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选取铁线莲属(Clematis)尾叶铁线莲组(sect.Campanella)中37个种以及西南铁线莲组(sect.Bebaeanthera)中的2个种为内类群,以Clematis altemata作为外类群,通过对全世界10个标本馆的近2000份腊叶标本的形态学特征统计,选取了35个性状进行编码,利用PAUP 4.0 beta 10软件进行系统发育重建。通过最简约法(maximum parsimony)分析共得到182棵最简约分支树,树长为182步,一致性指数(CI)=0.385,保持性指数(RI)=0.685。结果表明:(1)尾叶铁线莲组并非是一个单系类群:(2)以花序发生位置这一性状建立的sect.Bebaeanthera不能成立,应并入尾叶铁线莲组:(3)本研究结果不支持在尾叶铁线莲组中建立subsect.Henryianae或ser.Henryianae;(4)C.ranunculoides等萼片外面具纵翅的一群植物与本组中萼片红色的种类C.lasiandra和C.dasyandra有较近的亲缘关系:(5)C.otophora、C.pogonandra、C.repens和C.barbellata等几个种聚为一支,且支持率很高,它们具有一系列的共衍征,即萼片质地较厚,花丝扁平,宽条形,被短柔毛,花药被黄色短毛,药隔先端凸起,因此不支持建立Ser.Pogonandrae;(6)本组中非洲分布的2个种无论从形态上还是从地理分布和生境上都十分特殊,是本组植物的特化类群。  相似文献   
林云  邵青  杨志荣 《植物研究》2017,37(2):161-163
在规范化整理保存于中国科学院植物研究所国家植物标本馆(PE)的模式标本时,发现巢湖铁线莲(毛茛科)原白中错误地将主模式标本引证为王德群70543,但实际为王德群95043,特予以更正。  相似文献   
角蒿和铁线莲的矮化试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了提高株型较高的毛子草 (Incarvilleaarguta)和半藤本性状的毛茛铁线莲 (Clematisranuncu loides)的观赏价值 ,我们用多效唑、矮壮素和丁酰肼对它们进行了多种矮化处理。试验结果表明每盆用 0 .4g5 0 %多效唑可湿性粉剂施于土壤 ,每两周全株喷 0 .2 5 %的矮壮素并结合打顶可明显抑制第三年生毛子草的株高、花穗和羽状复叶的生长 ,增加了花穗数和花蕾总数 ,开花期比对照延长约 1 0d。每两周全株喷 0 .76%丁酰肼并结合打顶可抑制毛茛铁线莲的枝条生长 ,促进分枝 ,增加花蕾数。对两种植物的矮化均表明矮化处理过的植株对白粉病有较强的抗性  相似文献   
为了解传粉过程中柱头对花粉的捕获策略,对6种铁线莲属植物(甘青铁线莲、灌木铁线莲、粉绿铁线莲、薄叶铁线莲、粗齿铁线莲和短尾铁线莲)的柱头显微结构进行扫描电镜观察,发现6种铁线莲属植物的柱头均位于花柱的腹缝面,由花柱腹缝两侧细胞发育成柱头乳突,乳突形状随花期逐步从球状到指状甚至长指状过度,并伴随着柱头受粉面从花柱顶端朝花柱基部渐次发育成熟的特殊发育式样。观察分析6种铁线莲的花部综合征及花粉胚珠比(P/O)发现,柱头的此类发育式样与其他花部构成存在功能上的协同一致。为理解铁线莲属植物花部的进化提供了新的思路和视野,对观赏用铁线莲属植物的育种栽培具参考价值。  相似文献   
王文采  李良千 《广西植物》2011,31(3):285-287
该文描述了自甘肃南部发现的毛茛科铁线莲属的一新种,甘南铁线莲.  相似文献   
铁线莲属植物的化学成分研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来,铁线莲属许多植物的根作为传统中药“威灵仙”入药。近几十年来,从该属植物中分离得到多种化合物,如三萜皂苷、黄酮、生物碱、原白头翁素等成分。文章重点介绍了铁线莲属植物的化学成分研究进展,有助于对该属植物做进一步的开发。  相似文献   
北京地区铁线莲属植物的核型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究了产于北京地区的铁线莲属9个种和东北地区的2个种的核型,其中有6种为首次报道。10种为二倍体(2n=2x=16),1种为异源四倍体(2n=4x=32)。该属10个种的核型结构可列成以下公式:2n=2x=16=10m+2st+2-4st或2-4t(2-4SAT)。此外,对4个种中的杂合性进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Effects of activated charcoal in anther cultures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Embryogenesis in anther cultures of Anemone Canadensis L., Anemone hupehensis Lemoine and Nicotiana tabacum L. was shown to be inhibited by abscisic acid added to the medium. However, this inhibition was reduced in the presence of activated charcoal (AC).
The presence of AC in the culture medium strongly promoted embryogenesis in anther cultures of Anemone Canadensis compared with other media combinations. Treatment of the agar medium with AC, which was removed before inoculation of the anthers, also stimulated embryogenesis, but treatment of the water constituent did not.
The number of embryos produced in anther cultures of Anemone Canadensis and Nicotiana tabacum was shown to be positively related to the length of lime of incubation on medium supplemented with AC. In the case of Anemone Canadensis the stimulating effect of AC was most pronounced when the first visible embryos had emerged.
The presence of anther-derived embryos from Anemone Canadensis in anther cultures of Anemone Canadensis and Nicotiana tabacum was shown to inhibit embryogenesis. It was also demonstrated that embryos from anther cultures of Anemone canadensis, Papaver setigerum DC and Clematis viticella L. produced phenolic substances, and that the concentration of these substances was higher in culture medium lacking AC. Treatment of such medium with AC could reduce the concentration of phenolic substances by more than 80%.  相似文献   
The vascular pattern and its origin are described in connection with the differentiation of ground tissue in the shoot. Leaf arrangement ofClematis vitalba L. is decussate, and the vascular pattern appears rather simple at first: From internode to internode six strands—three from each leaf—alternate. About six internodes from the shoot apex, the pattern is completed by accessory strands which do not leave the axis and differentiate near the primary bark and exactly between the old strands. The formation of the acessory strands is not caused by the enlargement of the axis alone, because the balance between ground and vascular tissue is already regulated by the enlargement of the primary strands.
Zweiter Beitrag der Serie Die Sproßentwicklung vonClematis vitalba (Ranunculaceae) vgl. den ersten Beitrag:Schnettker (1976).  相似文献   
粉绿铁线莲挥发油成分分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对青海粉绿铁线莲的挥发油成分进行了研究,共鉴定出59种组分,其中主要成分为十六酸乙酯,9,12,15-十八三烯酸乙酯,亚油酸乙酯,十九烷,正二十五烷,正二十六烷,6,10,14-三甲基-2-十五烷酮,双(2-乙基己基)邻苯二甲酸酯,十八烷酸乙酯,N-苯基-萘胺等,其中十六酸乙酯的含量最高,占挥发油成分总量的24.06%,检出成分占挥发油总量的87.8%。  相似文献   
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