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Mathematical modelling is useful in population ecology and resource management. Logistic models have traditionally been applied to unitary organisms, but it is unclear whether they could be used at the frond (ramet) level for clonal seaweeds. This study shows that frond dynamics for the clonal seaweed Mazzaella parksii (=M. cornucopiae) can be described by a discrete-time logistic model. The model is realistic in that it includes density-dependence, which was previously demonstrated experimentally for this species, and only necessitates data on frond density measured at discrete time intervals. This may constitute a useful tool for the management of clonal seaweeds of economic importance that occur in dense stands. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Studies have demonstrated that oxidative stress is associated with amphetamine-induced neurotoxicity, but little is known about the adaptations of antioxidant enzymes in the brain after amphetamine exposure. We studied the effects of acute and chronic amphetamine administration on superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity, in a rodent model of mania. Male Wistar rats received either a single IP injection of d-amphetamine (1 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg, or 4 mg/kg) or vehicle (acute treatment). In the chronic treatment rats received a daily IP injection of either d-amphetamine (1 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg, or 4 mg/kg) or vehicle for 7 days. Locomotor behavior was assessed using the open field test. SOD and CAT activities were measured in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. Acute and to a greater extent chronic amphetamine treatment increased locomotor behavior and affected SOD and CAT activities in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum. Our findings suggest that amphetamine exposure is associated with an imbalance between SOD and CAT activity in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that control of breathing via Hering–Breuer reflex (HB) is influenced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced fever in rats. Animals were injected intraperitoneally with LPS and control group with an equivalent volume of saline. HB reflex was elicited by inflations of the lungs followed by occlusion of the airways under control of esophageal pressure. Duration of HB reflex (Tapnoe) was continuously reduced as body temperature rose during experiment. Compared to normothermic controls, animals with fever had significant shortening of Tapnoe at 240 min and 300 min after LPS administration. Fever was further accompanied by a reduction in the strength of HB reflex (inhibitory ratio, IR). In comparison with controls, significant decrease of IR was observed at 300 min after LPS injection. Conclusion: altered neural control of breathing demonstrated by decreased power of Hering–Breuer inflation reflex in conditions of LPS-induced fever may facilitate thermal tachypnoea and/or play a role in the origin of respiratory instability accompanying febrile response.  相似文献   
Bioclimate envelope models are often used to predict changes in species distribution arising from changes in climate. These models are typically based on observed correlations between current species distribution and climate data. One limitation of this basic approach is that the relationship modelled is assumed to be constant in space; the analysis is global with the relationship assumed to be spatially stationary. Here, it is shown that by using a local regression analysis, which allows the relationship under study to vary in space, rather than conventional global regression analysis it is possible to increase the accuracy of bioclimate envelope modelling. This is demonstrated for the distribution of Spotted Meddick in Great Britain using data relating to three time periods, including predictions for the 2080s based on two climate change scenarios. Species distribution and climate data were available for two of the time periods studied and this allowed comparison of bioclimate envelope model outputs derived using the local and global regression analyses. For both time periods, the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve derived from the analysis based on local statistics was significantly higher than that from the conventional global analysis; the curve comparisons were also undertaken with an approach that recognised the dependent nature of the data sets compared. Marked differences in the future distribution of the species predicted from the local and global based analyses were evident and highlight a need for further consideration of local issues in modelling ecological variables.  相似文献   
Understanding the spatial dynamics of landscape use by free-ranging herbivores is essential for species management and conservation in its natural environment. We used Ivelv’s selection index, binary logistic regression analyses and stepwise regression to understand how environmental factors shape habitat selection by the Grevy’s zebra (Equus greyvi). We measured biotic, abiotic and human factors that may influence presence or absence of Grevy’s zebra in Samburu-Laikipia landscape and showed: (1) during wet periods, percentage perennial grasses, livestock density and grass quality had the greatest effect on Grevy’s zebra presence; but (2) during dry weather periods a different suite of factors determined their landscape distribution, namely, the percentage of tree and bush density, distance to water and overall grass abundance. In addition, different Grevy’s zebra demographic and reproductive classes varied in their response to environmental selective forces, thus demonstrating flexibility in their patterns of habitat selection. While we recommend more detailed studies on how abiotic and biotic interact to shape habitat selection patterns, our findings underscored the need of maintaining both dry and wet season habitats to ensure essential grazing area refugia. Our findings show that ‘soft’ development with controlled livestock stocking rates within the landscape will enhance Grevy’s zebra conservation.  相似文献   
Groundwater ecosystems harbour a unique biodiversity, but remain poorly studied, mainly due to difficulties in accessibility and imperfect species detection. Consequently, knowledge on the state and change of groundwater biodiversity remains highly deficient. In the context of global warming and excessive groundwater extraction, understanding groundwater from an ecosystem-perspective, including organism diversity and distribution, is essential. This study presents the largest ever systematic assessment of groundwater amphipods, which are a key component of European groundwater biodiversity.  相似文献   
Species distribution models are widely used to identify potential and high-quality habitat of endangered species to inform conservation decisions. However, their usefulness is constrained by the amount and quality of biodiversity data and the approaches for dealing with data deficiencies. Presence-only data, used in presence/background modelling methods, are widely available but are often affected by sampling bias. Presence/absence modelling methods are less affected by biases, but data are less common. We modelled the distribution of a widely distributed, endangered species from Australia – the greater glider – and tested how predictions were influenced by data treatment and modelling framework. We collated available species data and fitted generalized linear models and boosted regression trees using presence/absence data, as well as using an augmented dataset that included additional presences alongside absences inferred from survey data. We also fitted presence/background models, adopting three common strategies for bias correction. We compared model performance quantitatively through evaluation metrics calculated internally and on held out data, and qualitatively by identifying areas of agreement of spatial predictions. We found that presence/background models with bias correction performed better than not corrected, though evaluation metrics did not favour a single strategy. Presence/absence models outperformed presence/background models in comparable metrics and delivered different spatial predictions. Importantly, differences in spatial predictions between models had the potential to substantially alter decisions about where to protect high-quality habitat. The approach to inferring absences proved useful, as models fitted with these outperformed all other models. Dealing with sampling bias requires additional time and data management strategies, but we found that the time invested allowed improvement of models and more reliable predictions. Our results suggest that ancillary occurrence data and careful data handling can improve both presence/background and presence/absence models.  相似文献   
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