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《European journal of cell biology》2020,99(8):151127
Blood levels of cardiac troponins (cTn) and myoglobin are analysed when myocardial infarction (MI) is suspected. Here we describe a novel clearance mechanism for muscle proteins by muscle cells. The complete plasma clearance profile of cTn and myoglobin was followed in rats after intravenous or intermuscular injections and analysed by PET and fluorescence microscopy of muscle biopsies and muscle cells. Compared with intravenous injections, only 5 % of cTnT, 0.6 % of cTnI and 8 % of myoglobin were recovered in the circulation following intramuscular injection. In contrast, 47 % of the renal filtration marker FITC-sinistrin and 81 % of cTn fragments from MI-patients were recovered after intramuscular injection. In addition, PET and biopsy analysis revealed that cTn was taken up by the quadriceps muscle and both cTn and myoglobin were endocytosed by cultured muscle cells. This local clearance mechanism could possibly be the dominant clearance mechanism for cTn, myoglobin and other muscle damage biomarkers released by muscle cells. 相似文献
Summary . This article considers the modeling of single-dose pharmacokinetic data. Traditionally, so-called compartmental models have been used to analyze such data. Unfortunately, the mean function of such models are sums of exponentials for which inference and computation may not be straightforward. We present an alternative to these models based on generalized linear models, for which desirable statistical properties exist, with a logarithmic link and gamma distribution. The latter has a constant coefficient of variation, which is often appropriate for pharmacokinetic data. Inference is convenient from either a likelihood or a Bayesian perspective. We consider models for both single and multiple individuals, the latter via generalized linear mixed models. For single individuals, Bayesian computation may be carried out with recourse to simulation. We describe a rejection algorithm that, unlike Markov chain Monte Carlo, produces independent samples from the posterior and allows straightforward calculation of Bayes factors for model comparison. We also illustrate how prior distributions may be specified in terms of model-free pharmacokinetic parameters of interest. The methods are applied to data from 12 individuals following administration of the antiasthmatic agent theophylline. 相似文献
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(2):114-123
The temporal aspects of the pharmacokinetics and toxicity of lithium were studied in mice eating normal and low-sodium diets. ICR male mice, housed under a lightrdark (LD; 12:12) cycle, were injected with variable doses of lithium chloride i.p. A circadian rhythm was found in lithium clearance after a single administration in mice eating the normal diet showed the maximum value in the early dark phase and the minimum in the early light phase. The repeated administration of lithium did not affect the rhythm of the pharmacokinetics of the drug under the LD cycle. Although the low-sodium diet significantly decreased the lithium clearance, it did not influence the rhythm of the clearance. Higher toxicity was demonstrated in mice injected with the drug at the time of day with lower lithium clearance in the single-dose study but not in the repeated-doses study, regardless of the diet conditions. The low-sodium diet increased the acute and chronic toxicity of lithium. The results indicate that there is a circadian rhythm of acute toxicity and clearance of lithium after a single dose or repeated administration of the drug in mice eating normal and low-sodium diets and that the low-sodium diet increases lithium toxicity by reducing the clearance of the drug without influencing the rhythm characteristics. 相似文献
Ryan L. Kelly Yao Yu Tingwan Sun Isabelle Caffry Heather Lynaugh Michael Brown 《MABS-AUSTIN》2016,8(7):1269-1275
The importance of the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in extending the serum half-life of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is well demonstrated, and has led to the development of multiple engineering approaches designed to alter Fc interactions with FcRn. Recent reports have additionally highlighted the effect of nonspecific interactions on antibody pharmacokinetics (PK), suggesting an FcRn-independent mechanism for mAb clearance. In this report we examine a case study of 2 anti-interleukin-12/23 antibodies, ustekinumab and briakinumab, which share the same target and Fc, but differ in variable region sequences. Ustekinumab displayed near baseline signal in a wide range of early stage developability assays for undesirable protein/protein interactions, while briakinumab showed significant propensity for self- and cross-interactions. This phenotypic difference correlates with faster clearance rates for briakinumab in both human FcRn transgenic and FcRn knockout mice. These findings support a dominant contribution for FcRn-independent clearance for antibodies with high nonspecificity, and highlight a key role for early stage developability screening to eliminate clones with such high nonspecific disposition PK. 相似文献
