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Summary A tissue culture system has been developed which can mechanically stimulate cells growing on a highly elastic plastic substratum in a 24-well cell growth chamber. The collagen-coated substratum to which the cells attach and grow in the Mechanical Cell Stimulator (Model I) can be repetitively stretched and relaxed by stepper motor with linear accuracy of 30 μm. The activity controlling unit is an Apple IIe computer interfaced with the cell growth chamber via optical data links and is capable of simulating many of the mechanical activity patterns that cells are subjected to in vivo. Primary avian skeletal myoblasts proliferate and fuse into multinucleated myotubes in this set-up in a manner similar to normal tissue culture dishes. Under static culture conditions, the muscle cells differentiate into networks of myotubes which show little orientation. Growing the proliferating muscle cells on a unidirectional stretching substratum causes the developing myotubes to orient parallel to the direction of movement. In contrast, growing the cells on a substratum undergoing continuous stretch-relaxation cycling orients the developing myotubes perpendicular to the direction of movement. Neither type of mechanical activity significantly affects the rate of cell proliferation of the rate of myoblast fusion into myotubes. These results indicate that during in vivo skeletal muscle organogenesis, when substantial mechanical stresses are placed on skeletal muscle cells by both continuous bone elongation and by spontaneous contractions, only bone elongation plays a significant role in proper fiber orientation for subsequent functional work. Supported by grants NS16753, AR36266, and RR05818 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   
Summary The culturing of human endometrium in conventional plastic dishes and media is only partially successful, mainly because a growth of a heterogeneous population of cells is achieved. Naturally produced extracellular matrix closely resembles the subepithelial basement membrane and seems to affect both growth and differentiation of cells. These qualities of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were applied for obtaining endometrial epithelial cultures. Endometrial tissue specimens were plated after slicing on ECM-coated dishes and kept for up to 8 d. The growth of a confluent homogeneous tissue composed of polygonal epithelial-like cells was demonstrated. To further characterize these cells, cultures were examined by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy revealed flattened polygonal cells covered with microvilli, among which ciliated cells were observed. By transmission electron microscopy the cells were seen as a monolayer, with some cells overlapping, closely adherent to the matrix. Microvilli, as well as intracellular vacuoles and glycogen granules were observed. Cell type specific cytoskeletal markers were demonstrated by antibodies to intermediate filament proteins (keratin and epithelial membrane antigen). Taken together, the morphologic and immunohistochemical studies indicate that a selective growth of the epithelial component of endometrial tissue was obtained after plating unprocessed endometrial tissue fragments on ECM-coated culture dishes. This work was supported by PHS grant no. CA 30289 to J.V.  相似文献   
A method is proposed to identify impacts of habitat modification in cases where it is difficult to site experimental and control samples. This problem occurs especially in heterogeneous systems, but may pose difficulties in any field experimental situation. The method is relevant to the situation where treated (modified) and untreated sites are spread over a range of habitat types. Types of change are identified and compared to treatments. If a specific change type is associated with a particular treatment then it is likely that the change is causally related to the treatment. There are five stages in the analysis. First, the classes or states of the sample sites, over a period of time, are identified (by numerical classification). Second, for each sample site, the sequence of states is listed. Third, transition matrices are made for each sample site to show the changes which have occurred. Fourth, the transition matrices are classified, to identify types of change. Finally, we use the Chisquared test to indicate whether the treated and untreated sites are associated with particular types of change. As an example, we refer to habitat modification to manage salt-marsh mosquitoes and we evaluate impacts on the environment mainly through changes to the vegetation. We consider that the method has potential to identify changes in heterogeneous systems even though little change was identified in the particular salt marsh studied.  相似文献   
