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Opium poppy, belonging to the family Papaveraceae, is grown for its alkaloid compounds of pharmaceutical value. Downy mildew caused by Peronospora somniferi and Pe. meconopsidis, substantially impacts crop production. The present study was conducted to identify the host range of Pe. somniferi and Pe. meconopsidis within selected weed and ornamental members of the Papaveraceae family. Nine Papaver spp., Meconopsis cambrica and a nonhost control (tomato, Solanum lycopersicum) were challenged with both pathogens under controlled glasshouse or laboratory conditions using infested soil or foliar applied sporangia as inocula. Peronospora somniferi and Pe. meconopsidis induced disease symptoms, including sporulation, in at least one trial for all tested species except for Pa. atlanticum and tomato. Species-specific PCR testing of foliage of challenged plants confirmed infections by both pathogen species of symptomatic plants, identifying these as hosts. Positive PCR tests were also obtained from Pa. atlanticum plants for both pathogens. However, in the absence of pathogen sporulation structures as further evidence of infection, the host status of Pa. atlanticum remains inconclusive. Testing of seeds collected from Pe. somniferi and Pe. meconopsidis infected plants of Pa. somniferum, Pa. dubium, Pa. rhoeas and Pa. nudicaule showed presence of both pathogens, indicating likely ability for seed transmission in these species. We identified new hosts of these pathogens and discuss potential implications of these alternative hosts in pathogen survival, dissemination and epidemic initiation.  相似文献   
Most emerging pathogens of humans can infect multiple host species (Woolhouse & Gowtage‐Sequeria, 2005). This simple fact has motivated multiple large‐scale, comparative analyses of the drivers of pathogen sharing and zoonotic pathogen richness among hosts as well as the factors determining the zoonotic potential of pathogens themselves. However, most of this work focuses on viruses, limiting a broader understanding of how host range varies within and between pathogen groups. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Shaw et al. (2020) compile a comprehensive data set of host–pathogen associations across viruses and bacteria and test whether previous patterns observed in the former occur in the latter. They find most viruses and bacteria are specialists, and viruses are more likely to be generalists; however, generalist bacteria encompass multiple host orders, whereas viral sharing occurs more within host orders. Lastly, the authors demonstrate that many factors previously identified as predictors of zoonotic richness for viruses occur for bacteria and that host phylogenetic similarity is a primary determinant of cross‐species transmission. However, pathogen sharing with humans was more common and more weakly related to phylogenetic distance to Homo sapiens for bacteria compared to viruses, suggesting the former could pose greater spillover risks across host orders. This work represents a key advance in our understanding of host specificity and pathogen sharing beyond viruses.  相似文献   
Infectious diseases, including transmissible cancers, can have a broad range of impacts on host behaviour, particularly in the latter stages of disease progression. However, the difficulty of early diagnoses makes the study of behavioural influences of disease in wild animals a challenging task. Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) are affected by a transmissible cancer, devil facial tumour disease (DFTD), in which tumours are externally visible as they progress. Using telemetry and mark–recapture datasets, we quantify the impacts of cancer progression on the behaviour of wild devils by assessing how interaction patterns within the social network of a population change with increasing tumour load. The progression of DFTD negatively influences devils'' likelihood of interaction within their network. Infected devils were more active within their network late in the mating season, a pattern with repercussions for DFTD transmission. Our study provides a rare opportunity to quantify and understand the behavioural feedbacks of disease in wildlife and how they may affect transmission and population dynamics in general.  相似文献   
