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Summary Within a physiologically integrated clone, the structure and functioning of an individual ramet is determined by: 1) the response of that ramet to its local environment and 2) its response to resource integration within the clone. In a multifactorial experiment, Hydrocotyle bonariensis ramets were grown in limiting resource environments with and without the benefit of basipetal resource movement from another branch of the clone. Ramets were analyzed for their morphological responses to variation in local light, water and nitrogen availability and to the superimposed effect of resource integration on these conditions. The expression of ramet morphology, from induction to development, was highly plastic in response to variable local resource availability. Resource integration changed a ramet's local response in a variety of ways depending on the resource(s) being translocated and the character involved. Among leaf characteristics (leaf weight, petiole height, blade area), resource translocation into the shade resulted in an enhancement of the local response. Similarly, the translocation of nitrogen and water generally increased clonal proliferation and sexual reproduction among ramets. In contrast, the translocation of water reversed the effect of local low water conditions on ramets by inhibiting root production. Some characters such as internode distance and leaf allometry were unaffected by integration. The maintenance of connections between ramets as a Hydrocotyle clone expands allows for resource sharing among widely separated ramets and can result in an integrated morpological response to a resource environment that is patchy in time and space.  相似文献   
To meet the food demands of the ever-increasing world population, man's only major future land bank is the arid lands. However, their exploitation has been limited and constitutes a major challenge to many scientific disciplines. Under the present conditions of hunger and/or malnutrition, a large-scale expansion in food production is not to be expected. Hence, it is imperative that in any development programme for arid lands, malnutrition, in general, and a deficiency of animal proteins, in particular, should be considered. Major advancements have been made, but much remains to be learned and implemented. Improvement of native farm animals should be the first step in increasing the availability of animal proteins. This may be achieved by an educational programme to enhance management, housing, food intake, etc. Then a breeding programme selecting for high productivity can be pursued. After eliciting the maximum return from the present livestock, attention should be directed to domesticating wild ungulates and/or introducing highly productive temperature-zone breeds for upgrading the local animals. Additionally, new potential and unconventional sources of animal proteins must be explored. Aquaculture, in particular, has the potential of producing large quantities of lowercost protein-rich food. Available evidence in arid regions of the developed countries, i.e. USA and Australia, promises favourable results in our efforts toward increasing the production of animal protein. By innovative methods and long-term planning, such successes can be adapted and transferred to other regions of the world, with the aim of gradually lessening the present state of malnutrition and hunger.  相似文献   
Leaf material was incubated in flasks containing streamwater in which the pH and the concentration of isolated fulvic acid were varied independently of one another. Decomposition of the leaf material was slower at pH 4 than at pH 5 or 7, but the concentration of fulvic acid had no effect when the pH was held constant. At pH 5, 20 mg Cl–1 humic acid also had no effect on decomposition. High concentrations of dissolved fulvic acids may contribute to the slow decomposition of plant litter characteristic of many wetlands through their contribution to hydrogen ion activity, but we could find no evidence for other properties of fulvic acid which inhibit leaf litter decomposition.  相似文献   
To clarify the ecophysiological characteristics of plants growing on a coastal dune, net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and leaf conductance (g1) of three perennial species in Japanese coastal regions,Ischaemum anthephoroides (C4),Carex kobomugi (C3) andCalystegia soldanella (C3), were compared under controlled environmental conditions and field conditions at the kado-ori coast at Ohno Village, Ibaraki.I. anthephoroides achieved photosynthetic CO2 saturation at ca. 100 μll−1 intercellular CO2 concentration (C 1), and itsPn was not light-saturated at a high photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD) of 1000 μmol m−2s−1. This C4 species showed a high optimal leaf temperature forPn (35°C) and a lowg1 (0.1 mol H2O m−2s−1), permitting maintenance of the highest water use efficiency (WUE, the ratio ofPn to transpiration rate (Tr)) in the field among the three species. At light saturation,C. soldanella had the lowestPn andg1 and a similar carboxylation efficiency related toC 1 (Pn/C1 ratio) asCarex kobomugi. Calystegia soldanella also had a high optimal temperature forPn (30°C), and achieved higherWUE thanCarex kobomugi, as a result of efficient stomatal regulation. In contrast, at the optimum temperatureC. kobomugi had a highPn comparable toI. anthephoroides due to a highg1 of 0.3 mol H2O m−2s−1, but with high temperature treatmentsPn andg1 were significantly decreased.C. kobomugi always had the lowestWUE among the three species in the field. It is therefore clear thatI. anthephoroides is a heat-resistant species,Calystegia soldanella is a heat-enduring species andCarex kobomugi is a heat-evading species due to its eraly phenology.  相似文献   
Population structure, fruit production and dispersal, and recruitment of Rhus integrifolia, a gynodioecious sclerophy llous shrub living in coastal chaparral, were studied in two localities in southern California last burned 60 and 90 years ago. Though hermaphroditic plants produce some fruits, only the male-sterile plants bore significant numbers. Among the sample plants, one individual accounted for 50% of the crop measured. Terrestrial animals, through the loss of some seeds taken for consumption, play a decisive role in the seed dispersal, promoting the establishment of seedlings outside the parent's canopy. Birds have not been demonstrated to contribute to long distance dispersal, but they are responsible for dropping 25% of the fruits collected below the R. integrifolia canopies, 36%) of which were completely destroyed. Allelopathic effects were not observed in laboratory assays, and germination is probably not influenced by the species beneath which seeds have been deposited. This pattern can explain the non-aggregated distribution of individuals observed in the studied populations. We conclude that establishment of new individuals has been continuous at both localities and that the populations of R. integrifolia are increasing in these long unburned stands. This may be indicative of a successional trend in unburned chaparral and coastal scrub toward a sclerophy llous woodland.  相似文献   
