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对不同防治对策下施用氯敌鼠作为杀鼠剂对农田小哺乳动物群落结构的影响进行了研究.结果表明,杀鼠剂对群落组成有很大影响,灭鼠时机、灭鼠次数不同,群落的反应也不同.秋季灭鼠,小哺乳动物数量逐年下降,3 年后可达到较低密度.群落多样性也逐年下跌,且回升极弱.春季灭鼠,数量可持续在低水平,群落多样性较其它处理高,对化学灭鼠破坏的生物多样性有较强的恢复力.灭鼠频次的增加对小哺乳动物总体数量降低有强化作用.可以认为,化学灭鼠明显地降低了群落中小哺乳动物的密度,也降低了群落的多样性.促使小哺乳动物群落向着优势种突出、种类单调、群落稳定性差的方向演替.  相似文献   
Drought conditions have prevailed in many areas of NSW since 2002. On the mid-north coast, below-average rainfall resulted in reduced riverine flows and the extended closure of intermittent estuaries within the Solitary Islands Marine Park. Patterns of structure of benthic infaunal communities were evaluated at the height of the drought to determine if they differed between closed, intermittent estuaries and permanently open estuaries within the region. Replicate van Veen grab samples were taken in the upper, mid- and lower reaches of six intermittent and three permanently open estuaries and sieved to retain the macrofauna. A range of physico-chemical measures was also taken at each sampling time. Multivariate analyses of assemblage data revealed a significant difference between the structure of the two estuary types and also among estuaries within each type. Differences between estuary types were attributable to small differences in the abundance of a number of taxa but also to the absence of the amphipod Urohaustorius metungi from most of the intermittent estuaries. In contrast, these small amphipods dominated communities in the lower reaches of the permanently open estuaries. Physico-chemical variables were highly variable among estuaries and were not strongly correlated with assemblage patterns. Correlations with catchment size were the strongest and, as most of the intermittent estuaries in the region are smaller than the permanently open estuaries, this confounds the interpretation of assemblage patterns in this preliminary study. In order to differentiate between the effects of catchment size and entrance status, the same estuaries need to be resurveyed during periods when at least some of the intermittent estuaries are open.  相似文献   
As a process affecting animal communities, urbanization has been the subject of numerous studies. However, amphibians are still among the least studied vertebrate groups in urbanized landscapes. Generally, it has been found that the process of loss of amphibian diversity is nonrandom, with species from older evolutionary lines at greater risk. Regional data on amphibian assemblages in urban areas is a very useful tool for assessing how these assemblages react to changes.The aim of the present paper is to assess the diversity of amphibians in Polish cities based on data in the relevant literature, exploring different metrics (e.g., taxonomic, functional, and evolutionary diversity) calculated in amphibian species assemblages. We used data from 18 articles (including grey literature), characterized by comparable research methods and published between 1999 and 2017.Overall, amphibian species richness (ASR) amounted to an average of 9 species, ranging from 5 to 11 species per city. The higher species richness occurred in Białystok in North-west of Poland. Functional evenness (FEve), evolutionary distinctiveness (ED sum), and functional richness (FRic) were strongly positively correlated with ASR. However, ED mean was not significantly correlated with the total number of species in the community. Three taxa, the hybridogenetic water frogs Pelophylax esculentus complex, the common toad Bufo bufo, and the common frog Rana temporaria, occurred in all analyzed amphibian assemblages. Our study is one of the first attempts to compare urban amphibian assemblages, using different and complementary diversity metrics on a large spatial scale. In conclusion, we highlight that urban areas play an important role for conservation of amphibians, because they support amphibian assemblages characterized by a high level of overall diversity.  相似文献   
对杜鹃属(Rhododendron L.)植物起源、中国分布、适应性、灌丛群落结构特征和演替特征等问题进行了综述,并对杜鹃属植物的深入研究和合理利用进行展望。中国西南地区以及喜马拉雅至缅甸北部地区为杜鹃属植物的起源中心,贵州百里杜鹃林是全球最大野生杜鹃资源库。杜鹃属植物的适应性与所在区系的同质性、海拔相似度、进化程度、关键功能性状等密切相关,基于进化-形态功能特征的比较为选育适应性优良的杜鹃品种提供了参考。杜鹃灌丛群落具有特殊性,表现出复杂的多层次垂直结构、镶嵌式水平结构和明显的年龄结构特征。依据群落具备优势种生态位宽度大且种群间的生态位相似性比例较小来判定杜鹃灌丛群落已演替至顶级的观点仍有待考证。  相似文献   
Flowers’ fungal and bacterial communities can exert great impacts on host plant wellness and reproductive success—both directly and indirectly through species interactions. However, information about community structure and co-occurrence patterns in floral microbiome remains scarce. Here, using culture-independent methods, we investigated fungal and bacterial communities associated with stamens and pistils of four plant species (Scaevola taccada, Ipomoea cairica, Ipomoea pes-caprae, and Mussaenda kwangtungensis) growing together under the same environment conditions in an island located in South China. Plant species identity significantly influenced community composition of floral fungi but not bacteria. Stamen and pistil microbiomes did not differ in community composition, but differed in co-occurrence network topological features. Compared with the stamen network, pistil counterpart had fewer links between bacteria and fungi and showed more modular but less concentrated and connected structure. In addition, degree distribution of microbial network in each host species and each microhabitat (stamen or pistil) followed a significant power-law pattern. These results enhance our understanding in the assembly principles and ecological interactions of floral microbial communities.  相似文献   
