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Exocrine glands are involved in several wasp colony activities; however, the number of known glands in the Vespidae is rather low when compared to other social insect groups. The aim of this study is to survey the head of Neotropical social wasps and to provide a detailed comparative study of the glands found in the Polistinae. A total of 33 species distributed over 13 genera were studied with serial histological sections of the head, excluding the labiomaxillary complex. Additionally, the exoskeleton was explored using scanning electron microscopy looking for associated modifications. A total of eleven exocrine glands were observed, five are structures recorded for the first time for the Hymenoptera, three are new records for the Polistinae and three are previously known organs. The glands studied are: ocellar gland I, ocellar gland II, periocular gland, subantennal gland, hypopharyngeal gland, clypeal gland, posterobasal genal gland, ectal mandibular gland, mesal mandibular gland, intramandibular gland I, and intramandibular gland II. The widespread distribution of most of these glands suggests an origin prior to the evolution of the Polistinae. Our results highlight the importance of detailed morphological studies to unveil the significance of chemical communication in one of the most characteristic groups of social animals.  相似文献   
The stimulation of fluid and electrolyte secretion in salivary cells results in ionic changes that promote rapid increases in the activity of the Na,K-ATPase. In many cell systems, there are conflicting findings concerning the regulation of the phosphorylation of the Na,K-ATPase α subunit, which is the catalytic moiety. Initially, we investigated the phosphorylation sites on the α1 subunit in native rat parotid acinar cells using tandem mass spectrometry and identified two new phosphorylation sites (Ser222, Ser407), three sites (Ser217, Tyr260, Ser47) previously found from large scale proteomic screens, and two sites (Ser23, Ser16) known to be phosphorylated by PKC. Subsequently, we used phospho-specific antibodies to examine the regulation of phosphorylation on Ser23 and Ser16 and measured changes in ERK phosphorylation in parallel. The G-protein-coupled muscarinic receptor mimetic carbachol, the phorbol ester phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin, and the serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitor calyculin A increased Ser23 α1 phosphorylation. Inhibition of classical PKC proteins blocked carbachol-stimulated Ser23 α1 subunit phosphorylation but not ERK phosphorylation, which was blocked by an inhibitor of novel PKC proteins. The carbachol-initiated phosphorylation of Ser23 α1 subunit was not modified by ERK or PKA activity. The Na,K-ATPase inhibitor ouabain reduced and enhanced the carbachol-promoted phosphorylation of Ser23 and Ser16, respectively, the latter because ouabain itself increased Ser16 phosphorylation; thus, both sites display conformational-dependent phosphorylation changes. Ouabain-initiated phosphorylation of Ser16 α1 was not blocked by PKC inhibitors, unlike carbachol- or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-initiated phosphorylations, suggesting that this site was also a substrate for a kinase other than PKC.  相似文献   
Germ line mutations of the BRCA1 gene increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, but the basis of this tissue-specific tumor predisposition is not fully understood. Previously, we reported that the progesterone receptors are stabilized in Brca1-deficient mammary epithelial cells, and treating with anti-progesterone delays mammary tumorigenesis in Brca1/p53 conditional knock-out mice, suggesting that the progesterone has a critical role in breast carcinogenesis. To further explore how the stability of progesterone receptor is modulated, here, we have found that glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β phosphorylation of progesterone receptor-A (PR-A) facilitates its ubiquitination. GSK-3β-mediated phosphorylation of serine 390 in PR-A regulates its subsequent ubiquitination and protein stability. Expression of PR-AS390A mutant in the human breast epithelial cells, MCF-10A, results in enhanced proliferation and formation of aberrant acini structure in the three-dimensional culture. Consistently, reduction of phosphorylation of serine 390 of PR-A and GSK-3β activity is observed in the Brca1-deficient mammary gland. Taken together, these results provide important aspects of tissue specificity of BRCA1-mediated suppression of breast carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary