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我国某些常见化石硅藻的环境分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文详细研究了中国海表层沉积物中的常见化石硅藻,结果表明,这些种的分布范围及数量变化随环境的不同而变化。因此,根据柱状样品中这些种类数量的变化,能够推断古气候变化,恢复古地理环境,再现海平面波动历程,进而划分、对比第四系地层。  相似文献   
Trapa natansis an aquatic plant native to the Old World. In the late 1880s this plant was found to be naturalized in the eastern United States where it has become an important weed. To evaluate the potential of biological control to reduce this weed, surveys for natural enemies ofTrapaspp. were made in Northeast Asia and Europe. In addition, populations ofTrapa japonicain South Korea were monitored for one season to evaluate the occurrence and impact of insect natural enemies. Among the insects found, the leaf beetleGalerucella birmanicawas the most common and damaging species in Asia. It can cause complete defoliation of whole populations of plants. Nymphuline pyralid moths were also common and at times damaging. Both the beetle and the moths feed and develop on unrelated plants and so have no potential as biological control agents ofT. natansin North America. TwoNanophyesweevils were found in Asia which feed in petiole floats of the leaves. They are thought to be specific toTrapabut were not observed to be damaging. Low level populations of polyphagous Homoptera were common. Chironomid midges were also frequently associated with the plants, but for the most part were filter feeders, not herbivores. The greatest impact on the monitored plants in South Korea was by the leaf beetleG. birmanicawhich defoliated most of the plants, causing the mats of plants to sink. In Europe, a similar and related insect fauna was found, but none of the insects was very damaging to the plants. One Italian weevil,Bagous rufimanus,feeds within the fruit stems and might be more damaging at higher than observed population levels. Some diseases were seen on some plants in both regions. European populations ofT. natanshave declined significantly, stimulating conservation efforts. Literature records ofTrapainsects from warm areas are presented. These could be of interest ifT. natansspreads into warmer areas of North America.  相似文献   
控制果蔬采后病害的生物学技术   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:42  
田世平  范青 《植物学通报》2000,17(3):211-217
化学农药对环境和农产品的污染直接影响人类的健康,已成为当今公众所关注的主要问题之一。为了保证农产品的卫生和安全,世界各国都在探索能代替化学农药的防病新技术。生物防治是近年来被证明很有成效的新途径,它主要是利用微生物之间的拮抗作用,选择对农产品不造成危害的微生物来抑制引起采后腐烂的病原真菌的生长。生物防治的研究主要包括主要包括以下三方面:(1)选用有拮抗作用的微生物;(2)利用植物和动物产生的自然抗  相似文献   
目的:调查油田野外作业工人慢性疾病患病情况,分析职业紧张与神经递质的相关性。方法:通过整群抽样的方式选取油田野外作业工人2000例作为研究对象,采用自制的慢性非传染性疾病调查量表对所有工人的慢性疾病情况予以调查,采用职业紧张量表对所有工人的职业紧张情况予以调查。采用酶联免疫吸附法检测所有工人血清五羟色胺、去甲肾上腺素以及神经肽Y水平,并采用偏相关分析油田野外作业工人职业紧张与神经递质的相关性。结果:2000例油田野外作业工人慢性疾病发病率最高的前三种疾病分别为颈腰部疾病、高血压、高血脂,占比分别为20.60%、15.35%、11.20%。油田野外作业工人中男性职业任务、个体应对资源评分高于女性,而锻炼工人的个体紧张反应评分低于不锻炼工人(P0.05)。油田野外作业工人中饮酒工人神经肽Y水平低于不饮酒工人,锻炼工人的去甲肾上腺素水平高于不锻炼工人(P0.05)。经偏相关分析可得:油田野外作业工人的职业任务评分与五羟色胺、去甲肾上腺素水平呈正相关(P0.05),个体紧张反应评分与神经肽Y水平呈负相关(P0.05)。结论:油田野外作业工人慢性疾病患病情况不容乐观,且其职业紧张与神经递质存在密切相关,在临床工作中可通过改善油田野外作业工人的职业紧张,从而达到改善其神经递质水平的目的。  相似文献   
目的:探讨磁共振水成像技术对脊柱疾病诊断的应用价值。方法:采用快速高级自旋回波(FASE)、重T2WI及脂肪抑制序列对300例病人检查行磁共振椎管水成像(MRmyelography,MRM)。结果:MRM显示正常25例,MRM异常275例,清楚显示原发病变与邻近脊髓腔、脊髓、神经根的相关关系。结论:MRM具有无创伤、无辐射、速度快,不需对比剂,患者易接受的特点。MRM与常规MRI图像结合可获得全面、客观的病变信息,MRM图像可取代X线脊髓造影和CT脊髓造影。  相似文献   
