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Using rat hepatocytes we confirmed our previous results that glucagon and -adrenergic agonists increased the enzyme activity of alanine aminotransferase (AAT) and propranolol abolished their effects. Only the enzyme activity was measured and other parameters like quantity of the enzyme or activation due to modification were not looked for. As in perfusion experiment phenylephrine and phenoxybenzamine (-agonist and -antagonist respectively) also increased the AAT activity in isolated rat hepatocytes and propranolol reversed these effects. The additive effect of glucagon and phenoxybenzamine on AAT was also persistant in hepatocyte system.Fructose- 1:6-bisphosphatase (Fru-P2ase), another key enzyme in gluconeogenic pathway, was elevated by glucagon and other -adrenergic agonists both in liver perfusion and isolated hepatocyte experiments and was brought back to the normal level by propranolol. In this case also only the enzyme activity was measured and no other parameters were looked for. Unlike AAT this enzyme was not stimulated by phenylephrine or phenoxybenzamine. But AAT and Fru-P2-ase activities were increased significantly by adenylate cyclase activators like fluoride or forskolin. Thus, it appears that the regulation of fru-P2-ase by glucagon is purely a -receptor mediated process whereas AAT activation shows a mixed type of regulation where some well known -agonist and antagonists are behaving as -agonists.Results further indicate the presence of phosphodiesterase in hepatocyte membrane which was stimulated by glucagon and brought back to the normal level by propranolol.The different adrenergic compounds stated above, not only modified the activity of the above two enzymes but also stimulated glucose production by hepatocytes from alanine which was in turn abolished by propranolol as well as amino oxyacetate (AOA), a highly specified inhibitor of AAT. This confirm the participation of AAT in gluconeogenesis from alanine in liver. Forskolin and fluoride also increased the glucose production from alanine and showed additive effects with glucagon, phenylephrine and phenoxybenzamine.  相似文献   
Strain X4 was isolated several years ago from an anaerobic mesophilic plant treating vegetable cannery waste waters. It was the first example of propionic fermentation from ethanol. Morphologic and physiologic characterizations of the strain are presented here. This strain is described as type strain of a new species, Clostridium neopropionicum sp. nov. Whole cells of strain X4 ferment [1-13C]ethanol and CO2 to [2-13C]propionate, [1-13C]acetate and [2-13C]propanol, suggesting the absence of a randomizing pathway during the propionate formation. Enzymes involved in this fermentation were assayed in cell-free extracts of cells grown with ethanol as sole substrate. Alcohol dehydrogenase, aldehyde dehydrogenase, phosphate acetyl transferase, acetate kinase, pyruvate synthase, lactate dehydrogenases, and the enzymes of the acrylate pathway were detected at activities sufficient to be involved in ethanol fermentation. The same pathway may be used for the degradation of lactate or acrylate to acetate.  相似文献   
The understanding of sex determination in general, but in particular in mammals, has been a subject of scientific speculation for a long time. It has been shown that in many vertebrate and invertebrate species, the sex of an individual is determined by the individual's chromosomal constitution. Initial studies of classical genetic searching for sex-transforming mutations and the scrupulous analyses of modified phenotypes have shed light on the mechanism(s) of sex-determination. They paved the road to successful studies at molecular level. After a brief review on sex determination in chosen model species, the “Drosophila system” is presented to exemplify a possible general principle for sex determinism.  相似文献   
The objective of this investigation was to study the morphometry of the epithelial mucosa in the chronic phase ofT. cruzi infection. Nine young female Wistar rats were inoculated withT. cruzi. Ten months after inoculation the animals were sacrificed and the proximal colon was collected for morphometric measurements of the thickness of the muscle layers, the number of neurons in the myenteric plexus, the crypt cell population (CCP), crypt cell production per crypt (CCPC) and turnover time (TT) of the epithelium. There was no muscle layer hypertrophy but there was significant denervation in the group inoculated withT. cruzi, which also showed hyperplasia of the epithelium. The data suggest that denervation of the myenteric plexus did not induce hypertrophy of the propria muscle layer itself but altered the morphometry of the colonic epithelium inT. crwzi-infected animals, with increased development of CCP and TT. It is possible that this epithelial hyperplasia, as a consequence of a longer crypt cell TT, increased the absorption and secretion activities of the colon, which in turn may participate in the genesis of the enteromegalies observed in the chronic phase of Chagas’ Disease.  相似文献   
