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杨倬  田波 《微生物学通报》2018,45(12):2731-2737
【背景】研究发现microRNAs(miRNAs)可以参与调控病毒在宿主细胞内感染和复制的过程。【目的】研究miR-34b对肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus71,EV71)在宿主细胞内的复制及其可能机制。【方法】在人横纹肌肉瘤(Rhabdomyosarcoma,RD)细胞中转染miR-34b mimics和Inhibitor,通过Western blot和Real-time PCR实验检验EV71病毒的复制和表达情况。随后利用双荧光素酶报告系统验证miR-34b与潜在靶点eIF4E的相互作用,并检测miR-34b对RD细胞中eIF4E mRNA表达水平的影响。【结果】miR-34b可以促进病毒在RD细胞中的复制和表达,而miR-34b抑制剂有抑制病毒复制的作用,细胞内miR-34b可以通过作用于靶基因eIF4E调控EV71在宿主细胞中的复制过程。【结论】揭示了miR-34b在EV71病毒复制过程中的调控作用及机制,研究EV71病毒与宿主miRNAs的相互作用机制为进一步阐明EV71病毒感染与复制机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Prostate cancer is the third‐most common form of cancer in men in Romania. The Romanian unscreened population represents a good sample to study common genetic risk variants. However, a comprehensive analysis has not been conducted yet. Here, we report our replication efforts in a Romanian population of 979 cases and 1027 controls, for potential association of 34 literature‐reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with prostate cancer. We also examined whether any SNP was differentially associated with tumour grade or stage at diagnosis, with disease aggressiveness, and with the levels of PSA (prostate specific antigen). In the allelic analysis, we replicated the previously reported risk for 19 loci on 4q24, 6q25.3, 7p15.2, 8q24.21, 10q11.23, 10q26.13, 11p15.5, 11q13.2, 11q13.3. Statistically significant associations were replicated for other six SNPs only with a particular disease phenotype: low‐grade tumour and low PSA levels (rs1512268), high PSA levels (rs401681 and rs11649743), less aggressive cancers (rs1465618, rs721048, rs17021918). The strongest association of our tested SNP's with PSA in controls was for rs2735839, with 29% increase for each copy of the major allele G, consistent with previous results. Our results suggest that rs4962416, previously associated only with prostate cancer, is also associated with PSA levels, with 12% increase for each copy of the minor allele C. The study enabled the replication of the effect for the majority of previously reported genetic variants in a set of clinically relevant prostate cancers. This is the first replication study on these loci, known to associate with prostate cancer, in a Romanian population.  相似文献   
 研究了不同放牧强度下(不放牧、轻牧(1.33只羊/hm2)、中牧(4.00只羊/hm2)、重牧(6.67只羊/hm2))冷蒿 (Artemisia frigida)、星毛委陵菜 (Potentilla acaulis)的克隆形态(间隔子长度、分枝强度)可塑性以及生物量分配格局。两种植物的间隔子长度、分枝强度沿放牧梯度具有显著的可塑性反应。冷蒿间隔子长度:不放牧>轻牧>重牧>中牧;分枝强度:重牧>中牧>轻牧>不放牧。星毛委陵菜间隔子长度:轻牧>不放牧>中牧>重牧;分枝强度:重牧>中牧>轻牧>不放牧。冷蒿种群  相似文献   
裂解性复制诱导产生可视化重组Epstein Barr病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了在病毒的整个基因组中研究基因的功能,分析基因与基因之间的相互作用,含有整个野生型EB病毒(EBV)基因组的BAC-EBV质粒(p2089),首先被转染EBV阴性的HEK293细胞,经潮霉素筛选建立了HEK293/p2089稳定细胞系.再构建pcDNA3.1( )/BZLF1和pcDNA3.1( )/BALF4真核表达质粒,共转染至HEK293/p2089细胞内,诱导EBV裂解性复制产生可视化的重组EBV颗粒.重组EBV颗粒感染Raji细胞,在倒置荧光显微镜下和流式细胞仪记数GFP阳性细胞,根据这些"绿色Raji单位"确定病毒的滴度.在国内首次建立这种以细菌人工染色体(BAC)为基础的EBV感染性克隆技术,将允许对EB病毒基因组中任何基因的任何遗传修饰,为在整个基因组中对EB病毒基因功能的研究奠定了基础,也为对EBV与其相关的肿瘤如鼻咽癌发生机理的研究建立了新的技术平台.  相似文献   
The proteins of bacteriophage T7 DNA replication mediate coordinated leading and lagging strand synthesis on a minicircle template. A distinguishing feature of the coordinated synthesis is the presence of a replication loop containing double and single-stranded DNA with a combined average length of 2600 nucleotides. Lagging strands consist of multiple Okazaki fragments, with an average length of 3000 nucleotides, suggesting that the replication loop dictates the frequency of initiation of Okazaki fragments. The size of Okazaki fragments is not affected by varying the components (T7 DNA polymerase, gene 4 helicase-primase, gene 2.5 single-stranded DNA binding protein, and rNTPs) of the reaction over a relatively wide range. Changes in the size of Okazaki fragments occurs only when leading and lagging strand synthesis is no longer coordinated. The synthesis of each Okazaki fragment is initiated by the synthesis of an RNA primer by the gene 4 primase at specific recognition sites. In the absence of a primase recognition site on the minicircle template no lagging strand synthesis occurs. The size of the Okazaki fragments is not affected by the number of recognition sites on the template.  相似文献   
