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从云南香格里拉分离培养的YMCS1株冬虫夏草菌,属拟青霉属菌,子座呈吉黄色。冬虫夏草以抗菌、抗病毒、抗癌、免疫调节等10余项功能倍受人们的欢迎。除人们了解的医学疗效外,还具有比较典型的对肠胃道生态调节作用,尤其在祛色斑、抗过氧化和消除自由基方面具有很好的临床药用疗效。  相似文献   
温度对中华鳖卵孵化和胚胎发育的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在25℃,27.5℃,30℃,32.5℃和35℃条件下,分别研究了中华鳖(Trionyx sinensis)卵的孵化和胚胎的发育。卵黄和卵壳的湿重分别占卵重的85.10%和14.90%,含水量分别为76.63%和21.01%。中华鳖胚胎重随孵化时间呈逻辑斯谛曲线增长,孵化温度越高,胚胎发育速度r越大。25℃-30℃的胚胎发育仅表现为‘S’型生长曲线的前,中段,在孵化后期发育速度未受到明显的抑制,32.5℃和35℃温度条件下,后期发育速度受到了较大的影响。孵出稚鳖湿重和干重均与初始孵重存在极显著的经性相关关系。孵化温度对孵出稚鳖湿重没有显著影响,但对孵出稚鳖干重的影响极显著。随孵化温度的升高,孵出稚鳖干重吾‘U’形变化,在适中温度下,胚胎的生长效率最低。卵黄干重随孵化时间呈指数递减,温度越高,孵黄的利用速度越快。在孵化过程中,卵重,卵干重和卵内水总量都随孵化时间的延长,孵化温度的上升而略有下降。孵化期随温度升高呈双曲线缩短,其相关关系可用方程I=30.6+109/(T-22.5)来表示。中华鳖卵的最适孵化温度在32.5℃左右,胚胎孵化后期比早期对温度的需求可能要低一些。  相似文献   
青蛤两个异域种群的遗传多样性与分化研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用RAPD技术对分布于中国辽宁庄河(LZ)及广东惠东(GH)的两个青蛤(Cyclinasinensis)野生种群遗传多样性及其遗传分化进行了分析。22个10碱基引物从两个种群分别扩增到179和181条扩增谱带,全部扩增片段长度在210—2850bp之间。根据扩增结果计算出两个种群的多态位点比例(P)分别为76.92%和81.31%,平均杂合度(H)分别为0.2815和0.3012。两种群间遗传距离(D)和近交系数(Fst)分别达到0.103及0.1997,结果表明两个异域种群不但遗传多态性较高,而且出现了明显的种群分化现象。文章还初步讨论了青蛤种群分化的机制、遗传结构与异地引种关系等问题。    相似文献   
Three monocotyledenous halophyte seedlings (Puccinellia tenuifiora (Griseb.) Scribn. Merr., Aneurolepidium chinese (Trim.) Kitag. and Aeluropus sinensis (Debeaux) Tzvel. ) were treated with different concentration, of NaC1 for two weeks. Their growth status, the contents of main organic solutes and inorganic ions, the osmotic potential and osmotic adjustment ability were then determined. The results are as follows: Of all the inorganic osmotica, the contents of Na + and C1- increase with salinity, while K + decreases. The other ions such as Mg7 + , Ca2 + and NO3-either increase or decrease with salinity. Overall, the contribution of ions to osmotic adjustment decreases with salinity, and Na+ and Cl- play the most important role. As for the organic osmofica, however, they all increase with salinity except for organic acid, and the most increased is soluble sugar, of which sucrose is important, which is 1/2 of the soluble sugar. Further more, the Na+/K+ ratio of the 3 plants is about 1 except for A. sinensis, whose Na+/K+ ratio is bigger under high salinity. On the other hand, the measured osmotic potential (MOP) is bigger than computational osmotic potential (COP), which implies that there still exists other osmotic in the plants except for the 11 substances determined in the experiment. The paper explains the reasons for all the above results.  相似文献   
内蒙古乌海市以南约25km的桌子山地区中奥陶世(earlylateArenig)三道坎组底部产一种原始的扭月贝类腕足动物,经笔者鉴定,为中华西方贝(新种)(Hesperiniasinensissp.nov.),系统切片研究证实其为迄今所知最古老的一种扭月贝类,其双叶型主突起略突伸于铰合缘的后方、低而较弱的铰窝脊向侧后方延伸靠近铰合缘等特征都表明该种属于扭月贝科(Strophomenidae)。实现从褶脊贝类向扭月贝类的演化需要在背壳内部建立这样一些形态上的演化新质:双叶型主突起,一对朝后侧方略弯曲的铰窝脊,横肌脊,以及侧隔板,所有这些构造特征,Hesperiniasinensissp.nov.均已具备,因此,这表明了扭月贝类与褶脊贝类的分化要早于晚Arenig。除H.sinensis外,世界其它地区也有早期扭月贝类的报道,但多产于Llanvirn或更新的一些地层中,如发现于挪威Whiterock组的TrotlandelalokiNeuman(NeumanandBruton,1974),英国威尔士中部Llanvirn地层中的Murinelasp.,‘Macrocoelia’landeiloensiselon  相似文献   
