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Microsatellites can be misleading: an empirical and simulation study   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Abstract. It has been long recognized that highly polymorphic genetic markers can lead to underestimation of divergence between populations when migration is low. Microsatellite loci, which are characterized by extremely high mutation rates, are particularly likely to be affected. Here, we report genetic differentiation estimates in a contact zone between two chromosome races of the common shrew ( Sorex araneus ), based on 10 autosomal microsatellites, a newly developed Y-chromosome microsatellite, and mitochondrial DNA. These results are compared to previous data on proteins and karyotypes. Estimates of genetic differentiation based on F - and R -statistics are much lower for autosomal microsatellites than for all other genetic markers. We show by simulations that this discrepancy stems mainly from the high mutation rate of microsatellite markers for F -statististics and from deviations from a single-step mutation model for R -statistics. The sex-linked genetic markers show that all gene exchange between races is mediated by females. The absence of male-mediated gene flow most likely results from male hybrid sterility.  相似文献   
Over 6 yr the effectiveness of imazalil, prochloraz and fenpiclonil, applied either alone or in a mixture, in controlling gangrene, dry rot, skin spot and silver scurf on potato tubers in store was compared with that of 2-aminobutane and thiabendazole. An assessment was also made of their efficiency in controlling the development of these diseases on the daughter tubers of seed tubers treated at harvest or before planting. Overall, 2-aminobutane was more effective in controlling gangrene (Phoma foveata) in store than the spray-applied fungicides. Deposits of imazalil, thiabendazole and fenpiclonil were greater when sprays were applied with an electrostatic sprayer than with a hydraulic sprayer. The opposite was found with the mixture of prochloraz Mn and tolclofos-methyl. More effective gangrene control was associated with the highest deposits. Fenpiclonil and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil were more effective in controlling dry rot (Fusarium solani var. coeruleum) than imazalil alone. The development of dry rot was, however, increased by 2-aminobutane treatment on eight out of 14 stocks. 2-aminobutane gave the greatest reduction (83%) in the severity of skin spot during storage whereas thiabendazole alone, and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil, gave mean reductions of 70% and 65% respectively. This mixture and fenpiclonil gave the greatest reduction in the severity of silver scurf although, in general, reductions in silver scurf with fungicide treatment were less than with skin spot. The type of sprayer used to apply a fungicide did not affect the effectiveness of the fungicides in controlling either skin spot or silver scurf on tubers in store, or on the daughter tubers. The incidence of gangrene and dry rot on daughter tubers was not reduced consistently by fungicide treatment of seed tubers of the six stocks tested. However, the severity of skin spot and silver scurf was reduced by fungicide treatments of all eight stocks but the reduction in disease was greater for skin spot than for silver scurf. All fungicides gave reductions in the severity of skin spot, and fenpiclonil and the mixture of thiabendazole and imazalil were the most effective for silver scurf. The effectiveness of the fungicides in controlling these diseases was similar for seed treated at harvest and that treated before planting.  相似文献   
