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The specific mitochondrial DNA polymorphism found in Klinefelter's syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hypervariable segments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (HV1 and HV2) were analyzed in Klinefelter's syndrome and compared to normal population data. One pair of samples consisting of a Japanese mother and affected son with Klinefelter's syndrome (involved in a criminal case), and seven unrelated DNA samples from Caucasian Klinefelter males (two involved in criminal cases and five diagnosed) were collected in Japan and the United States. The diagnosis of Klinefelter's syndrome was established previously by multiplex XY-STR typing detecting two X alleles and one Y allele in the samples. Haplotype analysis of the mtDNA sequence in Klinefelter males was found to be identical, unique, and specific, as it was not found in the normal population. Astonishingly, family data exhibited that the haplotype of the mtDNA in the son was apparently different from the mother's, suggesting that the mtDNA of Klinefelter male would not be inherited from mother to son. Our data indicate that possible interaction of the sex chromosome and the mtDNA exists, and suggests that the specific mtDNA haplotype could cause the abnormal cell to fertilize and reproduce itself.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to evaluate the toxic and biological effects of some extracts of seagrasses (Cymodocea rotundata; Halophila ovata& Thalassia hemprichii) against Aedes aegypti, which transmits dengue fever, and Culex pipiens, which is the dominant species of mosquitoes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as a safe method for its control. The cumulative death rate during larval development into pupae and adults was used as a criterion for evaluating tested seaweed extracts against Ae. aegypti, Cx. Pipiens. According to the obtained IC50 values ??(the concentration that inhibits the exit of 50 % of adult mosquitoes), the results showed that C. rotundata extract (70.78 & 77.47 ppm) was more effective against A. aegypti and Cx. pipiens in comparison with H. ovata (86,98 & 95,87 ppm) and T. hemprichii (83,94 & 88,82) extracts by (1.186, 1.229, 1.146 & 1.237) fold, respectively. The results showed that the treatment with marine plant extracts against mosquito larvae of Cx. Pipiens and Ae. Aegypti gave different biological effects similar to those of other insect growth regulators (IGRs). The results also revealed the presence of morphological abnormalities in larvae that were treated with all seaweed extracts and these effects extended to all stages of growth, which caused damage to the insect without completing its life cycle. Generally, the results indicate the importance of carrying out bio-assessment tests for the pesticides that are used against mosquitoes and establishing a database to be referenced when planning control programs and making the right decision about the pesticide used.  相似文献   
理解入侵生物的繁殖策略是阐明生物入侵机制的一个重要方面。入侵植物常表现出一些共同的繁殖特征, 如以两性花为主的性系统、自动自交为主的繁育系统或不依赖传粉媒介的无融合生殖和无性繁殖以及高生殖投资的资源配置策略等。成功入侵的外来植物通过影响本土的传粉者, 在种群和群落水平上影响本土植物的有性繁殖, 甚至促使某些本土植物在繁殖对策和表型性状上发生快速转变。目前, 入侵植物繁殖策略及其生态效应的研究多侧重于入侵种的快速演化, 而有关外来植物与本土植物间的相互影响及其可能存在的协同适应研究还较为缺乏。探讨本土植物在外来种入侵压力下的繁殖对策和响应机制, 将丰富人们对物种间竞争、共存及群落构建等机制的深入了解。从繁殖和适应的角度探求入侵植物与本土植物之间的复杂关系, 将有助于解析生物入侵的机制及人类干扰下的物种演化规律, 也为预测和防控入侵植物提供科学依据。  相似文献   
20世纪以来,干细胞与再生医学技术一直是国际生物医学领域的热点前沿之一,它为保障人类生命健康、改善人类生存质量和延长人类寿命发挥不可替代的巨大作用。因此,美国、欧洲国家、日本和中国等科技大国均将该领域纳入了国家科研与产业发展的重点战略中,并通过专项扶持、政策补贴、立法保障等方式激励该领域的创新发展。通过对近年来国际科技战略和科技研发态势的梳理分析,发现该领域的国际战略布局规律,揭示我国在该领域的领先优势与弱点,为我国未来干细胞与再生医学技术发展提出相关参考建议。  相似文献   
Reproductive behaviors related to habitat utilization were studied in males of the damsefly,Mnais nawai, which has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (nawai) and non-territorial pale-orange-winged males (sahoi), at the upper part of a mountain stream where they partiallycoexist with a related species,Mnais pruinosa, which also has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (esakii) and non-territorial hyaline-winged males (strigata). These two species showed parapatric distribution; the lower part of the stream was occupied byM. nawai, and the upper part byM. pruinosa. In the present study, cross-matings occurred between bothMnais species, although normal intraspecific matings occurred more frequently than cross-matings. Territorial males of both species copulated with conspecific females that entered their territory and guarded the ovipositing females, probably to avoid sperm displacement resulting from subsequent copulations. Severe competition for oviposition sites by territorial males even occurred between the two species. On the other hand, non-territorial males of both species have alternative mating strategies (including several tactics such as sneaking, takeover and interception). The possible benefits from conflict among territorial males of both species is discussed.  相似文献   
