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咖啡为茜草科(Rubiaceae)咖啡属(Coffea)植物,位居世界三大饮品之首,具有降低血糖、保护肝脏和神经保护等作用.咖啡化学成分类别较多,包括生物碱、酚酸类、黄酮类、萜类等.咖啡中的化学成分是发挥其生物学功能和形成特色风味的基础,对其化学成分来源和生物活性进行综述,为进一步发展咖啡产业提供依据和理论支撑.  相似文献   
Monoculture croplands are a major source of global anthropogenic emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to ozone depletion. Agroforestry has the potential to reduce N2O emissions. Presently, there is no systematic comparison of soil N2O emissions between cropland agroforestry and monoculture systems in Central Europe. We investigated the effects of converting the monoculture cropland system into the alley cropping agroforestry system on soil N2O fluxes at three sites (each site has paired agroforestry and monoculture) in Germany, where agroforestry combined crop rows and poplar short-rotation coppice (SRC). We measured soil N2O fluxes monthly over 2 years (March 2018–January 2020) using static vented chambers. Annual soil N2O emissions from agroforestry ranged from 0.21 to 2.73 kg N ha−1 year−1, whereas monoculture N2O emissions ranged from 0.34 to 3.00 kg N ha−1 year−1. During the rotation of corn crop, with high fertilization rates, agroforestry reduced soil N2O emissions by 9% to 56% compared to monocultures. This was mainly caused by low soil N2O emissions from the unfertilized agroforestry tree rows. Soil N2O fluxes were predominantly controlled by soil mineral N in both agroforestry and monoculture systems. Our findings suggest that optimized fertilizer input will further enhance the potential of agroforestry for mitigating N2O emissions.  相似文献   
In anti-sense and RNA interference transgenic plants of Coffea canephora in which the expression of CaMXMT1 was suppressed, caffeine biosynthesis from [8-(14)C]adenine was investigated, together with the overall metabolism of [8-(14)C]adenine. Compared with wild type control plants, total purine alkaloid biosynthesis from adenine and conversion of theobromine to caffeine were both reduced in the transgenic plants. As found previously, [8-(14)C]adenine was metabolised to salvage products (nucleotides and RNA), to degradation products (ureides and CO(2)) and to purine alkaloids (theobromine and caffeine). In the transgenic plants, metabolism of [8-(14)C]adenine shifted from purine alkaloid synthesis to purine catabolism or salvage for nucleotides. HPLC analysis revealed a significantly reduced caffeine content in the transgenic plants. A small quantity (less than 20 nmol g(-1) fresh weight) of xanthosine had accumulated in at least one of the transgenic plants.  相似文献   
We compare species richness of birds, fruit-feeding butterflies and ground-foraging ants along a coffee intensification gradient represented by a reduction in the number of species of shade trees and percentage of shade cover in coffee plantations. We sampled the three taxa in the same plots within the same period of time. Two sites were selected in the Soconusco region of the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Within each site four habitat types were selected and within each habitat type four points were randomly selected. The habitat types were forest, rustic coffee, diverse shade coffee, and intensive coffee (low density of shade). We found different responses of the three taxa along the intensification gradient. While ants and butterflies generally decrease in species richness with the decrease of shade cover, birds declined in one site but increased in the other. Ant species richness appears to be more resistant to habitat modification, while butterfly species richness appears to be more sensitive. Bird species richness was correlated with distance from forest fragments but not with habitat type, suggesting that scale and landscape structure may be important for more mobile taxa. For each of these taxa, the rustic plantation was the one that maintained species richness most similar to the forest. We found no correlation between the three taxa, suggesting that none of these taxa are good candidates as surrogates for each other. We discuss the implications of these results for the conservation of biodiversity in coffee plantations, in particular, the importance of distinguishing between different levels of shade, and the possibility that different taxa might be responding to habitat changes at different spatial scales.  相似文献   