Flotation on hot water (about 60 degrees C) which is frequently employed to stretch semithin sections on substrates for SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrometry) microscopy, is the cause of numerous artefacts. In the case of epoxy resin-embedded tissue, one observes loss of potassium and sodium and accumulation of calcium. The relative contrast of cell nuclei in the ionic images, is rapidly affected by these ion migrations. After prolonged contact with hot water, tissue becomes uniformly emissive. In the case of hydrosoluble resin-embedded tissue, potassium and sodium do not appear to be affected by the action of water, which suggests that they are covalently bound with chelating sites buried beneath the layer of water bound to the surface of the macromolecules. Calcium accumulates, probably on widely exposed anionic sites. Moreover, the domains observed in hydrosoluble resin-embedded tissue shrink differently according to the proportion of water removed by melamine; this can provide interesting information on the initial equilibrium between water, ion sand macromolecules. Our results seem to support the assumption that bound water should play an important role in the preservation of both macromolecular architecture and ion distributions.  相似文献   
The relevance of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) in man is still under discussion. Animal experiments indicate that the development of BALT is dependent on microbial stimulation. Therefore, the incidence of BALT was investigated retrospectively in specimens removed during surgical procedures on patients with chronic pulmonary inflammation. All these patients had severe chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis, but BALT was found in only 8%. In patients with BALT and a malignant tumor, occlusion of a bronchus with poststenotic pneumonia was always present and BALT was observed exclusively in areas peripheral to the occlusion. In man other compartments of the lung must be responsible for the immune function of BALT found in animals. Partly presented at the Congress of the Eur. Respir. Soc, 21.- 26.9.1991 in Brussels. (Abstract: Eur Respir J. 4, Suppl. 14:217p)  相似文献   
Benign prostatic hypertrophy and posterior urethral valves present at both extremes of the age spectrum. Both disease processes can obstruct the urinary stream and ultimately have pathophysiological effects on detrusor structure and function. The mechanisms regulating the structural reorganization of the detrusor to a mechanical outflow obstruction are not known. In an attempt to identify maturational differences in myocyte ultrastructure and consequent effects these might have in modifying the response of the detrusor to mechanical stimulus, we studied differences in dynamic nuclear-cytoskeletal interactions in detrusor tissue in an animal model. Using a drug which specifically severs actin, cytochalasin D (CD), as an intracellular mechanical stimulus, we measured changes in nuclear area and the rate of DNA synthesis in detrusor myocytes from young (2-3 week) and old (8-12 mon) guinea pigs. We found that there were age specific differences to intracellular mechanical stimuli in detrusor muscle. Nuclei of myocytes from young animals showed elastic recoil on severing the cell actin matrix and the tissue from young animals increased replicative DNA synthesis with an intracellular stimulus. In contrast, nuclear shape changes in myocytes from old animals suggested less elasticity, and there was no increase in DNA synthesis with disruption of the cell actin matrix. Anti-alpha-smooth muscle actin antibody and rhodamine phalloidin staining of actin in cytochalasin D treated primary explants of detrusor myocytes showed dose dependent disruption of the actin component of the cytoskeleton. These results suggest that there are fundamental modifications in detrusor myocyte ultrastructure with age. These maturational changes might result in differences in the pathophysiological and structural reorganization of the detrusor in response to outflow obstruction in infancy and adulthood. Furthermore, they suggest that 1) a tensile equilibrium exists between the myocyte nucleus and cytoskeleton; 2) there appears to be a decrease in myocyte nuclear elasticity with ageing; 3) release of nuclear template restrictions increases activity of DNA polymerase alpha in young, but not old, detrusor myocytes; and 4) mechanico-chemical signal transduction in detrusor myocytes may be mediated via the cytoskeleton. In addition, based on previous reports of actin within the nucleus, the results suggest that 1) nuclear actin may have a homeostatic structural role, maintaining the tensile equilibrium between nucleus and cytoskeleton, and 2) integrity of nuclear actin may function to maintain the spatial template restriction on DNA polymerase alpha activity.  相似文献   
