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A conditioned medium (CM) prepared from suspended cultures of strawberry, Fragaria ananassa, which stimulated anthocyanin accumulation in cultured strawberry cells, was applied to the suspension-cultured cells of rose, Rosa hybrida sp which did not normally produce anthocyanin. When the rose cells were transferred into the CM, it induced anthocyanin formation and accumulation in the rose cells. It is suggested that the CM may be effective for inducing anthocyanin accumulation in cultured cells of other species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Classical mimicry theory distinguishes clearly between the mutualistic resemblance between two or more defended species (muellerian mimicry), and the parasitic resemblance of a palatable species to a defended species (batesian mimicry). Modelling the behaviour of predators, without initially taking ecological complications into account, is a good strategy for exploring whether this division is valid. Two such behavioural models are described: conditioning theory, which simulates changes in motivational attack levels according to the norms of current learning theory; and saturation theory, which considers how a predator may become saturated with a particular toxic compound, and then cease feeding on the prey species that delivers it. This effect is to be clearly distinguished from simple satiation. Most formulations of the conditioning model allow the direction of reinforcement produced by a particular prey to change according the predator's current state of motivation: this leads to the existence of quasi-batesian mimicry, a parasitic mimicry between two species that could both be described as defended. At high densities, two prey species that share a chemical defense will be ‘muellerian mutualists’, mutually protecting each other against predators that have been saturated with the defensive compound. This mutualism may be accompanied by true muellerian mimicry of the colour patterns, or the patterns may be completely different. This can therefore be regarded as a form of mimicry in a non-visual communication channel. Even an apparently palatable prey species may be effectively unavailable to predators if its density is such as to deliver a particular nutrient in excess of the predator's need for a balanced diet. Such a nutrient in effect becomes a toxin, and such an abundant prey species would be partly defended and potentially able to act as the model in a mimicry system. Thus there might be protective mimicry between ‘palatable’ species, and a ‘palatable’ species might even function as the model for a ‘defended’ mimic. These unorthodox kinds of mimicry probably exist transiently during fluctuations of prey populations. It is less likely that these conditions persist for long enough to induce the evolution of mimicry, and the relationships perhaps usually occur when mimicry already exists for other reasons. Mimicry rings may be mutually stabilised by a combination of toxic mutualism and the exchange of species between the rings. Colour polymorphism in a defended species is strictly neutral whenever the population is dense enough to saturate the predator. This, as well as quasi-batesian mimicry, may help to explain the minority of warningly coloured species that are polymorphic. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The associative learning capacity of male and female nymphalid butterflies, Agraulis vanillae, was investigated. Both males and females were conditioned to chemical stimuli of amyl acetate and butyl acetate, but not of host-plant volatile emissions, although our EAG recordings demonstrate that Agraulis can detect host-plant aroma as well as both acetates. More female than male Agraulis were conditioned. Female butterflies reared in the laboratory generally exhibited a higher percentage of conditional responses than those collected in nature. The number of conditional responses on the first day of experiments was significantly smaller than on the ensuing 2–7 days.  相似文献   
The European biotype of the parasitoid Microctonus aethiopoides Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is being considered for release against Sitona lepidus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in New Zealand. Host specificity was evaluated in the laboratory using both endemic and introduced weed biological control curculionid species, with 12 no-choice and three choice experiments carried out comparing the S. lepidus and test weevils. Two further no-choice tests used the Moroccan M. aethiopoides biotype to compare attack rate between European and Moroccan M. aethiopoides, the latter released in 1982 to control the lucerne pest S. discoideus. Across all experiments, total parasitism of S. lepidus was 69% compared with 15% for the test weevils. European M. aethiopoides was able to develop in the native weevils Irenimus aequalis, Nicaeana cervina, Catoptes cuspidatus, Protolobus porculus and Steriphus variabilis with parasitism rates of 13, 28, 2, 7 and 8%, respectively. These levels were significantly less than those in the corresponding S. lepidus control. Total parasitism of I. aequalis and C. cuspidatus increased significantly in the presence of S. lepidus than recorded under no-choice conditions. The presence of European M. aethiopoides caused minor, if any, test weevil mortality prior to the onset of prepupal emergence and there was no significant reproductive suppression in parasitoid-exposed test weevils. Parasitism of the introduced weed control agent R. conicus by European M. aethiopoides was significantly lower (1.1%) compared to the Moroccan biotype (47.5%). Based on these and other experiments, should the European M. aethiopoides be released as a biological control agent of S. lepidus, its ecological impacts are likely to be less severe than those already exhibited by the Moroccan M. aethiopoides.  相似文献   
Closely monitoring snow leopard (Uncia uncia) fetal developments via transabdominal ultrasound, with minimal stress to the animal, was the goal of this project. The staff at Potter Park Zoo has used the principles of habituation, desensitization, and positive reinforcement to train a female snow leopard (U. uncia). Ultrasound examinations were preformed on an unanesthetized feline at 63 and 84 days. The animal remained calm and compliant throughout both procedures. Fetuses were observed and measured on both occasions. The absence of anesthesia eliminated components of psychologic and physiologic stress associated with sedation. This was the first recorded instance of transabdominal ultrasound being carried out on an unanesthetized snow leopard. It documents the feasibility of detecting pregnancy and monitoring fetal development via ultrasound. Zoo Biol 27:78–85, 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We trained rats to discriminate music by Bach from that by Stravinsky using operant conditioning. The rats successfully learned the discrimination and transferred their discrimination to novel music by the same artists. Then, we trained rats on concurrent-chain schedule in which the terminal links were associated with different music, Bach or Stravinsky. The rats did not show strong preference for either style of music, although one subject showed a preference for Bach and another subject preferred Stravinsky. Finally, we examined the validity of the concurrent-chain procedure as a method of preference measurement with conspecific vocalization evoked by an aversive experience. Most of the rats preferred white noise to the conspecific vocalization. Therefore, music has a discriminative stimulus property but not a clear reinforcing property for rats.  相似文献   
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