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Abstract.— The genus Brachyderes Schönherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is represented by the species B. rugatus Wollaston on the Canary Islands, with one subspecies on each of the islands of Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma, and El Hierro. These four subspecies are associated with the endemic pine tree Pinus canariensis , and their distributions are broadly coincident. Eighty-eight individual Canarian Brachyderes , sampled from across the distributions of each subspecies, have been sequenced for 570 bp of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome oxidase II gene (COII). No mitotypes are shared among islands. Both maximum-likelihood and distance-based phylogenetic analyses have shown that: Tenerife is composed of a single monophyletic clade of mitotypes, El Hierro is composed of a single monophyletic clade occurring within a larger clade comprising all the La Palma mitotypes, and the mitotypes of these three islands form a monophyletic group distinct from Gran Canaria. New methods for estimating divergence times without the assumption of rate constancy have been used to reconstruct the direction and approximate timing of colonizations among the islands. Colonization has occurred from older to progressionally younger islands, and these colonizations are estimated to have occurred less than 2.6 million years ago, although the timing of the initial colonization of the archipelago is not discernable. New methods for the estimation of diversification rates that use branching times as the analyzed variable have been applied to each island fauna. Hypothesized effects of different levels of recent volcanism among islands were not apparent. All islands exhibit a gradually decreasing rate of genetic diversification that is marked by periodic sudden changes in rate.  相似文献   
In a choice bio-assay adult female deathwatch beetles were offered two dendrochronologically dated wood blocks from oak timber to study oviposition preference behaviour. There was a clear preference for ovipositing on old wood dating from the 13th to 19th centuries rather than new wood from the 20th century. Control, same-century choice, experiments showed that beetles will oviposit on young wood and that the age of the wood does not alter the overall oviposition potential. Oviposition frequency varied with insect age. Fecundity of insects collected from an infested building was similar to that of insects maintained in culture.  相似文献   
The chromosomes of 26 taxa from Mexico of the tribes Passalini (three species) and Proculini (23 species) have been studied, increasing the karyotypically known species of the family Passalidae to 56. Karyotypic dynamism is high since the diploid number varies from 18 to 44 in the tribe Proculini. and from 25 to 31 in the tribe Passalini. In addition, supernumerary chromosomes, chromosome heteromorphism, translocations and possible sex multivalents have been found. These results contrast with the numerical conservatism found in related families of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. However, both tribes are conservative with regard to sex determination, as all species of Proculini have male XY chromosomes whereas species of the Passalini have male XO chromosomes. It is postulated that differences in patterns shown by these two tribes are mainly due to population structure, because many species of Proculini are endemic to restricted areas of Meso and South America, favouring the settlement of karyotypic changes, whereas species of Passalini are distributed over large areas in the lowlands. It is also postulated that the ancestral karyotypic formula of the family is close to 12–14 pairs of autosomes although the ancestral male sex determination may be either XY or XO. At present only a weak relationship between morphological and karyotypic evolution has been found, which together with the marked numerical variability found within and between genera make it difficult to obtain phylogenetic conclusions from karyotypic results.  相似文献   
T. Olckers 《BioControl》1998,43(2):225-239
