查。经鉴定并根据已掌握的资料,新昌县有药用维管植物155科 504属807种,其中蕨类植物20科34属51种,种子植物135科470属756种。按其药用功能划分成清热药、 解表药等十类,并对每一类的药用功能作了详细介绍。进一步发现在新昌药用植物中有22种属于国家级或 省级珍稀植物。最后对新昌县药用植物资源的保护和持续利用提出了建议。  相似文献   
西藏特有种温泉蛇在四川理塘县发现   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
刘少英  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2004,23(3):234-235
最近在四川西部理塘县海拔 370 0~ 4 15 0m高山沼泽草地采到 4号 (3雄 1雌 )过去仅知我国西藏高原才有分布的温泉蛇。其鳞被各部分及数量均与西藏分布的温泉蛇一致 ,但与西藏标本尾下鳞单双不定的唯一区别是四川标本均呈双行 ,这可能与所测量四川标本数量较少 (仅 4号 )有关。作者认为这一发现有利于证明青藏高原隆起的地质学问题 ,及其对高原上动物演化发展影响的观点 ,因为西藏高原本体及四川西部高原都属于青藏高原的范围 !  相似文献   
为评价美姑大风顶国家级自然保护区小型兽类多样性,利用香农一威纳多样性指数和一种基于信息测度的GF指数。经计算,香农一威纳多样性指数表明:农田一耕地为主的生境类型的小型兽类,以四川短尾鼩、高山姬鼠、黄胸鼠和社鼠为主要的群落组成,其物种多样性指数(H)和均匀性指数(J)分别是1.1374和0.8599;原始森林为主的生境类型的小型兽类,以川西白腹鼠和食虫类为主,其各多样性指数H=0.3307和J=0.3465;高山草甸为主的生境类型的小型兽类,以鼠兔类和姬鼠类为主,其H=0.3704和J=0.3881。为了得到补充和对照,参考了该区小型兽类已有的资料运用G-F指数评价其生物物种多样性,首先计算科间多样性(F)和属间多样性(G),然后,再利用F指数和G指数的比值进行标准化处理,得出GF指数值,说明保护区小型兽类种属间的多样性。该区小型兽类D-F指数为0.6977,即小型兽类种属间多样性较高,但和香农一威纳指数评定多样性有一定差异。保护区的建设还需进一步加强,包括人为干扰在内的一切干扰尚需排除。  相似文献   
浙江庆元槠栲林的群落学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用样方法对浙江省庆元县槠栲林的群落学特征进行了分析.该槠栲林主要分为甜槠[Castanopsis eyrei (Champ. ex Benth.) Tutch.]林[含甜槠-木荷(Schima superba Gardn. et Champ.)林]、栲(C. fargesii Franch.)林、米槠[C. carlesii (Hemsl.) Hayata]林、罗浮栲(C. fabrii Hance)林、南岭栲(C. fordii Hance)林5个类型,并对各个群落类型的特征作了详细的描述.年龄结构分析表明:甜槠林和米槠林为金字塔形结构; 南岭栲林为纺锤形结构; 罗浮栲林和甜槠-木荷林部分年龄结构缺失; 栲林既有金字塔形,也有年龄结构缺失的类型.从幼苗和幼树数量分析,大多类型更新情况良好,罗浮栲林和南岭栲林更新情况较差.  相似文献   
Wellington Harbour (New Zealand) supports large populations of mussels (Aulacomya maoriana, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Perna canaliculus), whereas these species are absent from Cook Strait shores only a few km away. The density of planktonic mussel larvae and their recruitment rates to artificial substrates were investigated at harbour (with mussels) and Cook Strait (no mussels) sites to determine if a diminished or a zero larval supply and/or settlement explains the absence of mussels from Cook Strait shores. At both locations, larvae were collected from the plankton approximately monthly between September 1998 and February 2000, and recruitment rates to artificial substrates were estimated between March 2000 and February 2001. Planktonic larval densities were almost an order of magnitude greater within the harbour than at coastal sites (mean (±S.D.) density was 982 m−3 (±1478) with a peak density in September 1998 of 4207 m−3, compared with 106 (±94) and 381 m−3, respectively, in March 1999). Larval recruitment at harbour sites was also significantly greater than at coastal sites (mean (±S.D.) recruitment density was 2169 m−2 (±4207) with a peak of ca. 211,425 m−2 in July 2000, compared with 88 m−2 (±86) and ca. 3700 m−2, respectively, in February 2001). It has been suggested that “bottom up” regulation of community structure, principally via a diet of particulates low in organic matter, is the explanation for the absence of suspension feeding mussels from Cook Strait sites [Helson, J. G., 2001. An investigation into the absence of mussels (Perna canalicus, Aulacomya maoriana and Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the South Coast of Wellington, New Zealand. Unpublished PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 183 pp.], but given that planktonic larval supply and recruitment rates are much reduced at coastal sites, these data may also be important in explaining the absence. Whether current levels of recruitment are sufficient to maintain an adult population is at present unknown and requires further examination.  相似文献   
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