利用RNA酶保护法对7月龄性未成熟幼鲤和2龄性成熟鲤组织胰岛素样生长因子-I(IGF-I)mRNA的表达水平进行测定,结果表明成鱼肝和肾脏组织IGF-ImRNA的丰度显著高于幼鱼,对鲤成鱼和幼鱼腹腔注射促性腺激素释放激素类似物(LHRH-A,D-Ala^6-Pro^9-NEt-LHRH)使血清生长激素(GH)水平和肝组织IGF-ImRNA水平都显著升高,而成鱼生殖腺IGF-ImRNA的丰度比对照组显著增加,研究结果提示鲤在不同发育阶段肝组织IGF-ImRNA的丰度比对照组显著增加,研究结果提示鲤在不同发育阶段肝组织IGF-ImRNA的表达存在差别,其中2龄成鱼大于7月龄幼鱼;LHRH-A可能通过刺激垂体GH的释放间接促进肝组织IGF-ImRNA的表达,亦可能通过某种未知途径刺激生殖腺IGF-ImRNA的表达。  相似文献   
Integrating how biodiversity and infectious disease dynamics are linked at multiple levels and scales is highly challenging. Chagas disease is a vector‐borne disease, with specificities of the triatomine vectors and Trypanosoma cruzi parasite life histories resulting in a complex multihost and multistrain life cycle. Here, we tested the hypothesis that T. cruzi transmission cycles are shaped by triatomine host communities and gut microbiota composition by comparing the integrated interactions of Triatoma sanguisuga in southern Louisiana with feeding hosts, T. cruzi parasite and bacterial microbiota in two habitats. Bugs were collected from resident's houses and animal shelters and analysed for genetic structure, blood feeding sources, T. cruzi parasites, and bacterial diversity by PCR amplification of specific DNA markers followed by next‐generation sequencing, in an integrative metabarcoding approach. T. sanguisuga feeding host communities appeared opportunistic and defined by host abundance in each habitat, yielding distinct parasite transmission networks among hosts. The circulation of a large diversity of T. cruzi DTUs was also detected, with TcII and TcV detected for the first time in triatomines in the US. The bacterial microbiota was highly diverse and varied significantly according to the DTU infecting the bugs, indicating specific interactions among them in the gut. Expanding such studies to multiple habitats and additional triatomine species would be key to further refine our understanding of the complex life cycles of multihost, multistrain parasites such as T. cruzi, and may lead to improved disease control strategies.  相似文献   
微RNA(microRNAs)是一类通过调控基因表达参与机体生理、病理过程的非编码RNA.近来,研究证实其可在肝脏不同类型细胞间进行传递,以调控靶细胞的功能,从而参与肝脏疾病的发生发展.但其在不同类型肝脏细胞间传递的直接实验证据--细胞共培养实验仍需考虑:不同类型细胞在共培养时的数量比例及miRNAs在不同细胞间传递的方向.miRNAs的胞间传递作为肝脏疾病病理机制的重要理论创新,在研究过程中仍需要考虑临床实践.本文对近期关于微RNA胞间传递与肝脏疾病的研究进行综述,以期促进对相关研究的思考.  相似文献   
目的:探讨定坤丹联合益母草冲剂治疗孕妇流产后月经失调的临床效果。方法:选取2016年1月-2016年12月我院接受药物流产终止妊娠的妇女120例为研究对象,根据数字随机表法将其随机分为研究组和对照组,每组60例。研究组在妊娠囊排出宫腔后开始服益母草冲剂,1包/次,3次/日,服用2周后加服定坤丹,1丸/次,2次/日,持续服用到月经恢复正常。对照组在同一时间段期间服用益母草冲剂。对比两组患者腹痛消失时间和月经恢复正常时间、恢复正常月经后月经周期、月经量以及治疗有效率。结果:对照组和研究组腹痛消失时间分别为7.62±1.33 d、3.17±0.76 d,月经恢复正常时间分别为69.62±8.45 d、43.21±6.65 d,研究组均显著短于对照组(P0.05)。患者月经恢复后,对照组中有42例正常,研究组有54例正常,研究组月经周期时间正常率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。对照组中月经量有45例正常,研究组中月经量有54例正常,两组月经量比较,研究组月经量正常率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。对照组中痊愈39例,研究组中痊愈51例,研究组治疗有效率显著高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:定坤丹联合益母草冲剂治疗孕妇流产后月经失调临床疗效明显优于单用益母草冲剂治疗。  相似文献   
以1龄性腺发育中期鲤鱼为材料,采用腹腔(i.p)注射的方法,研究不同的下丘脑肽和神经递质对鲤鱼促性腺激素(GtH)和生长激素(GH)分泌的影响。结果表明:促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)、L-多巴(L-DOPA)、甲基睾酮(MT)、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)、促黄体素释放激素类似物(LHRH-A)和三碘甲状腺原氨酸(T3)都能显著刺激GtH的分泌,但最大效应时间各不相同。TRH和LHRH-A能促进GH的分泌,L-DOPA、MT、GABA对血清GH水平没有明显影响;T3则对GH分泌有一定的抑制作用。这说明鲤鱼GtH和GH的分泌除了受各自的下丘脑释放因子和释放抑制因子的双重神经内分泌调控外,还受多种其它相同和不同调节因子的影响,也反映了鲤鱼GtH和GH分泌的神经内分泌调控的复杂性。  相似文献   
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