The greatest number of Batrachium plant-communities is reached in base-poor waters of SW Europe where most Batrachium species develop laminar leaves. In contrast, base-rich waters of the Western Mediterranean are characterized by few Batrachium communities and by the only one Batrachium species present in the area with only dissected leaves. This work focused initially on studying the water ecology of Iberian Batrachium communities' developing in hard waters in order to seek to what extend the water physical–chemical gradient determines the occurrence of heterophyllous or homophyllous-dissected species. Floristic data and water physical–chemical data were analyzed using multivariate and comparative methods. We found two main types of Batrachium communities: community of Ranunculus trichophyllus – homophyllous and dissected species–, and community of Ranunculus penicillatus – heterophyllous species–. Alkalinity degree is the main factor separating both communities. Our results of a tentative survey on Batrachium composition in hard waters in the Eastern Mediterranean showed a wider range of physical–chemical water features as well as a greater number of Batrachium species with only dissected leaves in comparison to Western Mediterranean. We conclude that high alkalinity is related to the occurrence of Batrachium communities characterized by species with only dissected leaves in both the western and eastern parts of Mediterranean Europe.  相似文献   
Climate change‐driven stressors threaten the persistence of coral reefs worldwide. Symbiotic relationships between scleractinian corals and photosynthetic endosymbionts (genus Symbiodinium) are the foundation of reef ecosystems, and these associations are differentially impacted by stress. Here, we couple empirical data from the coral reefs of Moorea, French Polynesia, and a network theoretic modeling approach to evaluate how patterns in coral‐Symbiodinium associations influence community stability under climate change. To introduce the effect of climate perturbations, we simulate local ‘extinctions’ that represent either the loss of coral species or the ability to engage in symbiotic interactions. Community stability is measured by determining the duration and number of species that persist through the simulated extinctions. Our results suggest that four factors greatly increase coral‐Symbiodinium community stability in response to global changes: (i) the survival of generalist hosts and symbionts maximizes potential symbiotic unions; (ii) elevated symbiont diversity provides redundant or complementary symbiotic functions; (iii) compatible symbiotic assemblages create the potential for local recolonization; and (iv) the persistence of certain traits associate with symbiotic diversity and redundancy. Symbiodinium may facilitate coral persistence through novel environmental regimes, but this capacity is mediated by symbiotic specificity, association patterns, and the functional performance of the symbionts. Our model‐based approach identifies general trends and testable hypotheses in coral‐Symbiodinium community responses. Future studies should consider similar methods when community size and/or environmental complexity preclude experimental approaches.  相似文献   

Complex network analysis has received increasing interest in recent years, which provides a remarkable tool to describe complex systems of interacting entities, particular for biological systems. In this paper, we propose a methodology for identifying the significant nodes of the networks, including core nodes, bridge nodes and high-influential nodes, based on the idea of community and two new ranking measures, InterRank and IntraRank. The results show the significant nodes form a small number in biological networks, and uncover the relative small number of which has advantage for reducing the dimensions of the network and possibly help to define new biological targets.  相似文献   
The comprehensive knowledge that the delayed systemic and reproduction side effects can be even more deleterious than acute toxicity, has caused a shift in focus toward sublethal effects assessment on physiology and behavior of beneficial insects. In this study, we assessed the risks posed by some insecticides with different mode of action through lethal and delayed systemic sublethal effects on the pupation, adult emergence, and repro- duction of the chrysopid Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861; Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), an important predator in pest biological control. The maximum field recommended dose (MFRD) and twice (2xMFRD) for chlorantraniliprole, tebufenozide, and pyriproxyfen were harmless to C. externa. In contrast, all the tested chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) were highly detrimental to the predator, despite of their lack of acute lethal toxicity. There- fore, the safety assumed by using IGRs toward beneficial insects is not valid for chrysopids. Dose-response data showed that although all CSIs have a similar mechanism of action, the relative extent of toxicity may differ (novaluron 〉 lufenuron 〉 teflubenzuron). For CSIs, the delayed systemic effects became obvious at adult emergence, where the predicted no observable effect dose (NOED) was 1/2 048 of the MFRD for novaluron (0.085 ng/insect), and 1/256 of the MFRD for both lufenuron (0.25 ng/insect) and teflubenzuron (0.6 ng/insect). Finally, this work emphasized the significance of performing toxicity risk assessments with an adequate posttreatment period to avoid underestimating the toxicities of insecticides, as the acute lethal toxicity assays may not provide accurate information regarding the long-range effects of hazardous compounds.  相似文献   
以广州地区村边风水林为研究对象,选取了67个风水林斑块,并在每个斑块内建立了一个20m×20m的样方,调查了其胸径大于1cm的植物组成。首先以种面积关系外推法和非参数法估计了风水林群落对区域生物多样性的贡献;然后以加法准则拆分了gamma多样性,以分析风水林群落物种组成的异质性;最后根据每个风水林群落的物种丰富度、稀有种(在所有群落中只出现一次的物种)数目和谱系多样性分析了在保护中需要优先考虑的区域。结果发现:(1)广州地区风水林群落至少保存了32.74%的区域物种多样性;(2)gamma多样性(184)中绝大部分由beta多样性(163.43)构建,只有很小部分来自于alpha多样性(20.57)。这表明风水林群落在物种组成上具有较高的空间异质性,要想尽可能多地保护风水林内物种多样性,就需要尽可能多地保护风水林群落斑块;(3)相对于平原地区,位于山区的风水林群落具有更高的物种丰富度和谱系多样性以及更多的稀有种数目。在保护资金和土地资源有限的情况下,位于山区的风水林群落应该给予优先考虑。  相似文献   
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