Equal partitioning of the duplicated chromosomes into two daughter cells during cell division is a coordinated process and is initiated only after completion of DNA synthesis. However, this strict order of execution breaks down in CDC6-deficient cells. Cdc6, an evolutionarily conserved protein, is required for the assembly of pre-replicative complexes (pre-RCs) and is essential for the initiation of DNA replication. Yeast cells lacking Cdc6 function, though unable to initiate DNA replication, proceed to undergo “reductional anaphase” by partitioning the unreplicated chromosomes and lose viability rapidly. This extreme form of genomic instability in cdc6 cells is thought to be due to inactivation of a pre-RC based, Cdc6-dependent checkpoint mechanism that, during normal cell cycle, inhibits premature onset of mitosis until pre-RC is assembled. Here, we show that chromosome segregation in cdc6 mutant is caused not by precocious initiation of mitosis in the absence of a checkpoint, but by the deregulation of spindle dynamics induced via a regulatory network involving the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Cdc34, microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) and the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) activator Cdh1. This regulatory circuit governs spindle behavior in the early part of the division cycle and precipitates catastrophic chromosome segregation in the absence of DNA replication.  相似文献   
Clonal fragments of the stoloniferous herb Glechoma longituba were subjected to a complementary patchiness of light and soil nutrients including two spatially homogeneous treatments (SR–SR and IP–IP) and two spatially heterogeneous treatments (IP–SR and SR–IP). SR and IP indicate patches (shaded, rich) with low light intensity (shaded, S), high nutrient availability (rich, R) and patches (illuminated, poor) with high light intensity (illuminated, I) and low nutrient availability (poor, P), respectively. Plasticity of the species in root–shoot ratio, fitness-related traits (biomass, number of ramets and dry weight per ramet) and clonal morphological traits (length and specific length of stolon internodes, area and specific area of laminae, length and specific length of petioles) were experimentally examined. The aim is to understand adaptation of G. longituba to the environment with reciprocal patches of light and soil nutrients by plasticities both in root–shoot ratio and in (clonal) morphology. Our experiment revealed performance of the clonal fragments growing from patches with high light intensity and low soil nutrient availability into the adjacent opposite patches was increased in terms of the fitness-related characters. R/S ratio and clonal morphology were plastic. Meanwhile, the capture of light resource from the light-rich patches was enhanced while the capture of soil nutrients from either the nutrient-rich or the nutrient-poor patches was not. Analysis of cost and benefit disclosed positive effects of clonal integration on biomass production of ramets in the patches with low light intensity and high soil nutrient availability. These results suggest an existence of reciprocal translocation of assimilates and nutrients between the interconnected ramets. The reinforced performance of the clonal fragments seems to be related with specialization of clonal morphology in the species.  相似文献   
Guo FB 《遗传》2011,33(10):1039-1047
DNA复制是一个不对称的过程。不对称的一个体现是复制链分为前导链和滞后链,前者连续复制而后者的复制却不连续。这种不对称最终导致两条链上核酸组成的不对称。链特异的核酸组成偏差最先发现于棘皮类动物和脊椎动物的线粒体DNA上。随着全基因组的大量测序,越来越多的细菌被发现具有类似的链特异的核酸组成偏差,甚至很多真核生物的染色体基因组也被发现具有类似偏差。在某些细菌中,链特异的组成偏差强烈到足以使前导链和滞后链的基因间具有分离的密码子使用。至今,共有11种细菌被发现具有和复制相关的分离的密码子使用。这11种细菌无一例外都属于专性寄生(共生)菌。对于链组成偏差产生的内在机制以及特定细菌具有强烈链组成偏差的成因,目前学术界尚没有统一的理论解释。文章对这一遗传学及基因组学的重要问题进行了综述和展望。  相似文献   
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