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Restriction site variation in the nuclear 18S–25S ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) was analyzed hierarchically in a species complex in the fern genusPolystichum. Two distinct rDNA repeat types were present in all individuals ofPolystichum examined. No variation was detected among individuals within a population ofP. munitum, among populations ofP. munitum orP. imbricans, or among the six diploid species ofPolystichum from North America, including the circumborealP. lonchitis. The identity of rDNA repeats across all six North American species ofPolystichum may reflect an overall similarity of the nuclear genomes of these species, an observation supported by isozyme data as well. However, this nuclear similarity contrasts sharply with the highly divergent chloroplast genomes of these six species. The conservative nature of the rDNA inPolystichum also is in contrast to the much more variable rDNAs of most angiosperms investigated. Perhaps the tempo and mode of evolution of rDNA in ferns differ from those of angiosperms; however, the data base for fern rDNA is very small. Furthermore, the number of repeat types per individual is consistent with a diploid, rather than polyploid, condition despite the high chromosome number (n = 41) of these plants, although homogenization of multiple, divergent rRNA genes cannot be disproven.  相似文献   
Summary Equivalent-circuit impedance analysis experiments were performed on the urinary bladders of freshwater turtles in order to quantify membrane ionic conductances and areas, and to investigate how changes in these parameters are associated with changes in the rate of proton secretion in this tissue. In all experiments, sodium reabsorption was inhibited thereby unmasking the electrogenic proton secretion process. We report the following: (1) transepithelial impedance is represented exceptionally well by a simple equivalent-circuit model, which results in estimates of the apical and basolateral membrane ionic conductances and capacitances; (2) when sodium transport is inhibited with mucosal amiloride and serosal ouabain, the apical and basolateral membrane conductances and capacitances exhibit a continual decline with time; (3) this decline in the membrane parameters is most likely caused by subtle time-dependent changes in cell volume, resulting in changes in the areas of the apical and basolateral membranes; (4) stable membrane parameters are obtained if the tissue is not treated with ouabain, and if the oncotic pressure of the serosal solution is increased by the addition of 2% albumin; (5) inhibition of proton secretion using acetazolamide in CO2 and HCO 3 -free bathing solutions results in a decrease in the area of the apical membrane, with no significant change in its specific conductance; (6) stimulation of proton transport with CO2 and HCO 3 -containing serosal solution results in an increase in the apical membrane area and specific conductance. These results show that our methods can be used to measure changes in the membrane electrophysiological parameters that are related to changes in the rate of proton transport. Notably, they can be used to quantify in the live tissue, changes in membrane area resulting from changes in the net rates of endocytosis and exocytosis which are postulated to be intimately involved in the regulation of proton transport.  相似文献   
1. Ship‐induced waves can affect the physical characteristics of lake and river shorelines, and laboratory studies have shown effects on littoral invertebrates. Here, we explored whether these effects could be observed under field conditions along a natural lake shore affected by wave sequences (trains) produced by boats. 2. Individuals of five invertebrate species (Bithynia tentaculata, Calopteryx splendens, Dikerogammarus villosus, Gammarus roeselii, Laccophilus hyalinus) were exposed to waves with increasing shear stress in five habitats differing in structural complexity. 3. Detachment of invertebrates increased with increasing shear stress and was best modelled using sigmoid response curves. Habitat structural complexity mitigated the effects of shear stress, and detachment rate was influenced more by habitat type than by species. A threshold (90% of the individual invertebrates unaffected) stress level of 0.64 N m?2 was found for a structurally complex reed habitat, compared to 0.37 N m?2 for a simple sand habitat. 4. Shear stress associated with wave trains created by recreational boating at a distance of 35 m from the shore and at a speed of 11 km h?1 resulted in 45% detachment of littoral invertebrates. Decreasing the boat‐to‐shore distance to 20 m increased wave shear stress by 30% and invertebrate detachments up to 75%. 5. Disturbance of littoral habitats and invertebrate assemblages are widespread in inland waters used for recreational and/or commercial navigation. Our findings show that the integrity of littoral zones of navigable surface waters could be much improved by implementing management measures such as physically protecting complex habitats with dense reed belts and tree roots, and reducing boat speeds and increasing their minimum shoreline distance.  相似文献   
A set of procedures is offered for assessing interraler reliability and certain aspects of validity of codes in cross-cultural studies. The method assumes that at least two independent raters have coded more than one trait. Each trait coded by one rater is correlated with each trait coded by a second, and all the codings by a single rater are intercorrelated with each other. The results are presented in a multitrait-multi-rater matrix. From this matrix it is possible to determine the interrater reliability and discriminant validity of trails in addition to a higher order concept based on pairs of traits.  相似文献   
In this review, our current understanding of the species Escherichia coli and its persistence in the open environment is examined. E. coli consists of six different subgroups, which are separable by genomic analyses. Strains within each subgroup occupy various ecological niches, and can be broadly characterized by either commensalistic or different pathogenic behaviour. In relevant cases, genomic islands can be pinpointed that underpin the behaviour. Thus, genomic islands of, on the one hand, broad environmental significance, and, on the other hand, virulence, are highlighted in the context of E. coli survival in its niches. A focus is further placed on experimental studies on the survival of the different types of E. coli in soil, manure and water. Overall, the data suggest that E. coli can persist, for varying periods of time, in such terrestrial and aquatic habitats. In particular, the considerable persistence of the pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 is of importance, as its acid tolerance may be expected to confer a fitness asset in the more acidic environments. In this context, the extent to which E. coli interacts with its human/animal host and the organism''s survivability in natural environments are compared. In addition, the effect of the diversity and community structure of the indigenous microbiota on the fate of invading E. coli populations in the open environment is discussed. Such a relationship is of importance to our knowledge of both public and environmental health.  相似文献   