Alan R. Duckworth Shirley A. Pomponi 《Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology》2005,323(2):151-159
Bacteria, microalgae and yeast less than 10 μm in size are the primary food source of sponges but their relative contribution to somatic growth is poorly understood. In a laboratory study, the sponge Halichondria melanadocia was fed for 6 weeks a diet consisting solely of four bacterial strains, or a mixed diet consisting of bacteria, microalgae and yeast. Both diets were fed at three concentrations, based on the natural concentration (NC) of particles available to sponges: 1/5, 1 and 5NC. Mean final size of H. melanadocia was 40% greater on a mixed diet than on the bacteria diet, probably because of the greater supply of carbon and other essential nutrients in microalgae and yeast. Cell concentration also significantly affected the growth of H. melanadocia, with greatest growth for sponges fed at the highest cell concentration. The estimated carbon requirement for H. melanadocia to meet metabolic costs was 0.356 mg C l− 1 or 103 μg C h− 1 gDW− 1. Many H. melanadocia appeared to be optimizing their surface area for food uptake. 相似文献
Filtering impacts of larval and sessile zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in western Lake Erie 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Summary We assessed the feeding biology of veliger larvae of the introduced zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) in laboratory experiments using inert microspheres as food analogues. Mean clearance rate on 2.87-m beads ranged between 247 and 420 L veliger–1 day–1. Clearance rate was unrelated to bead concentration up to 100 beads L–1, but was positively correlated with veliger shell length. Clearance rates of Dreissena veligers are within the range of those reported for marine bivalve veligers of similar size and for herbivorous Great Lakes microzooplankton, but are orders of magnitude lower than those of settled, conspecific adults. The impact of settled zebra mussel grazing activities on phytoplankton stocks may be up to 1162 times greater than that exerted by veliger populations in western Lake Erie. Based on 1990 size-frequency distributions and associated literature-derived clearance rates, reef-associated Dreissena populations in western Lake Erie (mean depth 7 m) possess a tremendous potential to filter the water column (up to 132 m3 m–2 day–1) and redirect energy from pelagic to benthic foodwebs. Preliminary analyses indicate that chlorophyll a concentration is strongly depleted (<1 g L–1) above Dreissena beds in western Lake Erie. 相似文献
Philippe Nicol Raymond Vienet Gerard Jourdan Cathy Dumas Fatima Abou El Fadil Henri Benech Jean-Marc Grognet Thierry Tarrade Danielle Pansu Monique Descroix-Vagne 《Peptides》1995,16(8):1343-1350
The C-terminal heptapeptide-amide (C7-sorbin) is the minimal biologically active fragment of sorbin inducing an increase in intestinal hydroelectrolytic absorption. An analogue (D7-sorbin), characterized by the replacement of the ultimate C-terminal amino acid l-alanine-amide by d-alanine-amide, was synthetized. For pharmacokinetic studies, D7-sorbin and C7-sorbin were tritium labeled. After IV injection, clearances were 10.6 and 30.2 ml−1 for D7-sorbin and C7-sorbin, respectively, and MRT were 34 and 18 min. After SC administration, Cmax attained 0.41% and 0.12% of the dose/ml, respectively. The IP route showed a 45-min delay before Cmax and a 100% bioavailability for both peptides. D7-sorbin was principally excreted in urine, as shown by balance study, and in part in intact form, as controlled by mass spectrometry. D7-sorbin induced a significant decrease of the VIP-induced ileal secretion, previously observed with C7-sorbin. The change of l-Ala to d-Ala increased the stability of the synthetic C-terminal peptide of sorbin whereas its biological activity, bioavailability, and route of elimination were unchanged. 相似文献
Bomberger JM Coutermarsh BA Barnaby RL Stanton BA 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2012,287(21):17130-17139
Arsenic exposure significantly increases respiratory bacterial infections and reduces the ability of the innate immune system to eliminate bacterial infections. Recently, we observed in the gill of killifish, an environmental model organism, that arsenic exposure induced the ubiquitinylation and degradation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a chloride channel that is essential for the mucociliary clearance of respiratory pathogens in humans. Accordingly, in this study, we tested the hypothesis that low dose arsenic exposure reduces the abundance and function of CFTR in human airway epithelial cells. Arsenic induced a time- and dose-dependent increase in multiubiquitinylated CFTR, which led to its lysosomal degradation, and a decrease in CFTR-mediated chloride secretion. Although