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Hu P  Fang L  Jones CM  Chess EK 《Carbohydrate research》2011,346(14):2268-2273
Anionic polysaccharides, such as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and alginate, readily undergo source-induced fragmentation when analyzed by electrospray mass spectrometry with the use of high source cone voltage. The dissociation chemistry converts all components of a polysaccharide into a small set of structurally characteristic small saccharides. This chemistry enables the collective detection of a polysaccharide through the detection of one or more small saccharides. This ability, combined with the elution of polysaccharides as relatively compact bands using ion-pairing reverse phase liquid chromatography, created a unique opportunity for the development of LC–MS methods suitable for the quantitative analysis of intact anionic polysaccharides. Feasibility of this approach is demonstrated with a mixture of heparin, chondroitin sulfate A, and alginate.  相似文献   
We consider a survival game of gregarious individuals, in which the aim of the players is survival to reproductive age under predator attacks. The survivor’s dilemma (shortly: SVD) game consists in the following: a group member either surely survives alone by fleeing, while its defensive mate may be killed; or tries to save its mate’s life, risking to get killed. The dilemma is that, in every single attack, fleeing ensures maximal survival probability, but if its mate survives by fighting both, and they remain together, its risk to be killed at the next attack will be lower. We show that, if defense is successful enough, then the one-attack game is a prisoner’s dilemma (PD), where fleeing is the strict ESS. We have additively decomposed the SVD game, according to the survival of the group mate of the focal prey, into two games: the aim of the “collective game” is survival of the group of prey. Counter-wise, the aim of the “hostile game” is survival alone (focal prey survives and its mate is killed by the predator). We obtain the following results: if the attack number is large enough, the multi-attack SVD game is dominated by the “collective game” in the sense that each individual can ensure its own maximal survival probability by maximizing the group survival probability in each attack. In the hostile game, the only strict ESS is the fleeing strategy. In the collective game there are two different cases: either defense is a unique strict ESS, or the collective game is bistable, i.e. fleeing and defense are local strict ESS’s. If defense is the only strict ESS in the collective game, and the attack number is large enough, defense replaces fleeing strategy in the multi-attack SVD game. However, in the bistable case, defense cannot invade into the fleeing population. It is shown that, if the interaction between relatives is frequent enough, than defense can replace fleeing strategy, in spite of the fact that in the well-mixed population the collective game is bistable.  相似文献   
Many animal groups, for example schools of fish or flocks of birds, exhibit complex dynamic patterns while moving cohesively in the same direction. These flocking patterns have been studied using self-propelled particle models, most of which assume that collective motion arises from individuals aligning with their neighbours. Here, we propose a self-propelled particle model in which the only social force between individuals is attraction. We show that this model generates three different phases: swarms, undirected mills and moving aligned groups. By studying our model in the zero noise limit, we show how these phases depend on the relative strength of attraction and individual inertia. Moreover, by restricting the field of vision of the individuals and increasing the degree of noise in the system, we find that the groups generate both directed mills and three dynamically moving, ‘rotating chain’ structures. A rich diversity of patterns is generated by social attraction alone, which may provide insight into the dynamics of natural flocks.  相似文献   
We present a differential equation-based mathematical model of nectar foraging by the honey bee Apis mellifera. The model focuses on two behavioural classes; nectar foragers and nectar receivers. Results generated from the model are used to demonstrate how different classes within a collective can collaborate to combine information and produce finely tuned decisions through simple interactions. In particular we show the importance of the ‘search time’ - the time a returning forager takes to find an available nectar receiver - in restricting the forager population to a level consistent with colony-wide needs.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the development of organic farming (OF) in France from a collective point of view by focusing on the spatiotemporal diffusion of OF and considering different types of production. Based on the data on aid granted between 2007 and 2010 for conversion to OF (COF), the spatial dynamics of conversion is examined with regard to the distinctive capacities of micro-territories to accommodate farms engaged in OF to a greater or lesser extent. The hurdle model is applied to varying types of COF aid, which are related to different production systems. This allows for both the characterization of the geographical extent of the contracting of COF aid and its local intensity measured by the number of contracts within micro-territories. The spatial structure of COF contracting can be explained both by economic factors relating to the orientation of production systems and by phenomena of spatiotemporal dependence, which demonstrate the importance of producers’ experience and of collective capacities. We can therefore speak of path dependence in relation to the establishment and maintenance of market access capabilities and social networks, which determine the potential and effectiveness of the development of organic agriculture at the micro-territorial level.  相似文献   