The mature dome-shaped glands which cover the outer surfaces of the trap, leaves, anchor and runner stolons inU. monanthos are described using conventional and some high voltage transmission electron microscopy. The glands occur as scattered ordinary external glands and as a compact clump of vestibule glands at the entrance to the doorway. Each gland rests on a basal epidermal cell and consists of a single pedestal and terminal cell. Vestibule and leaf glands differ slightly from the other glands mainly in the structure of the outer wall of the terminal cell. Nuclear crystals are prominent and the cytoplasm of the pedestal and terminal cells contains tubular structures usually aggregated near the nucleus. The pedestal cell is a transfer cell with short wall protuberances on the outer wall, conspicuous mitochondria and a heavily impregnated lateral wall.The terminal cell often has an outer wall that is greatly thickened and a protoplast that may degenerate early. In the most developed cells the protoplast remains active for a long period and the outer wall is differentiated into several layers. The outermost layer is cuticularized consisting of an open meshwork of deposits. In leaf glands a local polysaccharide mass is usually developed within the cuticularized region. The inner non-impregnated region of the outer wall may show four layers. In vestibule glands fewer layers are present and the wall shows prominent lamellations. Some ordinary external glands differentiate a sponge-like substructure within the inner wall.The ultrastructure and function of the glands are discussed. We support the concept that mature external glands are responsible for secreting water, with those on traps being particularly active during the resetting of the organ. Our work provides a structural basis for recent suggestions by other workers that the mechanism of secretion probably involves establishing a standing osmotic gradient within the gland.  相似文献   
The digger wasp species Ampulex compressa produces its venom in two branched gland tubules. They terminate in a short common duct, which is bifurcated at its proximal end. One leg is linked with the venom reservoir, the other one extends to the ductus venatus. Each venom gland tubule possesses, over its entire length, a cuticle-lined central duct. Around this duct densely packed class 3 gland units each composed of a secretory cell and a canal cell are arranged. The position of their nuclei was demonstrated by DAPI staining. The brush border of the secretory cells surrounds the coiled end-apparatus. Venom is stored in a bladder like reservoir, which is surrounded by a thin reticulated layer of muscle fibres. The reservoir as a whole is lined with class 3 gland units. The tubiform Dufour's gland has a length of about 350 μm (∅ 125 μm) only and is surrounded by a network of pronounced striated muscle fibres. The glandular epithelium is mono-layered belonging to the class 1 type of insect epidermal glands. The gland cells are characterized by conspicuous lipid vesicles. Secretion of material via the gland cuticle into the gland lumen is apparent. Analysis of the polypeptide composition demonstrated that the free gland tubules and the venom reservoir contain numerous proteins ranging from 3.4 to 200 kDa. The polypeptide composition of the Dufour's gland is completely different and contains no lectin-binding glycoproteins, whereas a dominant component of the venom droplets is a glycoprotein of about 80 kDa. Comparison of the venom reservoir contents with the polypeptide pattern of venom droplets revealed that all of the major proteinaceous constituents are secreted. The secreted venom contains exclusively proteins present in the soluble contents of the venom gland. The most abundant compound class in the Dufour's gland consisted of n-alkanes followed by monomethyl-branched alkanes and alkadienes. Heptacosane was the most abundant n-alkane. Furthermore, a single volatile compound, 2-methylpentan-3-one, was identified in various concentrations in the lipid extract of the Dufour's gland.