Nine cultivars of common bean were grown in the presence of a natural microflora without exogenous rhizobial inoculation. Nodules were harvested 30 days post planting (early flowering stage) and the presence of trehalose determined. Amounts present varied according to cultivar and were between 0.20 and 1.63 mg g−1 nodule dry weight. Rhizobial strains were isolated from the nodules of three selected cultivars (Canario 101, Flor de Mayo Bajio and Flor de Mayo 38). Trehalose levels in nodules produced after either mixed strain reinfection, or after axenic homologous reinfection or after axenic cross‐reinfection could be manipulated by applying drought stress. Mixed reinfection nodules from stressed plants accumulated between two and six times the trehalose concentration found in non‐stressed control plants. After axenic cross‐reinfection up to 48‐fold increases in nodule trehalose content were recorded during drought stress. Those cultivars exhibiting high nodule trehalose levels and/or a high degree of trehalose stimulation in response to drought stress also exhibited a high leaf relative water content and were also the most drought resistant. During drought stress nodule trehalase levels rose only slightly.  相似文献   
实时荧光定量PCR技术被广泛应用于实验研究、临床检测中。与普通的PCR相比,实时荧光定量PCR技术具有特异性强、灵敏度高、重复性好、定量准确、速度快、全封闭反应等优点。我们综述了实时荧光定量PCR技术的原理、定量方法,及其在传染性疾病检测研究中的应用。  相似文献   
We have developed a robust, fully automated anti-parasitic drug-screening method that selects compounds specifically targeting parasite enzymes and not their host counterparts, thus allowing the early elimination of compounds with potential side effects. Our yeast system permits multiple parasite targets to be assayed in parallel owing to the strains’ expression of different fluorescent proteins. A strain expressing the human target is included in the multiplexed screen to exclude compounds that do not discriminate between host and parasite enzymes. This form of assay has the advantages of using known targets and not requiring the in vitro culture of parasites. We performed automated screens for inhibitors of parasite dihydrofolate reductases, N-myristoyltransferases and phosphoglycerate kinases, finding specific inhibitors of parasite targets. We found that our ‘hits’ have significant structural similarities to compounds with in vitro anti-parasitic activity, validating our screens and suggesting targets for hits identified in parasite-based assays. Finally, we demonstrate a 60 per cent success rate for our hit compounds in killing or severely inhibiting the growth of Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness.  相似文献   
刘琳  韩英  袁有法  张宝性  赵金彩 《生物磁学》2011,(12):2350-2352
目的:探讨多排螺旋CT(MSCT)高分辨薄层重组对体检中肺部疾病的诊断价值,以及MSCT薄层重组与常规CT扫描图像质量及诊断准确率对照。方法:搜集做64排常规CT扫描同时行薄层重组的2473例体检病例中筛选的97例患者进行回顾性分析。结果:97例患者在常规CT扫描中有80例可以显示病变,而在MSCT薄层重组中97例均有阳性发现;其中双肺弥漫性病变79例(两肺间质纤维化78例,肺内多发转移瘤1例),肺结核3例,肺内孤立结节12例,早期中央型肺癌1例,先天性支气管闭锁1例以及纵隔肿瘤1例;MSCT薄层重组图像可清晰显示肺内小叶间隔线增厚、弥漫分布的囊性病变、肺内结节的细微征象。结论:MSCT薄层重组在胸部体检中的诊断阳性率、细节分辨率、图像质量及确诊率均优于常规CT,可作为肺内病变尤其是早期肺癌筛查方法之首选。  相似文献   
Raf激酶抑制蛋白(RKIP)是磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白家族的成员。RKIP通过与Raf-1结合,抑制了Ras/Raf-1/MEK/ERK信号转导通路,并在NF-κB及G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)信号转导通路中也起重要调节作用。RKIP参与细胞凋亡、肿瘤转移、神经发育以及精子发生等病理生理过程,通过研究RKIP能为治疗相关疾病提供新思路新靶点。本文主要介绍RKIP的生物功能,着重于其在神经系统、肿瘤和生殖系统中的研究进展。  相似文献   
北朱雀、燕雀和白腰朱顶雀的能量代谢特征和体温调节   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本实验采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计 ,测定了环境温度在 5 - 34℃范围内北朱雀 (Carpodacusroseus)、燕雀 (Fringillamontifringilla)和白腰朱顶雀 (Acanthisflammea)的耗氧量、热传导、体温等指标 ,探讨了其代谢产热特征。结果表明 :在环境温度 (Ta)为 5 - 30℃的范围内 ,北朱雀的体温基本维持恒定 ,平均体温为4 0 4 6± 0 1 0℃ ,热中性区为 2 2 5 - 2 7 5℃ ,基础代谢率为 4 30± 0 0 8mlO2 /(g·h) ;环境温度在 5 - 2 0℃范围内 ,代谢率 (MR)与Ta 呈负相关 ,回归方程为MR [mlO2 /(g·h) ]=9 34- 0 2 1Ta (℃ ) ;在此范围内 ,北朱雀的热传导率最低且基本保持恒定 ,平均为 0 2 4± 0 0 0mlO2 /(g·h·℃ )。在环境温度为 5 - 34℃的范围内 ,燕雀的体温基本保持稳定 ,为 4 0 4 0± 0 1 1℃ ,热中性区为 2 5 - 30℃ ,基础代谢率为 4 1 9± 0 0 5mlO2 /(g·h) ;环境温度在 5 - 2 5℃范围内 ,MR与Ta 的回归方程为 :MR [mlO2 / (g·h) ]=1 1 6 4 - 0 2 9Ta (℃ ) ;在 5- 30℃内 ,燕雀的热传导最低 ,平均为 0 2 9± 0 0 1mlO2 / (g·h·℃ )。白腰朱顶雀的热中性区为 2 5 - 2 8℃ ,平均体温为 4 0 4 8± 0 1 1℃ (5 - 34℃ ) ,最低代谢率为 4 4 5± 0 1 4mlO2 / (g·h) ,最低热传导为 0 3  相似文献   
接穗郁李影响杏砧变异的实验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
范盛尧FAN  Sheng-rao 《遗传》1999,21(4):43-44
陕西省咸阳市渭城中学范盛尧老师通过芽接实验, 使接穗郁李影响杏砧。经过一定时间的生理变化, 先营养器官, 后生殖器官, 使杏砧蘖生植株呈现出郁李性状。作者的本意是希望通过本刊寻求对这些现象的科学解释。现发表此文, 以引起学者的关注。本刊愿作生物教师的朋友, 欢迎大家就生物遗传的教学及科研等问题踊跃供稿; 广大读者对本文如有不同见解, 欢迎参加讨论。  相似文献   
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