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It was recently coincidentally discovered, using 1H NMR spectroscopy, that the erythrocytes of two species of Australian marsupials, Tammar Wallaby (Macropus eugenii) and Bettong (Bettongia penicillata), contain relatively high concentrations of the essential amino acid lysine (Agar NS, Rae CD, Chapman BE, Kuchel PW. Comp Biochem Physiol 1991;99B:575–97). Hence, in the present work the rates of transport of lysine into the erythrocytes from the Common Brushtail Possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata) and Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) (which both have low lysine concentrations), and Tammar Wallaby were studied, to explore the mechanistic basis of this finding. The concentration-dependence of the uptake was studied with lysine alone and in the presence of arginine, which may be a competitor of the transport in some species. In relation to GSH metabolism, glutamate uptake was determined in the presence and absence of Na+. The data was analysed to yield estimates of the maximal velocity (Vmax) and the Km in each of the species. Erythrocytes from Tammar Wallaby lacked saturable lysine transport in contrast to the other two species. The glutamate uptake was normal in all three animals for adequate GSH biosynthesis.  相似文献   
The last fifteen years have witnessed a major strategic shift in drug discovery away from an empiric approach based on incremental improvements of proven therapies, to a more theoretical, target-based approach. This arose as a consequence of three technical advances: (1) generation and interpretation of genome sequences, which facilitated identification and characterization of potential drug targets; (2) efficient production of candidate ligands for these putative targets through combinatorial chemistry or generation of monoclonal antibodies; and (3) high-throughput screening for rapid evaluation of interactions of these putative ligands with the selected targets. The basic idea underlying all three of these technologies is in keeping with Marshall Nirenberg’s dictum that science progresses best when there are simple assays capable of generating large data sets rapidly. Furthermore, practical implementation of target-based drug discovery was enabled directly by technologies that either were originated or nurtured by Marshall, his post-docs and fellows. Chief among these was the genetic code. Also important was adoption of clonal cell lines for pharmacological investigations, as well as the use of hybridomas to generate molecular probes that allowed physical purchase on signaling elements that had previously been only hypothetical constructs. Always the pure scientist, Marshall’s contributions nevertheless enabled fruitful applications in the pharmaceutical industry, several of them by his trainees. Both the successes and the shortcomings of target-based drug discovery are worthy of consideration, as are its implications for the choices of therapeutic goals and modalities by the pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Antigenic constitution of 5 Trichomonas gallinae strains and substrains was analyzed by gel diffusion technics. Fresh isolates of the very virulent JB and of an avirulent SG strain as well as avirulent substrains JBC and SGC, derived from JB and SG respectively by prolonged in vitro cultivation, were used in the experiments. An originally avirulent AG strain that was attenuated still further and lost its infectivity for pigeons during many years of serial transfers in nonliving media also was analyzed. Two major groups of antigens, A and B, were differentiated on the basis of precipitin line patterns formed in gel diffusion reactions involving the 5 strains and substrains and antisera prepared in rabbits against each of these trichomonad stocks. Group A was subdivided further into subgroups [A] and (A). JB, JBC, AG, and SGC trichomonads appeared to share all or nearly all antigens of both these subgroups, but AG strain contained some unique [A] and (A) antigens in addition to those which it had in common with the remaining 4 strains and substrains. Group B antigens were divided into 5 subgroups, B1 to B5. The complete B1 antigenic complex was found in JB and JBC trichomonads and part of this complex was present also in SG strain and SGC substrain. In all instances, subgroup B1 antigens stimulated production of specific antibodies in rabbits and combined with these antibodies present in immune sera. The complete B2 antigenic complex was found only in JBC substrain. Some subgroup B2 antigens were present also in JB trichomonads. Very few of these, however, were capable of stimulating antibody production in rabbits. The more numerous B2 elements of JB strain that did not stimulate immunologic responses in rabbits, might be in the form of incomplete hapten-like antigens. All subgroup B2 antigens found in JB strain represented only a portion of the B2 complex associated with JBC substrain. Subgroup B2 was characteristic of SG and SGC trichomonads, the latter substrain differing from the parental SG strain in the levels of both B2 and B1 antigens; these differences, however, were purely quantitative. JB strain reacted with some of subgroup B3 antibodies present in SG and SGC antisera, but failed to stimulate antibody formation against any of these antigens in rabbits. The B3 elements of JB trichomonads might be incomplete antigens. AG strain was characterized by having B4 and B5 antigenic complexes. The very small part of subgroup B4, represented by a weak precipitin line in reactions between JB strain or JBC substrain and anti-AG serum, suggested the presence of some incomplete B4 antigens in these trichomonads. Irrespective of whether freshly isolated avirulent strains or substrains attenuated by prolonged in vitro cultivation are examined by gel diffusion, such organisms are found richer in subgroup B antigens than the fully virulent JB trichomonads. All the results suggest that there may be a direct relationship between antigenic constitution and virulence of T. gallinae strains.  相似文献   
