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After World War II, twenty-nine coastal Salinas (122 km2), located in the vicinity of coastal lagoons and in deltas, were exploited along the Mediterranean coastlines in South France. Today, only five of these are still actively producing salt, currently representing 175 km2. Concomitant with the abandonment of many of the smaller Salinas, the larger Salinas in the Rhône delta (Camargue) strongly increased their surfaces at the expense of natural ecosystems, of which a part has also been abandoned after 2009. This paper documents these changes in landscape use by chronological GIS mapping and describes the fate of the 91 km2 of abandoned Salina surfaces. The majority of this area (88 km2) is included in the Natura 2000 network, among which most (74 km2) has been acquired by the French coastal protection agency (Conservatoire du Littoral) to be designated as Protected Areas. Only a very minor part (<1%) has been lost for industry and harbour development. Managing abandoned Salinas as Protected Areas is a challenge, because of the different landscape, biodiversity conservation, natural and cultural heritages issues at stake. In two cases, abandoned Salinas have been brought back again into exploitation by private initiative thus allowing for the protection of original hypersaline biodiversity. In other cases, the shaping of the landscape by natural processes has been privileged. This has facilitated the spontaneous recreation of temporal Mediterranean wetlands with unique aquatic vegetation, and offered opportunities for managed coastal re-alignment and the restoration of hydrobiological exchanges between land and sea. In other areas, former salt ponds continue to be filled artificially by pumping favouring opportunities for waterfowl. This has often been combined with the creation of artificial islets to provide nesting ground for bird colonies protected from terrestrial predators.  相似文献   
The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (sub-phylum Glomeromycotina) in two contrasting coastal ecosystems (dunes and restinga) at Peró Beach, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil was evaluated at the end of the rainy (May) and dry (November) seasons, in 2014. A total of 22 species belonging to ten genera and five families were recorded. Glomus macrocarpum and Rhizoglomus microaggregatum had large biomass and frequencies of glomerospores at both sites. Glomerospore abundance was higher in the dry season in dunes and in the rainy season in restinga. Redundancy analysis revealed significant relationships between AMF-physical and chemical soil parameters. Shannon's index and Pielou's evenness indicated greater AMF diversity in dunes than restinga, despite the lower number of glomerospores in dunes. These results highlight the importance of knowing the AMF communities in different coastal ecosystems, especially in dunes, which due to the low vegetation cover are most frequently impacted by anthropic actions.  相似文献   
Ecological restoration is becoming mainstreamed worldwide but target ecosystems' responses to restorative interventions are not sufficiently monitored, in terms of the wide range of ecological, social, and economic attributes available. In order to highlight and better understand this problem, we conducted a literature review of the ecological, social, and economic attributes cited in the scientific literature used for monitoring the success of ecological restoration projects in Latin America and the Caribbean region, where no regional study of this kind has previously been conducted. In 84 of the 91 articles retained for the study, ecological indicators were evaluated, while only seven articles included measurements of socioeconomic indicators. Regarding the Society for Ecological Restoration Primer attributes of restored ecosystems, we only found indicators measuring attributes 1–6, with attribute 1 (species assemblages) predominating (73%), followed by physical conditions (54%) and ecological functions (51%). Brazil was the country in the region where most monitoring was being carried out (51% of the articles), and tropical rainforest (33%) and tropical dry forest (25%) were the ecosystem types where ecological restoration was most frequently monitored. Highly vulnerable ecosystems such as mangroves and paramos were underrepresented. Attributes related to ecosystem stability or to governance and education of communities were not monitored at all. More real long‐term monitoring, instead of chronosequences, is needed, especially where understanding socioeconomic implications of, and barriers to, effective ecological restoration is a top priority.  相似文献   
Evidence that organisms evolve rapidly enough to alter ecological dynamics necessitates investigation of the reciprocal links between ecology and evolution. Data that link genotype to phenotype to ecology are needed to understand both the process and ecological consequences of rapid evolution. Here, we quantified the suite of elements in individuals (i.e., ionome) and differences in the fluxes of key nutrients across populations of threespine stickleback. We find that allelic variation associated with freshwater adaptation that controls bony plating is associated with changes in the ionome and nutrient recycling. More broadly, we find that adaptation of marine stickleback to freshwater conditions shifts the ionomes of natural populations and populations raised in common gardens. In both cases ionomic divergence between populations was primarily driven by differences in trace elements rather than elements typically associated with bone. These findings demonstrate the utility of ecological stoichiometry and the importance of ionome‐wide data in understanding eco‐evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   
This study explored the effects of coastal vegetation on tsunami damage based on field observations carried out after the Indian Ocean tsunami on 26 December 2004. Study locations covered about 250 km (19 locations) on the southern coast of Sri Lanka and about 200 km (29 locations) on the Andaman coast of Thailand. The representative vegetation was classified into six types according to their habitat and the stand structures of the trees. The impact of vegetation structure on drag forces was analyzed using the observed characteristics of the tree species. The drag coefficient, including the vertical stand structures of trees, C d-all, and the vegetation thickness (cumulative trunk diameter of vegetation in the tsunami direction) per unit area, dN u (d: reference diameter of trees, N u : number of trees per unit area), varied greatly with the species classification. Based on the field survey and data analysis, Rhizophora apiculata and Rhizophora mucronata (hereafter R. apiculata-type), kinds of mangroves, and Pandanus odoratissimus, a representative tree that grows in beach sand, were found to be especially effective in providing protection from tsunami damage due to their complex aerial root structure. Two layers of vegetation in the vertical direction with P. odoratissimus and Casuarina equisetifolia and a horizontal vegetation structure of small and large diameter trees were also important for increasing drag and trapping floating objects, broken branches, houses, and people. The vertical structure also provided an effective soft landing for people washed up by the tsunami or for escaping when the tsunami waves hit, although its dN u is not large compared with R. apiculata-type and P. odoratissimus. In addition, the creeks inside mangroves and the gaps inside C. equisetifolia vegetation are assumed to be effective for retarding tsunami waves. This information should be considered in future coastal landscape planning, rehabilitation, and coastal resource management.  相似文献   
