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The EGF-like family of growth factors are known to be involved in the control of the intestinal epithelium. The intracellular events are mediated by the EGF receptor (EGFr), a transmembrane glycoprotein which is overexpressed in many malignancies and also in many radiosensitive cell types. The precise mode of action of the receptor in controlling proliferation and whether the factor is also involved in controlling apoptosis in this tissue is not clear. Using polyclonal antibodies raised against a cytoplasmic region of the receptor distant to the phosphorylation site and one raised against the peptide sequence DVVDADEYLIPQ, which is present in the cytoplasmic tail phosphorylation site of the EGFr, we have examined the immunostaining in normal and irradiated murine intestine. The former antibody labelled the basolateral membranes of the epithelial cells in the proliferative zones of both the small intestine and colon, in both control and irradiated tissue. The latter antibody however, strongly labelled the Goblet cells and the microvilli of the enterocyte apical membrane in control tissue. Following irradiation\ the apical labelling redistributed and was localized in the apical cytoplasm and in a paranuclear region. Furthermore, strong labelling was now seen in many of the apoptotic cells of the small intestinal epithelium. The greatly differing results with the two antibodies indicates that interpretation of such immunostaining must be viewed with caution and may relate to the availability of each particular epitope. These results also suggest that antibodies to DVVDADEYLIPQ may be a useful marker of apoptotic calls and could imply a correlation between high levels of epitope availability, the radiosensitive (frequently p53 expressing) cells of the crypt epithelium and the induction of apoptosis.This work was supported by the Cancer Research Campaign.  相似文献   
Summary The follicular epithelial layers of the developing ovary of two cichlid species were examined by electron microscopy for evidence of steroid secretion. As each oocyte grew, its follicular cell layers increased in height, eventually becoming somewhat columnar; no development could be detected in follicle cells of non-activated oocytes. Isolated cells close to capillaries in the thecal layer developed large amounts of smooth membrane indicative of steroidogenesis, appearing similar at maturity to testicular Leydig cells. In Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum the mitochondria of differentiated thecal elements contained microtubule-like inclusions. It is suggested that these cells may produce estrogens during vitellogenesis.In developing granulosa cells, active synthesis of granular endoplasmic reticulum occurred. This membrane appeared to arise from the nuclear envelope, and in the pre-ovulatory stage was always intermediate between smooth and granular forms, being only partly associated with ribosomes. Evidence for steroid biosynthesis in the granulosa at this time was therefore equivocal. Evidence was found of transfer of micropinocytotic vesicles from the granulosa cells into the ooplasm.The fate of the post-ovulatory follicle was investigated in Cichlasoma. Thecal elements remained separate from granulosa and unchanged in ultrastructure for up to ten days. The granulosa cells proliferated and differentiated within a few hours after ovulation into a cell type containing much smooth reticulum, characteristic of steroidogenesis. However, after approximately three days numerous signs of degenerative processes became visible. The significance of the observed ultrastructural changes in relation to endocrine function is discussed.  相似文献   
Age‐related thymic involution may be triggered by gene expression changes in lymphohematopoietic and/or nonhematopoietic thymic epithelial cells (TECs). The role of epithelial cell‐autonomous gene FoxN1 may be involved in the process, but it is still a puzzle because of the shortage of evidence from gradual loss‐of‐function and exogenous gain‐of‐function studies. Using our recently generated loxP‐floxed‐FoxN1(fx) mouse carrying the ubiquitous CreERT (uCreERT) transgene with a low dose of spontaneous activation, which causes gradual FoxN1 deletion with age, we found that the uCreERT‐fx/fx mice showed an accelerated age‐related thymic involution owing to progressive loss of FoxN1+ TECs. The thymic aging phenotypes were clearly observable as early as at 3–6 months of age, resembling the naturally aged (18–22‐month‐old) murine thymus. By intrathymically supplying aged wild‐type mice with exogenous FoxN1‐cDNA, thymic involution and defective peripheral CD4+ T‐cell function could be partially rescued. The results support the notion that decline of a single epithelial cell‐autonomous gene FoxN1 levels with age causes primary deterioration in TECs followed by impairment of the total postnatal thymic microenvironment, and potentially triggers age‐related thymic involution in mice.  相似文献   
