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对布迪椰子的幼叶、成熟叶、叶柄和根在不同季节的干重热值、去灰分热值和灰分含量进行了研究,结果表明:干重热值四个季节的平均值为成熟叶(20.65kJg-1)>幼叶(19.84kJg-1)>根(19.55kJg-1)>叶柄(18.77kJg-1),秋季的干重热值明显高于其它三个季节的干重热值,冬季的干重热值最低,去灰分热值与干重热值的变化趋势基本相同。灰分含量四个季节的平均值为根(5.14%)>叶柄(4.33%)>幼叶(4.21%)>成熟叶(3.97%)。成熟叶的灰分含量一直维持在比较低的水平,而幼叶的在秋季明显下降,在冬季明显上升,幼叶灰分含量的季节变化趋势与成熟叶的相同,叶柄灰分含量在冬季明显低于根部。布迪椰子这种不同器官在不同季节的热值和灰分的变化规律显示其具有较强的耐寒适应性。  相似文献   
In six male subjects the sweating thresholds, heart rate (fc), as well as the metabolic responses to exercise of different intensities [40%, 60% and 80% maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)], were compared at ambient temperatures (Ta) of 5 degrees C (LT) and 24 degrees C (MT). Each period of exercise was preceded by a rest period at the same temperature. In LT experiments, the subjects rested until shivering occurred and in MT experiments the rest period was made to be of exactly equivalent length. Oxygen uptake (VO2) at the end of each rest period was higher in LT than MT (P less than 0.05). During 20-min exercise at 40% VO2max performed in the cold no sweating was recorded, while at higher exercise intensities sweating occurred at similar rectal temperatures (Tre) but at lower mean skin (Tsk) and mean body temperatures (Tb) in LT than MT experiments (P less than 0.001). The exercise induced VO2 increase was greater only at the end of the light (40% VO2max) exercise in the cold in comparison with MT (P less than 0.001). Both fc and blood lactate concentration [1a]b were lower at the end of LT than MT for moderate (60% VO2max) and heavy (80% VO2max) exercises. It was concluded that the sweating threshold during exercise in the cold environment had shifted towards lower Tb and Tsk. It was also found that subjects exposed to cold possessed a potentially greater ability to exercise at moderate and high intensities than those at 24 degrees C since the increases in Tre, fc and [1a]b were lower at the lower Ta.  相似文献   
Summary The nature and extent of heterosis for grain yield and its component characters was estimated in a seven-parent F1-diallel cross in rice under the cold stress conditions of Palampur, representing sub-temperate climate of the mid hills of Himachal Pradesh. The highest heterotic effects for grain yield were observed in Himalaya 1/Phul Patas 72 and China 988/Himdhan hybrids, which gave 60.36 and 32.48% heterosis, respectively, over mid parent, 38.76 and 26.86% heterosis, respectively, over high parent and 32.30 and 26.86% heterosis, respectively, over the best variety, Himdhan. Heterosis for grain yield in these crosses was due to an increase in tiller number, panicle length, spikelets/panicle and 1,000-grain weight. Large number of crosses exhibited significant heterosis for high spikelet sterility and the majority of them had significant heterosis for late flowering, taking more than 120 days to flower, which resulted in lack of heterosis for grain yield in such crosses due to cold stress at the reproductive stage.Part of the thesis submitted by the senior author to Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur (H.P.) India, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture  相似文献   
对2011年6月南黄海冷水团及其周边海域23个站位的小型底栖动物类群组成、丰度、生物量和空间分布及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明,调查海域共鉴定出小型底栖动物20个类群,平均丰度为(1194±873)个/10 cm~2,平均生物量为(881±669)μg干重/10 cm~2,其中自由生活海洋线虫是绝对优势类群,占小型底栖动物总丰度的89.7%,其次为底栖桡足类(5.5%)、甲壳类幼体(1.8%)、多毛类(1.2%);对生物量的贡献上依次为海洋线虫(49.0%)、多毛类(22.9%)、桡足类(13.9%)、介形类(7.8%)、涡虫(2.0%)。在垂直分布上,79.1%的小型底栖动物分布在沉积物0—2 cm的表层,16.4%分布在2—5 cm的次表层,4.5%的小型底栖动物分布在5—8 cm的下层。与环境因子的相关性分析表明,小型底栖动物的总丰度和总生物量与沉积物叶绿素a含量显著正相关;小型底栖动物的生物量和沉积物中部分重金属(Pb、Cu、Fe、Ni、Co)含量呈显著负相关,但与Cd含量呈极显著正相关。BIOENV分析结果表明,沉积物含水量、有机质含量和分选系数组合最能解释小型底栖动物类群组成分布差异。根据小型底栖动物的类群组成可将研究海域划分为3个区域,包括:冷水团中央区域,冷水团边缘区和近岸区,其中冷水团边缘区丰度和生物量最高,冷水团区域次之,近岸区最低;整个冷水团海域小型底栖动物丰度和生物量分别是非冷水团海域的2.3倍和2.1倍。  相似文献   