arsenic had no effect on the abundance or activity of USP10, a deubiquitinylating enzyme, siRNA-mediated knockdown of c-Cbl, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, abolished the arsenic-stimulated degradation of CFTR. Arsenic enhanced the degradation of CFTR by increasing phosphorylated c-Cbl, which increased its interaction with CFTR, and subsequent ubiquitinylation of CFTR. Because epidemiological studies have shown that arsenic increases the incidence of respiratory infections, this study suggests that one potential mechanism of this effect involves arsenic-induced ubiquitinylation and degradation of CFTR, which decreases chloride secretion and airway surface liquid volume, effects that would be proposed to reduce mucociliary clearance of respiratory pathogens. 相似文献
Johannes D. Veldhuis Michael L. Johnson German Lizarralde Ali Iranmanesh 《Chronobiology international》1992,9(5):371-379
Because of confounding effects of subject-specific and hormone-specific metabolic clearance, the nature of anterior pituitary secretory events in vivo is difficult to ascertain. We review an approach to this problem, in which deconvolu-tion analysis is used to dissect the underlying secretory behavior of an endocrine gland quantitatively from available serial plasma hormone concentration measurements assuming one- or two-compartment elimination kinetics. This analytical tool allows one to ask the following physiological questions: (a) does the anterior pituitary gland secrete exclusively in randomly dispersed bursts, and/or does a tonic (constitutive) mode of interburst hormone secretion exist? and (b) what secretory mechanisms generate the circadian or nyctohemeral rhythms in blood concentrations of pituitary hormones? Waveform-independent deconvolution analysis of 24-h serum hormone concentration profiles of immunoreactive growth hormone (GH), luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and β-endorphin in normal men sampled every 10 min showed that (a) anterior pituitary gland secretion in vivo occurs in an exclusively burstlike mode for all hormones except TSH and prolactin (for the latter two, a mixed burst and basal mode pertains); (b) significant nyctohemeral regulation of secretory burst frequency alone is not demonstrable for any hormone; (c) prominent 24-h variations in secretory-burst amplitude alone are delineated for ACTH and LH; (d) TSH, GH, and β-endorphin are both frequency and amplitude controlled; (e) prolactin manifests 24-h rhythms in both secretory-burst amplitude and nadir secretory rates; (f) no significant diurnal variations occur in FSH secretory parameters; and (g) a fixed hormone half-life yields good fits of the 24-h serum hormone concentration series, which indicates that there is no need to introduce diurnal variations in hormone half-lives. In summary, the normal human anterior pituitary gland appears to release its various (glyco)protein hormones via intermittent secretory episodes that are apparently unassociated with significant basal hormone secretion, except in the case of TSH and prolactin. Hormone-specific amplitude and/or frequency control of secretory burst activity over 24 h provides the mechanistic basis for the classically recognized nyctohemeral rhythms in plasma concentrations of adenohypophyseal hormones in the human. 相似文献
Li Zhu Minghao Zhong Jiaying Zhao Hannah Rhee Ina Caesar Elysse M. Knight Laura Volpicelli-Daley Victor Bustos William Netzer Lijuan Liu Louise Lucast Michelle E. Ehrlich Nikolaos K. Robakis Samuel E. Gandy Dongming Cai 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2013,288(44):32050-32063
Recent studies link synaptojanin 1 (synj1), the main phosphoinositol (4,5)-biphosphate phosphatase (PI(4,5)P2-degrading enzyme) in the brain and synapses, to Alzheimer disease. Here we report a novel mechanism by which synj1 reversely regulates cellular clearance of amyloid-β (Aβ). Genetic down-regulation of synj1 reduces both extracellular and intracellular Aβ levels in N2a cells stably expressing the Swedish mutant of amyloid precursor protein (APP). Moreover, synj1 haploinsufficiency in an Alzheimer disease transgenic mouse model expressing the Swedish mutant APP and the presenilin-1 mutant ΔE9 reduces amyloid plaque load, as well as Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels in hippocampus of 9-month-old animals. Reduced expression of synj1 attenuates cognitive deficits in these transgenic mice. However, reduction of synj1 does not affect levels of full-length APP and the C-terminal fragment, suggesting that Aβ generation by β- and γ-secretase cleavage is not affected. Instead, synj1 knockdown increases Aβ uptake and cellular degradation through accelerated delivery to lysosomes. These effects are partially dependent upon elevated PI(4,5)P2 with synj1 down-regulation. In summary, our data suggest a novel mechanism by which reduction of a PI(4,5)P2-degrading enzyme, synj1, improves amyloid-induced neuropathology and behavior deficits through accelerating cellular Aβ clearance. 相似文献