Three species of brood parasites are increasingly being recorded as transoceanic vagrants in the Northern Hemisphere, including two Cuculus cuckoos from Asia to North America and a Molothrus cowbird from North America to Eurasia. Vagrancy patterns suggest that their establishment on new continents is feasible, possibly as a consequence of recent range increases in response to a warming climate. The impacts of invasive brood parasites are predicted to differ between continents because many host species of cowbirds in North America lack egg rejection defenses against native and presumably also against invasive parasites, whereas many hosts of Eurasian cuckoos frequently reject non‐mimetic, and even some mimetic, parasitic eggs from their nests. During the 2014 breeding season, we tested the responses of native egg‐rejecter songbirds to model eggs matching in size and color the eggs of two potentially invasive brood parasites. American Robins (Turdus migratorius) are among the few rejecters of the eggs of Brown‐headed Cowbirds (M. ater), sympatric brood parasites. In our experiments, robins rejected one type of model eggs of a Common Cuckoo (C. canorus) host‐race, but accepted model eggs of a second cuckoo host‐race as well as robin‐mimetic control eggs. Common Redstarts (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), frequent hosts of Common Cuckoos in Eurasia, rejected ~50% of model Brown‐headed Cowbird eggs and accepted most redstart‐mimetic control eggs. Our results suggest that even though some hosts have evolved egg‐rejection defenses against native brood parasites, the invasion of brood parasites into new continents may negatively impact both naïve accepter and coevolved rejecter songbirds in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   
There is an urgent need to understand how climate change will impact on demographic parameters of vulnerable species. Migrants are regarded as particularly vulnerable to climate change; phenological mismatch has resulted in the local decline of one passerine, whilst variations in the survival of others have been related to African weather conditions. However, there have been few demographic studies on trans-Saharan non-passerine migrants, despite these showing stronger declines across Europe than passerines. We therefore analyse the effects of climate on the survival and productivity of common sandpipers Actitis hypoleucos, a declining non-passerine long-distant migrant using 28 years’ data from the Peak District, England. Adult survival rates were significantly negatively correlated with winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), being lower when winters were warm and wet in western Europe and cool and dry in northwest Africa. Annual variation in the productivity of the population was positively correlated with June temperature, but not with an index of phenological mismatch. The 59% population decline appears largely to have been driven by reductions in adult survival, with local productivity poorly correlated with subsequent population change, suggesting a low degree of natal philopatry. Winter NAO was not significantly correlated with adult survival rates in a second, Scottish Borders population, studied for 12 years. Variation in climatic conditions alone does not therefore appear to be responsible for common sandpiper declines. Unlike some passerine migrants, there was no evidence for climate-driven reductions in productivity, although the apparent importance of immigration in determining local recruitment complicates the assessment of productivity effects. We suggest that further studies to diagnose common sandpiper declines should focus on changes in the condition of migratory stop-over or wintering locations. Where possible, these analyses should be repeated for other declining migrants.  相似文献   
The effects of atmospheric methyl jasmonate on the level of flavonoids and biogenic amines in de-etiolated seedlings of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) were investigated. In cotyledons and hypocotyls of etiolated seedlings, some traces of anthocyanins were found, with no flavones and flavonols identified. A measurable content of flavones and flavonols was, however, determined in roots. De-etiolation process stimulated the accumulation of all flavonoid types. Methyl jasmonate clearly decreased the content of anthocyanins in the hypocotyl, not affecting their level in cotyledons. In case of roots, the content of anthocyanins increased after a 4-day treatment. In general, reduction in the level of flavones and flavonols was recorded only in the hypocotyl, however it was not always significant. Cotyledons of the seedlings treated with methyl jasmonate responded by a slight increase in flavonoids level. Methyl jasmonate considerably induced the accumulation of 2-phenylethylamine in all the seedling organs, increasing the content of putrescine and tryptamine in cotyledons, and decreasing the level of tryptamine in roots.  相似文献   
对12个普通小麦品种的LMW-GS进行SDS-PAGE分析表明,含有LMW-2亚基的品种的加工品质性状明显优于含有LMW-1亚基的品种。利用硬粒小麦中克隆LMW-1和LMW-2的特异引物,在"泰山201"和"PH82-2-2"两个普通小麦品种中分别克隆了一个编码LMW-1和LMW-2的基因,分别命名为PL1和PL2。通过其编码氨基酸序列分析表明,PL1属于LMW-m型,PL2属于LMW-s型。这两个基因编码的氨基酸序列的主要区别,一是PL1的氨基酸开始序列为METRCIPGL,PL2则直接以SHIPGL开始。二是PL1的氨基酸序列比PL2的有一段16个氨基酸的缺失。对PL1和PL2编码的氨基酸序列与硬粒小麦中已知的LMW-1和LMW-2序列进行了比较,PL1和PL2在与品质相关的重复区分别有三段和两段缺失。这些差异可能是影响其加工品质的重要因素。  相似文献   
Global warming presents a threat to plant species distributed at montane or alpine altitudes if the topography does not allow upward shifts in distribution ranges. Nevertheless, the species might also benefit from increasing temperatures and secondary effects on dominant species (e.g. bark beetle outbreaks or summer drought affecting the canopy species). As a consequence, disturbance frequency in montane forests might increase and light availability for herb layer species will increase. We addressed these interactions in a common garden experiment in Central Germany at different altitudes, representing cold and moist vs. warm and dry conditions. We investigated three montane species with different life forms, including a herb (Trientalis europaea), a grass (Calamagrostis villosa) and a dwarf shrub (Vaccinium myrtillus) under three shading treatments (3%, 28% and 86% of full sunlight). We hypothesized that montane species are at a disadvantage in the lowland, with the dwarf shrub suffering more than the grass. Furthermore, we hypothesized an antagonistic interaction of increased temperature and increased light conditions. While T. europaea and V. myrtillus showed only slightly responses to low altitude conditions, C. villosa displayed a nearly fifteen fold increase in biomass production, despite higher observed herbivory levels in the lowland. We failed to show an antagonistic effect of increased temperature and increased light availability, as all study species suffered from deep shade conditions and grew best under full light conditions at both sites. In conclusion, both improved temperature and light conditions might be principally beneficial for the investigated boreal species, in particular for the grass species C. villosa.  相似文献   
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