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A Chinese hamster ovary triple auxotroph (CHO AUXB1) requires glycine, adenosine, and thymidine (GAT) for growth and survival due to a defect in the structural gene for folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS). This auxotroph and others like it contain less than 3% of the parental amounts of FPGS activity. In order to develop a reverse mutation assay with CHO AUXB1, we determined the optimal conditions for measuring reversion and characterized some of the revertants. We also obtained quantitative mutagenicity data for several direct-acting mutagens for comparison to the parental CHO-S/HGPRT locus. Induced revertants appear in the culture immediately following 20-22 h exposures in +GAT complete medium, indicative of dominant genetic changes. They are maximally expressed after 2 population doublings and can be conveniently selected after 44-48 h of expression growth by plating 1 X 10(6) cells/100-mm dish into -GAT-deficient medium and incubating 12-13 days. Plating reconstruction experiments show that the cloning efficiencies of revertants in -GAT medium are not influenced by the presence of up to 1 X 10(6) CHO AUXB1 cells. Dose-dependent increases above the spontaneous revertant frequency (average = 5 X 10(7)) are induced with cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 (14-fold) (but not trans-Pt(NH3)2Cl2), PtCl4(10-fold), Pt(SO4)2 (14-fold), K2CrO4 (8-fold), EMS (10-fold), 4-NQO (53-fold), ICR-191 (60-fold), and ICR-170 (30-fold). All of the revertants that have been isolated are stable to repeated subculturing in -GAT medium; 40 out of 42 that have been analyzed are characterized by an increased 72-h growth incorporation of labeled folate and their extracts contain 5-94% as much FPGS as the original, parental CHO-S line. Spontaneous and induced reversion to the GAT+ phenotype primarily reflects mutations involving the FPGS gene locus. But the re-acquisition by most of the revertants of much less than normal amounts of FPGS activity suggests that they arise from compensatory second-site mutations within this gene. Comparison of the mutagenicity patterns of the foregoing compounds as a function of the applied concentration and the relative percent survival reveals some interesting similarities, as well as differences, between the CHO AUXB1/FPGS and CHO-S/HGPRT loci. In particular, the FPGS locus is rather insensitive to EMS (or other simple alkylating agents). However, it seems to be quite susceptible to reversion by other chemicals that are known to react selectively with guanine bases in DNA. CHO AUXBI is a useful supplemental mammalian assay system for assessing quantitatively the generally weak mutagenic activities of metal compounds.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic CO2-fixation of mesophyll protoplasts of lambs lettuce [Valerianella locusta (L.) Betcke] was inhibited by short time exposure to Cd+. Inhibition was due to uptake of the metal ion into the protoplasts and increased with increasing Cd2+ concentrations and the time of preincubation. A 10 min pretreatment at 2 mM Cd2+ reduced CO2-fixation by 40–60%. Inhibition of photosynthesis was independent of the light intensity to which the protoplasts were exposed. Measurement of the lightinduced electrochromic pigment absorption change at 518nm and chlorophyll fluorescence studies revealed that primary photochemical reactions associated with the thylakoid membranes were not affected by the metal ion. Also, light activation of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (EC was not inhibited by Cd2+. Under rate-limiting CO2 concentrations, inhibition of CO2-fixation was smaller than at Vmax of CO2 reduction indicating that the carboxylation reaction of the Calvin cycle is not susceptible to Cd2+. Cd2+ treatment of protoplasts significantly extended the lagphase of CO2-supported O2-evolution and partly inhibited light activation of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC and the ribulose-5-phosphate kinase (EC Measurement of relative concentrations of [14C]-labeled Calvin cycle intermediates showed that Cd2+ caused a decrease in the 3-phosphoglycerate/triose phosphate ratio and an increase in the triose phosphate/ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate ratio. It is concluded that in protoplasts Cd2+ affects photosynthesis mainly at the level of dark reactions and that the site of inhibition may be localized in the regenerative phase of the Calvin cycle.  相似文献   
