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The light environment regulates animal physiology and behaviour. As widely used supplementary heat sources in creep areas, the effect of visible light radiated by infrared heat lamps on pigs is worth investigating. To investigate the effects of light from heat lamps on the behaviour of sows and piglets and possible endocrine mechanisms, 24 primiparous sows were randomly assigned to three supplementary heat source treatments: (1) 250 W non-luminous ceramic heat lamps (CE, n = 8), (2) 175 W red heat lamps (RL, n = 8), and (3) 175 W transparent heat lamps (TL, n = 8). All heat lamps were turned off on Day 15 postpartum. Piglets were weighed on days 3 and 21 postpartum. The number and duration of suckling within 24 h were analysed via video recordings on days 4, 8, and 16 postpartum. Sow posture changes during the day and night were detected using the YOLOv4 target detection network model. One marked piglet from six litters randomly selected from each treatment was used for saliva collection. Saliva samples were collected at 0800, 1400, 2000, and 0200 (+1 d) on days 10 and 20 postpartum. The results showed that the mean postural change frequency of TL sows was higher than that of CE sows (P < 0.05), while that of RL sows was not different from that of CE and TL sows. However, the duration of the sows being in each posture was not affected by the treatment. The total suckling duration of TL piglets was significantly longer than that of CE piglets, but there was no significant difference in the performance of the piglets. The melatonin concentrations in the saliva of piglets at 10 and 20 days of age in the three treatments showed different diurnal rhythms, but there was no significant difference in the levels of melatonin in TL piglets between night and day. Differences in salivary cortisol levels only appeared between the CE and RL groups at 20 days of age. Based on the present results, the illuminance and spectrum of the transparent heat lamps were sufficient to stimulate sow activity and inhibit melatonin levels in piglets. However, the stimulating effect on suckling was not sufficient to significantly improve the performance of piglets. Exposure to red heat lamps, rather than ceramic lamps, resulted in the strongest circadian rhythm of salivary melatonin in piglets.  相似文献   
Forest Structure and Primary Productivity in a Bornean Heath Forest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aboveground forest structure, biomass, and primary productivity in a tropical heath forest in Central Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) were examined using data from 1-ha plots and stand-level allometric equations developed from harvested tree samples. The study site experienced a severe drought in 1997–1998 associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation event. The drought effect on heath forest productivity was also assessed by evaluating changes in wood mass increment rates. Allometric relationships suggested that heath forest trees had leaves with smaller specific leaf area (SLA), and large heath forest trees allocate more to leaf mass compared to mixed dipterocarp forest trees. Aboveground biomass (for trees ≥ 4.8 cm DBH) in two 1-ha plots, P1 and P4, totaled 244.8 and 232.0 Mg/ha. Aboveground wood mass increment rate was –0.1 and 4.7 Mg/ha/yr in P1 and P4 during the drought period (from February to August 1998), while it quickly recovered to 8.1 and 8.5 Mg/ha/yr during the post-drought period (from August 1998 to August 1999 for P1 and from August 1998 to November 1999 for P4). This suggests a severe impact of the drought on heath forest productivity. Leaf characteristics of heath forest such as small SLA and long-lived leaves probably play a significant role in effective assimilation and maintenance of heath forest productivity under stressful conditions.  相似文献   
Maternal behavior is flexible and programs offspring development. Using a novel manipulation, we demonstrate that rat maternal behavior is sensitive to ecologically relevant stimuli. Long-Evans hooded rat dams (F0) and pups were exposed to a predator condition (cat odor) or a control condition (no odor) for 1 h on the day of parturition. Predator-exposed F0 dams displayed significantly more maternal behavior (licking/grooming, arched-back nursing) relative to control-exposed dams across five subsequent observation days. Female offspring (F1) were raised to adulthood, bred and maternal behavior was observed. F1 dams reared by a predator-exposed F0 dam displayed significantly higher maternal behavior relative to F1 dams reared by a control-exposed F0 dam across 5 days of observation. Increased levels of maternal behavior in predator-reared (PR) F1 dams were evident even in F1 females that had been cross-fostered (CF) from a control-exposed F0 dam, suggesting a non-genomic transmission of increased levels of maternal behavior. Lactating PR F1 dams had significantly elevated estrogen receptor alpha and beta mRNA in the medial preoptic area relative to control-reared (CR) F1 dams. Furthermore, among CR F1 dams, there was no significant difference between those dams that had been CF from predator-exposed F0 dams and those that had been sham CF. These results support the hypothesis that flexible rat maternal behavior can shape offspring development according to current environmental conditions. The results also suggest that estrogen signaling may be part of an epigenetic mechanism by which changes in maternal behavior are passed from F0 to F1 dams.  相似文献   