Of the former extensive peat bog in West Friesland, only small, buried and often cutover remains are left, scattered over a wide region. The results of pollen and macrofossil analyses of the most complete peat profile found to date in this district is presented in this paper. The vegetation development during the final stage of marine sedimentation in the vicinity of the analysed profile is reconstructed in some detail, as well as the subsequent formation of the lower layers of the mire, including the ombrotrophic peat. Apart from these aspects, the study also contributes to our knowledge of the Holocene palaeogeography of the coastal region of the Netherlands.  相似文献   
Summary Coastal sage scrub is a community found extensively throughout cismontane California south of San Francisco, but has been surprisingly little studied. In the study area, which extends from Santa Barbara to the San Gorgonio Pass, two major floristic groupings can be found. In the basin bounded coastwards by a line drawn along the axis of the Santa Ana Mountains a large number of native and introduced annual herbs and a few shrubs (e.g.Encelia farinosa), rare or absent in the remainder of the study area, characterize one floristic group. In the coastal region the variety of shrub species increases, and the herbs are predominantly native and more restricted in number. Eleven groups defined by physiognomy, structure and species dominance, and arbitrarily called associations, are recognized. These associations can be grouped into four physiognomic-structural types which transgress the boundaries of the floristic groups. The results of this study and the limited previous literature suggest that Californian coastal sage scrub could be divided, mainly on floristic criteria, into Venturan, San Diegan and Riversidian sage.Plant nomenclature follows Munz & Keek (1968).We gratefully acknowledge the financial help provided by the Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Riverside, and the aid in plant identification provided by Mr. Oscar Clarke, Museum Scientist, Department of Biology, University of California, Riverside.  相似文献   
Actinobacteria from special habitats are of interest due to their producing of bioactive compounds and diverse ecological functions. However, little is known of the diversity and functional traits of actinobacteria inhabiting coastal salt marsh soils. We assessed actinobacterial diversity from eight coastal salt marsh rhizosphere soils from Jiangsu Province, China, using culture-based and 16S rRNA gene high throughput sequencing (HTS) methods, in addition to evaluating their plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits of isolates. Actinobacterial sequences represented 2.8%–43.0% of rhizosphere bacterial communities, as determined by HTS technique. The actinobacteria community comprised 34 families and 79 genera. In addition, 196 actinobacterial isolates were obtained, of which 92 representative isolates were selected for further 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The 92 strains comprised seven suborders, 12 families, and 20 genera that included several potential novel species. All representative strains were tested for their ability of producing indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophores, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase (ACCD), hydrolytic enzymes, and phosphate solubilization. Based on the presence of multiple PGP traits, two strains, Streptomyces sp. KLBMP S0051 and Micromonospora sp. KLBMP S0019 were selected for inoculation of wheat seeds grown under salt stress. Both strains promoted seed germination, and KLBMP S0019 significantly enhanced seedling growth under NaCl stress. Our study demonstrates that coastal salt marsh rhizosphere soils harbor a diverse reservoir of actinobacteria that are potential resources for the discovery of novel species and functions. Moreover, several of the isolates identified here are good candidates as PGP bacteria that may contribute to plant adaptions to saline soils.  相似文献   
The Texas coastline stretches 595 km across almost 4° of latitude and is home to diverse coastal vegetation assemblages, yet only a handful of studies have documented the climate and vegetative change of this region through the Holocene. We provide a detailed palynological record of Holocene climate for coastal Texas, based upon three subaqueous sediment cores from Corpus Christi Bay and Trinity Bay. Cluster analysis and correspondence analysis were used to investigate changes in palynological assemblages through time within each core. Common to both bays are nonarboreal taxa including Asteraceae (mainly Ambrosia and Helianthus), Chenopodium, Poaceae, and arboreal taxa such as Carya, Pinus, and Quercus. Our record shows that the coastal environments of central Texas began a transition from herbaceous (nonarboreal) dominated vegetation to arboreal vegetation as early as 8.4 ka within Corpus Christi Bay, and 3.8 ka within Trinity Bay. We note flooding events at 8.2, 5.4, and 3.6 ka in Corpus Christi Bay, and at 1.7, 1.2, and 0.8 ka in Trinity Bay. These events were caused by storms, sea level changes including flooding of relict river terraces, and changes in sediment delivery to the bays. The pollen record also shows evidence for changes in fluvial discharge to Corpus Christi Bay at 4.1 and 2.2 ka, and at 1.8 ka in Trinity Bay. We also see Zea mays in Trinity Bay, indicating local Native American agriculture. We observe no significant changes during the middle Holocene Climatic Optimum, and subtle but not statistically significant evidence of more variable climate oscillations than other records from more interior sites in Texas available for the late Holocene. This indicates that coastal Texas’ climate has operated semi-independently from central Texas regions, and was primarily driven by a coast-wise gradient of precipitation and evapotranspiration.  相似文献   


