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The structure of the potassium channel blocker agitoxin 2 was solved by solution NMR methods. The structure consists of a triple-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and a single helix covering one face of the beta-sheet. The cysteine side chains connecting the beta-sheet and the helix form the core of the molecule. One edge of the beta-sheet and the adjacent face of the helix form the interface with the Shaker K+ channel. The fold of agitoxin is homologous to the previously determined folds of scorpion venom toxins. However, agitoxin 2 differs significantly from the other channel blockers in the specificity of its interactions. This study was thus focused on a precise characterization of the surface residues at the face of the protein interacting with the Shaker K+ channel. The rigid toxin molecule can be used to estimate dimensions of the potassium channel. Surface-exposed residues, Arg24, Lys27, and Arg31 of the beta-sheet, have been identified from mutagenesis studies as functionally important for blocking the Shaker K+ channel. The sequential and spatial locations of Arg24 and Arg31 are not conserved among the homologous toxins. Knowledge on the details of the channel-binding sites of agitoxin 2 formed a basis for site-directed mutagenesis studies of the toxin and the K+ channel sequences. Observed interactions between mutated toxin and channel are being used to elucidate the channel structure and mechanisms of channel-toxin interactions.  相似文献   
The Alacoil is an antiparallel (rather than the usual parallel) coiled-coil of α-helices with Ala or another small residue in every seventh position, allowing a very close spacing of the helices (7.5–8.5 Å between local helix axes), often over four or five helical turns. It occurs in two distinct types that differ by which position of the heptad repeat is occupied by Ala and by whether the closest points on the backbone of the two helices are aligned or are offset by half a turn. The aligned, or ROP, type has Ala in position “d” of the heptad repeat, which occupies the “tip-to-tip” side of the helix contact where the Cα–Cβ bonds point toward each other. The more common offset, or ferritin, type of Alacoil has Ala in position “a” of the heptad repeat (where the Cα-Cβ bonds lie back-to-back, on the “knuckle-touch” side of the helix contact), and the backbones of the two helices are offset vertically by half a turn. In both forms, successive layers of contact have the Ala first on one and then on the other helix. The Alacoil structure has much in common with the coiled-coils of fibrous proteins or leucine zippers: both are α-helical coiled-coils, with a critical amino acid repeated every seven residues (the Leu or the Ala) and a secondary contact position in between. However, Leu zippers are between aligned, parallel helices (often identical, in dimers), whereas Alacoils are between antiparallel helices, usually offset, and much closer together. The Alacoil, then, could be considered as an “Ala anti-zipper.” Leu zippers have a classic “knobs-into-holes” packing of the Leu side chain into a diamond of four residues on the opposite helix; for Alacoils, the helices are so close together that the Ala methyl group must choose one side of the diamond and pack inside a triangle of residues on the other helix. We have used the ferritin-type Alacoil as the basis for the de novo design of a 66-residue, coiled helix hairpin called “Alacoilin.” Its sequence is: cmSP DQWDKE A AQYDAHA QE FEKKS HRNng TPEA DQYRHM A SQY QAMA QK LKAIA NQLKK Gseter (with “a” heptad positions underlined and nonhelical parts in lowercase), which we will produce and test for both stability and uniqueness of structure.  相似文献   
Type II antifreeze proteins (AFP), which inhibit the growth of seed ice crystals in the blood of certain fishes (sea raven, herring, and smelt), are the largest known fish AFPs and the only class for which detailed structural information is not yet available. However, a sequence homology has been recognized between these proteins and the carbohydrate recognition domain of C-type lectins. The structure of this domain from rat mannose-binding protein (MBP-A) has been solved by X-ray crystallography (Weis WI, Drickamer K, Hendrickson WA, 1992, Nature 360:127-134) and provided the coordinates for constructing the three-dimensional model of the 129-amino acid Type II AFP from sea raven, to which it shows 19% sequence identity. Multiple sequence alignments between Type II AFPs, pancreatic stone protein, MBP-A, and as many as 50 carbohydrate-recognition domain sequences from various lectins were performed to determine reliably aligned sequence regions. Successive molecular dynamics and energy minimization calculations were used to relax bond lengths and angles and to identify flexible regions. The derived structure contains two alpha-helices, two beta-sheets, and a high proportion of amino acids in loops and turns. The model is in good agreement with preliminary NMR spectroscopic analyses. It explains the observed differences in calcium binding between sea raven Type II AFP and MBP-A. Furthermore, the model proposes the formation of five disulfide bridges between Cys 7 and Cys 18, Cys 35 and Cys 125, Cys 69 and Cys 100, Cys 89 and Cys 111, and Cys 101 and Cys 117.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
首次尝试了将显微傅里叶变换红外光谱术应用于研究电融合后细胞膜蛋白质二级结构的变化,发现脉冲电场作用于细胞具有穿透效应,施加电脉冲后,整个细胞的蛋白质体系能量增加,表明电泳冲对蛋白的二结构影响很大;同时,还发现用唾液酸苷酶和蛋白酶Pronase分析处理巨噬细胞膜表面后,膜上蛋白质二级结构无序化程度增加,用酶适度处理的细胞将更易发生电融合。  相似文献   
It was shown that the histone tetramer (H3-H4)2 fluorescence spectra were shifted by about 2 nm towards the long-wave region and had a larger halfwidth than the free tyrosine fluorescence spectra. Denaturation with 8 m urea resulted in a shift towards the short-wave region and a decrease in the halfwidth of the histone tetramer (H3-H4)2 tyrosine fluorescence spectra. Fluorescence quenching of the histone tetramer (H3-H4)2 by iodine ions was analysed by the Stern-Volmer equation. It was estimated that at 0.1 m NaCl and 0.3–0.8 m NaCl, 45% and 60% tyrosyl fluorescence, respectively, was quenched by I? ions. The results obtained suggests that histone tetramer (H3-H4)2 may have several structural forms distinguished by the amount of ‘exposed’ and ‘buried’ tyrosyls depending upon the conditions of the medium.  相似文献   