Microbial organisms are ubiquitous in nature and often form communities closely associated with their host, referred to as the microbiome. The microbiome has strong influence on species interactions, but microbiome studies rarely take interactions between hosts into account, and network interaction studies rarely consider microbiomes. Here, we propose to use metacommunity theory as a framework to unify research on microbiomes and host communities by considering host insects and their microbes as discretely defined “communities of communities” linked by dispersal (transmission) through biotic interactions. We provide an overview of the effects of heritable symbiotic bacteria on their insect hosts and how those effects subsequently influence host interactions, thereby altering the host community. We suggest multiple scenarios for integrating the microbiome into metacommunity ecology and demonstrate ways in which to employ and parameterize models of symbiont transmission to quantitatively assess metacommunity processes in host‐associated microbial systems. Successfully incorporating microbiota into community‐level studies is a crucial step for understanding the importance of the microbiome to host species and their interactions.  相似文献   
Environmental sources of infection can play a primary role in shaping epidemiological dynamics; however, the relative impact of environmental transmission on host‐pathogen systems is rarely estimated. We developed and fit a spatially explicit model of African swine fever virus (ASFV) in wild boar to estimate what proportion of carcass‐based transmission is contributing to the low‐level persistence of ASFV in Eastern European wild boar. Our model was developed based on ecological insight and data from field studies of ASFV and wild boar in Eastern Poland. We predicted that carcass‐based transmission would play a substantial role in persistence, especially in low‐density host populations where contact rates are low. By fitting the model to outbreak data using approximate Bayesian computation, we inferred that between 53% and 66% of transmission events were carcass‐based that is, transmitted through contact of a live host with a contaminated carcass. Model fitting and sensitivity analyses showed that the frequency of carcass‐based transmission increased with decreasing host density, suggesting that management policies should emphasize the removal of carcasses and consider how reductions in host densities may drive carcass‐based transmission. Sensitivity analyses also demonstrated that carcass‐based transmission is necessary for the autonomous persistence of ASFV under realistic parameters. Autonomous persistence through direct transmission alone required high host densities; otherwise re‐introduction of virus periodically was required for persistence when direct transmission probabilities were moderately high. We quantify the relative role of different persistence mechanisms for a low‐prevalence disease using readily collected ecological data and viral surveillance data. Understanding how the frequency of different transmission mechanisms vary across host densities can help identify optimal management strategies across changing ecological conditions.  相似文献   
小鼠植入前胚胎的发育过程中,核仁经历从简单到复杂、从致密结构到网状结构的变化。对核仁超微结构的观察有助于揭示早期胚胎发育过程中核仁结构的动态变化及其特定阶段的功能。但由于核仁结构微小,数目较少,并且在胚胎中只处于卵裂球细胞核的内部,难以定位,因而给核仁的超微结构观察带来很大的困难。本实验探索了透射电镜观察小鼠植入前胚胎核仁的方法:先用琼脂对小鼠胚胎进行预包埋,在经过常规的透射电镜样品制备流程后,将整个胚胎先切成半薄切片;经过甲苯胺蓝染色后,选取含核仁结构的切片进行重包埋;最后再对回收来的半薄切片进行超薄切片,醋酸铀染色后上电镜观察;最终成功获得小鼠胚胎植入前发育不同时期核仁清晰的透射电镜图像。  相似文献   


