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MARS is an evolutionary conserved supramolecular assembly of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases found in eukaryotes. This complex was thought to be ubiquitous in the deuterostome and protostome clades of bilaterians because similar complexes were isolated from arthropods and vertebrates. However, several features of the component enzymes suggested that in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a species grouped with arthropods in modern phylogeny, this complex might not exist, or should display a significantly different structural organization. C. elegans was also taken as a model system to study in a multicellular organism amenable to experimental approaches, the reason for existence of these supramolecular entities. Here, using a proteomic approach, we have characterized the components of MARS in C. elegans. We show that this organism evolved a specific structural organization of this complex, which contains several bona fide components of the MARS complexes known so far, but also displays significant variations. These data highlight molecular evolution events that took place after radiation of bilaterians. Remarkably, it shows that expansion of MARS assembly in metazoans is not linear, but is the result of additions but also of subtractions along evolution. We then undertook an experimental approach, using inactivation of the endogenous copy of methionyl-tRNA synthetase by RNAi and expression of transgenic variants, to understand the role in complex assembly and the in vivo functionality, of the eukaryotic-specific domains appended to aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. We show that rescue of the worms and assembly of transgenic variants into MARS rest on the presence of these appended domains.  相似文献   
The effect of replacing a histidine ligand on the properties of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) and the structure of the Mn4Ca cluster in Photosystem II (PSII) is studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy using PSII core complexes from the Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 D1 polypeptide mutant H332E. In the x-ray crystallographic structures of PSII, D1-His332 has been assigned as a direct ligand of a manganese ion, and the mutation of this histidine ligand to glutamate has been reported to prevent the advancement of the OEC beyond the S2Yz intermediate state. The manganese K-edge (1s core electron to 4p) absorption spectrum of D1-H332E shifts to a lower energy compared with that of the native WT samples, suggesting that the electronic structure of the manganese cluster is affected by the presence of the additional negative charge on the OEC of the mutant. The extended x-ray absorption spectrum shows that the geometric structure of the cluster is altered substantially from that of the native WT state, resulting in an elongation of manganese-ligand and manganese-manganese interactions in the mutant. The strontium-H332E mutant, in which calcium is substituted by strontium, confirms that strontium (calcium) is a part of the altered cluster. The structural perturbations caused by the D1-H332E mutation are much larger than those produced by any biochemical treatment or mutation examined previously with x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The substantial structural changes provide an explanation not only for the altered properties of the D1-H332E mutant but also the importance of the histidine ligand for proper assembly of the Mn4Ca cluster.  相似文献   
MHC-peptide multimers containing biotinylated MHC-peptide complexes bound to phycoerythrin (PE) streptavidin (SA) are widely used for analyzing and sorting antigen-specific T cells. Here we describe alternative T cell-staining reagents that are superior to conventional reagents. They are built on reversible chelate complexes of Ni(2+)-nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) with oligohistidines. We synthesized biotinylated linear mono-, di-, and tetra-NTA compounds using conventional solid phase peptide chemistry and studied their interaction with HLA-A*0201-peptide complexes containing a His(6), His(12), or 2×His(6) tag by surface plasmon resonance on SA-coated sensor chips and equilibrium dialysis. The binding avidity increased in the order His(6) < His(12) < 2×His(6) and NTA(1) < NTA(2) < NTA(4), respectively, depending on the configuration of the NTA moieties and increased to picomolar K(D) for the combination of a 2×His(6) tag and a 2×Ni(2+)-NTA(2). We demonstrate that HLA-A2-2×His(6)-peptide multimers containing either Ni(2+)-NTA(4)-biotin and PE-SA- or PE-NTA(4)-stained influenza and Melan A-specific CD8+ T cells equal or better than conventional multimers. Although these complexes were highly stable, they very rapidly dissociated in the presence of imidazole, which allowed sorting of bona fide antigen-specific CD8+ T cells without inducing T cell death as well as assessment of HLA-A2-peptide monomer dissociation kinetics on CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   