Summary Flies (Musca domestica) avoid danger by initiating a rapid jump followed by flight. To identify the visual cues that trigger the escape response in the housefly, we measured the timing and probability of escapes when the fly was presented with a variety of visual stimuli created by moving targets toward it. Our results show that an escape response is triggered by an approaching dark disk, but not by a receding dark disk. On the other hand, a bright disk elicits escape only when it recedes. A disk with black and white rings is less effective at eliciting escape than is a dark solid disk of the same size. This indicates that the darkening contrast produced by an approaching stimulus is a more crucial parameter than expansion cues contained in the optical flow. Escape is also triggered by a horizontally moving dark edge, but not by a moving bright edge or by a grating. An examination of several visual parameters reveals that the darkening contrast, measured from the onset of stimulation to the start of escape is nearly constant for a variety of stimuli that trigger escape reliably. Thus darkening contrast, coupled with motion may be crucial in eliciting the visually evoked escape response. Other visual parameters such as time-to-contact or target angular velocity seem to be relatively unimportant to the timing of escapes.Abbreviations P s Probability of successful escape - r disk radius of disk target - r arena radius of shielding arena - v disk linear velocity of disk target - v edge linear velocity of edge - d disk angular velocity of disk target boundary - edge angular velocity of edge - escape target distance at escape - d start target distance before onset of target movement - h edge height of the edge above fly - x start distance from corner of triangle to start position of edge (0 or 50 mm) - x escape distance from corner of triangle to the position of the edge when the fly escapes - x center distance from corner of triangle to point above the center of the pad - x total distance from the corner of the triangle to the base (height of triangle = base of triangle)  相似文献   
For the first time dioecy inMikania and in the tribeEupatorieae is described and discussed. The condition is known only in members of theMikania swartziana Griseb. complex, a group of eight species, all endemic to the Greater Antillean Islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, and Jamaica.  相似文献   
The present results demonstrate for the first time in rat liver, that low ethanol concentrations (2.2 and 22 mM) directly stimulate dihydrotestosterone conversion to 5 alpha-androstan-3 alpha, 17 beta-diol and 5 alpha-androstan-3 beta, 17 beta-diol. Because this effect was blocked by 4-methylpyrazole, an alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor, or by the addition of a saturating NADH concentration, this action probably is mediated by hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase activity through elevation of the NADH/NAD+ ratio. It remains to be determined whether this effect of ethanol actually reduces circulating and/or target tissue dihydrotestosterone levels; nevertheless, it is tempting to speculate that this action, in part, is responsible for the reported adverse effects of alcohol on male reproductive functions.  相似文献   
Y. Shimazaki  L. H. Pratt 《Planta》1985,164(3):333-344
While two monoclonal antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oat (Avena sativa L.) shoots can precipitate up to about 30% of the photoreversible phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots, most precipitate little or none at all. These results are consistent with a report by J.G. Tokuhisa and P.H. Quail (1983, Plant Physiol. 72, Suppl., 85), according to which polyclonal rabbit antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oat shoots bind only a small fraction of the phytochrome obtained from green oat shoots. The immunoprecipitation data reported here indicate that essentially all phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots is distinct from that obtained from etiolated oat shoots. The data indicate further that phytochrome from green oat shoots might itself be composed of two or more immunochemically distinct populations, each of which is distinct from phytochrome from etiolated shoots. Phytochrome isolated from light-grown, but norflurazon-bleached oat shoots is like that isolated from green oat shoots. When light-grown, green oat seedlings are kept in darkness for 48 h, however, much, if not all, of the phytochrome that reaccumulates is like that from etiolated oat shoots. Neither