A common strategy of microbial pathogens is to invade host cells during infection. The invading microbes explore different intracellular compartments to find their preferred niche.

Scope of Review

Imaging has been instrumental to unravel paradigms of pathogen entry, to identify their exact intracellular location, and to understand the underlying mechanisms for the formation of pathogen-containing niches. Here, we provide an overview of imaging techniques that have been applied to monitor the intracellular lifestyle of pathogens, focusing mainly on bacteria that either remain in vacuolar-bound compartments or rupture the endocytic vacuole to escape into the host's cellular cytoplasm.

Major Conclusions

We will depict common molecular and cellular paradigms that are preferentially exploited by pathogens. A combination of electron microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, and time-lapse microscopy has been the driving force to reveal underlying cell biological processes. Furthermore, the development of highly sensitive and specific fluorescent sensor molecules has allowed for the identification of functional aspects of niche formation by intracellular pathogens.

General Significance

Currently, we are beginning to understand the sophistication of the invasion strategies used by bacterial pathogens during the infection process- innovative imaging has been a key ingredient for this.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Nanotechnologies - Emerging Applications in Biomedicine.  相似文献   
The self-assembly of specific proteins to form insoluble amyloid fibrils is a characteristic feature of a number of age-related and debilitating diseases. Lipid-free human apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II) forms characteristic amyloid fibrils and is one of several apolipoproteins that accumulate in amyloid deposits located within atherosclerotic plaques. X-ray diffraction analysis of aligned apoC-II fibrils indicated a simple cross-β-structure composed of two parallel β-sheets. Examination of apoC-II fibrils using transmission electron microscopy, scanning transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy indicated that the fibrils are flat ribbons composed of one apoC-II molecule per 4.7-Å rise of the cross-β-structure. Cross-linking results using single-cysteine substitution mutants are consistent with a parallel in-register structural model for apoC-II fibrils. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of apoC-II fibrils labeled with specific fluorophores provided distance constraints for selected donor-acceptor pairs located within the fibrils. These findings were used to develop a simple ‘letter-G-like’ β-strand-loop-β-strand model for apoC-II fibrils. Fully solvated all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations showed that the model contained a stable cross-β-core with a flexible connecting loop devoid of persistent secondary structure. The time course of the MD simulations revealed that charge clusters in the fibril rearrange to minimize the effects of same-charge interactions inherent in parallel in-register models. Our structural model for apoC-II fibrils suggests that apoC-II monomers fold and self-assemble to form a stable cross-β-scaffold containing relatively unstructured connecting loops.  相似文献   
Intracellular fibril formation by Ure2p produces the non-Mendelian genetic element [URE3] in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, making Ure2p a prion protein. We show that solid-state NMR spectra of full-length Ure2p fibrils, seeded with infectious prions from a specific [URE3] strain and labeled with uniformly 15N-13C-enriched Ile, include strong, sharp signals from Ile residues in the globular C-terminal domain (CTD) with both helical and nonhelical 13C chemical shifts. Treatment with proteinase K eliminates these CTD signals, leaving only nonhelical signals from the Gln-rich and Asn-rich N-terminal segment, which are also observed in the solid-state NMR spectra of Ile-labeled fibrils formed by residues 1-89 of Ure2p. Thus, the N-terminal segment, or “prion domain” (PD), forms the fibril core, while CTD units are located outside the core. We additionally show that, after proteinase K treatment, Ile-labeled Ure2p fibrils formed without prion seeding exhibit a broader set of solid-state NMR signals than do prion-seeded fibrils, consistent with the idea that structural variations within the PD core account for prion strains. Measurements of 13C-13C magnetic dipole-dipole couplings among 13C-labeled Ile carbonyl sites in full-length Ure2p fibrils support an in-register parallel β-sheet structure for the PD core of Ure2p fibrils. Finally, we show that a model in which CTD units are attached rigidly to the parallel β-sheet core is consistent with steric constraints.  相似文献   
Recent findings implicate that fibrillation products, the protein aggregates formed during the various steps leading to formation of mature fibrils, induce neurotoxicity predominantly in their intermediate oligomeric state. This has been shown to occur by increasing membrane permeability, eventually leading to cell death. Despite accumulating reports describing mechanisms of membrane permeabilization by oligomers in model membranes, studies directly targeted at characterizing the events occurring in biological membranes are rare. In the present report, we describe interaction of the original native structure, prefibrils and fibrils of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) with mitochondrial membranes, as an in vitro biological model, with the aim of gaining insight into possible mechanism of cytotoxicity at the membrane level. These structures were first characterized using a range of techniques, including fluorescence, size-exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy, dot blot analysis and circular dichroism. HEWL oligomers were found to be flexible/hydrophobic structures with the capacity to interact with mitochondrial membranes. Possible permeabilization of mitochondria was explored utilizing sensitive fluorometric and luminometric assays. Results presented demonstrate release of mitochondrial enzymes upon exposure to HEWL oligomers, but not native enzyme monomer or mature fibrils, in a concentration-dependent manner. Release of cytochrome c was also observed, as reported earlier, and membrane stabilization promoted by addition of calcium prevented release. Moreover, the oligomer-membrane interaction was influenced by high concentrations of NaCl and spermine. The observed release of proteins from mitochondria is suggested to occur by a nonspecific perturbation mechanism.  相似文献   
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