The South American tree Solanum mauritianum is a major environmental weed in the high-rainfall regions of South Africa and has been targeted for biological control. Potential agents included five species of the genus Platyphora, which were imported from South America in 1994. Platyphora species associated with Solanaceae reputedly have very specific habitat requirements and host plant preferences in the field. Despite this, host-specificity tests on one species, Platyphora semiviridis, revealed a broad physiological host range. Although laboratory tests showed that P. semiviridis is confined to Solanum species and cannot survive on solanaceous crops outside that genus, it developed on potato and cultivated eggplant (aubergine) as well as on 10 native South African Solanum species. With few exceptions, there were no consistent differences in survival and duration of development on these compared with S. mauritianum. Furthermore, at least six of these non-target species, including potato and eggplant, supported breeding colonies of the beetles in cages. During choice tests in both small and larger cages, P. semiviridis avoided potato but did not consistently discriminate between S. mauritianum, eggplant and six native solanums for larviposition. Despite these findings, P. semiviridis has never been recorded on either potato or eggplant in South America, where it was only observed to feed on S. mauritianum. Although there are several reasons why P. semiviridis is unlikely to attack non-target Solanum species in the field, it will not be released in South Africa because there are other imported agents which have displayed narrower physiological host ranges and which may be more effective.  相似文献   
The effects of temperature on age-specific fecundity, egg viability and egg cannibalism were examined in the coccidophagous coccinellid, Chilocorus nigritus being fed on the cyanophyllum scale, Abgrallaspis cyanophylli. There were no significant differences in lifetime fecundity or oviposition rate at constant temperatures in the range of 20 to 30°C although there was a trend for both parameters to increase with increasing temperatures. Total fecundity ranged from five to 1890 eggs per female whilst the oviposition rate varied from 0.2–12.1 eggs day-1. Egg viability was significantly greater at 26 and 30°C (63 and 74%, respectively) than at lower temperatures (18 to 30%) whilst egg cannibalism was highest at 24 and 26°C (being the mid range of the temperatures tested). Mean pre-oviposition periods varied from 54 days at 20°C to 8.2 days at 30°C. The effect of relative humidities in the range of 33% to 75% on oviposition rate, egg viability and egg cannibalism was measured and found to have no significant effect on either parameter.  相似文献   
本文简略报道福建省肖叶甲科的区系特点,系以热带成分为主,迄今共记录了32属,134种,其中有17种为福建特有种,此外并记术了三新种;白纹筒胸地甲Lypesthes vittatus Zhou et Tan,sp。nov。黄角茶叶甲Demotina flavicornis RTan et Zhou,sp,nov。,淡角沟臂叶甲Colaspoides pallidicornis Tan et Zhou  相似文献   
Summary Extracts of corpora cardiaca from two members of the family Tenebrionidae,Zophobas rugipes andTenebrio molitor, from one member of the Chrysomelidae,Leptinotarsa decemlineata, and from three members of the Scarabaeidae,Pachnoda marginata, P. sinuata andMelolontha hippocastani, were assayed for adipokinetic and hypertrehalosaemic activity in acceptor locusts (Locusta migratoria) and cockroaches (Periplaneta americana), respectively. All corpus cardiacum material tested, except that from the cockchafer,M. hippocastani, gave positive bioassay results. Biological activities of corpus cardiacum extracts from all species investigated can be resolved on reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Gland extracts from the two tenebrionid species each show a single peak of biological activity associated with a single peak of UV absorbance having an identical retention time in both species. The two biologically active fractions from the corpora cardiaca of the potato beetle,L. decemlineata, coelute with exogenous (synthetic) hypertrehalosaemic hormones I and II of the American cockroach. The two species of the genusPachnoda contain two active compounds in their glands; compound I of each species is more abundant and elutes just ahead of the (synthetic) hypertrehalosaemic hormone of the cockroachBlaberus discoidalis. The gland material ofM. hippocastani exhibits and absorbance peak with the same retention time as the major peak from thePachnoda-species; however, this peak material does not elicit biological activity in the assays used here. After fractionation by RP-HPLC the main biologically active compounds were subjected to amino acid analyses. All factors are peptidic and contain 8 amino acid residues. The peptides from the tenebrionid species have the amino acid residues Asx(2), Glx(1), Ser(1), Pro(1), Leu(1), Phe(1) and Trp(i), whereas the main peptide from corpora cardiaca ofP. marginata contains the residues Asx(2), Glx(1), Ser(1), Pro(1), Tyr(1), Leu(1) and Trp(1). Amino acid composition analyses of the two active fractions fromL. decemlineata reveal the residues Asx(2), Glx(1), Ser(1), Pro(1), Val(1), Phe(1) and Trp(1) for compound I and Asx(1), Glx(1), Thr(2), Pro(1), Leu(1), Phe(1) and Trp(1) for compound II.  相似文献   
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