Do livestock grazing and seasonal precipitation structure species composition in montane vernal pools? Which grazing and precipitation variables best predict cover of vernal pool specialists and species with broader habitat requirements? Is vernal pool species diversity correlated with livestock exclosure, and at what spatial scales?


Montane vernal pools, northeast California, USA.


Vegetation was sampled in 20 vernal pools, including pools where livestock had been excluded for up to 20 years We compared plant species composition, functional group composition and species diversity among sites that varied in grazing history and seasonal precipitation using CCA and LMM.


Although vernal pool specialists were dominant in montane vernal pools, over a third of plant cover was comprised of species that occur over a broad range of wetland or upland environments. The species composition of vernal pool plant communities was influenced by both livestock grazing and precipitation patterns, however the relative effects of these environmental variables differed by functional group. Livestock exclosures favoured perennial vernal pool specialists over annual vernal pool specialists. In contrast, the cover of habitat generalists was more strongly influenced by seasonal precipitation than livestock grazing. At small spatial scales, species richness and diversity decreased as the number of years a pool had been fenced increased, but this relationship was not significant at a larger spatial scale.


Both livestock grazing and seasonal precipitation structure the montane vernal pool plant community. We found that livestock grazing promotes the cover of annual vernal pool specialists, but at the expense of perennial vernal pool specialists. Wetter vernal pools, however, support higher cover of wetland generalist species regardless of whether pools are grazed.  相似文献   
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