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Synopsis The brown trout in Llyn Frongoch, a mature upland reservoir, and its nursery stream was sampled during 1983. The stream stock consisted largely of the 1983 and 1982 year classes, with fish reaching mean lengths of 7.0 and 11.6 cm at one and two years of age. The size and biomass of the stream stock at the beginning of 1983 and 1984 were estimated to be 120 and 125 (1.20 and 1.25 fish m–2) and 1.41 and 0.69 kg (14.1 g m–2 and 6.9 g m–2) respectively. Annual stream production ranged from an estimated minimum of 2.49 kg (24.9 g m–2) to an estimated maximum of 4.59 kg (45.9 g m–2). Both downstream and upstream movements of 0+ juveniles were recorded. The adult spawning stock was estimated at 79 males and 32 females, a sex ratio of 2.5:1, with most spawners belonging to the 1980 yearclass. The average size of the lake stock over the year was estimated to be 1 650 (229 fish ha–1) or 250.8 kg (34.8 kg ha–1). The 1980 yearclass was predominant; there were few fish older than five years. Seasonal variations in netting catches suggested movements to and from the littoral region. Growth in the lake was moderately fast, with fish reaching mean lengths of 21.7 and 27.2 cm by three and four years of age. Fish entering the lake after one year appeared to grow faster than fish which remained in the stream for two years. Annual production in the lake was estimated at 136.7 kg (19.0 kg ha–1). The total angling catch for the season was estimated to be 62.6 kg (8.7 kg ha–1).  相似文献   
From 114 accessions of wild emmer wheat from 11 sites in Israel, known for their allozymic variation (Nevo & al. 1982), individual genotypes were tested for resistance to one isolate of stripe rust both in the seedling stage in a growth chamber and in the adult plant stage in the field. The results indicate that resistance to stripe rust in seedlings and adults are significantly correlated (rs = 0.40, p < 0.001). Genetic polymorphisms of resistance to stripe rust vary geographically and are predictable by climatic, as well as allozymic markers. Three variable combinations of rainfall, evaporation, and temperature explain significantly 0.40–0.53 of the spatial variance in disease resistance to stripe rust, suggesting the operation of natural selection. Several allozyme genotypes are significantly associated with disease resistance. We conclude that natural populations of wild emmer wheat in Israel contain large amounts of disease resistance genes. These populations could be effectively screened and then utilized by the phytopathologist for identifying resistant genotypes and producing new resistant cultivars.Patterns of Resistance of Wild Wheat to Pathogens in Israel II.  相似文献   
Examination of dispersional characteristics of Pratylenchus scribneri and Hoplolaimus galeatus indicated that there were patches within soybean fields in which both survival and reproduction wexe enhanced in spite of apparent homogeneity of soil type and topography. Treatment with carbofuran reduced the patchiness (or increased the dispersion) for H. galeatus while it had the opposite effect for P. scribneri. P. scribneri was less highly dispersed in conventional tillage plots than in the zero tillage plots. Populations from quadrats contained entirely within the patches could be described by the normal distribution (in the case of P. scribneri) or by the Poisson distribution (in the case of H. galeatus), while populations from quadrats contained entirely outside the patches could be described by the Poisson distribution for both nematodes. None of the distributions tested (Poisson, normal, negative binomial, Neyman''s) gave an adequate fit when populations from both inside and outside the patches were considered together. In all instances, log₁₀ and ln transformations reduced the goodness of fit of the data to all of the distributions tested. Even with logarithmic transformations, parametric statistics were not appropriate for analysis of data in most instances.  相似文献   

1. 1.|Body temperature (Tb) and activity of the snake Masticophis flagellum were studied by radiotelemetry in an outdoor enclosure.

2. 2.|Mean diurnal Tb varied little over a wide range of weather conditions, but weather variation was accompanied by major changes in sun exposure and in the timing and duration of activity.

3. 3.|Recently fed snakes reduced activity and exhibited neither a thermophilic response nor increased precision of thermoregulation compared to fasting snakes.

Author Keywords: behaviour; Colubridae; ecology; Masticophis flagellum; radiotelemetry; Reptilia; Serpentes; temperature; thermoregulation  相似文献   

