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Deformamidoazidoantimycin A (DAA), a photoactive derivative of antimycin A containing an azido group substituting for the formamido group attached to the phenyl ring, was synthesized. The ultraviolet spectrum of DAA was almost identical to that of antimycin A, indicating little alteration of the electronic structure of the substituted phenyl ring by the azido substitution. However, the inhibitory effectiveness of DAA toward ubiquinol-cytochromec reductase (Complex III) purified from bovine heart (K i =ca. 0.5 µM) was considerably less than that of antimycin (K i 3 pM), indicating a direct rather than a supporting role of the formamido group in the inhibitory activity of antimycin. Exposure of purified Complex III to [3H]DAA plus ultraviolet light caused a major labeling by tritium of SDS-PAGE band 7 (m=13 kDa by SDS-PAGE) and lesser but significant labeling of bands 3, 6, 8, and 9. Pretreatment of Complex III with antimycin greatly suppressed the labeling of bands 5, 6, and 7 but caused an apparent increased labeling of bands 8 and 9 by [3H]DAA, respectively. The labeling of band 7 by [3H]DAA also was strongly suppressed by reduction of Complex III by either sodium borohybride or ascorbate. Based on magnitude of labeling by [3H]DAA and the degree of suppression of labeling by antimycin, the protein of band 7 qualified as the principal component for specific binding of antimycin with the protein of band 6 (m=16 kDa) showing a lesser but significant amount of specific binding.  相似文献   
The effects of mineral salts constituting water hardness on fecundity ofDaphnia magna were assessed. Of the salts tested, increased concentrations of NaHCO3 and MgSO4 had no effect on fecundity, CaSO4 significantly increased fecundity, and KCl significantly reduced fecundity. The number of offspring produced per daphnid was correlative to the CaSO4 concentration at CaSO4 concentrations between 91 and 2100 mg/ℓ. The effects of CaSO4 on daphnid fecundity could influence the interpretive outcome of industrial wastewater toxicity tests using this species when the waste and dilution waters contain different concentrations of CaSO4. It is recommended that when performing these tests, dilution water be sampled at the intake site of the industry's water source, thus assuring initial comparability of the waste and dilution waters. The CaSO4 content of the water prior to and after industrial use should be determined to identify any alterations of CaSO4 concentration during use. Identification of CaSO4 concentration differences can aid in the interpretation of effects associated with the wastewater.  相似文献   
The denaturation of proteins by guanidine hydrochloride was studied in the presence of different concentrations of stabilizing salts, namely potassium phosphate, ammonium sulfate, and potassium acetate. The denaturation transition was followed by observing changes in the peptide circular dichroism atpH 7.0 and 25°C. From these results the free energy of stabilization for the process native denatured was determined. It was found that the stabilizing power of the anions increased in the order acetate < sulfate < phosphate, in agreement with the anionic lyotropic series. Ribonuclease A, which is known to have a site that can bind either a phosphate or a sulfate ion, showed a larger stabilization by these anions than that for lysozyme, pepsinogen, and myoglobin.  相似文献   
Summary The Upper Triassic Dachsteinkalk of the Hochk?nig Massif, situated 50 km south of Salzburg in the Northern Calcareous Alps, corresponds to a platform margin reef complex of exceptional thickness. The platform interior limestones form equally thick sequences of the well known cyclic Lofer facies. Sedimentation in the reef complex was not so strongly controlled by low-amplitude sea-level oscillations as was the Lofer facies. The westernmost of the 8 facies of the reef complex is an oncolite-dominated lagoon, in which wave-resistant stromatolite mounds with a relief of a few metres were periodically developed. The transition to the central reef area is accomplished across the back-reef facies. In the back-reef facies patch reefs and calcisponges appear. The proportion of coarse bioclastic sediment increases rapidly over a few hundred metres before the central reef area is encountered. The central reef area consists of relatively widely spaced small