An early investigation at the Biosphere-2 Laboratory, an artificial ecosystem in the Arizona desert, had shown that the flavonoid content of cacti grown in glass-filtered solar light was lower than of cacti grown in normal solar light. This was attributed to the absence of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is required for flavonoid biosynthesis. In this study, two species of Opuntia cacti were grown in solar and UV-depleted light, and their flavonol contents of different tissues were determined by HPLC. O. wilcoxii, previously raised in the absence of UV light, was exposed to normal solar light. The flavonol content of young O. wilcoxii pads was 28-fold higher when grown in solar light as compared to UV-depleted light. The flavonol contents of mature outer tissues were only slightly higher. O. violacea, previously raised in solar light, was also maintained in the same UV-depleted artificial ecosystem. The flavonol content after hydrolysis of outer tissues was similar, whether grown in solar light or UV-depleted light. We attribute these responses to different biosynthetic and metabolic rates of young vs. mature plant tissues; slow-growing mature tissues neither produce nor metabolize compounds as quickly as immature tissues. These findings indicate that artificial ecosystems can influence the production of natural products in cultivated plants.  相似文献   
Ocean warming and acidification are general consequences of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. In addition to future predictions, highly productive systems such as the Humboldt Current System are characterized by important variations in both temperature and pCO2 level, but how these physical–chemical ocean changes might influence the transmission and survival of parasites has not been assessed. This study experimentally evaluated the effects of temperature (14, 18 and 25 °C) and the combined effects of temperature (∼15 and 20 °C) and pCO2 level (∼500 and 1400 microatmospheres (µatm) on the emergence and survival of two species of marine trematodes—Echinostomatidae gen. sp. and Philophthalmidae gen. sp.—both of which infect the intertidal snail Echinolittorina peruviana. Snails were collected from intertidal rocky pools in a year-round upwelling area of the northern Humboldt Current System (23°S). Two experiments assessed parasite emergence and survival by simulating emersion-immersion tidal cycles. To assess parasite survival, 2 h old cercariae (on average) were taken from a pool of infected snails incubated at 20–25 °C, and their mortality was recorded every 6 h until all the cercariae were dead. For both species, a trade-off between high emergence and low survival of cercariae was observed in the high temperature treatment. Species-specific responses to the combination of temperature and pCO2 levels were also observed: the emergence of Echinostomatidae cercariae was highest at 20 °C regardless of the pCO2 levels. By contrast, the emergence of Philophthalmidae cercariae was highest at elevated pCO2 (15 and 20 °C), suggesting that CO2 may react synergistically with temperature, increasing transmission success of this parasite in coastal ecosystems of the Humboldt Current System where water temperature and pH are expected to decrease. In conclusion, our results suggest that integrating temperature-pCO2 interactions in parasite studies is essential for understanding the consequence of climate change in future marine ecosystem health.  相似文献   
In the Atacama Desert, cyanobacteria grow on various substrates such as soils (edaphic) and quartz or granitoid stones (lithic). Both edaphic and lithic cyanobacterial communities have been described but no comparison between both communities of the same locality has yet been undertaken. In the present study, we compared both cyanobacterial communities along a precipitation gradient ranging from the arid National Park Pan de Azúcar (PA), which resembles a large fog oasis in the Atacama Desert extending to the semiarid Santa Gracia Natural Reserve (SG) further south, as well as along a precipitation gradient within PA. Various microscopic techniques, as well as culturing and partial 16S rRNA sequencing, were applied to identify 21 cyanobacterial species; the diversity was found to decline as precipitation levels decreased. Additionally, under increasing xeric stress, lithic community species composition showed higher divergence from the surrounding edaphic community, resulting in indigenous hypolithic and chasmoendolithic cyanobacterial communities. We conclude that rain and fog water, respectively, cause contrasting trends regarding cyanobacterial species richness in the edaphic and lithic microhabitats.  相似文献   
Removal of apex predators can drive ecological regime shifts owing to compensatory positive and negative population level responses by organisms at lower trophic levels. Despite evidence that apex predators can influence ecosystems though multiple ecological pathways, most studies investigating apex predators’ effects on ecosystems have considered just one pathway in isolation. Here, we provide evidence that lethal control of an apex predator, the dingo Canis dingo, drives shifts in the structure of Australia's tropical‐savannah ecosystems. We compared mammal assemblages and understorey structure at seven paired‐sites. Each site comprised an area where people poisoned dingoes and an area without dingo control. The effects of dingo control on mammals scaled with body size. Where dingoes were poisoned, we found greater activity of herbivorous macropods and feral cats, a mesopredator, but sparser understorey vegetation and lower abundances of native rodents. Our study suggests that ecological cascades arising from apex predators’ suppressive effects on herbivores and mesopredators occur simultaneously. Concordant effects of dingo removal across tropical‐savannah, forest and desert biomes suggest that dingoes once exerted ubiquitous top–down effects across Australia and provides support for calls that top–down forcing should be considered a fundamental process governing ecosystem structure.  相似文献   
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