Ability to survive cold is an important factor in determining northern range limits of insects. The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) is an invasive beetle introduced from Asia that is causing extensive damage to ash trees in North America, but little is known about its cold tolerance. Herein, the cold tolerance strategy and mechanisms involved in the cold tolerance of the emerald ash borer were investigated, and seasonal changes in these mechanisms monitored. The majority of emerald ash borers survive winter as freeze-intolerant prepupae. In winter, A. planipennis prepupae have low supercooling points (∼−30 °C), which they achieve by accumulating high concentrations of glycerol (∼4 M) in their body fluids and by the synthesis of antifreeze agents. Cuticular waxes reduce inoculation from external ice. This is the first comprehensive study of seasonal changes in cold tolerance in a buprestid beetle.  相似文献   
We have isolated and in silico characterized a cold regulated plastocyanin encoding gene from Lepidium latifolium L designated as LlaDRT. Its cDNA sequence (JN214346) consists of a 504 bp ORF, 48 and 205 bp of 5′ and 3′ UTR regions, respectively encoding a protein of 17.07 KDa and pI 4.95. In silico and phylogenetic analysis of LlaDRT suggested that the protein has features of a typical plastocyanin family member and of a nearest relative of the predominant isoform of Arabidopsis (PETE2) plastocyanin. Validation of stress response of LlaDRT by qPCR under different abiotic stress regulators viz salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, calcium chloride, ethylene and abscisic acid revealed its possible regulation and crosstalk amongst different pathways.  相似文献   
采用磷酸铅沉淀的电镜细胞化学方法,对经冷驯化及未经冷驯化的金边卫矛 EuonymusradicansEmorald&Gold. 以及两者在-5℃下处理1d后的叶肉细胞进行了ATPase的超微细胞化学定位的比较观察,并对冷驯化可提高植物抗寒力及ATPase与植物抗寒性关系进行了探讨.标志ATPase活性反应的磷酸铅沉淀物主要分布在叶片栅栏细胞和海绵细胞的质膜和液泡膜上,ATPase在这两类细胞中的分布及活性无明显差异.金边卫矛幼苗经4℃低温驯化7d后,其质膜和液泡膜的ATPase活性高于22℃下生长的幼苗,冷驯化后的金边卫矛幼苗在-5℃处理1d后,其质膜和液泡膜上仍可观察到ATPase的活性反应,但较低温胁迫前有所降低,且超微结构完整,未见任何伤害.而未经冷驯化的金边卫矛幼苗在-5℃处理1d后,其质膜和液泡膜上的ATPase完全失活,同时细胞的超微结构受到严重伤害.实验结果表明,冷驯化可提高金边卫矛幼苗ATPase在低温胁迫下的稳定性,这种活性变化与植物抗寒力的提高呈正相关,同时还发现液泡膜ATPase活性较质膜ATPase变化幅度大,推测液泡膜可能较质膜ATPase对低温更为敏感.  相似文献   
Systemic acquired acclimation (SAA) is an important light acclimatory mechanism that depends on the global adjustments of non-photochemical quenching and chloroplast retrograde signaling. As the exact regulation of these processes is not known, we measured time-resolved fluorescence of chlorophyll a in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves exposed to excess light, in leaves undergoing SAA, and in leaves after excess light episode. We compare the behavior induced in wild-type plants with null mutant of non-photochemical quenching (npq4–1). The wild type rosettes exhibit a small reduction of fluorescence decay times in leaves directly exposed to excess light and in leaves undergoing SAA in ambient low light. However in npq4–1 exposition to excess light results in much faster fluorescence decay, which is insensitive to excitation power. At the same time npq4–1 leaves undergoing SAA displayed intermediate fluorescence decay. The npq4–1 plants also lost the ability to optimize florescence decay, and thus chlorophyll a dynamics up to 2 h after excess light episode. The fluorescence decay dynamics in both WT and npq4–1 can be described by a set of 3 maximum decay times. Based on the results, we concluded that functional PsbS is required for optimization of absorbed photon fate and optimal light acclimatory responses such as SAA or after excess light stress.  相似文献   
根据紫花苜蓿抗寒基因cas15B(登录号:L12462)的cDNA序列,设计1对特异引物,以经过低温胁迫的黄花苜蓿总RNA为模板,采用RT-PCR方法克隆获得了550bp的cDNA片段。测序和序列分析结果表明,扩增片段长度为550bp,编码159个氨基酸。主要由Gly(甘氨酸)、Glu(谷氨酸)、His(组氨酸)、Lys(赖氨酸)这4种氨基酸组成,占总量的70%。含1个重复了5次的10肽基序,其序列为Lys-Gly-Glu-Gln-His-Gly-His(Phe)-Val(Leu)-Gly-Gly。经序列比较分析,该片段与紫花苜蓿冷诱导基因CAS15B的核苷酸、氨基酸的同源性均为90%,命名为MfCAS15-1。亚细胞结构定位分析结果显示,MfCAS15-1是一种定向到核的蛋白,在调节或维持核的结构与功能方面起作用。本研究在黄花苜蓿中成功获得了抗寒基因同源序列,为最终克隆黄花苜蓿MfCAS15-1抗寒基因全长奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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