A nationwide health card recording system for dairy cattle was introduced in Norway in 1975 (the Norwegian Cattle Health Services). The data base holds information on mastitis occurrences on an individual cow basis. A reduction in mastitis frequency across the population is desired, and for this purpose risk factors are investigated. In this paper a Bayesian proportional hazards model is used for modelling the time to first veterinary treatment of clinical mastitis, including both genetic and environmental covariates. Sire effects were modelled as shared random components, and veterinary district was included as an environmental effect with prior spatial smoothing. A non-informative smoothing prior was assumed for the baseline hazard, and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (MCMC) were used for inference. We propose a new measure of quality for sires, in terms of their posterior probability of being among the, say 10% best sires. The probability is an easily interpretable measure that can be directly used to rank sires. Estimating these complex probabilities is straightforward in an MCMC setting. The results indicate considerable differences between sires with regards to their daughters disease resistance. A regional effect was also discovered with the lowest risk of disease in the south-eastern parts of Norway.  相似文献   
Control Analysis has been carried out in the first steps of a rat liver glycolytic system. Attention has been focused on the effect of several glucose concentrations on the control, particularly regarding the role of glucokinase. From kinetic studies of the whole metabolic system we have obtained information on the flux variation under different glucose concentrations. This information together with the kinetics of glucokinase has allowed us to calculate Flux Control and Elasticity Coefficients for glucokinase and the Response Coefficient of the system with respect to glucose. The changes in of the value of Flux Control Coefficients demonstrates that in conditions of low glucose concentration, glucokinase is the main enzyme in controlling the flux through the pathway, but at high glucose concentration the control moves to phosphofructokinase. Next, we have compared our results with those obtained with the shortening and titration method, previously described (Torres, N.V., Mateo, F., Mélendez-Hevia, E. and Kacser, H., (1986) Biochem. J. 234, 169–174; Torres, N.V. and Meléndez-Hevia, E. 1991. Molec. Cell. Biochem. 101, 1–10). Furthermore, from knowledge of the enzyme kinetics of the system we have been able to build a model of the pathway that allows us computer similation of its behavior and calculation of the Flux Control Coefficient profile at different glucose concentrations. By the three methods the results correlate, supporting the use of the pathway substrate as external modulator of the metabolic system as a tool for practical application of Control Analysis.  相似文献   
International actions to combat the threat posed by invasive alien species (IAS) to crops and biodiversity have intensified in recent years. The formulation of 15 guiding principles on IAS by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) stimulated the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) to review its role in protecting biodiversity. IPPC standards now demonstrate clearly that the risks posed by any organism that is directly or indirectly injurious to cultivated or uncultivated plants can be assessed and managed under the IPPC. Since the IPPC, unlike the CBD, constitutes an international legal instrument recognised by the World Trade Organization, greater protection from the introduction of IAS is now available. However, phytosanitary measures can only be enacted if they can be justified by risk analysis and we outline some novel strategies to improve the assessment and management of the risks posed by IAS, highlighting some of the key challenges which remain.  相似文献   
Although many studies examine the form of sexual selection in males, studies characterizing this selection in females remain sparse. Sexual selection on females is predicted for sex‐role‐reversed Mormon crickets, Anabrus simplex, where males are choosy of mates and nutrient‐deprived females compete for matings and nutritious nuptial gifts. We used selection analyses to describe the strength and form of sexual selection on female morphology. There was no positive linear sexual selection on the female body size traits predicted to be associated with male preferences and female competition. Instead, we detected selection for decreasing head width and mandible length, with stabilizing selection as the dominant form of nonlinear selection. Additionally, we tested the validity of a commonly used instantaneous measure of mating success by comparing selection results with those determined using cumulative mating rate. The two fitness measures yielded similar patterns of selection, supporting the common sampling method comparing mated and unmated fractions.  相似文献   
Abstract The bifunctional T-protein (chorismate mutase-T: cyclohexadienyl dehydrogenase) of l -tyrosine biosynthesis was found to be present in all genera making up the enteric bacteria. The dehydrogenase component of the T-protein was active with both prephenate and l -arogenate, showing it to be a cyclohexadienyl dehydrogenase. The dehydrogenase component, but not the mutase component, of the T-protein was feedback-inhibited by l -tyrosine. Unlike some other bifunctional proteins, the T-protein has evolved recently and is not ubiquitous. However, once the biochemical specialization of bifunctionality becomes established, the results indicate that such character states are strongly conserved through evolutionary time. Thus, bifunctional proteins can provide particularly reliable markers for small (recent origin), intermediate, and large (ancient origin) phylogenetic clusters.  相似文献   
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