A component of aqueous extracts of green tea (Camellia sinensis), known to reverse methicillin-resistance in staphylococci, causes extensive morphological changes in methicillin-resistant but not in methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus. Clumps of partly divided cocci, consisting of up to 14 individuals, with thickened internal but normal external cell walls were seen by electron microscopy in cultures of methicillin-resistant S. aureus grown in the presence of the active principle. The morphological changes observed were consistent with selective inhibition of penicillin-binding proteins.  相似文献   
Tea microshoots excised from well-established multiple shoot cultures grown in vitro and 8-week-old, three- to five-leaved seedlings from a local chinery stock (Banuri-96) and UPASI-9 (from southern India) were selected as scions and root stocks, respectively, for grafting. In addition, 4-month- and 12-month-old seedlings of Banuri-96 were also used as root stocks. Cut ends of root stocks and scions were pretreated with varying concentrations of BAP and NAA for 10 min. A treatment of BAP (5 mg/l) and NAA (5 mg/l) to both scion and stocks in water renewed foliar development at a relatively early stage (40–60 days). The grafted plants were kept in hardening chambers with CO2-enriched air. No significant difference was observed between autograft (scion and root stock of Banuri clone) and heterograft (scion of the Banuri clone and root stock of UPASI-9). Of the three types (in terms of age) of seedling-raised root stocks employed, grafts on young tea (4-month-old) performed the best (88.33%). Grafts made in early summer established relatively faster and at a high rate of success. The percentage survival of plants transferred to the field was 88.33%. Received: 21 May 1998 / Revision received: 17 December 1998 / Accepted: 15 January 1999  相似文献   
本文就广东东阳光药业有限公司工厂化培植的冬虫夏草有性型通过分子系统学分析进行物种鉴定以及对杭州中美华东制药有限公司工厂化培养的冬虫夏草无性型菌丝粉通过HPLC法和1H NMR 指纹图谱法进行的检测予以报道。最后,对于现代工业化培植的冬虫夏草在人类健康与生物经济时代的意义予以展望。  相似文献   
棉铃虫感染中华卵索线虫后血淋巴游离氨基酸含量的变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中华卵索线虫Ovomermis sinensis感染棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera 1天后,棉铃虫幼虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸总量大幅度下降,各种游离氨基酸的含量也是如此变化。感染2~4天后的棉铃虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸总量变化不大,各种游离氨基酸的含量有升有降。感染5~6天后的棉铃虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸总量和各种氨基酸的含量都急剧上升。研究表明,中华卵索线虫寄生棉铃虫时,棉铃虫血淋巴中游离氨基酸含量的变化朝着有利于线虫生长发育的方向进行。  相似文献   
白木香内生真菌的分离及分子鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对采自广东省信宜市的白木香进行了内生真菌分离培养,共获得50个菌株,通过rDNA中内转录间隔区(ITS)序列鉴定其为20个种,其中确定至种名的有7属8种,仅确定至属名的有8种,不能确定种属的有4种,其中A20菌株(Fimetariella rabenhorstii)为国内首次报道。刺盘孢菌(Colletotrichum)共分离到17株,占分离总数的34%,为白木香优势种群;镰刀菌(Fusarium)共分离到11株,是结香部位的优势种群。白木香内生真菌分布部位的专一性不明显,茎中分离的数量及种类最多,叶中最少;5年龄内生真菌的多样性较好,10月龄的多样性较低。  相似文献   
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