Klodmann J  Braun HP 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(10):1071-26092
Mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase complex (complex I) is by far the largest protein complex of the respiratory chain. It is best characterized for bovine mitochondria and known to consist of 45 different subunits in this species. Proteomic analyses recently allowed for the first time to systematically explore complex I from plants. The enzyme is especially large and includes numerous extra subunits. Upon subunit separation by various gel electrophoresis procedures and protein identifications by mass spectrometry, overall 47 distinct types of proteins were found to form part of Arabidopsis complex I. An additional subunit, ND4L, is present but could not be detected by the procedures employed due to its extreme biochemical properties. Seven of the 48 subunits occur in pairs of isoforms, six of which were experimentally proven. Fifteen subunits of complex I from Arabidopsis are specific for plants. Some of these resemble enzymes of known functions, e.g. carbonic anhydrases and l-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase (GLDH), which catalyzes the last step of ascorbate biosynthesis. This article aims to review proteomic data on the protein composition of complex I in plants. Furthermore, a proteomic re-evaluation on its protein constituents is presented.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to investigate the effect of temperature (20 °C, 24 °C, 28 °C and 32 °C) on the heamato-biochemical and histological alterations of Cyprinus carpio communis. Increase in the temperature showed significant decrease in the serum protein, while a reduced level of blood glucose at high temperature of 32 °C was observed leading to hypoglycemic conditions in the experimental fishes. A significant correlation (P<0.01) was observed between cholesterol (Cho) and triglycerides (TG) for different temperature treatments. Elevated blood urea nitrogen (BUN) at high temperatures was a good indicator of gill osmoregulatory failure. A variation of 86.40% and 38.33%, respectively, was noticed in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) at 32 °C over minimum experimental temperature of 20 °C. The increase in red blood cell (RBC) and Heamoglobin (Hb) concentration is associated with the decrease of mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), could be the reason for observed poikilo-anisocytosis. Histological studies of different organs of experimental fishes showed accumulation of MMC's (melanomacrophagic centers) and atrophy of the interrenal tissue on exposure to various levels of temperature. These changes were related to severity of thermal stress, being most marked when high temperature was prolonged during acclimatization. Some fishes were found infested by protozoan parasite at elevated temperature of 32 °C. Increased levels of certain biochemical and haemotological parameters studied were strongly correlated with disease in the Cyprinus carpio communis species.  相似文献   
Molecular methods for bacterial pathogen identification are gaining increased importance in routine clinical diagnostic laboratories. Achieving reliable results using DNA based technologies is strongly dependent on pre-analytical processes including isolation of target cells and their DNA of high quality and purity. In this study a fast and semi-automated method was established for bacterial DNA isolation from whole blood samples and compared to different commercially available kits: Looxster, MolYsis kit, SeptiFast DNA isolation method and standard EasyMAG protocol. The newly established, semi-automated method utilises the EasyMAG device combined with pre-processing steps comprising human cell lysis, centrifugation and bacterial pellet resuspension. Quality of DNA was assessed by a universal PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene and subsequent microarray hybridisation. The DNA extractions were amplified using two different PCR-mastermixes, to allow comparison of a commercial mastermix with a guaranteed bacterial DNA free PCR mastermix. The modified semi-automated EasyMAG protocol and the Looxster kit gave the most sensitive results. After hybridisation a detection limit of 101 to 102 bacterial cells per mL whole blood was achieved depending on the isolation method and microbial species lysed. Human DNA present in the isolated DNA suspension did not interfere with PCR and did not lead to non-specific hybridisation events.  相似文献   