The future of biodiversity depends to a great extent on the conservation value of human-dominated and semi-natural habitats. In a mixed agricultural landscape in southern Costa Rica, we compared the richness and composition of terrestrial arthropod communities occurring in three habitat types along a gradient of increasing disturbance: in a large (227ha) forest fragment, small (3.8–5.3ha) forest fragments, and sun coffee (1–3ha) plantations. Pitfall trap sampling revealed decreasing morphospecies richness with increasing disturbance. Moreover, the number of species unique to a habitat type was lower in the smaller forest fragments and the coffee sites. We found significant changes in community composition associated with habitat at the levels of order (all arthropods), family (beetles), and morphospecies (carabids, scarabs, and ants). We identified no significant correlation of richness among the taxonomic orders, meaning these taxa are unable to serve as biodiversity indicators (for each other or for all arthropods) in the study region. Arthropod diversity presently found in countryside habitats is certainly lower, and perhaps less sustainable, than that of the extensive forested habitats fragmented < 40 years ago. It nonetheless remains substantial, suggesting a conservation opportunity in human-dominated landscapes of the tropics.  相似文献   
Can Homegardens Conserve Biodiversity in Bangladesh?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In managed landscapes, tree-dominated habitats often show promise for biodiversity conservation. In Bangladesh where natural forest cover is less than 10 percent, homegardens, which are maintained by at least 20 millions households, represent one possible strategy for biodiversity conservation. This study investigated the floristic and structural diversity of 402 homegardens from six regions across southwestern Bangladesh. All plants were censused, totaling 419 species (59% native), including six IUCN Red Listed. The median homegarden (800 m2) contained a mean of 34 species. Each region contained a mean of 293 species in a mean of 67 homegardens. A total of 49,478 individuals (107 per homegarden and 1003 per hectare) of trees and shrubs were counted from 45.2 ha total sampled area. Thus, significant botanical richness was exhibited in the homegardens across southwestern Bangladesh. However, most species were rare: 82 percent of all species including 189 native were found in 50 or fewer homegardens, and 63 species (36 native) were found in only one or two homegardens. Sixty percent of all tree and shrub species had 50 or fewer individuals each. Thus, whereas richness across the landscape was high, serious effort must be made to increase the populations of most species. We propose three main conservation activities: (1) awareness building; (2) protection of existing individuals of rare species; and (3) propagation. Overlaying all of these activities is the inclusion of local communities in the process, who were the ones to retain these species in homegardens in the first place, and the stakeholders who will determine whether homegardens indeed act as long-term repositories to biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   
农林复合系统水分生态特征的模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张劲松  孟平 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1172-1177
根据验证后的太行山低山丘陵区苹果 -小麦复合系统及单作小麦系统 SPAC水分运移模型 ,模拟计算小麦拔节 -腊熟期间复合系统和单作系统蒸腾、根系吸水和土壤水分的时空变化值 ,继而分析复合系统水分生态特征 ,旨在为该地区发展果农复合模式提供一定的理论依据 ,并以期进一步丰富复合农林业水分生态理论研究内容。结果表明 :(1)对比单作小麦系统 ,复合系统具有明显的小麦蒸腾需水及耗水降低效应 ,其值分别可达 18.0 %和 16 .8% ;实际区域面积上 ,复合系统中作物和果树蒸腾耗水量的比值为 1.7,说明小麦耗水是复合系统耗水的主要特征方式。 (2 )分布林带区和作物区的果树吸水量分别约占系统内果树吸水总量的 4 7.6 %和 5 2 .4 % ,说明果树所消耗的土壤水分至少有 5 0 %以上来自作物区内 ;在作物与果树根系的交错区内 ,作物吸水量与果树吸水量的比值达 82 .0 :1,因此 ,小麦在与果树根系吸水的直接竞争过程中 ,将处绝对主导的地位。 (3)小麦拔节-腊熟期间各时段内 ,复合系统中 0~ 80 cm土层贮水量随带距的变化均大致呈抛物线状分布 ,对比单作小麦系统 ,复合系统土壤水分总体平均效应 2 .7%。  相似文献   
农林复合系统作为一种土地综合利用体系,可以有效吸收和固定CO2、增加碳储量,在达到收获目的的同时,可有力减轻温室效应.农林复合系统对CO2的调控作用,使人们认识到农林复合系统较单一作物系统有着明显优势,因此,深入了解不同农林复合系统的碳汇功能及其影响因素,对全球碳循环研究及碳收支准确评估具有重要意义.本文综述了农林复合系统的概念与分类,探讨了农林复合系统不同组分的碳固存潜力及其影响因子,得出不同区域、不同类型农林复合系统内植被的固碳速率相差很大(0.59~11.08 t C·hm-2·a-1),其主要受到气候因子和农林复合系统自身特性(物种组成、林木密度和林龄)的影响.农林复合系统内土壤的固碳潜力受到系统内树木和非树木成分输入的生物量多少和质量、土壤质地、土壤结构的影响.不同地区的任何一个农林复合系统的碳储量多少主要依赖于复合系统中各组分的结构和功能.针对目前的研究现状,指出应重点加强农林复合系统优化结构的碳汇功能研究,以及加强农林复合系统碳储量的时空分布格局及其固碳机制的长期研究.  相似文献   
通过分析咖啡旋皮天牛Acalolepta cervinus 和咖啡灭字虎天牛Xylotrechus quadripes Chevr;的生态对策,种间竞争策略,并结合有害生物综合管理理论,咖啡林生态系统的特性,咖啡天牛的发生特点,提出了咖啡天牛的防治策略。  相似文献   
南亚热带丘陵区龙眼和象草的叶片气孔气体交换的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分别在干、湿两季节 ,利用便携式光合测定系统 ,野外测定丘陵集水区“林、果、草、鱼”农林复合生态系统中龙眼和象草的气体交换的日变化 ,和在室内测定 2种植物的光合作用—光响应曲线。2种植物在湿润高温的 9月的光饱和点、日平均叶片净光合速率、日平均气孔导度比干旱低温的 1月高 ,而内在水分利用效率恰好相反。2种植物的净光合速率的日变化呈双峰型 ,龙眼在 1月份中午时分下陷的程度相对较浅。根据观测结果 ,集水区内的水热条件的配合得当 ,是龙眼和象草生长的重要条件。  相似文献   
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