The flammable ecosystems are evolutionary dependent on the periodic action of fire. Several environmental factors, both at local and landscape scales, can affect fire regimes in these ecosystems differently. Here, we evaluated the influence of local and landscape features on two parameters of the fire regime of a flammable protected area of the Brazilian savanna: The Chapada Diamantina National Park. We characterized both fire frequency and the time since the last fire, from 1990 to 2019 and measured five environmental predictors (tree canopy cover, altitude, water surface, predominant land use and distance to the nearest municipality). We used Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) to assess the influence of environmental predictors on the measured fire regime parameters. We found a large interannual variation in the total annual area burned in the studied period. In total, 68 % of the protected area (1030 km2) was burned at least once and 32 % (486 km2) was unaffected by fires during the study period. Predominant land use, distance to the nearest municipality, tree cover and the interaction between tree cover and altitude were negatively related to fire frequency, while the water surface and altitude positively influenced fire frequency in the park. Compared to older fires, recent fires occurred in landscapes at lower altitudes and with lower tree cover. Our results demonstrate that the fire frequency and time since the last fire were highly variable across the park, reflecting the strong influence of landscape heterogeneity on their parameters.  相似文献   
国土空间规划背景下, 生态保护红线是在生态空间的现有基础上提出管控要求, 但其与各类生态空间的管控要求之间是否兼容以及如何协调, 仍需要梳理。本研究首先将生态空间划分为自然和管理两大属性和宏观、中观和微观三个层次进行类型体系梳理; 然后, 基于管控视角, 从管理目标、管控内容与管控强度三方面着重探讨13类生态空间与生态保护红线的差异。在管控目标方面, 两者的支持与调节目标兼容度较高, 供给与文化目标定位差异较大; 在管控内容方面, 差异主要表现在培育修复类和人工利用类; 在管控强度方面, 生态保护红线两级管控强度和生态空间三级管控强度不完全匹配。建议以“两大属性三个层次”系统完善生态空间类型体系, 从管理目标、管控内容与管控强度三方面进行生态空间管控要求体系化构建; 进一步完善生态保护红线管控内容和管控强度, 使其与对应的各类生态空间管控要求更好地协调。  相似文献   
High-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) can be used to measure the spatial distribution of electrical muscle activity over the skin. As this distribution is associated with the generation and propagation of muscle fiber action potentials, HDsEMG is processed to extract information on regional muscle activation, muscle fiber characteristics and behaviour of individual motor units. This matrix, developed by the Consensus for Experimental Design in Electromyography (CEDE) project, summarizes recommendations on the use of HDsEMG in experimental studies. For each application, recommendations are included regarding electrode montage, electrode type and configuration, electrode location and orientation, data analysis, and interpretation. Cautions and reporting standards are also included. The steps of the Delphi process to reach consensus are contained in an appendix. This matrix is intended to help researchers when collecting, reporting, and interpreting HDsEMG data. It is hoped that this document will be used to generate new empirical evidence to improve how HDsEMG is used in research and in clinical applications.  相似文献   
The spatial extent of animal movement is a key consideration when designing conservation measures, such as marine protected areas. Methods to assess territory size in the marine environment, however, are labour intensive and/or expensive. Here, we explore a novel method to investigate the spatial ecology of territorial fishes by examining their reactions to an artificial light stimulus. During benthic towed video surveys conducted in Lyme Bay, southwest England, several species of wrasse (Labridae) have frequently been observed pursuing a laser projected onto the seabed. While the motivation behind ‘laser‐chasing’ is unclear, we quantified the spatial aspects of this behaviour by comparing chase distance and chase likelihood between and within species, to determine the potential utility of this method for investigating space use and aggression in wild fishes. Cuckoo wrasse (Labrus mixtus) were significantly more likely to display agonistic behaviour towards the laser than Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris). Goldsinny wrasse displayed a positive relationship between total length and chase‐distance, but not Cuckoo wrasse. The observed species differences may relate to behavioural factors affecting the motivation behind ‘laser‐chasing’, which is discussed. Chases by the cuckoo wrasse were significantly longer than those by Goldsinny wrasse, and these chase distances were used to estimate theoretical territory sizes for each species. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the spatial aspects of the reactions to an artificial stimulus by wild fishes. The potential to develop the method to directly investigate aspects of territoriality and aggression in wild fishes is discussed, including necessary further refinements and testing. Wild wrasses are increasingly exploited in Europe to provide cleaner fish for salmonid aquaculture, and we encourage the development of methods to inform spatial conservation measures for these ubiquitous and iconic species.  相似文献   
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