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Protein kinase C (PKC) is a ubiquitous enzyme family implicated in the regulation of a large number of short- and long-term intracellular processes. It is hypothesized that modulation of PKC activity may represent, at least in part, a functional link between mutations (genotype) that lead to the pathological accumulation of naturally occurring compounds that affect PKC activity and perturbation of PKC-mediated substrate phosphorylation and cellular function in the corresponding diseases (phenotype). This model provides a unifying putative mechanism by which the phenotypic expression of some inborn errors of metabolism may be explained. Recent studies in a cell-free system of human skin fibroblasts support the hypothesis that alteration of PKC activity may represent the functional link between accumulation of sphingolipids and fatty acyl-CoA esters, and perturbation of cell function in sphingolipidoses and fatty acid oxidation defects, respectively. Further studies will elucidate the effects of these alterations on PKC-mediated short- and long-term cellular functions in these diseases, as well as the possible role of PKC in the pathogensis of other diseases. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat, characterized by inherited retinal dystrophy, retinal projections to the brain were studied using anterograde neuronal transport of cholera toxin B subunit upon injection into one eye. The respective immunoreactivity was found predominantly contralateral to the injection site in the lateral geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus, nucleus of the optic tract, medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, and bilateral hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei. Although terminal density was somewhat reduced in dystrophic rats, the projection patterns in these animals appeared similar to those seen in their congenic controls and were comparable to the visual pathways described for the rat previously. In dystrophic rats, the number of cell bodies exhibiting immunoreactivity to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, viz. a population of suprachiasmatic neurons receiving major retinohypothalamic input, was reduced by one-third, and some differences were observed in the termination pattern of the geniculohypothalamic tract, as revealed by immunoreactivity to neuropeptide Y in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.This study was supported by grants from the DFG (Re 644/2-1) and the NMFZ, Mainz (to S.R.).  相似文献   
Cell Tr2 is a neuron in the subesophageal ganglion of the leech that can trigger swim episodes. In this report, we describe the ability of Tr2 to terminate ongoing swim episodes as well as to trigger swimming. Stimulation of Tr2 terminated ongoing swim episodes in nearly every preparation tested, while Tr2 stimulation triggered swim episodes in only a minority of the preparations. We suggest that the primary role of Tr2 is in the termination rather than the initiation of swimming activity.The swim trigger neuron Tr3 and a swim-gating neuron, cell 21, hyperpolarized during Tr2-induced swim termination. Another swim-gating neuron, cell 204 was sometimes slightly excited, but more often, hyperpolarized during Tr2-induced swim termination. In contrast to these cells, Tr2 stimulation excited another swim-gating neuron, cell 61. The responses of the swimgating cells were variable in amplitude and sometimes not evident during Tr2-induced swim termination. Hence, the effects of Tr2 stimulation on swim-gating neurons seem unlikely to be the direct cause of swim termination.Oscillator cells examined during Tr2-induced swim termination include: 27, 28, 33, 60, 115, and 208. The largest effect seen in an oscillator neuron was in cell 208, which was repolarized by up to 10 mV during Tr2 stimulation. Tr2 stimulation did not produce any obvious synaptic effects in motor neurons DI-1, VI-1, and DE-3. Our findings indicate that other, yet undiscovered, connections are likely to be important in Tr2-induced swim termination. Therefore, we propose that cell Tr2 is probably a member of a distributed neural network involved in swim termination.Abbreviations DP dorsal posterior nerve - Mx midbody ganglion x - Rx neuromere x of the subsesophageal (rostral) ganglion - DE dorsal excitatory motor neuron - DI dorsal inhibitory motor neuron - VI ventral inhibitory motor neuron  相似文献   
Synopsis The incorporation of dissolved oceanic constituents in the otoliths of fish has potential as a chemical tracer for reconstructing the early life history of marine fish. Wavelength dispersive spectrometers on an electron microprobe were used to measure Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, and Sr concentrations on the outer margins of 57 juvenile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, otoliths from five locations in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. Discriminant analyses that used various combinations of Na, P, K, Sr, and fish standard length and/or age showed that 60–80% of the samples could be assigned to the correct capture locality. While the concentrations of some of the measured elements correlated with standard length or age of the fish, there are measurable differences among localities when concentrations are length or age corrected, mainly due to differences in Na and K concentrations. Elemental composition of otoliths potentially could be used to assign fish from a mixed stock fishery to original stocks, information that is greatly needed for the effective management of fish stocks.  相似文献   