The recent discovery of DNA sequences responsible for the specific attachment of chromosomal DNA to the nuclear skeleton (MARs/SARs) was an important step towards our understanding of the functional and structural organization of eukaryotic chromatin [Mirkovitch et al.: Cell 44:273-282, 1984; Cockerill and Garrard: Cell 44:273-282, 1986]. A most important question, however, remains the nature of the matrix proteins involved in the specific binding of the MARs. It has been shown that topoisomerase II and histone H1 were capable of a specific interaction with SARs by the formation of precipitable complexes [Adachi et al.: EMBO J8:3997-4006, 1989; Izaurralde et al.: J Mol Biol 210:573-585, 1989]. Here, applying a different approach, we were able to "visualize" some of the skeletal proteins recognizing and specifically binding MAR-sequences. It is shown that the major matrix proteins are practically the same in both salt- and LIS-extracted matrices. However, the relative MAR-binding activity of the individual protein components may be different, depending on the method of matrix preparation. The immunological approach applied here allowed us to identify some of the individual MAR-binding matrix proteins. Histone H1 and nuclear actin are shown to be not only important components of the matrix, but to be involved in a highly efficient interaction with MAR-sequences as well. Evidence is presented that proteins recognized by the anti-HMG antibodies also participate in MAR-interactions.  相似文献   
Migrating cells degrade pericellular matrices and basement membranes. For these purposes cells produce a number of proteolytic enzymes. Mast cells produce two major proteinases, chymase and tryptase, whose physiological functions are poorly known. In the present study we have analyzed the ability of purified human mast cell tryptase to digest pericellular matrices of human fibroblasts. Isolated matrices of human fibroblasts and fibroblast conditioned medium were treated with tryptase, and alterations in the radiolabeled polypeptides were observed in autoradiograms of sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gels. It was found that an M(r) 72,000 protein was digested to an M(r) 62,000 form by human mast cell tryptase while the plasminogen activator inhibitor, PAI-1, was not affected. Cleavage of the M(r) 72,000 protein could be partially inhibited by known inhibitors of tryptase but not by aprotinin, soybean trypsin inhibitor, or EDTA. Fibroblastic cells secreted the M(r) 72,000 protein into their medium and it bound to gelatin as shown by analysis of the medium by affinity chromatography over gelatin-Sepharose. The soluble form of the M(r) 72,000 protein was also susceptible to cleavage by tryptase. Analysis using gelatin containing polyacrylamide gels showed that both the intact M(r) 72,000 and the M(r) 62,000 degraded form of the protein possess gelatinolytic activity after activation by sodium dodecyl sulphate. Immunoblotting analysis of the matrices revealed the cleavage of an immunoreactive protein of M(r) 72,000 indicating that the protein is related to type IV collagenase. Further analysis of the pericellular matrices indicated that the protease sensitive extracellular matrix protein fibronectin was removed from the matrix by tryptase in a dose-dependent manner. Fibronectin was also susceptible to proteolytic degradation by tryptase. The data suggest a role for mast cell tryptase in the degradation of pericellular matrices.  相似文献   
We describe an organotypic model of human skin comprised of a stratified layer of human epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts within a contracted collagen lattice. Feasible and reproducible production of the skin construct has required the use of traditional as well as specialized culture techniques. The configuration of the construct has been engineered to maintain polarity and permit extended culture at the air-liquid interface. Morphological, biochemical and kinetic parameters were assessed and functional assays were performed to determine the degree of similarity to human skin. Light and ultrastructural morphology of the epidermis closely resembled human skin. The immunocytochemical localization of a number of differentiation markers and extracellular matrix proteins was also similar to human skin. Kinetic data showed a transition of the epidermal layer to a morein vivo-like growth rate during the development of the construct at the air-liquid interface. The barrier properties of the construct also increased with time reaching a permeability to water of less than 2%·h after approximately 2 weeks at the air-liquid interface which is still on average 30-fold more water-permeable than normal human skin. The construct is currently used forin vitro research and testing and is also being tested in clinical applications.  相似文献   
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