patch reefs that did not develop wave-resistant reef framework structures. The bulk of the sediment in the central reef area is coarse bioclastic material, provided by the dense growth of reef organisms and the wave-induced disintegration of patch reefs. Collapse of the reef margin is recorded by the supply of large blocks of patch reef material to the upper reef slope. Additionally, coarse, loose bioclastic debris was supplied to the upper reef slope and this was incorporated into debris flows on the reef slope and turbidites found at the base of the slope and in the off-reef facies. Partially lithified packstones and wackestones of the lower to middle reef slope were modified by mass movement to form breccia and rudstone sheets. The latter reach out hundreds of metres into the off-reef facies environment. A reef profile is presented which was derived by the restoration of strike and dip information. In conjunction with constraints imposed by sedimentary facies related to slope processes, the angle of slope in the reef margin area ranged from 11° to 5°, forming a concave (dished downwards) slope. Water depth estimations require that the central reef area did not develop in water of less than 10 metres depth. At the reef margin water depths were about 30 metres, at the base of the reef slope 200 metres and deepening in the off-reef facies to 250 metres. While previous work on reef complexes from this type of setting suggests growth in a heavily storm-dominated environment, the present author finds little evidence for the storm generation of the fore reef breccias, although there is good evidence for storm-influenced sedimentation and reworking in the central reef area. Post-depositional processes were characterised by continued slope processes causing brecciation and hydraulic injection of red internal sediments downwards into the reef slope and off-reef limestones. Hydrothermal circulation caused a number of phases of post-depositional (diagenetic) brecciation. There appears not to have been an important period of emergence at the Triassic/Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   
As previously reported, mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (MDH) binds to purified complex I of the electron transport system. With conditions used in previous reports, MDH binds even more extensively, but probably predominantly non-specifically, to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane of submitochodrial particles (SMP). Herein we report experimental conditions for highly specific binding of malate dehydrogenase to complex I within SMP. These conditions permit us to demonstrate NADH channelling from malate dehydrogenase to complex I using the completing reaction test. This test, though not ideal for all situations, has several advantages over the enzyme buffering test previously used. These advantages should facilitate further studies elucidating NADH channeling to complex I from MDH and other dehydrogenases. Independent evidence of NADH channelling to the electron transport chain and the potential advantages of substrate channelling in general are also discussed. Substrate channelling from MDH in particular may be especially beneficial because of the unfavourable equilibrium and kinetics of this enzyme reaction.  相似文献   
A stereotypical approach phase vocalization response of the lesser bulldog bat, Noctilio albiventris, to artificial echoes simulating a virtual approaching object was used to assess the ability of the bat to analyze and extract distance information from the artificial echoes. The performance of the bat was not significantly different when presented with naturally structured CF/FM echoes containing FM elements that sweep continuously from about 75-55 kHz in 4 ms or with CF/FM echoes containing FM components constructed from a series of 98 pure tone frequency steps, each with a duration of 0.04 ms. The performance of the bat remained unchanged when the duration of the tone steps was increased up to 0.08 ms but declined sharply to a level that was significantly below that seen with a naturally structured echo when the steps were 0.09 ms or longer. The performance of the bat depended on the duration of the individual tone steps, which could not exceed a specific upper limit of about 0.08 ms. The study suggests that the bats have adaptations for processing individual narrow band segments of FM signals over specific time intervals.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation  相似文献   
