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A significant challenge for understanding how fungal communities may change in the Anthropocene are the multiple aspects of simultaneous environmental change. To address this challenge, we used a seven-year multi-factorial field experiment in southern California to examine how root-associated fungi respond to aridity, nitrogen deposition, and plant invasions. We hypothesized that all three global change drivers reduce the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi responsible for nutrient uptake (edaphophilic AMF), while increasing the abundance of AMF that colonize roots at high rates (rhizophilic AMF). We found that invasive grasses hosted lower abundances of edaphophilic AMF, and higher abundances of rhizophilic AMF and opportunistically parasitic fungi. Aridity reduced overall AMF abundance while N addition altered the allocation of AMF biomass, increasing root colonization while reducing the density of extraradical hyphae. Overall, these results imply that ongoing global change will alter both the composition of AMF and how these fungi interact with plants.  相似文献   
Eusse  Ana Maria  Aide  T. Mitchell 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):307-315
Historically, Pterocarpus officinalisJacq. (Leguminoseae) dominated freshwater wetlands in the coastal plains of Puerto Rico, but deforestation has reduced its distribution to small patches adjacent to mangrove forests in areas of higher salinity. The objective of this study was to determine how a gradient in soil salinity affected litter, flower, and fruit production in a Pterocarpus officinalis.Three 100 m2 plots were established in each of three sites along a salinity gradient: pasture/Pterocarpus edge (low salinity, mean salinity at 60 cm–9.7 g Kg–1), Pterocarpus forest (intermediate salinity, 11.5 g Kg–1) and a Pterocarpus/mangrove ecotone (high salinity, 15.0 g Kg–1). Across this gradient, P. officinalis accounted for 100% of the relative basal area in the low and intermediate sites and 43% in the high salinity site which was domimated by Laguncularia racemosa. The basal area of P. officinalis decreased along the gradient from 73.5 m2 ha–1 in the low salinity site to 42.0 m2 ha–1 in the high salinity site. Litterfall was sampled on average every 23 days in 45 0.25 m2 traps (5 traps per plot) for two years. Annual litterfall for the forest was 11.9 Mg ha–1 yr–1. Peaks in litterfall were associated with high precipitation in May 1995 and tropical storms in September 1995. Leaf fall of P. officinalis was significantly higher in the low salinity site (4.8 Mg ha–1 yr–1) than the high salinity site (1.8 Mg ha–1 yr–1), but total stand litterfall was greatest in the area of high salinity due to the greater contribution of L. racemosa. Pterocarpus flower and fruit production was approximately 10 times greater in low and intermediate salinity sites in comparison with the high salinity site. An increase in global temperature, will lead to higher sea level and higher soil salinity in costal wetlands. To conserve this wetland forest type it is critical to expand the distribution into areas of lower salinity where this species occurred historically.  相似文献   
Sampling spatial and temporal variation in soil nitrogen availability   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
There are few studies in natural ecosystems on how spatial maps of soil attributes change within a growing season. In part, this is due to methodological difficulties associated with sampling the same spatial locations repeatedly over time. We describe the use of ion exchange membrane spikes, a relatively nondestructive way to measure how soil resources at a given point in space fluctuate over time. We used this method to examine spatial patterns of soil ammonium (NH+ 4) and nitrate (NO 3) availability in a mid-successional coastal dune for four periods of time during the growing season. For a single point in time, we also measured soil NH+ 4 and NO 3 concentrations from soil cores collected from the mid-successional dune and from an early and a late successional dune. Soil nitrogen concentrations were low and highly variable in dunes of all ages. Mean NH+ 4 and NO 3 concentrations increased with the age of the dune, whereas coefficients of variation for NH+ 4 and NO 3 concentrations decreased with the age of the dune. Soil NO 3 concentration showed strong spatial structure, but soil NH+ 4 concentration was not spatially structured. Plant-available NH+ 4 and NO 3 showed relatively little spatial structure: only NO 3 availability in the second sampling period had significant patch structure. Spatial maps of NH+ 4 and NO 3 availability changed greatly over time, and there were few significant correlations among soil nitrogen availability at different points in time. NO 3 availability in the second sampling period was highly correlated (r = 0.90) with the initial soil NO 3 concentrations, providing some evidence that patches of plant-available NO 3 may reappear at the same spatial locations at irregular points in time. Received: 20 February 1998 / Accepted: 23 November 1998  相似文献   
Reasons for the loss and degradation of Australian wetlands   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