The pathogenicity of 13 isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae and two isolates of Beauveria bassiana to Ceratitis capitata and Ceratitis var. rosa fasciventris exposed as late third instar larvae in sand was evaluated in the laboratory. All isolates caused a significant reduction in adult emergence and a corresponding large mortality on puparia of both species. All isolates also induced large deferred mortality in emerging adults following treatment as late third instar larvae. On C. capitata , seven isolates ( M. anisopliae ICIPE 18, 20, 32, 60 and 69 and B. bassiana ICIPE 44 and 82) caused significantly higher mortality on puparia than other isolates. With the exception of ICIPE 32, the other four isolates of M. anisopliae above were the most pathogenic against C. r. fasciventris . Dose-response study carried out with these isolates of M. anisopliae on the two species of flies above plus another species, Ceratitis cosyra showed that the dose-mortality regression lines of ICIPE 18 and 20 were steeper with lower LC 50 values when compared with ICIPE 60 and 69 on the three species. When these two isolates were evaluated with regard to their pathogenicity to different pupal age, adult emergence was found to increase with increasing pupal age with a corresponding decrease in mortality in puparia and emerging adults in the three species of fruit flies. M. anisopliae ICIPE 18 and 20 were equally pathogenic to all pupal ages tested in C. capitata and C. cosyra but ICIPE 18 was more pathogenic to older puparia of C. r. fasciventris than ICIPE 20. Our results suggest that soil inoculation with M. anisopliae under mango trees might form an important component of integrated pest management strategies in areas where these three species of fruit fly coexist.  相似文献   
The success of the hotspot approach for biodiversity conservation depends on the spatial scale and the indicator species used. In this study, we investigated grasshopper species richness in Switzerland at a 1 ha resolution including a total of 111 species. We compared the representativeness of common and of endangered grasshopper species for the overall grasshopper species richness and we assessed the efficiency of the hotspot approach for grasshopper conservation. The pattern of overall grasshopper species richness was well represented by both the number of common and the number of endangered grasshopper species. For evaluating the efficiency of different hotspot approaches for conservation, we compared hotspots of common species, hotspots of endangered species (rarity hotspots), and hotspots of all grasshopper species (richness hotspots). Among these hotspot types, richness hotspots not only featured most common grasshopper species, but they even contained more endangered species than the rarity hotspots. The combination of rarity hotspots and hotspots of common species featured more species than the other combinations of hotspot types. However, the gain of combining two hotspot types compared to the single-hotspot approach was low (max. 3 species). About 24% of the species were not contained in any of the hotspots. These grasshopper species require species-specific action plans. As rarity hotspots were located in areas that are rather strongly affected by landscape change, species richness in rarity hotspots may decrease in the future. We conclude that, for grasshoppers, the hotspot approach on the 1 ha scale can be an effective way to conserve a high proportion of species richness.  相似文献   
动物生活史进化理论研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了生活史性状、生活史对策、权衡、适合度及进化种群统计学等动物生活史进化领域的进展。权衡是生活史性状之间相互联系的纽带,分为生理权衡与进化权衡。适合度是相对的,与个体所处的特定环境条件有关,性状进化与适合度之间关系紧密。适合度是生活史进化理论研究的焦点。探讨动物生活史对策的理论很多,影响最大的是MacArthur和Wilson提出的r对策及K对策理论。随年龄的增长,动物存活率及繁殖率逐步下降的过程,称为衰老;解释衰老的进化理论主要有突变-选择平衡假设和多效对抗假设。进化种群统计学将种群统计学应用于生活史进化研究,为探讨表型适合度的进化提供了有效的手段。将进化种群统计学、数量遗传学及特定种系效应理论进行整合,建立完整的动物生活史进化综合理论体系,是当代此领域的最大挑战。  相似文献   
粒体DNA 的变异水平并确定朝鲜亚种的分类地位,我们测序分析了两亚种的线粒体DNA 细胞色素b 的部分序列
(1 054 bp)和控制区的部分序列(860 bp),并与基因库中黑线姬鼠相应的单倍型序列进行了比较。可以看出东
北亚种的序列显示出某些分异,可以被分为2 或3 个亚群,所以我们提出需要更多标本的DNA 分析来确定东北
群相似(1 个亚群是细胞色素b 的两个单倍型,另1 个是控制区的两个单倍型),表明基于线粒体DNA 序列的遗
个只在形态特异上不同于东北亚种的地方亚种,我们建议通过其他DNA 标记来进一步验证其亚种地位。我们还
认为朝鲜半岛不是最近的冰川期黑线姬鼠残遗种的保护区。  相似文献   
长江春大豆核心种质构建及分析   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:33  
利用长江春大豆初选核心种质SSR(simple sequence repeat)标记和农艺性状表型等基础数据,对用不同个体取样方法以及不同数据类型建立的核心种质进行评价,目的是确定中国大豆(Glycine max)核心种质的最佳取样策略提供依据,结果表明,根据SSR分子数据聚类,采用类内随机取样,类内以遗传相似性系数取样以及仅依据遗传相似性系数取样都可用于大豆核心种质构建,但是综合不同评价参数发现,以类内随机取样最佳,类内按遗传相似性系数取样次之,单独以遗传相似性系数取样较差。分析不同SSR等位变异保留比例的遗传多样性指数发现,当保留90%和80%的SSR等位变异时,核心种质具有更高的遗传多样性,由于与SSR分子数据种质遗传关系评价的不一致性,农艺性状等基础数据虽然可用来构建核心种质,但其SSR分子水平代表性相对较低,本研究结果还表明,用不同方法或同一方法不同重复次数取样建立的核心种质具有异质性,且这种异质性随核心种质取样比例的降低而增大,因此,虽然可依据不同数据类型确定相应的方法建立核心种质,但综合表型和分子数据建立的核心种质更具有代表性。  相似文献   
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