Detection and identification of bacterial etiology in urine is critical for accurate diagnosis and subsequent rational treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Urine culture followed by a series of biochemical reactions is currently the standard method for detecting and distinguishing microorganisms associated with UTIs. The whole procedure commonly takes more than 24 h. Here we developed a new system combining 16S rRNA gene broad-range PCR with pyrosequencing technology that allows for bacteria detection and identification in urine in 5 h. To evaluate this system for rapid diagnosis of bacteriuria, 768 urine specimens were collected from patients with suspected UTIs and were tested side-by-side using standard urine culture-based identification method and the pyrosequencing method. The results from pyrosequencing correlated well with those from traditional culture-based identification method. The overall agreement between these two methods reached 98.0% (753/768). In addition, we tested the sensitivity of pyrosequencing method and determined that urine bacterial numbers as low as 104 cfu/ml could be accurately detected and identified. In conclusion, compared with traditional biochemical method, the PCR-pyrosequencing system significantly improved the detection and identification of bacteriuria with shorter time, higher accuracy, and higher throughput, thus allowing earlier pathogen-adapted antibiotic therapy for patients.  相似文献   
Penicillium marneffei infection is a deadly disease and early diagnosis leads to prompt and appropriate antifungal therapy. To develop a sensitive method to diagnose P. marneffei infection, a multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) assay was adapted. This method can rapidly and specifically detect P. marneffei DNA in cultured cells and paraffin-embedded tissue samples. Three pairs of probes were designed for amplifying the internally (intergenic) transcribed spacer (ITS) region of P. marneffei rRNA using a systematic phylogenetic analysis. These three probe sets produced three amplicons of 198, 166, and 152 bp, respectively, specific for P. marneffei. In contrast, there was only one 198 bp amplicon produced for Talaromyces stipitatus, and one 152 bp amplicon for P. funiculosum, T. intermedius and T. derxii. The probes did not amplify any other reference strains. An array of 40 P. marneffei strains isolated from human patients, bamboo rat, and the local environment was tested by using MLPA, and all were positively identified. Most importantly, P. marneffei in paraffin-embedded tissue specimens from infected human patients was positively amplified by MLPA. The sensitivity and specificity of the MLPA assay could be a useful tool for prompt diagnosis, pathogen characterization, and epidemiological studies of fungal infections.  相似文献   
中缅树鼩作为一种新型实验动物,在医学生物学上,尤其是病毒学方面的应用受到越来越多的重视.实验动物自身病毒感染会影响动物健康和干扰实验结果,甚至危害实验人员生命安全.所以,实验动物病毒检测一直是动物质量控制的重要部分.中缅树鼩研究迄今缺乏清晰的病毒自然感染资料.为调查中缅树鼩的病毒感染状况,采集野生俘获和人工繁殖的中缅树鼩血清样本272份,全部血清样本通过ELISA方法对乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)表面抗原,丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)总抗体,以及戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)、腺病毒(ADV)、单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)和2型(HSV-2)的IgG抗体进行了检测.结果表明,ELISA初筛HBV表面抗原有3份阳性样本,但通过乙型肝炎两对半定量检测进一步确认为阴性:抗HCV抗体和抗HEV、ADV、HSV-1 IgO抗体检测均为阴性;抗HSV-2 IgG检测有1份阳性样本.提示仪抗原或抗体血清学指标检测树鼩肝炎结果并不能反应个体携带病毒的状态,应该再进行病毒学指标确认.同时建议中缅树嗣繁殖群应进行HSV-2的筛选,以便杜绝和控制该病毒的感染.  相似文献   
Aims: Enterococcus faecalis is associated with a significant number of refractory endodontic infections. Previous studies report a prevalence of Ent. faecalis ranging from 24% up to 77% in teeth with failed endodontic treatment. The origin of the micro‐organism remains unclear, as enterococci do not belong to the normal oral microflora. The aim of this study was to determine whether these enterococci were of endogenous or exogenous origin. Methods and Results: Fifty consecutive patients with apical periodontitis in need of endodontic orthograde re‐treatment were included. Samples were collected from root canals, saliva and faeces and subjected to microbiological culturing. The genetic relationship between Ent. faecalis from root canals and isolates from the different host sources was determined using pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis. In 16% (8/50) of the patients, enterococci were collected from the root canal samples. The genetic analysis showed that the isolates from the root canals were not related to those from the normal gastrointestinal microflora. None of these patients had enterococci in their saliva samples. Conclusions: Endodontic infections with Ent. faecalis are probably not derived from the patient’s own normal microflora, which indicates that these infections ent. faecalis are of exogenous origin. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study to genetically compare endodontic infectious Ent. faecalis isolates with isolates from the hosts’ own normal microflora.  相似文献   
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