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A new index and four new graphical displays, termed "red–blue" plots, are presented to study and measure clustering in spatially referenced count data. The index can detect clusters in the form of patches, comprising several nearby large counts, and in the form of gaps, comprising several nearby small counts. The new methods quantify the degree to which the count for each sample unit contributes towards the overall degree of clustering, either as part of a patch or as a gap; provide tests of nonrandomness to detect clustering; and facilitate a comprehensive definition of the size and dimension of a cluster. The methods are illustrated using aphid field data.  相似文献   
Data from an Ethiopian population of Colobus guerezashow that territory size is fixed by the high density of the population. Groups undergo fission when their size results in fewer than 10 trees per individual within the group’s territory. The daughter groups produced by fission emigrate into suboptimal habitat, which acts as a demographic sink. Comparative analyses using data from other East African populations demonstrate that mean territory size is inversely related to population density and that density, in turn, is a function of the size of the forest block. Since both group size and reproductive rates can be shown to be positively correlated with type of forest, it is concluded that this relationship reflects the fact that local population densities reach their ceiling more rapidly in small forest blocks because the animals’ access to alternative territories is limited. The number of males in a colobus group is shown to be a function of the number of females in it. Multimale groups have lower reproductive rates than one-male groups, probably because the stress generated by competition among the males causes temporary infertility among the females.  相似文献   
For any element which is incorporated into biomass, the biogeochemical cycle of that element in a given ecosystem will be coupled to that of any other element similarly incorporated. The mutual interaction of two such cycles is examined using a simple model in which each cycle is constrained into four compartments. In each cycle the assimilation rate (primary productivity) is related in a non-linear fashion to the two nutrients and to biomass. The interactions are represented by combining a hyperbolic dependence for each nutrient (involving a "Michaelis constant") with a logistic equation governing the dependence of rate on biomass (involving a "carrying capacity"). The response of the model to perturbation (e.g. mobilization of an abiotic reserve) is strongly governed by the values assigned to these constants. The coupled cycles can exhibit positive feed-back with anomalous responses of the steady state and time-dependent solutions may exhibit complex oscillatory behaviour. Both the steady-state sensitivity and the kinetic behaviour of such coupled systems are simplified if the range of atomic ratios permitted by the assimilation process is restricted. It will therefore be of importance to determine under what conditions the assimilation rates for different elements are governed by mass-action effects (Liebig's Law) or by stoichiometric constraints (Redfield ratios).  相似文献   
A model membrane with a polypeptide alpha-helix inserted has been simulated by molecular dynamics at a temperature well above the gel/liquid crystalline phase transition temperature. Order parameters of the lipids and other equilibrium and dynamic quantities have been calculated. Three systems, polyglycine constrained into an alphahelical configuration, glycophorin with similarly conformationally constrained backbone and finally glycophorin free to change its backbone conformation, have been studied. In all cases there was an ordering of the chains close to the helix. This effect was, however, much smaller for glycophorin with its rather bulky side chains than for polyglycine. The dynamics of the lipids were affected by the neighbouring helix, not drastically however. Lateral diffusion and reorientational time correlations of lipids close to the helix were slower than for the bulk ones, but not more than two or three times. Thus, we did not find any evidence of bound or frozen boundary lipids.  相似文献   
Synopsis The assertion has been made by Halliday (1987) that trends in size and age at maturity of Atlantic groundfish published by Beacham (1983a, b, c, d, e, f) are artifacts induced by errors in determining the sex of an individual, distinguishing between immature and mature fish, sampling fish outside of the regular spawning season, and by nonrandom sampling of the population. In particular, Halliday asserts that for the Atlantic argentine,Argentina silus analysis, the conclusions of Beacham (1983a) that: (1) median length at sexual maturity declined over time; and (2) males matured at older ages than did females are invalid owing to biases in both sampling and analysis. In fact, if some of the biases indicated by Halliday were significant, then the decline in median length at sexual maturity is enhanced and the conclusions of Beacham (1983a) reinforced. Size and age at sexual maturity are dynamic characters in many vertebrate populations, and the fact that they should change for Atlantic groundfish should not be surprising given variable exploitation patterns in the fisheries since 1960.  相似文献   
Summary The population dynamics of a slow- and a fast-growing strain of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus are compared. Rotifers were grown in steady-states, at various specific growth rates (), in both two-stage chemostat and turbidostat cultures on the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Population variables, including specific ingestion (I), loss (L) and filtration (F) rates, yield (Y), production (P) and half-saturation coefficient of growth (K g), were calculated using a growth model based on saturation kinetics. I, L, F and K g were shown to be higher and Y and P lower for the fast-growing strain. Differences between the two strains with regard to these variables may represent tradeoffs associated with the faster potential growth rate. Steady-state relationships between these values and for the fast-growing strain, however, deviated from model predictions which suggest a possible shift from carbon to non-carbon growth limitation.  相似文献   
A classification scheme for those population models which allow variation in development rates is proposed, based on two ways of modifying standard age-structured models. The resulting classes of models are termed development index models and sojourn time models. General formulations for the two classes of models are developed from two basic balance equations, and numerous specific models from the literature are shown to fit into the scheme. Concepts from competing risks theory are shown to be important in understanding the interplay between mortality and maturation. Relationships among the classes are investigated both for the most general forms of the models and for the simpler forms often used. The scheme can provide guidance in developing appropriate insect population models for specific modelling situations.Contribution 3878871  相似文献   
The population dynamics of Moniliformis moniliformis was studied in ‘free-ranging’ laboratory rats, Rattus norvegicus, presented with different relative density levels of M. moniliformis in cockroaches, Periplaneta americana. Changes in selected population parameters of the negative binomial distribution were evaluated as indicators of changes in aggregation. A significant increase in the degree of aggregation of parasites occurred as a result of the increase in relative density of infective stages available to the rats. This increase in aggregation was due to the increase in over-dispersion that occurred in female rats only. The degree of aggregation in females was found to be significantly higher than that in males at both treatment levels. The best indicators of the degree of aggregation were found to be the ratio of the variance to the relative density and the ratio of the log-variance to log-relative density. Changes in k were not correlated with changes in over-dispersion or the relative density.  相似文献   
In order to determine whether the small-scale distribution of immature Ixodes dammini Spielman et al. corresponds closely to the activity patterns of white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus (Zimmerman), these relationships were examined in a site on Long Island, New York, U.S.A. We first determined the extent and temporal pattern of adult ticks feeding on deer by examining twenty-three resident deer tranquilized during September-December 1985. I. dammini adults infested deer throughout this fall period, most abundantly during October and November. With radio-telemetry collars attached to deer we determined the relative frequency that they occupied 0.25 ha quadrats of the study site. During the following summer, we examined white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque), that inhabited these quadrats and removed immature ticks from each. 8975 larval and 163 nymphal I. dammini were removed from 208 mice trapped in forty-three such quadrats. The frequency of deer using these quadrats was positively correlated with both the number of larval and of nymphal ticks per mouse. These results suggest that risk of I. damminiborne zoonotic disease may be decreased by locally reducing deer density in sites that experience intense human activity.  相似文献   
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