WILKIN, P. J., 1989. The medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis (L.) (Hirudinea: Gnathobdellae), at Dungeness, Kent . An account of the ecology and conservation of the medicinal leech ( Hirudo medicinalis (L.)) at Dungeness, Kent, is presented.  相似文献   
Understanding the principles that underly primate social evolution depends on integrated analysis of data on behavioral ecology, demography, life history tactics, and social organization. In this paper, data on the behavioral ecology of gorillas are reviewed and comparisons made among the three subspecies. Gorillas are selective feeders; and, their patterns of food choice are consistent with models of feeding by large generalist herbivores. They rely heavily on terrestrial herbaceous vegetation, which provides an abundant supply of densely distributed food. Availability of this food varies little in space and time; and, gorilla foraging activity can maintain its productivity. The level of frugivory and the extent of seasonal variation in diet and habitat use vary among and within populations. Low variability in food distribution patterns makes cooperative defense of foraging areas not worthwhile; but, it also means that ecological costs associated with gregariousness are low. However, demographic and life history data on mountain gorillas show that these costs may be sufficient to reduce female reproductive success as group size increases. Advantages to being with high quality males apparently can outweigh these costs. The implications of these data for the evolution of the mountain gorilla social system, and the possible roles of male protection, predation, and female/female competition in this regard, are discussed.  相似文献   
Accounts of the relation between theories and models in biology concentrate on mathematical models. In this paper I consider the dual role of models as representations of natural systems and as a material basis for theorizing. In order to explicate the dual role, I develop the concept of a remnant model, a material entity made from parts of the natural system(s) under study. I present a case study of an important but neglected naturalist, Joseph Grinnell, to illustrate the extent to which mundane practices in a museum setting constitute theorizing. I speculate that historical and sociological analyses of institutions can play a specific role in the philosophical analysis of model-building strategies.  相似文献   
Molecular tools have diverse applications in marine ecology. In microbial systems, DNA sequences of rRNA and other genes have identified a variety of novel lineages of bacteria inhabiting marine environments that have resisted traditional culture methods. However, relatively few natural populations have been characterized due to the rather labor-intensive methodologies employed. Recent technological developments such as in situ PCR and flow cytometry promise to greatly enhance the speed at which microbial taxa can be identified and enumerated in field collected water and substrate samples; such advances will allow future work to employ the spatial and temporal field sampling required to monitor the impact of natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment. This approach also holds promise for examining physiological status of field collected cells, garnering information on such elusive parameters as growth rates and the extent of nutrient limitation under natural conditions. Studies of macrobiota have similarly benefited from the use of molecular approaches to species identification. This has been particularly true with regard to distinguishing among larval forms of closely related taxa which are nearly identical morphologically. Genetic variation within species assayed by molecular tools has been useful in examining the stability of populations through time and in assessing patterns of recruitment to geographically separated populations. Enhanced understanding of these ecological problems will also require intensive spatial and temporal monitoring of both larval and adult populations. Often, the newer techniques based on DNA sequence variation have practical advantages over allozyme techniques: e.g., PCR allows assay of minute quantities of DNA that may come from ethanol preserved samples. However, when ample allozyme variation exists to address a given issue, these older techniques may be favored on a variety of criteria, including speed and cost. Hence, choice of methodology should be based on the expected efficiency of a given approach to a specific problem rather than the apparent sophistication of the method itself.  相似文献   
Final instar Persectania ewingii (Westwood) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were fed seedling Triticum aestivum L. for 2 days to determine the approximate digestibility of the cell wall and cell content fractions. Cell wall content was estimated using a micro-analytical neutral detergent fibre technique. Approximate digestibilites of neutral detergent fibre, neutral detergent solubles and dry matter were calculated for individuals and pooled samples. P. ewingii larvae digested a small but significant proportion of the fibre ingested (13–21%), higher than that previously reported for herbivorous insects. The micro-analytical and previously used macro-analytical techniques produced similar estimates of digestibility although both techniques have inherent shortcomings, the latter requiring the pooling of samplex and the former limiting the number of replicates during chemical analysis. Differences in the amount of larval frass collected during the feeding trial (corrected for consumption) explained much of the variation in digestibility values, while there were no effects of larval mass, overall consumption and total frass produced on digestibility estimates. These results confirm that plant cell contents are the major source of nutrients to larval Lepidoptera although there is some chemical disruption of the plant cell wall.  相似文献   
The vertical distribution of nematodes up to 20 cm sediment depth was studied over a one-year period in the alpine, oligotrophic lake Königssee. Ten water depths were examined, four of which correspond to the littoral (1 m, 2 m, 5 m, 10 m), three to the littoriprofundal (15 m, 20 m, 30 m) and three to the profundal (60 m, 120 m, 190 m). The sediment was devided into four layers (0–2 cm, 2–5 cm, 5–10 cm and 10–20 cm). (1) The highest proportion of nematodes was found in the top layer. Out of 45 263 nematodes, 89% were found in the first 5 cm of the sediment and only 1 % deeper than 10 cm. (2) The proportion of nematodes in the top layer increased along with water depth. Water depth was a better predictor of percentage of nematodes in the top layer than particle size or content of organic carbon in the sediment. (3) There were considerable differences among species in their vertical distribution in the sediment. (4) There was a significant trend for juveniles to occupy more superficial layers than adults across various species. (5) There are time related vertical preferences among adults and juveniles of several nematode species across the year, suggesting vertical migration in the sediment (e.g. Aphanolaimus aquaticus Daday, Eumonhystera longicaudatula Gerlach & Riemann, Tobrilus gracilis Bastian, Monhystera paludicola de Man, Ethmolaimus pratensis de Man and Ironus tenuicaudatus de Man). The factors determining the vertical variation in nematode abundance in freshwater systems across space and time are still unknown.  相似文献   
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