We have produced computational simulations of multi-agent systems in which wolf agents chase prey agents. We show that two simple decentralized rules controlling the movement of each wolf are enough to reproduce the main features of the wolf-pack hunting behavior: tracking the prey, carrying out the pursuit, and encircling the prey until it stops moving. The rules are (1) move towards the prey until a minimum safe distance to the prey is reached, and (2) when close enough to the prey, move away from the other wolves that are close to the safe distance to the prey. The hunting agents are autonomous, interchangeable and indistinguishable; the only information each agent needs is the position of the other agents. Our results suggest that wolf-pack hunting is an emergent collective behavior which does not necessarily rely on the presence of effective communication between the individuals participating in the hunt, and that no hierarchy is needed in the group to achieve the task properly.  相似文献   
Quorum sensing is a decision-making process used by decentralized groups such as colonies of bacteria to trigger a coordinated behavior. The existence of decentralized coordinated behavior has also been suggested in the immune system. In this paper, we explore the possibility for quorum sensing mechanisms in the immune response. Cytokines are good candidates as inducer of quorum sensing effects on migration, proliferation and differentiation of immune cells. The existence of a quorum sensing mechanism should be explored experimentally. It may provide new perspectives into immune responses and could lead to new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   
Collective burials were the main and most widespread funerary practice at the end of the Neolithic, beginning of the Bronze Age in the south of France. Megalithic monuments required a huge investment of time and labor. According to ethnographic studies, these monumental tombs are generally built and managed collectively. One can therefore wonder who was buried inside these structures because several archaeological studies indicate that access to these tombs can sometimes be restricted to certain members of the population. Indeed, ethnography highlights that access to certain tombs can be structured by variables such as kinship, social status, etc. While previous studies have mainly focused on the architecture and function of these monuments, this article focuses on the process of deposition of human remains and the characterization of the population buried inside these monuments. Since 2012, a project has been undertaken on the dolmens of the south of France in order to discuss funerary practices and to compare them with data from other archaeosciences to rediscuss the funerary traditions in place at the end of the Neolithic, the beginning of the Bronze Age.  相似文献   
Government-funded payments for ecosystem services (PES) have increasingly been used to facilitate transactions between users of environmental services and their providers. In order to improve the link between payments and the service provided, some countries in the EU have promoted result-based schemes (RBS), which remunerate farmers for ecological results, as part of their agricultural policy. Since PES programs are voluntary, it is important to understand farmers’ responses before more large-scale implementations of RBS are initiated. Using a choice experiment and a mixed logit model, we elicited the preferences of farmers in two Natura 2000 sites in Slovenia for different design elements of a hypothetical scheme for dry grassland conservation. We found that the majority of farmers preferred the result-based approach over the management-based scheme both in terms of payment conditions and monitoring; one group of farmers preferred the RBS very strongly (average WTA of more than 500 EUR/ha/yr) and another group less strongly (average WTA about 200 EUR/ha/yr). Farmers also showed a higher preference for on-farm advise and training in small groups than for lectures, which would be offered to a larger audience. A collective bonus, which would incentivise coordination and could potentially increase participation rates in the scheme, significantly influenced the farmers’ willingness to adopt the scheme. However, the estimated average WTA was comparable or lower than the 40 EUR/ha annual bonus payment. Older farmers and those who managed small and semi-subsistent farms were significantly more likely to be highly resistant to scheme adoption no matter its design.  相似文献   
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