Wetland conservation and management in Australia is not supported by a comprehensive information base. A national inventory has not been compiled and we have very little information on the areal extent and loss of wetlands. Further, we have little information on the values and benefits (products, functions and attributes) derived from wetlands and how these have been degraded or lost. We do know, however, that in some areas at least, wetland loss and degradation has been severe and may even be still occurring. Much of the scientific attention to wetland management has been directed towards the apparent (or ecological) reasons for wetland loss and degradation – changes to the water regime, physical modification of the habitat, eutrophication and other pollution, and invasion by exotic pest species. Lists of threats to wetlands have been compiled, but these rarely address the non-ecological reasons that have resulted in so many wetlands being lost or degraded. In this paper we summarize the key points made from a number of case studies of Australian wetlands that highlight the non-ecological causes of wetland loss and degradation. From this analysis we conclude that awareness and understanding about the non-ecological causes of wetland loss and degradation need to be as well understood as the ecological causes. Foremost amongst these we highlight greater attention to the following issues: economic development in wetlands, bureaucratic obstacles, lack of information or poor access to information, and poor general awareness of the values and benefits derived from wetlands. We further conclude that wetland loss and degradation does not need to happen – our wetlands are valuable and already severely degraded. For this situation to be rectified we need to ensure that the knowledge and expertise of wetland scientists is heard and heeded by decision-makers and wetland users and owners.  相似文献   
The impacts of changing land use on hydrology and dominant plant species from 1850–1990 were investigated in a palustrine wetland in southern Wisconsin, USA. Aerial photographs, historic maps and water levels of the area were used to determine changes in land use, wetland vegetation, and groundwater and surface flows over time. Piezometers and water table wells were monitored weekly for two years. Vegetation was quantified in four one-square meter quadrats at each water level measurement site. Linear regression models and multivariate ordinations were used to relate wetland plant species to hydrologic, chemical and spatial variables. The current hydrologic budget of the wetland was dominated by precipitation and evapotranspiration, although overland flow into the wetland from the subwatershed has increased twenty-fold since 1850. Water level stabilization in the adjacent Yahara River, creek channelization, and groundwater pumping have decreased inputs of groundwater and spring-fed surface water, and increased retention of precipitation. Typha spp. and Phalaris arundinacea L. have increased in the wetland, while Carex spp. have decreased. Phalaris arundinacea was found most often in the driest sites, and the sites with the greatest range of water levels. Typha spp. dominated in several hydrologic settings, indicating that water depth was not the only factor controlling its distribution. The distributions of dominant plant species in the wetland were most closely correlated with site elevation and average water levels, with some weaker correlations with vertical groundwater inflows and specific conductance.  相似文献   
周晴  潘晓云 《植物生态学报》2014,38(10):1093-1098
为了探究凤眼蓝(别名凤眼莲, Eichhornia crassipes)入侵中国南部基塘区的主要原因, 对历史文献与档案资料进行了综合分析, 结果表明: 凤眼蓝在中国大陆的出现早于1930年。1911年后, 凤眼蓝曾入侵浙江省杭嘉湖平原水网河道。凤眼蓝也是1911年以来珠江三角洲地区十分常见的水生植物。1911-1980年, 基塘农业是浙江省的杭嘉湖地区和广东省珠江三角洲地区的典型农业经营模式, 凤眼蓝在这两个地区都曾被用作有机肥。20世纪50年代末至70年代, 长江流域曾推广凤眼蓝栽培技术, 对凤眼蓝进行了大规模的养植, 但1950-1980年的广积肥运动控制了凤眼蓝的繁殖速度和规模。1980年以来, 基塘地区成为长江三角洲和珠江三角洲城镇化与工业化快速发展的区域, 传统的循环农业经营模式普遍被废弃, 同时, 基塘区河网湿地水文生态环境的改变是凤眼蓝入侵中国南部基塘区的主要原因。  相似文献   
深圳近岸养殖牡蛎体内污染物研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2002年4月25日至8月22日对深圳近岸养殖牡蛎体内的污染物(Cu、Pb、Cd、Zn、Ni、总Cr、总Hg、无机As、石油烃)进行了调查,分析了上述污染物的含量和牡蛎对养殖水体中污染物的浓缩能力,并对其食用质量和养殖海域水体的使用功能进行了评价。结果表明:大亚湾牡蛎体内污染物水平较深圳湾和珠江口低,前者海域养殖牡蛎基本符合要求,只要采用相应的技术进行养殖后的净化处理,该海域养殖的牡蛎可安全食用,后者海域养殖牡蛎体内多项指标超过评价标准,食用质量较差。大亚湾海域可作Ⅰ、Ⅱ类功能使用,深圳湾和珠江口近岸海域作为Ⅲ类功能使用更为合理。牡蛎对污染物浓缩系数依次为Zu>Cu>Cd>Pb>总Cr>Ni>总Hg,其中Zn、Cu、Cd的浓缩系数远大于1000。  相似文献   
Seasonality of mycorrhizae in coastal sand dunes of Baja California   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
 Populations of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi were estimated from spores associated with seven plant species in coastal dunes at El Socorro, near Ensenada, Baja California, during six months in 1992. The seasonal patterns of percent root colonization were also described in the same species during the wet season (January–March) and the dry season (April–July). Comparisons were made between the pioneer species (Abronia maritima) in the mobile dunes and six species (Abronia umbellata, Atriplex julacea, Camissonia californica, Haplopappus venetus, Helianthus niveus and Lotus spp.) in the fixed dunes. Mycorrhizal colonization in Abronia maritima was slight (<1%) and we observed few spores (<1/g soil). All of the species in the fixed dune formed mycorrhizae with up to 80% colonization in early summer, and no more than 4 spores/g soil by late summer. The highest percentages of total colonization and abundance of spores did not coincide temporally for any of the seven species, but the percentages were higher in summer than in spring. Arbuscules were more abundant when the soil was moist, and vesicles more abundant when it was dry. Accepted: 16 August 1995  相似文献   
In this study, 40 Atlanto-Mediterranean coastal lagoons were analyzed in order to evaluate the extent to which their ecological characteristics depend on hydrographic, trophic or geomorphologic features. Fish species richness increases with lagoon volume and the openness parameter, which characterizes the potential influence of the sea on general lagoon hydrology and is related to the total transversal area of the inlets, which connect the lagoon to the sea. On the other hand, the number of species decreases exponentially with the phosphate concentration in water. The fishing yield increases with the chlorophyll a concentration in the water column and exponentially with shoreline development. With respect to the fish assemblage composition, geomorphologic features alone explain 22% of the variance in the canonical analyses and an additional 75% when including the hydrographic and trophic characteristics of the lagoon, the latter on its own explaining only 3% of the observed differences.  相似文献   
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