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Abstract: The release of endogenous N -acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) from slices of rat cerebellum, striatum, and spinal cord upon depolarization with 50 m M K+ was investigated. NAAG in superfusates was prepurified using an ion exchanger, esterified, and then quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Deuterated NAAG was used as internal standard. A depolarization-induced release of NAAG was found in all three regions. The release was Ca2+ dependent to over 85% in cerebellum and striatum, but only to approximately 70% in spinal cord. In addition, the effect of lesions of the olivocerebellar pathway on the K+-induced release of NAAG was studied: Treatment of the animals with 3-acetylpyridine reduced the release of NAAG from cerebellar hemispheres significantly, by about 40% compared with controls. These results suggest that part of the NAAG released from cerebellar slices on depolarization is related to climbing fibers. Implications of these findings concerning possible physiological roles of NAAG in the three CNS regions are discussed.  相似文献   
Integrating phylogenetic data into macroecological studies of biodiversity patterns may complement the information provided by present‐day spatial patterns. In the present study, we used range map data for all Geonoma (Arecaceae) species to assess whether Geonoma species composition forms spatially coherent floristic clusters. We then evaluated the extent to which the spatial variation in species composition reflects present‐day environmental variation vs. nonenvironmental spatial effects, as expected if the pattern reflects historical biogeography. We also examined the degree of geographic structure in the Geonoma phylogeny. Finally, we used a dated phylogeny to assess whether species richness within the floristic clusters was constrained by a specific historical biogeographic driver, namely time‐for‐diversification. A cluster analysis identified six spatially coherent floristic clusters, four of which were used to reveal a significant geographic phylogenetic structure. Variation partitioning analysis showed that 56 percent of the variation in species composition could be explained by spatial variables alone, consistent with historical factors having played a major role in generating the Geonoma diversity pattern. To test for a time‐for‐diversification effect, we correlated four different species richness measures with the diversification time of the earliest large lineage that is characteristic of each cluster. In support of this hypothesis, we found that geographic areas with higher richness contained older radiations. We conclude that current geographic diversity patterns in Geonoma reflect the present‐day climate, but to a larger extent are related to nonenvironmental spatial constraints linked to colonization time, dispersal limitation, and geological history, followed by within‐area evolutionary diversification. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   
This study tested three hypotheses regarding how plants respond to the spatial heterogeneity in light availability in the rain forest understory: (1) understory plants occur preferentially in the lighter parts of the understory; (2) under–story palms are more shade tolerant than other understory plants; (3) rain forest plants differ in their ontogenetic response to understory light conditions. The study was carried out in old–growth rain forest in the Yasuní National Park, Amazonian Ecuador. The hypotheses were tested by comparing the distributions of 20 plant species (1454 individuals) over microsites with differing degrees of exposure to canopy gaps to the background distribution of these microsites in the forest. The gap exposure of a given microsite was described by an index based on the number and size of gaps in the canopy to which the site was exposed. Two plant height classes were studied: 0.80–2.49 and 2.50–5 m. The first and third hypotheses were accepted, while the second hypothesis was rejected. The results for the individual species corresponded well with what is known from earlier studies about the ecology of these species or close relatives, suggesting that the patterns observed can be generalized for Neotropical rain forests. Notably, the most abundant species in the study represent several different life history strategies. Thus, abundance in the rain forest understory can be achieved by several different strategies. This suggests that niche differentiation in terms of response to small changes in understory light conditions may be an important factor in the maintenance of the high local plant species richness of tropical rain forests.  相似文献   
Phenology, flowering biology, and pollination were studied for one year in four sympatric varieties of the polymorphic palm Geonoma cuneata in Ecuador. Flowering seasons of the three most common varieties were significantly staggered resulting in minimal temporal overlap. No marked differences were found with respect to flowering biology or pollination. The implication of these findings for explaining the complicated morphological variation pattern found in G. cuneata and similar species complexes is discussed.  相似文献   
Several studies in lowland tropical rain forests have documented effects of local‐scale topographic variation on plant species distribution and abundance patterns. Few studies have compared the distribution patterns of more than one plant group, however, and even fewer have related these to measured physical and chemical soil characteristics. Here, we document such soil characteristics within a square 1‐ha plot in Amazonian Ecuador, and compare them to the distribution patterns of terrestrial pteridophytes, angiosperm ground herbs, and palms. Substantial variation in soil properties was found within the plot. The three plant groups showed highly correlated floristic patterns within the 1‐ha plot even after the effect of geographical distances had been taken into account. Mantel tests yielded significant correlations between edaphic patterns, as measured by distances in various soil and topographic characteristics, and floristic patterns. For all three plant groups, differences in elevation within the plot were highly correlated with floristic distances, and for terrestrial pteridophytes and palms, distances in soil calcium content and sand content were also important. Our results resembled those obtained at wider spatial scales with the same plant groups, which indicates that soil factors may play an important role for distribution and beta diversity of plants, even at the local scale.  相似文献   
A review on seed germination and early seedling development in the palms (Palmae) is presented and variation in the germination process of palm seeds discussed. The three major types of palm seed germination are reviewed, and a new, undescribed mechanism of germination found inSchippia concolor Burret in Belize is described. Possible reasons for this variant pattern are considered, and the ecological and evolutionary significance of different germination types and their variants is discussed.  相似文献   
We assessed the short‐term effects of biotic (density, plant size) and abiotic factors (light), on the dynamics of physiognomically different plant groups (palms, tree ferns, lianas, and trees) in a hurricane‐impacted tropical wet montane forest, John Crow Mountains, Jamaica. All plants ≥2 cm (dbh) found within 45, 25 × 25 m permanent sample plots (2.8125 ha), established according to a randomized block design along an elevation gradient, were tagged and measured (dbh) in 2006 and re‐assessed in 2012 after Hurricane Dean (2007). Hemispheric light was measured in 2007 and 2008. Tree and liana size class distributions changed due to high mortality in the smallest size classes and their densities declined; however, palm and tree fern density remained unchanged. The dynamics of trees were only related to tree fern and liana dynamics (e.g., tree mortality was negatively related to liana recruitment etc.). Although pre‐ and posthurricane light was related to palm density and the density of the other plant groups, respectively, there were no significant changes in light. Tree survivorship increased with increasing dbh while posthurricane light and overall density influenced the growth and survivorship of tree species. Species importance value did not change, suggesting that direct regeneration may be the model of forest recovery following this small‐scale disturbance. Over the short term, tree species showed life history trade‐offs that aid species coexistence after this moderate/low disturbance event. Our study highlights that hurricanes with low impacts can have differential short‐ and possibly long‐term effects on different plant groups.  相似文献   
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