Plant (and fungal) mitochondria contain multiple NAD(P)H dehydrogenases in the inner membrane all of which are connected to the respiratory chain via ubiquinone. On the outer surface, facing the intermembrane space and the cytoplasm, NADH and NADPH are oxidized by what is probably a single low-molecular-weight, nonproton-pumping, unspecific rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenase. Exogenous NADH oxidation is completely dependent on the presence of free Ca2+ with aK 0.5 of about 1 µM. On the inner surface facing the matrix there are two dehydrogenases: (1) the proton-pumping rotenone-sensitive multisubunit Complex I with properties similar to those of Complex I in mammalian and fungal mitochondria. (2) a rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenase with equal activity with NADH and NADPH and no proton-pumping activity. The NADPH-oxidizing activity of this enzyme is completely dependent on Ca2+ with aK 0.5 of 3 µM. The enzyme consists of a single subunit of 26 kDa and has a native size of 76 kDa, which means that it may form a trimer.  相似文献   
天花粉蛋白与FMP复合物的晶体结构   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
用浸泡法得到了天花粉蛋白(TCS)与FMP复合物的晶体,在SIMENNSX-200B面探测器系统上收集了一套2.0分辨率的X射线衍射数据。用同晶差值傅立叶法解析了复合物的结构,经X—PLOR程序修正得到了TCS—FMP复合物的分子结构并找出了197个水分子,最后的R因子为0.172,键长和键角的RMS偏差分别为0.015和2.922度。TCS—FMP复合物中,FMP与天花粉蛋白分子有较好的结合,其结合位置正处于根据三维结构和突变体信息推测的N一糖苷酶活性口袋之中。它的类嘌呤环夹在Y70和Y111两个侧链环之间,与Y70环近乎平行,其N7和N6分别与TCS分子的G1094羰基氧和I71的N成氢键,N3靠近R163的侧链,其磷酸根则伸向活性口袋的底部,与E189、E160和R163等残基作用。  相似文献   
Age-Dependent Impairment of Mitochondrial Function in Primate Brain   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
Abstract: It has been hypothesized that some of the functional impairments associated with aging are the result of increasing oxidative damage to mitochondrial DNA that produces defects in oxidative phosphorylation. To test this hypothesis, we examined the enzymes that catalyze oxidative phosphorylation in crude mitochondrial preparations from frontoparietal cortex of 20 rhesus monkeys (5-34 years old). Samples were assayed for complex I, complex II-III, complex IV, complex V, and citrate synthase activities. When enzyme activities were corrected for citrate synthase activities (to account for variable degrees of mitochondrial enrichment), linear regression analysis demonstrated a significant negative correlation of the activities of complex I (p < 0.002) and complex IV (p < 0.03) with age but no significant change in complex II-III or complex V activities. Relative to animals 6.9 ± 0.9 years old (n = 7), the citrate synthase-corrected activity of complex I was reduced by 17% in animals 22.5 ± 0.9 years old (n = 6) (p < 0.05) and by 22% in animals 30.7 ± 0.9 years old (n = 7) (p < 0.01). Similar age-related reductions in the activities of complexes I and IV were obtained when enzyme activities were corrected for complex II-III activity. These findings show an age-associated progressive impairment of mitochondrial complex I and complex IV activities in cerebral cortices of primates.  相似文献   
Racemic 5-methoxy-2-methyl-2-dipropylaminotetralin ( 3 ) has been prepared by a short synthetic route, in which the N,N-dipropyliminium perchlorate of 5-methoxy-2-tetralone ( 4 ) is a key intermediate. Racemic 3 was resolved by crystallization of the corresponding diastereomeric di-p-toluoyltartrates. The enantiomeric excess (%ee) of the phenolic derivatives of (+)-(R)- and (?)-(S)-3 [(+)-(R)- and (?)-(S)-2] was determined by 1HNMR spectroscopic analysis of the corresponding diastereomeric (?)-(R)-1,1′-binaphthyl-2,2′-diylphosphoric acid salts utilizing 13C satellites. X-ray crystallography established the absolute configuration of (?)-(S)-2 · HCl. The enantiomers of 2 were tested for hippocampal output of 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid in rats by use of in vivo microdialysis. The (?)-(S)-enantiomer appeared to affect 5-HT-turnover, whereas (+)-(R)- 2 was inactive. Results obtained provide support for the previously reported hypothesis that the inactivity of (?)-(S)- 2 at central DA receptors is caused by the steric bulk of the C(2)-methyl group. This makes it possible to define a “DA D2 receptor essential volume.” © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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