有鳞类(蛇和蜥蜴)具有较发达的嗅器和犁鼻器,对其不同种类嗅觉结构的认识有助于阐明爬行动物化学感觉的进化。本文采用组织学方法比较了草原沙蜥(Phrynocephalus frontalis)、荒漠沙蜥(P. przewalskii)、密点麻蜥(Eremias multiocellata)和秦岭滑蜥(Scincella tsinlingensis)的嗅器及犁鼻器。结果发现,草原沙蜥的鼻腔较为狭长,秦岭滑蜥呈梨形,其他两种蜥蜴的鼻腔略成圆形。秦岭滑蜥的嗅上皮最厚,其次是密点麻蜥和草原沙蜥,荒漠沙蜥最薄。犁鼻器主要由犁鼻腔、犁鼻感觉上皮、犁鼻神经及蘑菇体等组成,没有腺体。草原沙蜥和荒漠沙蜥的犁鼻腔较为宽阔,密点麻蜥和秦岭滑蜥的较窄。4种蜥蜴的犁鼻感觉上皮均较嗅上皮厚,蘑菇体向后逐渐缩小至消失,犁鼻感觉上皮成闭环状,包围犁鼻腔。密点麻蜥和秦岭滑蜥的犁鼻感觉上皮位于犁鼻器的背侧,蘑菇体位于腹侧;与此不同,两种沙蜥的犁鼻感觉上皮偏向于犁鼻器的腹内侧,蘑菇体位于背外侧。密点麻蜥的犁鼻感觉上皮最厚,其次为秦岭滑蜥,两种沙蜥最薄;秦岭滑蜥犁鼻感觉上皮的感觉细胞密度最高,其次是密点麻蜥,两种沙蜥最低。这些结果提示,密点麻蜥和秦岭滑蜥对嗅觉信号的依赖和投入较两种沙蜥多;4种蜥蜴犁鼻器的结构差异间接地佐证了有鳞类犁鼻器系统发生的特异性。  相似文献   
Niche regulation of corneal epithelial stem cells at the limbus   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Among all adult somatic stem cells,those of the corneal epithelium are unique in their exclusive location in a definedlimbai structure termed Palisades of Vogt.As a result,surgical engraftment oflimbal epithelial stem cells with or withoutex vivo expansion has long been practiced to restore sights in patients inflicted with limbal stem cell deficiency.Neverthe-less,compared to other stem cell examples,relatively little is known about the limbal niche,which is believed to play apivotal role in regulating self-renewal and fate decision of limbal epithelial stem cells.This review summarizes relevantliterature and formulates several key questions to guide future research into better understanding of the pathogenesis oflimbal stem cell deficiency and further improvement of the tissue engineering of the corneal epithelium by focusing onthe limbal niche.  相似文献   
哺乳动物在早期胚胎发育过程中,肺发育经历了气管分支的形态发生、树样结构上皮管道的形成,并伴随着血管的发育而发生的气体通路和肺泡的分化等过程.肺发生涉及到许多复杂的分子机制.肺形态学的变化受到一系列持家基因、激素、核转录因子、生长因子及其他因素的综合调控.目前已经发现决定肺分支形态发生的许多重要因子.本文根据目前最新研究进展,阐述了小鼠胚胎肺在分支形态发生过程中,上皮与间充质之间诱导的信号通路之间的相互作用及其对呼吸树形态建成的调控机制.  相似文献   
During development in the thymus, each T lymphocyte is equipped with one, essentially unique, T cell receptor (TCR)-specificity. Due to its random nature, this process inevitably also leads to the emergence of potentially dangerous T lymphocytes that may recognize ‘self.’ Nevertheless, autoimmune tissue destruction, the cause of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes, is the exception rather than the rule. This state of immunological self-tolerance is to a large degree based upon a process called ‘negative selection’: prior to joining the circulating lymphocyte pool, immature T cells test their receptor on self-antigens within the thymic microenvironment, and TCR engagement at this immature stage elicits an apoptotic suicide program. We now find evidence that macroautophagy supports the tolerogenic presentation of self-antigens in the thymus.  相似文献   
Ablations of the Axin family genes demonstrated that they modulate Wnt signaling in key processes of mammalian development. The ubiquitously expressed Axin1 plays an important role in formation of the embryonic neural axis, while Axin2 is essential for craniofacial skeletogenesis. Although Axin2 is also highly expressed during early neural development, including the neural tube and neural crest, it is not essential for these processes, apparently due to functional redundancy with Axin1. To further investigate the role of Wnt signaling during early neural development, and its potential regulation by Axins, we developed a mouse model for conditional gene activation in the Axin2-expressing domains. We show that gene expression can be successfully targeted to the Axin2-expressing cells in a spatially and temporally specific fashion. High levels of Axin in this domain induce a region-specific effect on the patterning of neural tube. In the mutant embryos, only the development of midbrain is severely impaired even though the transgene is expressed throughout the neural tube. Axin apparently regulates beta-catenin in coordinating cell cycle progression, cell adhesion and survival of neuroepithelial precursors during development of ventricles. Our data support the conclusion that the development of embryonic neural axis is highly sensitive to the level of Wnt signaling.  相似文献   
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