Evidence from X-ray diffraction, laser-Raman spectroscopy, secondary structure prediction, freeze-fracturing, conventional electron microscopy and Fourier analysis suggests that the helicoidal structure of the silkmoth eggshell (chorion) is created by protein molecules, most probably in a twisted β-pleated sheet conformation. It is proposed that this conformation also dictates the formation of the helicoidal architecture of other proteinaceous eggshells; apparently, it may also play an important role in the formation of the helicoidal architecture in other biological systems with protein components.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional protein crystals of the calcium pump protein of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from fast skeletal muscle were induced using Na3VO3 as first described by Dux and Martonosi. These crystals exhibit repeat rows 11 nm apart which contain discrete units with 7 nm repeats. Four different methods of sample preparation for electron microscopy, i.e., negative staining, freezedrying, freeze-fracturing, and thin-sectioning electron microscopy, each give complimentary repeat units. The SR-membrane crystals exhibit surface structure by the freeze-drying technique and row-like structures on the normally smooth outer face of normal SR. The formation of the membrane crystals is dependent on the pH and concentration of the vanadate. Only conditions favoring the presence of decavanadate yield crystals. At low concentrations and neutral pH, decavanadate is unstable and with time converts to smaller oligomers and the monomer. The presence of membrane crystals was correlated with the life span of the decavanadate. Membrane crystals were obtained in the SR membrane from fast twitch muscle from light and heavy SR, referable to longitudinal and terminal cisternae as well as from reconstituted SR. Canine cardiac SR did not crystallize under these conditions.Abbreviations Tris (tris[hydroxymethyl])aminomethane - TES (N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid), 2-(2-hydroxy-1-bis[hydroxymethyl]ethyl)aminoethanesulfonic acid - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - CPP calcium pump protein Dedicated to the memory of Prof. David E. Green, friend, mentor, and colleague.  相似文献   
Abstract Polysomes and ribosomes recovered from a number of plant species were tested for stability when incubated at 25°C in salt solutions in the absence of ATP and initiation factors. Stability was assessed by sucrose density gradient analysis. The stability was inversely proportional to salt concentrations above 125 mol m−3 KCl. Polysomes were less stable in the presence of Na+ than K+ salts, and were much less stable in Cl than in acetate salts. Polysomes from Triticum aestivum. Hordeum vulgare, Capsicum annuum, Helianthus annuus. Pisum sativum, Atriplex nummularia, Beta vulgaris, Cladophora sp., Enteromorpha sp. and Corallina cuvieri were similarly sensitive to KCl. Polysomes from Ulva lactuca were more sensitive than the other species. Cytoplasmic and plastid polysomes from T. aestivum were similarly unstable in 500 mol m−3 KCl. Unprogrammed ribosomal subunit couples from T. aestivum, B. vulgaris and U. lactuca showed Mg2+-dependent conformational instability and dissociation in KCl. Slight differences in ribosomal stability were observed between species, but these were unrelated to the salt tolerances of the plants. The ‘compatible’ organic solutes, glycinebetaine and proline, failed to reduce ion-induced instability. Ribosome yield and polysome profiles were similar in leaves of B. vulgaris containing significantly different levels of both Na+ and Cl after growth in media containing 50 or 200 mol m−3 NaCl. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that plants maintain a cytoplasmic solute environment that is compatible with ribosomal stability.  相似文献   
A method for the separation of the outer membrane (OM) from the cytoplasmic membrane (CM) of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 69/V grown on different carbon sources is described. The contamination of the OM with CM was less than 10%. Independent of the carbon source, five protein bands with apparent molecular weights of 47 000, 33000, 21 000, 19 000 and 12 000 were found by solubilization at 37°C and six bands at 100°C (apparent Mr 53 000, 47 000, 38 000, 26 000, 21000, 12000). Three proteins were modifiable by heat. With the periodic acid-Schiff procedure the bands with apparent Mr of 33 000 and 12 000 were made visible. After growth on d,l-carnitine an additional two non-heat-modifiable protein bands with apparent Mr between 40 000 and 45 000 were detected. By cultivation on acetate and peptone as carbon source one additional band (Mr 15 000) from OM of cells could be found.  相似文献   
Cultures of human tonsil lymphocytes were exposed in a Crawford cell to a 450-MHz field (peak envelope intensity 1.0 mW/cm2), sinusoidally amplitude modulated (depth 80%) at frequencies between 3 and 100 Hz for periods up to 60 min. The Crawford cell was housed in a temperature-controlled chamber (35 degrees C) and control cultures were placed in the same chamber. Activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase relative to controls remained unaltered by fields modulated at 16 or 60 Hz with exposures of 15, 30, and 60 min. By contrast, total non-cAMP-dependent kinase activity fell to less than 50% of unexposed control levels after 15 and 30 min exposures, but, despite continuing field exposure, returned to control or preexposure levels by 45 and 60 min. A smaller reduction (20-25%) also occurred with 60-Hz modulation and was also restricted to exposure durations of 15 and 30 min. CW 450-MHz fields were without effect. Reduced enzyme activity occurred with 16-, 40-, and 60-Hz modulation frequencies, but not with 3-, 6-, 80-, or 100-Hz modulation. The specific identity of this kinase is unknown. This rapid but transient reduction in lymphocyte protein kinase activity restricted to modulation frequencies between 16 and 60 Hz and to less than 30 min exposure is consistent with "windowing" with respect to modulation frequency and exposure duration.  相似文献   
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