1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) is the product of the metabolic oxidation of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) by monoamine oxidase (MAO). MPP+ is toxic to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine (dopamine, DA) neurons in explant cultures of rat embryonic midbrain. Addition of 2.5 microM MPP+ to the feeding medium for 6 days results in significant reduction of the DA levels in the cultures (to 19% of control) as well as in the uptake of [3H]DA (to 32% of control). When the cultures are treated with the MAO inhibitor deprenyl (10 microM) 24 h prior to and during exposure to MPP+, the DA neurons are protected from the toxicity of the drug. In the combined deprenyl plus MPP+ treatment, the levels of DA in the cultures remain at the control range and the [3H]DA uptake is reduced to only 73% of control. These results indicate that MAO is involved in the toxicity of MPP+ on DA neurons.  相似文献   
Leaf photosynthesis rate of the C4 species Paspalum plicatulum Michx was virtually CO2-saturated at normal atmospheric CO2 concentration but transpiration decreased as CO2 was increased above normal concentrations thereby increasing transpiration efficiency. To test whether this leaf response led growth to be CO2-sensitive when water supply was restricted, plants were grown in sealed pots of soil as miniature swards. Water was supplied either daily to maintain a constant water table, or at three growth restricting levels on a 5-day drying cycle. Plants were either in a cabinet with normal air (340 mol (CO2) mol-1 (air)) or with 250 mol mol-1 enrichment. Harvesting was by several cycles of defoliation.With abundant water supply high CO2 concentration did not cause increased growth, but it did not cause an increase in growth over a wide range of growth-limiting water supplies either. Only when water supply was less than 30–50% of the amount used by the stand with a water-table was there evidence that dry weight growth was enhanced by high CO2. In addition, with successive regrowth, the enhancing effect under a regime of minimal water allocations, became attenuated. Examination of leaf gas exchange, growth and water use data showed that in the long term stomatal conductance responses were of little significance in matching plant water use to low water allocation; regulation of leaf area was the mechanism through which consumption matched supply. Since high CO2 effects operate principally via stomatal conductance in C4 species, we postulate that for this species higher CO2 concentrations expected globally in future will not have much effect on long term growth.  相似文献   
Abstract The free 4-desmethylsterol composition of plasma-membrane-enriched preparations from white fibrous roots of Rangpur lime (Citrus reticulata var. austera hybrid?), Kharna khatta (C. kharna Raf.) and Etrog citron (C. medica L.) seedlings grown in the presence of 0, 50, or 100 mol m?3 NaCl for 28 d was quantitated by gas chromatography (GC) on analytical capillary (SE-54 fused silica) columns and the sterols were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Only three 4-desmethylsterols were positively identified by GC-MS, viz. campesterol, stigmasterol and sitosterol. Cholesterol could not be positively identified in any of the membrane preparations. Campesterol levels were generally similar for all treatments and for all three genotypes, approximating 30% of the total free 4-desmethylsterol content of the plasma membranes. At all levels of salinity (0, 50 or 100 mol m?3 NaCl) sitosterol levels decreased in the order Rangpur lime > Kharna khatta > Etrog citron and stigmasterol levels decreased in the reverse order. The ratio of sitosterol to stigmasterol was highest in Rangpur lime and lowest in Etrog citron at each level of salinity and was reduced by salt treatment in all three genotypes. Salt-induced reductions in the ratio of ‘more planar’ to ‘less planar’ sterols correlated inversely with the accumulation of Cl? in the leaves of the three genotypes suggesting a role for plasma membrane sterols in the Cl? exclusion mechanism. A model relating sterol structure, membrane sterol composition and membrane permeability to Cl? exclusion ability in citrus is presented.  相似文献   
用含80%1,4-丁二醇的混合溶剂,以胰蛋白酶酶促,由去八肽胰岛素(DOI)合成了去六肽胰岛素(DHI),总产率为35%。1,4-丁二醇的溶解性能好,在浓度高达80—90%时不明显抑制酶活力,DOI的氨基无需保护,溶液中无高聚物或沉淀形成。  相似文献   
Introduction of T-dependent antigens into the subarachnoid space (isas) resulted in higher systemic antibody responses in mice than injections into the peritoneal cavity (ip) or other sites commonly used for immunization. Antibody production in isas immunized mice was not increased by treatment with cyclophosphamide (Cy) at doses known to abolish T-suppressor-cell activity, but such treatment increased antibody production in ip immunized mice toward the higher level which was observed in the isas immunized animals. Suppressor cell-dependent low zone tolerance (LZT) to TNP-BSA could not be induced by isas injections of deaggregated BSA (d-BSA). Conversely, mice which were unresponsive to ip injected d-BSA showed consistent systemic antibody responses when the antigen was injected isas. These observations indicate that immune responses initiated within the CNS are associated with relatively ineffective induction of systemic suppressor cell activity.  相似文献   
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