modification during purification from green oat shoots of phytochrome like that from etiolated oat shoots, nor non-specific interference by substances in extracts of green oat shoots, can explain the inability of antibodies to recognize phytochrome isolated from green oat shoots. Immunopurified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to phytochrome from etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L.). shoots precipitate more than 95% of the photoreversible phytochrome obtained from etiolated pea shoots, while no more than 75% of the pigment is precipitated when phytochrome is isolated from green pea shoots. These data indicate in preliminary fashion that an immunochemically unique pool of phytochrome might also be present in extracts of green pea shoots.Abbreviation ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - mU milliunit - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   
Considerable inherent variations in the relation between macropterous and brachypterous wing forms, and nymphal density were found in field populations of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stål (Homoptera: Delphacidae), collected from various locations in Japan. When compared under uniform laboratory rearing conditions, most of the female populations exhibited higher ratios of macropters with increasing nymphal density, but some showed extremely high proportion of brachypters and the others were highly macropterous, over broad ranges of density. These results indicate the possibility that the planthoppers in Japan, which are known not to persist in winter, are derived from different migration sources.About ten generations of successive selection for brachyptery from a population showing usual density-dependent wing morphism generated populations similar to highly brachypterous ones mentioned above. Genetic analysis of the inheritance of wing morphism revealed that brachyptery in the females was controlled by a single pair of dominant alleles. However, in the males wing forms did not segregate so clearly in the crossing experiments. This suggests that wing morphism in N. lugens in under sex-limited inheritance.
Einwanderung von Nilaparvata lugens mit unterscheidlicher Reaktion auf Populationsdischte bei der Flügelausbildung
Zusammenfassung In Feldpopulationen von Nilaparvata lugens Stål., welche in verschiedenen Regionen Japans gesammelt wurden, bestand in der Beziehung zwischen makropteren bzw. brachypteren Flügelformen und der Larvendichte eine beträchtliche Variation. Unter einheitlichen Zuchtbedingungen im Laboratorium stieg der Makropterenanteil bei den meisten Weibchenpopulationen mit steigender Temperatur; bei einigen Populationen hingegen war entweder der Brachypterenanteil oder der Makropterenanteil extrem hoch und zwar über weite Dichtebereiche. Dies deutet auf die Möglichkeit hin, dass die Zikade in Japan, wo sie bekanntlich nicht überwintert, jeweils aus verschiedenen Quellen einwandert.Wenn eine Population mit der üblichen dichteabhängigen Flügelausbildung 10 Generationen lang auf Brachypterie selektioniert wurde, entstanden Populationen, die den erwähnten hochbrachypteren Populationen aus dem Feld glichen. Die genetische Analyse der Vererbung der Brachypterie ergab, dass bei Weibchen ein einzelnes dominantes Allel verantwortlich ist. Bei Männchen dagegen trennten sich bei Kreuzungsexperimenten die Flügelformen nicht so klar. Dies deuted auf Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern bei der Vererbung der Flügelformen.
Visible absorption and CD spectral and potentiometric studies on the His- and Tyr-containing ternary copper(II) complexes Cu(A)(L-B), where A refers to L-His, D-His, or L-Tyr and B to Lys, Tyr, Trp, Phe, Ala, Val, Arg, Glu, Asn, Gln, Ser, or Thr, were made to study ligand-ligand interactions in the complexes. While the CD spectral magnitudes in the d—d region are additive in the absence of side chain interactions and can be estimated from the magnitudes for the ternary systems involving DL-A or DL-B, deviation from the additivity was observed for Cu(L-His)(L-B) (B = LysH, Tyr, Trp, or Phe) and Cu(L-Tyr)(L-Trp). From the stability constants determined at 25 °C and I = 0.1 M (KNO3), the equilibrium constants, K, for the following hypothetical equilibria were calculated to be large (0.14–0.60) for formation of Cu(L-/D-His)(L-B)(B = Tyr or Trp) and Cu(D-His)(L-Phe) with Cu(en)(L-Ala) as standard: Cu(A)(L?Ala)+Cu(en)(L?b)?KCu(A)(L?B)+Cu(en)(L?Ala) The positive values indicate the stabilization due to the stacking between the imidazole ring of His and the aromatic side chain of L-B. Solvent dependence of the CD spectra for Cu(L-His)(L-LysH) and Cu(L-His) L-Trp) further supported the existence of the intramolecular electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   
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