A direct chiral chromatographic reversed phase method for the determination of the enantiomers of felodipine is described. The influence of charged and uncharged modifiers as well as the effect of the mobile phase pH on the enantiomeric resolution is discussed. A high mobile phase pH and the addition of 2-propanol as organic modifier gave the highest separation factor (α = 1.3). The high mobile phase pH (pH = 7.6) is outside the recommended pH limit of silica based columns but was necessary to achieve baseline resolution of (R)- and (S)-felodipine. Improvement of column efficiency by increasing column temperature was utilized for optimization of the enantiomeric resolution (Rs = 1.7). The enantiomers of felodipine and three related compounds were separated within 15 min. The enantiomeric purity of (R)- and (S)-felodipine in injections and (R)-felodipine in bulk substance was higher than 99.5% and no racemization was observed after storage at accelerated conditions. A poor Chiral-AGP® column used for a long period was restored using a simple wash step together with repacking the top of the chromatographic column. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Accuracy of predicting protein secondary structure and solvent accessibility from sequence information has been improved significantly by using information contained in multiple sequence alignments as input to a neural 'network system. For the Asilomar meeting, predictions for 13 proteins were generated automatically using the publicly available prediction method PHD. The results confirm the estimate of 72% three-state prediction accuracy. The fairly accurate predictions of secondary structure segments made the tool useful as a starting point for modeling of higher dimensional aspects of protein structure. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The prediction experiment reveals that fold recognition has become a powerful tool in structural biology. We applied our fold recognition technique to 13 target sequences. In two cases, replication terminating protein and prosequence of subtilisin, the predicted structures are very similar to the experimentally determined folds. For the first time, in a public blind test, the unknown structures of proteins have been predicted ahead of experiment to an accuracy approaching molecular detail. In two other cases the approximate folds have been predicted correctly. According to the assessors there were 12 recognizable folds among the target proteins. In our postprediction analysis we find that in 7 cases our fold recognition technique is successful. In several of the remaining cases the predicted folds have interesting features in common with the experimental results. We present our procedure, discuss the results, and comment on several fundamental and technical problems encountered in fold recognition. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We have developed a biophysical model of a pair of reciprocally inhibitory interneurons comprising an elemental heartbeat oscillator of the leech. We incorporate various intrinsic and synaptic ionic currents based on voltage-clamp data. Synaptic transmission between the interneurons consists of both a graded and a spike-mediated component. By using maximal conductances as parameters, we have constructed a canonical model whose activity appears close to the real neurons. Oscillations in the model arise from interactions between synaptic and intrinsic currents. The inhibitory synaptic currents hyperpolarize the cell, resulting in activation of a hyperpolarization-activated inward currentI h and the removal of inactivation from regenerative inward currents. These inward currents depolarize the cell to produce spiking and inhibit the opposite cell. Spike-mediated IPSPs in the inhibited neuron cause inactivation of low-threshold Ca++ currents that are responsible for generating the graded synaptic inhibition in the opposite cell. Thus, although the model cells can potentially generate large graded IPSPs, synaptic inhibition during canonical oscillations is dominated by the spike-mediated component.  相似文献   
In the mid-western Himalaya (altitude 1350 m, rainfall 1100 mm), multipurpose trees found as escapees in agricultural fields or naturally growing in the forests, play an important role in providing fuel, fooder and small timber to the farmers. Shoot elogation, and tree architecture of 4 year old trees of Grewia optiva, Robinia pseudoacacia and Celtis australis (early successionals), and Quercus leucotrichophora, Q. glauca and Ilex odorata (late successionals), were analyzed. All the late successional species showed a proleptic type of bud and branch production, while the early successional trees made growth through syllepsis. The shoot elongation differed significantly (P <0.05) with the crown position, and ranged from 11 to 30 cm in different species. Early successional species tended to maintain a comparatively narrow crown and showed a significantly (P <0.05) higher ramification ratio, and multilayered canopy. The late successionals, in contrast, showed a wide crown with monolayered canopy, adapted to the weak light intensity. There was only one flush of leaves in Q. leucotrichophora and Q. glauca while in the rest of the species there were two distinct flush periods. The results are important for the management of agroforestry trees.  相似文献   
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