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) are powerful initiators of innate and adaptive immune responses. Ticks are blood-sucking ectoparasite arthropods that suppress host immunity by secreting immunomodulatory molecules in their saliva. Here, compounds present in Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick saliva with immunomodulatory effects on DC differentiation, cytokine production, and costimulatory molecule expression were identified. R. sanguineus tick saliva inhibited IL-12p40 and TNF-α while potentiating IL-10 cytokine production by bone marrow-derived DCs stimulated by Toll-like receptor-2, -4, and -9 agonists. To identify the molecules responsible for these effects, we fractionated the saliva through microcon filtration and reversed-phase HPLC and tested each fraction for DC maturation. Fractions with proven effects were analyzed by micro-HPLC tandem mass spectrometry or competition ELISA. Thus, we identified for the first time in tick saliva the purine nucleoside adenosine (concentration of ~110 pmol/μl) as a potent anti-inflammatory salivary inhibitor of DC cytokine production. We also found prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2) ~100 nM) with comparable effects in modulating cytokine production by DCs. Both Ado and PGE(2) inhibited cytokine production by inducing cAMP-PKA signaling in DCs. Additionally, both Ado and PGE(2) were able to inhibit expression of CD40 in mature DCs. Finally, flow cytometry analysis revealed that PGE(2), but not Ado, is the differentiation inhibitor of bone marrow-derived DCs. The presence of non-protein molecules adenosine and PGE(2) in tick saliva indicates an important evolutionary mechanism used by ticks to subvert host immune cells and allow them to successfully complete their blood meal and life cycle.  相似文献   
Previous work from our laboratory has shown that primary fibroblasts from long-lived Snell dwarf mice display a higher sensitivity to the lethal effects of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stressors, such as thapsigargin, than cells from normal mice. Here we show that thapsigargin induces higher expression of CHOP, enhanced cleavage of caspase-12, higher caspase-3 activity, and increased phosphorylation of c-JUN, all indicators of enhanced apoptosis, in dwarf fibroblasts. Dwarf and normal fibroblasts show no genotypic difference in up-regulating BiP, GRP94, and ERp72 proteins after exposure to thapsigargin. However, dwarf fibroblasts express lower basal levels of a number of putative XBP1 target genes including Armet, Edem1, Erdj3, p58(IPK) and Sec61a1, as well as Ire1α itself. Furthermore, when exposed to thapsigargin, dwarf fibroblasts display attenuated splicing of Xbp1, but similar phosphorylation of eIF2α, in comparison to normal fibroblasts. These data support the notion that IRE1/XBP1 signaling is set at a lower level in dwarf fibroblasts. Diminished Xbp1 splicing in dwarf-derived fibroblasts may tilt the balance between prosurvival and proapoptotic signals in favor of apoptosis, thereby leading to higher induction of proapoptotic signals in these cells and ultimately their increased sensitivity to ER stressors. These results, together with recent findings in Caenorhabditis elegans daf-2 mutants, point to a potential interplay between insulin/IGF-1 signals and unfolded protein response signaling.  相似文献   
Inhibin is a heterodimeric peptide hormone produced in the ovary that antagonizes activin signaling and FSH synthesis in the pituitary. The inhibin β-subunit interacts with the activin type II receptor (ActRII) to functionally antagonize activin. The inhibin α-subunit mature domain (N terminus) arose relatively early during the evolution of the hormone, and inhibin function is decreased by an antibody directed against the α-subunit N-terminal extension region or by deletion of the N-terminal region. We hypothesized that the α-subunit N-terminal extension region interacts with the activin type I receptor (ALK4) to antagonize activin signaling in the pituitary. Human or chicken free α-subunit inhibited activin signaling in a pituitary gonadotrope-derived cell line (LβT2) in a dose-dependent manner, whereas an N-terminal extension deletion mutant did not. An α-subunit N-terminal peptide, but not a control peptide, was able to inhibit activin A signaling and decrease activin-stimulated FSH synthesis. Biotinylated inhibin A, but not activin A, bound ALK4. Soluble ALK4-ECD bioneutralized human free α-subunit in LβT2 cells, but did not affect activin A function. Competitive binding ELISAs with N-terminal mutants and an N-terminal region peptide confirmed that this region is critical for direct interaction of the α-subunit with ALK4. These data expand our understanding of how endocrine inhibin achieves potent antagonism of local, constitutive activin action in the pituitary, through a combined mechanism of competitive binding of both ActRII and ALK4 by each subunit of the inhibin heterodimer, in conjunction with the co-receptor betaglycan, to block activin receptor-ligand binding, complex assembly, and downstream signaling.  相似文献   
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